BRM Reviews PWG DDT4 2011

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews PWG DDT4 2011

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 3rd, '13, 23:55

PWG DDT4 2011 (3/4/2011)- Reseda, CA

DDT4 FIRST ROUND MATCH: The Young Bucks vs. Brandon Gatson & Willie Mack- 7/10
This started out with a good heel promo by the Bucks which prompted Gatson to dive on them, getting the action of to a big start. The match itself was the standard PWG tag team greatness.

DDT4 FIRST ROUND MATCH: The RockNES Monsters vs. The American Wolves- 8/10
An awesome PWG debut for Eddie Edwards individually and for the American Wolves as a team.

DDT4 FIRST ROUND MATCH: The Cutler Brothers vs. The Kings of Wrestling- 7.75/10

DDT4 FIRST ROUND MATCH: The Briscoe Brothers vs. Kevin Steen & Akira Tozawa- 7.75/10
Mark Briscoe and Tozawa have just an outstandingly fun exchange of strikes (and screams) and an awesome finish, too.

DDT4 SEMIFINAL MATCH: The Young Bucks vs. The American Wolves-9.25/10
F*CKING AMAZING! Great fast-paced hard-hitting wrestling with some great submissions from the Wolves and great heels stuff from the Bucks. This match is everything we love from these teams.

DDT4 SEMIFINAL MATCH: Kings of Wrestling vs. Kevin Steen & Akira Tozawa- 8.25/10
More awesomeness.

JOEY RYAN INVITATIONAL GAUNTLET: Brian Cage-Taylor vs. Ryan Taylor vs. “Pretty” Peter Avalon vs. Candice LeRae vs. Joey Ryan- 6.5/10
The action in the first few matches was decent, and the Joey-Candice stuff got great heat, as usual.

DDT4 FINALS: Kevin Steen & Akira Tozawa vs. The Young Bucks- 8/10
Not as awesome as the rest of the show, but still awesome. After the match Steen offers the Bucks a handshake but they superkick him instead. Then one of the Bucks (whichever one was Max Buck in TNA) cuts a good promo.

Overall, an AMAZING show from PWG! Almost three straight ours of absolutely awesome tag team wrestling! A must own for any wrestling fan.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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