Finally... Lynas has come back to WWE

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Future Endeavored
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Finally... Lynas has come back to WWE

Post by Lynas » Feb 17th, '11, 06:37

Hey all,
It's been a while since I posted a blog in here... and for the first time in my forum history... I'm writing a blog about the WWE.

When I first started watching wrestling I watched WWE... until 2004, I lost interest in the product. I kept up to speed, I watched PPV's... but the weekly shows no longer interested me. In 2005, I began my TNA journey. I've stuck with TNA through it all... but I can no longer take it. The product is the most awful wrestling product since 2000's WCW.

With that in mind... I cannot take my eyes off Raw, I'm catching Smackdown, I'm watching Superstars, any WWE program going right now, I'm eating it up. Why? How could this great transformation happen?

I think it began when I caught Raw the night Nexus tore it apart. I was captivated... in a world where the wrestling world rarely surprises us anymore... I was spellbound... I'd never seen anything like this before...

Wade Barrett's character came into his own so quickly... There was a debut from a particlar man named Alberto Del Rio... Kane was cutting the best promos of his life. Over time the PG shackles began coming off, ass has almost been accepted in promos, John Cena, WWE's poster boy mocks the PG guidelines, We saw blood on WWE TV again, granted... it was a total accident (well as accidental as Orton stiff kicks could be), but WWE didn't hide it like previous, they embraced it, the camera even cut to Punk's wrist tape to show the blood, the announcers made a point of speaking about the blood nobody came down to help and the segment was finished beautifully... WWE had the biggest internet buzz in a long time aurrounding the original 2.21.11 video... and of course... the return of "The Great One", "The People's Champion".... "The most electrifying man in all of entertainment"... The Rock. cutting a promo that had more asses & bitches than a snoop dogg video... I have been captivated by so much WWE programming these last 6 or 7 months...

Is it because Linda's senate campaign is over that WWE is loosening their PG shackles allowing for some more freedom & creativity...? Is it down to Triple H slowly moving further and further into Vince's shoes? Is it Freddie Prinze Jr!? I don't care what it is as long as WWE keep doing this.

Finally Lynas has come back to WWE, it's been 7 years... 7 long years... but I'm back now... and as long as you keep surprising me & keep captivating me... I give you my word that I'm never, ever going away...

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Finally... Lynas has come back to WWE

Post by Big Red Machine » Feb 17th, '11, 08:32

Great blog, Lynas. And you bring up a great point about the 2/21 video. In all of the excitement about The Rock, I had completely forgotten about it!
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Future Endeavored
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Re: Finally... Lynas has come back to WWE

Post by Lynas » Feb 17th, '11, 08:48

Big Red Machine wrote:Great blog, Lynas. And you bring up a great point about the 2/21 video. In all of the excitement about The Rock, I had completely forgotten about it!
Thanks man.

Well I sat writing and thought the 2.21.11 video caused a hell of a buzz over the net... and realised... that I can't remember the last time the net got so buzzed about something like that.

WWE have really impressed me lately.

I'd love to know whats inspired their new directions...

Honourable mention must also go to the WWE's use of younger talent... especially the use of The Miz who I should've mentioned in the main blog.

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