BRM Reviews the 8/24/2020 Raw (HORRENDOUS!)

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BRM Reviews the 8/24/2020 Raw (HORRENDOUS!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 26th, '20, 21:51

I liked the little bit of Hard Times in there. Connecting with the audience is important. The rest of this was also good, although I don’t like Drew basically inviting Randy to have another title shot.

RANDY ORTON JUMPS DREW MCINTYURE ON THE RAMP- Yeah… this is what I was afraid of. Obviously, the finish of their match was designed to set up for a rematch, but let Drew feud with someone else while you spend a month rebuilding Randy. Yes, it’s fine to have a feud that goes on for more than a month and fine to have matches at consecutive PPVs, but not when you do it ALL THE F*CKING TIME, and even more so in a title match after a clean finish.
Anyway, they brawled backstage. Randy poked Drew in the eye, then punted him in the head. People tried to separate them, but Randy got a second punt in. After the commercial, they showed Drew walking away under his own power, insisting that he was fine. The announcers spent the whole night putting over that it was amazing that Drew was walking, considering that just one punt has put down Edge, Christian, etc.


Nia is mean. We get it. Also, if Nia was reinstated and Sarah didn’t know about it, that makes Sarah look bad because she’s not paying attention.
And, even worse, how dumb would Sarah have to be to think that Nia wasn’t reinstated? She was told to go interview her, right? That’s why we had a camera on Nia and Sarah standing by with a microphone in her hand, isn’t it? I know that WWE wants us to “pretend the cameras aren’t there, but that doesn’t work when you’re doing an interview, or else why is Sarah holding a microphone if there no camera filming them. I don’t see her holding out a tape-recorder to take Nia’s statement.

This was a continuous shot form the previous segment even though Sara left, but I’m actually fine with that because Sarah was upset at the way Nia treated her, but it makes sense for the cameraman to still stick around and film the wrestler, and lo and behold, another wrestler showed up who Nia would likely would have a confrontation with, so it’s his job to try to film it.
The dialogue here was high school-level. The only reason that Shayna isn’t completely buried yet is because she comes across like such a badass, but even that will fade with time if they keep scripting her to say “you look like Haystacks Calhoun. Oh. Wait. At least he was good-looking.”

SHAYNA BASZLER vs. BAYLEY (w/Sasha Banks)- 2/10
Tom Phillips, the babyface announcer, is claiming that Bayley didn’t help Sasha in her match last night. Yes she did! Didn’t lead to Sasha winning, but that doesn’t mean that her distraction didn’t increase Sasha’s chances.

Last week Baszler made Bayley tap out clean… so of course this match is non-title. And don’t tell me that the fact that Bayley is on Smackdown has anything to do with it, because Sasha is, too, and she got a shot at the Raw Women’s Title.
The match was about to start, but Nia Jax came out to watch it, then they cut to a commercial. Did they really think that essentially promising a f*ck finish would convince people to stick around?
And guess what happened: Nia attacked Baszler, resulting in… well… one would assume that Bayley got disqualified, but we never got an announcement, and Tom Phillips said that “this match is gonna get disqualified,” so who knows what happened. Is it really that hard to do a f*cking announcement?

Nia and Baszler fought, but then stopped fighting because Bayley and Sasha were egging them on. Please don’t tell me that they’re going to make these two a team.

KEVIN OWENS KNOCKS ON ALEISTER BLACKS’ DOOR TO CONFIRM THAT ALEISTER WILL APPEAR ON HIS TALK SHOW NEXT- Wow. This kind of makes Aleister a dick for not responding to KO’s original invite.

Am I the only one who forgot that Aleister had his eye busted on the steps by Murphy? I knew he was injured by Seth and Murphy, but I completely forgot how, and I’ve seen every episode of WWE TV since then. I also have no memory of Rollins making Owens question his purpose in WWE.
Aleister’s eye is all taped up. He eventually faked some pain in his eye, then turned heel on Seth. This was a fine hook, but I don’t trust WWE to go anywhere good with it.

I couldn’t tell if they were angry at each other or both angry at Nia and/or Baszler. They’re annoyed that Sasha has been booked in lumberjack match. They should be happy she is being given a rematch at all, as after the McMahons made their big speech at the end of 2018 promising us that things would get better, Shane told us that automatic rematches were “outdated.” But I guess WWE has forgotten that by now.
They claimed they ran away to escape Nia and Baszler’s “drama,” as opposed to running away from them, as Charly put it, so I’m afraid we actually are getting a Nia & Baszler team. Uch.

FATAL FOUR-WAY MATCH FOR THE WWE 24/7 TITLE: Cedric Alexander(c) vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth vs. Akira Tozawa (w/his Ninjas)- 1.5/10
Why are we wasting time on R-Truth singing his song?
This match was… actually pretty darn fantastic for ninety seconds. Tozawa won when his ninjas held Shelton back and stopped them from breaking up a pin. Shelton beat up the ninjas while Tozawa ran away.

It’s good to see them having him get in Orton’s face, but I assume he will quickly be transferred away from Randy via someone else attacking him because Randy’s program right now is with Drew. The key is to find someone at a high enough level so that they don’t feel like (too much of) a step down from Randy, and the only heel on Raw I can think of who fits that bill is Seth, who seems busy with the Mysterios.
As for the change of music… I don’t hate it, but it seems like a completely pointless thing to do that will only get people annoyed.

This segment started with a pitch to Charly Caruso who quickly recapped what we had just seen, and then started to talk about Drew McIntyre before stopping because all of a sudden, people started talking loudly. The camera panned over, and not three feet away, Zelina, Demi, and Garza were standing there, talking loudly. They weren’t even walking. They were just standing there… meaning that Charly or the producer or whoever purposely chose to shoot this segment right next to a group of people who were already talking. I know, I know: don’t think about the cameras. But some things are just such an easy fix that it drives me nuts that no one looked at this and noticed how fake it looked that Charly starts shooting this thing, and it turns out the dude she’s in a storyline with has been standing there the whole time, talking to two other people, and their conversation happens to get loud just as Charly finishes talking about her first topic.
Charly asks Zelina if she is ready to admit that she was the one who poisoned Montez Ford. Here’s a question: If the evidence is so overwhelming that Zelina poisoned Montez, WHY HAS SHE NOT BEEN SUSPENDED?! Surely POISONING A COWORKER should warrant some sort of discipline, right?
I did laugh a bit at Garza using “who hasn’t been caught doing something” as some sort of defense of Zelina, but that was the only decent part of this. Zelina stormed off to go prepare for her match. Garza then invited both women to ringside for his match, even though Demi told him that she had been hanging out with Ivar.
Also… why is this even a choice for Garza? On the one hand he’s got freakin’ Charly Caruso, and on the other hand he’s got this reality TV bimbo who is palling around with his enemies, and who, just judging by the way she has treated Erik, would probably wind up causing problems between him and Andrade by insulting Andrade.

ANGEL GARZA (w/Andrade “Cien” Almas & Demi Moore) vs. MONTEZ FORD (w/Angelo Dawkins)- 2/10
Angelo Dawkins was a good in a pre-taped, pre-match promo. Montez was okay.
Shortly into the match, Ivar came out, gave Demi a turkey leg, and snidely asked her “d you want to get out of here?” WHAT A F*CKING DICK! He essentially came out and interrupted another man’s date to try to steal the date. Do they think this makes him a babyface?
Demi went with him, which makes her a heel, too.
Anyway, Garza got distracted by this and lost, so he’s a geek. And while I’m at it, so is Montez Ford for celebrating this win that he has to know that he didn’t earn.

Did I miss the segment where they were made #1 contenders? Why are they the #1 contenders when they haven’t won a single match? Even worse, Baszler and Asuka actually DID beat the tag champs clean just last week! THEY should be the #1 contenders!
Baszler tells Jax that she’ll team with her as long as Jax leaves her alone afterwards. Nia, being an idiot, say that that’s fine, as long as Baszler listens to her during the match. Then she shoved Shayna Baszler. She’s lucky that Shayna only slapped her in the face instead of ripping her arm off and slapping her in the face with her own arm.

After Shayna and Nia went their separate ways, the Riott Squad just happened to be walking by. Also, Bianca Belair just happened to be nearby. They cut a promo on their opponents for tonight.

The babyfaces won a short match cleanly when Belair pinned Zelina, which I think is about the fifth time in eight days that the babyfaces have gone over on the heels in this Zelina’s faction vs. Street Profits & Bianca feud.

Cedric and Ricochet were farting around with the arm-wrestling table that Lashley and Crews will be using later. MVP comes along and scolds Cedric for f*cking around instead of trying to get his title back. He’s not wrong.

ARM WRESTLING MATCH: Bobby Lashley vs. Apollo Crews- not good
Mark Henry was our referee and MC for this. Lashley cut an excellent promo on Crews. We then got the usual lots of stalling by the heel… and the babyface cheated to win. Tom Phillips tried to claim that it was preemptory, but I didn’t see Lashley do anything fishy. Maybe I don’t know the rules of arm wrestling well enough, but I don’t understand why Tom claimed that Lashley putting his foot underneath the table was somehow either cheating or a signaling of an intention to do so. If you’re going to do something like this, you need to explain the rules to the audience first so we can understand why what the heel is doing is wrong.
Lashley tried to attack Crews afterwards but Crews won the brawl, then avoided an attack by MVP and Shelton as well. The PPV is on Sunday. Where is the heat?

CHARLY CARUSO INTERVIEWS THE MYSTERIOS (including Mrs. Mysterio)- This went on for WAAAAAY too long.
Rey is back in action already? That’s kind of weird. Based on last night’s show, it didn’t seem like a return was imminent.

Nattie and Lana have become grating in a “change the channel” way, as do most people who talk in unison and keep talking about social media. On the bright side, they kept this short, and I will give them credit that the “highlight reel” that the heels create actually just be nothing rather than a series of humiliating moments for the babyface is a twist on an old joke (new to me, at least). They did their, thing until Mickie interrupted them, and just ran down and laid them both out with Chick Kicks.

Wait… what? Apparently Randy Orton vs. Keith Lee actually is happening. They’ve done a terrible job of hyping this up.

Shane let them in.

RAW UNDERGROUND FIGHT: Dolph Ziggler vs. Bobby Lashley- no rating, frustrating segment
This started to get pretty decent, but then it just kind of randomly ended when Dolph got knocked out of the ring and MVP and Shelton rolled some random schmoe into the ring for Lashley to beat up. Lashley beat that guy up quickly, and then the bell rang. What happed to Dolph? They’re already booking non-finishes in their no-rules fight club.

They replayed Orton punting Drew before this match, so… yeah. I’m expecting a f*ck finish.
The announcers constantly putting over Lee’s agility with their “WHOA! LOOK AT THE AGILITY OF KEITH LEE!” and it got very annoying. I can’t fault them for doing it because it’s a fine way to get the guy over to people who haven’t seen him before, but for someone who has been watching Keith Lee for years, it was pretty annoying to constantly be told something I already know as if it were new information.
Anyway, they did a good job of making Lee look like he could go toe to toe with Orton early on, but I think that is mostly undermined by having Orton be in the middle of the Viper Dance and about to go for the RKO when Drew runs in for the DQ, because Lee was in a situation where we’re supposed to assume he was about to lose. They showed you why he was special in this match, but they didn’t make him look like a main eventer.
In fact, Drew’s entire presence here was a detriment to the presentation of Lee, as he had to be saved from Randy by the guy we all know is the real top dog. And given the way the announcers kept pushing the “I can’t believe Drew is even walking right now!” story, it felt like Lee was essentially a prop to get McIntyre over. You could have stuck pretty much any midcard or above babyface in this spot.

CHARLY CARUSO INTERVIEWS DREW MCINTYRE- And Orton attacks him from behind and punts him in the head AGAIN. Drew stayed down this time. This might have been good, but I’ve seen WAY too much of these guys fighting tonight. And that wouldn’t be enough of a problem to overcome a good angle in a vacuum, but in a company where feuds just never end and I’m tired of seeing so many of the active feuds (Fiend/Wyatt vs. Braun, MVP vs. Crews, Sasha & Bayley vs. Asuka, Sasha & Bayley vs. Nikki Cross, Ruby & Liv vs. IIconics, Street Profits vs. Zelina’s Crew, Viking Raiders vs. Zelina’s crew) this is just one more thing on the show that makes me start to yawn the moment I see it.

CHARLY CARUSO UPDATES US ON DREW’S STATUS- After a commercial break, Charly is able to tell us that the doctors are worried that Drew might have a skull fracture and could be bleeding from his brain. Charly said that this could be “career-threatening or worse.”
This diagnosis killed everything for me. Drew takes two punts and gets up because he’s so tough. Fine. To then give him a third punt and have that put him in such a predicament is overkill in a way. First of all, if no one gets up from one punt, you could have made Drew look tough by getting up from the first one, then injured him with a second. Second, what are you going to have him do to look tough now? Get up from this? He’s got to be out for a few weeks at least if they think he’s got a f*cking skull fracture! If you don’t have him out for at least that long, it’s ridiculous. Third, being this dramatic is always something of a turn-off. I’m sorry, but I see people get kicked in the head a bunch of times a match, and no one has a skull fracture. I’m willing to buy that Randy’s punt can give you a concussion and/or knock you out, but a skull fracture from three punts when people take more superkicks and/or big boots than that in the average match (never mind any other strikes to the head and head-drops) is just silly.

Why is this a lumberjack match? What happened at the PPV to necessitate such a stipulation? And the entire Raw women’s roster is out here… except for Nia Jax, for no explained reason.
Also, the way a lumberjack match works is that the babyfaces lumberjacks are there to stop the heel from running away. The heel lumberjacks are ostensibly there to keep the babyface from running away, but they take liberties and attack him or her because they’re cheaters, and then the babyface lumberjacks get involved to even things up.
This match started out as follows. Sasha- the heel- rolled Asuka up, maybe her shoulder wasn’t down, but to the viewing audience and to Sasha Banks, it looked like the referee just wasn’t paying attention and didn’t move to start counting until well after he should. Sasha yelled at the referee for this, at which point Asuka attacked her from behind. Asuka- the babyface- then deliberately threw Sasha out of the ring in front of the babyface lumberjacks, who started to menace her. When Sasha shoved Ruby Riott it didn’t feel like she was being a jerk or taking a cheap shot; it felt like she was letting Ruby know to back off because she wasn’t afraid to get physical with the whole lot of them. HOW F*CKING BACKWARDS CAN YOU GET?!
I shouldn’t have asked.
The next spot saw Asuka knock Sasha to the outside and the babyface lumberjacks all start to move towards her menacingly, until thankfully Bayley and the other heel lumberjacks came over to stop them.
We went to a commercial break, and when we came back, Sasha dragged Asuka out of the ring by the ramp… and none of the lumberjacks other than Bayley moved towards them, even though either one of them could have easily run away up the ramp. Sasha held Asuka’s arms behind her back and Bayley punched Asuka in the stomach IN FULL VIEW OF THE REFEREE, and there wasn’t a DQ.
Byron Saxton was outraged and said “I thought the lumberjacks were out there to prevent this from happening!” so Byron has no idea what the purpose of a lumberjack match is. Tom Phillips responded by saying “Well Bayley is technically one of the lumberjacks, I guess, in the official’s eyes, and is allowed to make contact with the competitors in the match legally.” IT SHOULD STILL BE A F*CKING DQ BECAUSE THE LUMBERJACKS AREN’T SUPPOSED TO DO ANYHTING OTHER THAN STOP SOMEONE FROM RUNNING AWAY! If the lumberjacks were “allowed to make contact” with the competitors in whatever way they want, why wouldn’t they all just run in all the time?! Do these stupid f*cks even think before they open their mouths?!
And what do you mean “in the official’s eyes.” Either she’s a lumberjack or a manager. The referee should know who the f*cking lumberjacks are!
Asuka took Sasha down on the outside after Sasha accidentally dove onto Liv and Ruby instead of Asuka. Asuka then decided to go after Bayley. Bayley one by one started pushing the other heels between herself and Asuka, and none of them offered any resistance whatsoever. They were being pushed around like they were random helpless civilians. Asuka took each of them out in turn with the lamest shoves into the barricade. Are you telling me one f*cking push into a barricade put down NATTIE NEIDHART?
Once Asuka got through all of them, Sasha was able to attack her from behind to stop her from getting to Bayley. Sasha hit a Frog Splash but Asuka kicked out. What better way could there be to pay tribute to your hero than to have people kick out of his finisher every time you do it?
Bayley got a chair but Baszler grabbed her ankle. Sasha went to try to help Bayley but Asuka grabbed her from behind and locked in the Asuka lock for the win. So yes, that’s another distraction finish. Can we please have a f*cking clean finish? The match didn’t even go eight minutes. I graded it based on the psychology and wrestling and logic, but if I factored in the announcers to my ratings (which I never do), this would have been a DUD.

Lee is apparently “a close friend of Drew McIntyre.” That should be news to everyone watching at home, no matter how much NXT or even how much EVOLVE you’ve watched, as the only times I can ever recall those two even interacting were in April 2017 in WWN/EVOLVE and they consisted of Drew attacking Lee and getting his ass kicked, and two times where Lee stopped Drew from smashing the Evolve Title with a sledgehammer. None of that suggests that they would be friends of any kind, but apparently they’ve become “close friends” since then and just haven’t interacted in our presence at all. Because that’s definitely how you tell a story.
On the bright side, Lee’s promo was very good.

RAW UNDERGROUND FIGHT: Bobby Lashley vs. Cedric Alexander- no rating, TERRIBLE segment
The Hurt Business are apparently STILL tossing people into the ring for Lashley to maul. This time, it was Cedric who got tossed into the ring like the jobber from the previous segment. Weren’t Ziggler and Ivar scheduled to have a fight? There isn’t much time left in the show, and we’ve still got the Seth/Murphy vs. Mysterios match.
Lashley treated poor Cedric like a total jobber. Eventually Ivar just ran in and started attacking Lashley for some reason. Shelton ran in to protect Lashley from this attack, so then Erik ran in. They kept cutting the camera so I couldn’t keep track of anything that was happening with two fights going on at once. Lashley beat Ivar like a jobber, too, while Erik was apparently smothered to death by the combination of Shelton Benjamin and MVP.
Shane then just decided that the show was over. I get that the idea of this was to get over that these guys are angry about their earlier humiliation at the hands of Apollo Crews, but one of this Raw Underground stuff is progressing anywhere, and you made Cedric and Ivar look like jobbers for no reason here. Any three geeks would have worked in this space.

Keith Lee vs. Randy Orton has been booked for Payback. Lee needs to win clean. Anything else will define him down.

Rey and Dominik charged up the ramp at Seth and Murphy to start things off hot. Rey got dumped over the announcers’ desk and thus apparently incapacitated, resulting in Dominik starting the match off on his own (at least the referee checked with him first). Rey was back quickly enough, though, with a big spot that the camera missed. They double-teamed Seth and we teased a 619 early but Murphy pulled Seth out of the way. Dominik then dived onto both of them. Then he got back into the ring, and Seth and Dominik just stood there and hugged and celebrated as we went to a commercial. So much for all of that fired that they had before when they couldn’t even wait for the heels to get into the ring to start fighting them.
From there we got a pretty standard WWE tag team match. Do you remember all of the praise I heaped on them last night for making sure that Dominik felt like a novice? Well that’s gone. He was basically getting the better of Murphy just as often as Murphy got the better of him.
And speaking of things that are gone, MY PATIENCE. Dominik and Rey hit Murphy with a double-619, then Dominik goes to the top rope to do a Frog Splash in tribute to his late father… when the f*cking lights start to flicker. This (understandably) distracts Dominik, allowing Seth to shove him off the top rope. Rey starts to chase Seth around when all of a sudden Retribution are in the ring and surrounding Dominik. Where did they even come from?! Were they hiding behind the video screens of the fans the whole night until deciding to run in now? Otherwise, it seems like they had to have run down the ramp like everyone else, except it’s ridiculous that they could be running around backstage and we wouldn’t hear about the commotion.
Anyway, Rey gives up his pursuit of Seth to help his son. Retribution beat up the Mysterios for what should be a DQ but there is no referee to call for it or ring announcer to announce it. That would be fine because these have terrorized such people in the past… except that the camera operators are bravely staying on and doing their jobs even though they have been terrorized by Retribution as well, so it makes everyone else look bad. Either that, or it makes the whole thing look phony because everyone is pretending that the camera people just aren’t there. Speaking of making things look fake, no one came out to save the Mysterios from these troublesome invaders.
This was just another pointless Retribution attack. It has been an entire month now since Retribution debuted, and we still no NOTHING about them. Ditto for Raw Underground. That’s inexcusable. At this point I don’t see how anyone can possibly believe that there is any sort of master plan for either of these things. They were so clearly desperate, fly by the seat of your plants ratings ploys when they first debuted, but even if that’s what they were during that first set of tapings, there is ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE for us not to have any direction for them by now. NONE.

This was an ATROCIOUS episode of Raw. You’d think that anything would look good in comparison to last week’s show, but while this wasn’t quite as bad as that, it still managed to make me have to go back and check my review of last week’s show to decide which was worse.
There were seven matches tonight, of which FIVE had dirty finishes. The two that had clean finishes (and really, even the finish of the 24/7 Title match is debatable, as it’s only clean due to the asinine “no DQs in a four-way” rule) went a combined total of four minutes and forty seconds. If we count the arm wrestling match, it’s six for eight on dirty finishes. There were zero clean finishes in the entire second half of the show. We even got a non-finish in a f*cking Raw Underground match when Ziggler got bumped out of the ring and then some other dude got tossed in in his place. Only the main event went over ten minutes (and just barely). Only the main event and the lumberjack match made it to five. There were mixed messages sent throughout the show about upcoming matches, and multiple babyfaces acted like total assholes. The fact that anyone thought this was a good show even on paper is completely baffling to me.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 8/24/2020 Raw (HORRENDOUS!)

Post by Serujuunin » Aug 28th, '20, 14:33

Big Red Machine wrote: Aug 26th, '20, 21:51 CHARLY CARUSO INTERVIEWS KEITH LEE- very good, but…
Lee is apparently “a close friend of Drew McIntyre.” That should be news to everyone watching at home, no matter how much NXT or even how much EVOLVE you’ve watched, as the only times I can ever recall those two even interacting were in April 2017 in WWN/EVOLVE and they consisted of Drew attacking Lee and getting his ass kicked, and two times where Lee stopped Drew from smashing the Evolve Title with a sledgehammer. None of that suggests that they would be friends of any kind, but apparently they’ve become “close friends” since then and just haven’t interacted in our presence at all. Because that’s definitely how you tell a story.
On the bright side, Lee’s promo was very good.
They did post a video from before TakeOver of the two of them in the ring sparring together where they were just talking about stuff, and talked about how they met and how long they'd been friends and such.

Not that it excuses not showing us this on TV, but they tried.

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