BRM Reviews ROH Glory By Honor IV

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews ROH Glory By Honor IV

Post by Big Red Machine » Feb 27th, '11, 04:22

ROH Glory By Honor IV (9/17/2005)- Lake Grove, NY

LACEY SEGMENT- Lacey tells us that Lacey’s Angels haven’t been performing up to her standards, so she has suspended them all for one night, and going to be scouting new talent.

Jay Lethal calls Low Ki out for their match. Julius Smokes responds, saying no. Smokes makes Lethal promise that if Ki wins tonight, he will be reinstated in ROH (Ki has officially been suspended since December, but has recently been showing up uninvited, and ROH officials had been letting guys who want to get their hands on Low Ki (mostly Lethal and Samoa Joe) wrestle him. The announcers made certain to point out the Lethal didn’t have the power to do this (but also admitted that they didn’t know who did, and used that as a way to push the idea of finding a Commissioner), but Smokes kept insisting on it until Lethal agreed… at which point Ki jumped Lethal from behind!
FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR: Jay Lethal vs. Low Ki- 7/10


AUSTIN ARIES vs. AZRIEAL- 5/10 During this match, Lacey was scouting on the ramp.


ROH PURE TITLE MATCH: Nigel McGuinness(c) vs. Roderick Strong- 5.75/10.

COLT CABANA vs. HOMICIDE (w/Julius Smokes)- 5.5/10, but the finish ensures that this feud will continue. Good aftermath, too.

Low Ki taunted Samoa Joe, but Lethal pushed Joe out of the way to get a Ki again, to have a rematch from earlier in the night:
FIGHT WITHOUT HONOR:L Low KI vs. Jay Lethal- 6/10. I didn’t like some of the psychology in this match, but won’t go into it for spoiler reasons. PM me if you want to know.

DAVEY ANDREWS vs. ERIC MATLOCK- 3.25/10. Extremely short, but both guys looked some wrestles I’d like to see get more time. This was a very obvious popcorn match.

FOUR CORNER SURVIVAL MATCH: Samoa Joe vs. Adam Pearce vs. Ricky Reyes vs. BJ Whitmer-5/10 Disappointing.
During Whitmer’s entrance, he was talking to the referee, and managed to convince him to do the Two Dudes With Attitude pose, which got a fun pop.

ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: James Gibson(c) vs. Bryan Danielson- 9/10. There is a good post-match promo here, but I won’t talk about it for spoiler reasons.

AWESOME video package hyping up the main event
ANYTHING GOES RAVE/STYLES CLASH MATCH (first to hit the move wins, and the loser is no longer allowed to use that move): AJ Styles (w/Mick Foley) vs. Jimmy Rave (w/Prince Nana)- 7.5/10.

Overall, this show was eh. For a major show, it was pretty disappointing, with Dragon vs. Gibson pretty much saving the show.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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