BRM Reviews the History of TNA Year 1

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the History of TNA Year 1

Post by Big Red Machine » Feb 6th, '12, 23:30

This DVD started off on a bad note, as they told the same stories WAY too many times in a row. I think we had Bob Ryder, AJ Styles, Jeff Jarrett, and either Tenay or JB tell the story about the ring breaking right before the beginning of the show and how they had to flip the run-sheet all in a row. Everything from minutes 10-40 could easily be condensed into 15 minutes, and it made you wonder how much of the DVD would was going to be repetition.

It did get a lot better after this, and they discussed a lot of things including the money problems, the PPV-only experiment, the X-Division, the tag team division, and Raven vs. Jarrett. This DVD was most interesting for me because we got to hear from people who we don't usually here from like Elix Skipper, Bob Ryder, Don West, Chris Harris, James Storm, and Rudy Charles as well as from the regulars like AJ, Jeff Jarrett, Dixie, JB, & Tenay.

The Matches:
6/26/2002- ELIMINATION GAUNTLET MATCH WHERE YOU HAVE TO LOSE TWICE TO BE ELIMINATED TO CROWN THE FIRST EVER TNA X-DIVISION CHAMPION: AJ Styles vs. Low Ki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Psicosis- 8/10 The first few pins came WAY too quickly. There was some AWESOME wrestling in here, though.

8/28/2002- LADDER MATCH FOR THE TNA X-DIVISION TITLE: Low Ki(c) vs. Jerry Lynn vs. AJ Styles- 9.25/0
AMAZING match! Relatively early on, there was actually a brief "Ring Of Honor!" chant going, which was awesome.

1/8/2003- NWA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Disciples of the New Church(c) (w/James Mitchell & Belladonna) vs. America's Most Wanted- 8/10. Awesome babyfaces vs. heels match.

4/30/2003- NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Jeff Jarrett(c) vs. Raven (w/The Gathering)- 7/10. Would have been a great match, but it was killed by the overbooking with the ECW guys, Sabu, and the handcuffs.

Overall, this DVD had some new info, but most of it wasn't too interesting. It is worth it for the matches, though.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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