BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

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BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '17, 01:45


(Also, the artist in me now demands that the build to Brock vs. Angle for WrestleMania start with Brock headbutting Kurt, just to bring things full circle.)
And speaking of Kurt, here he comes with a legion of security and referees to break this up. Security gets destroyed so Kurt calls for the whole lockerrom. Even Curtis Axel got to be on TV. This wasn’t quite Brock’s brawl with Taker from 2015, but it was definitely in the neighborhood of Joe’s brawl with Morishima at Glory By Honor V: Night 2, and that’s some excellent company to be in.
I had been saving the “I just came in my pants” line for when Alexa Bliss! inevitably chokeslams Thea Trinidad, but I think this also qualifies as an appropriate time to use it. (Well… maybe “appropriate” isn’t the best term to use for an ejaculation joke, but it’s my review so I will include all of the bad puns and potty humor that I want, dammit, because if you can’t make those jokes on the internet then where can you make them?)
It’s been less than twelve hours since I saw the main event of Dominion and I’m already a million times more excited to see Joe vs. Brock than I am for whenever Okada and Omega have the third match of their six-star series.
Well… that was by far the best start to Raw in years. Unfortunately that means that it’s all going to be downhill from here.

From Brock vs. Joe to The F*cking Drifter. I was expecting downhill, but this is a sheer drop.

The Drifter is probably the legit most hated heel in wrestling, so that’s one thing WWE has done right. He got “dueling” chants of “YOU CAN’T WRESTLE!” and “YOU CAN’T SING!” The match was fine. You knew Miz would run in, so the way I see it we were lucky that we didn’t get a DQ finish, and was presently surprised by the two or three good twists they had with Miz’s interference before the inevitable Drifter victory was recorded.
Booker T: “To get a win over Dean Ambrose in any way possible is a victory.” Well… I guess he’s technically correct. It’s just that most people don’t need to have things pointed out to them if such things are explainable via the reflexive property.


KURT ANLGE & MIZ BACKSTAGE- very good… but Miz has a point. Kurt told Dean not to do something and then Dean went and did exactly the thing Miz told him not to do, so shouldn’t Kurt punish Dean in some way?



NOAM DAR vs. CEDRIC ALEXANDER- no rating, meh segment.
How did Dar’s phone get hooked up to the arena sound system? He clearly didn’t want it, so how did it happen? Fox kept taking and bothering Dar, and he immediately got hit with the Lumbar Check and beaten. Fox was good in her role, but I don’t think this is the right thing to do for Dar and Fox at all.

VIDEO PACKAGE TELLING US ABOUT HOW AWESOME ROMAN REIGNS IS AND HOW EVERYONE LOVES HIM- funny how no one else has ever gotten something like this. They announced that next week Roman would announce his “plans” for Summer Slam.” It’s not even the middle of June! How about Roman (and the people in charge of booking the company, both in kayfabe and out of it) worry about what Roman is going to do at Great Balls of Fire instead.

BRAY WYATT PROMO- the usual drivel, but at least it was short. He says he’s here and then comes out for…

Did they really have him cut a promo on the TitanTron just so he could then come out to ring and start talking again? He drones on and on. I guess he did something to Rollins last week? I honestly don’t remember. Maybe they should have given us a reminder beforehand. Bray warns us not to take his name in vain.
Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt Bray Wyatt. Your move, windbag.
Rollins finally showed up to mercifully bring an end to Bray’s talking. He said the following “people who drink too much of their own Kool-Aid don’t like the truth.” There’s an ironic line coming from WWE, huh? Or maybe one of the writers was frustrated and managed to find a way to slip this line into the show.
Rollins calls Bray a coward and challenges him to fight him right here, right now. Bray says that Rollins is “oozing arrogance.” Insert Rick Martel joke here. Bray actually did a really good job here of coming across like someone who really didn’t want to fight Seth and was improvising a false bravado with his laughing and telling Seth that “you don’t want this fight” and even going as far as saying the hokey “my power is more than you can fathom.” THIS is what Bray Wyatt should have been from the beginning a false messiah cult leader, not a f*cking magician (which is why I booked him that way from the start in my ongoing fantasy booking *cheap plug*).
Then they totally ruin everything by having Bray do his magic a bunch of times and jump into the TitanTron to talk more.

CHARLY CARUSO INTERVIEWS THE HARDY BOYZ- Matt was great, Jeff came off like a parody of himself.

KALISTO vs. APOLLO CREWS (w/Titus O’Neil)- 4.25/10
Titus got Tozawa a front row seat. He works for WWE! Why can’t he just stand at ringside?
Crews won clean, which was definitely the right finish, as it gives Tozawa some incentive to actually join the group. Titus pulled Tozawa over the barricade threw him into the ring and he and Crews forcibly celebrated with him. It was pretty funny.

We see Rhyno and Slater backstage. Rhyno is holding a plate of crackers and cheese. You know. Because of they did one segment nine months ago, and now Rhyno, a former multiple-time world champion and with ECW credibility and a super-over finisher, has had his gimmick reduced to “eats crackers.” It’s a good thing Vince has so many writers working for him. Maybe one day one of these writers will have a second idea for Rhyno.
Miz comes upon Rhyno and Slater and points out to them that Kurt Angle is a terrible booker, having acquired the former WWE Smackdown Tag Team Champions and has done absolutely nothing with them since then.
Miz, being an idiot, is apparently trying to recruit only Slater and not Rhyno. Heath says that he always dreamed of being IC Champion, which is why Heath is a loser jobber. Normal people dream of being the world champion! Miz agrees to give Heath an IC Title shot if he joins his group. Rhyno is upset because I guess in his mind Heath can’t possibly both be Rhyno’s regular tag team partner while also helping Miz out in his feud against Dean, so Rhyno tells Miz that he is going to go to Kurt Angle to get him & Slater booked against Miz and a partner.

WOMEN’S SEGMENT- frustrating (despite good stuff from both Alexa and Mickie)
Alexa comes out and cuts a good promo, although her quick detour to plug the women’s MITB match on Sunday’s Smackdown brand PPV was completely out of character. She was soon interrupted by Nia Jax, who in retrospect apparently IS just a big stupid gullible oaf, rather than moderately cunning individual she seemed to be in the segment that started this whole thing. She came out because she was upset that Alexa said that she was “forced” to give Nia a title shot last week. She actually shouted “YOU PROMISED!” at Alexa like a small child, rather than doing what someone with the brain of an average adult human would do and say “you screwed me out of my title shot by provoking those idiots Mickie and Dana into attacking you. I want a rematch with them barred from ringside!”
I mean… Nia does understand what happened last week, doesn’t she? Because this made it seem like she didn’t, which is kind of ridiculous. You’d think at some point someone would have shown her the tape or Charly would have come up to her with a microphone and a camera crew and said “Nia Jax, Alexa Bliss! provoked Mickie James and Dana Brooke into attacking her, thus getting you disqualified in your match for the WWE Raw Women’s Title. What are your thoughts?”
Alexa tries to transfer the heat to Mickie and Dana, claiming that Alexa wanted their match last week to be classic but Dana and Mickie ruined it. Dana and Mickie came out and Mickie James called Alexa a “little dwarf,” which was both lame and redundant. They tell Nia what Alexa said about her in a conversation that was broadcast on international television last week and yet Nia still hasn’t heard about it. Alexa tried to convince Nia that they were lying. She was entertaining. She was then interrupted by the returning Emma. Emma said she was the best.
Then Sasha Banks came out. She got a great reaction from the crowd, but then she annoyed the hell out of me by essentially cutting the standard John Cena promo for this sort of situation where she lectures the heel about what it means to be a champion and puts over all of the other hard-working wrestlers who just came out and expressed their desire to be the champion. Then she sucker-punched Alexa, a woman who she has absolutely no beef with other than wanting her title. WHAT A HEEL!
The laws of lazy wresting writing (more on the laziness of this segment in a moment) state that if there are many wrestlers in a ring for a talking segment and one of them throws a punch, all of the others must immediately start fighting, so that’s what happened. And speaking of lazy, Kurt Angle lucks out yet again that his laziness hasn’t gotten him in trouble because now that this schmoz happened he has an excuse to sanction the following match, which was already in progress when we got back from a commercial…

Stuff happened. Alexa walked out on her team- specifically Emma- putting the heels at a disadvantage, but our villains fought on valiantly until the odds overcame them and they were defeated. This was soooooo backwards.
So between Sasha’s sucker-punch earlier and Alexa walking out on Emma here, we’re now headed for what appears to be a big multi-woman title match at the PPV. But first, on this Sunday’s Smackdown PPV, we’ve got a big multi-person match for what is essentially #1 contendership happening TWICE. And that’s after Smackdown was building up to one on TV last week. And after Raw had one as the PPV main event two days before that. How many f*cking times are we going to see this same formula where they just want to do a five or six way match for no reason other than to do one so we are doomed to weeks of pointless tag team or singles matches involving some combination of the participants where none of the finishes matter?
What makes this one even more frustrating, though, is that they were already headed down a perfectly organic path towards a four-way, but then they just had to force both Emma and Sasha in here for no reason other than to make it a six-way. Why can’t we just tell a natural story for once?


In as diplomatic a manner as possible, Graves basically asks Bayley “can you please explain to us why failed so pathetically at Extreme Rules?” Bayley’s answer was basically that she didn’t realize what she was getting into (you know… exactly what Kurt Angle warned her about when she asked for the match but she assured him she’d be fine), and that she didn’t become a wrestler to hurt people; she became a wrestler “put smiles on people’s faces.” YOU’RE A PRO WRESTLER, NOT A F*CKING MASCOT!
But it’s okay. Because she assures us that she knows that she can’t beat her opponents with hugs. And then she awkwardly asks to conclude the interview by hugging Corey Graves, and then does so in a very awkward manner, which she makes even more awkward by announcing to Corey that she is going to rub his back while they are hugging.
The utter destruction of Bayley since WWE decided to give her her “big push” has been so astounding that the only logical conclusion is that she is being sabotaged on purpose. Like Hunter, Vince, Steph has the hots for Aaron Solow and this is how they’re dealing with their jealously of Bayley. Not even standard WWE incompetence can possibly account for what has been done this woman who was an astoundingly popular character a mere six months ago.

HEATH SLATER & RHYNO vs. THE MIZ & THE DANCING BEAR (w/Maryse)- no rating, bad segment.
So I’m sure this is going to be Ambrose in the bear suit now. If you didn’t already know, Booker brought it up well before he was probably supposed to. I’m sure that got him in trouble with Vince, but I actually liked the idea that one of the announcers is seems to have actually watched some wrestling before.
It turns out the bear isn’t Ambrose… which means that the Kurt Angle just let some mystery man in a bear costume wander into this ring and compete in a wrestling match. Now there’s a switcheroo and the bear is Ambrose. Didn’t the ref see the bear get unmasked on the outside? So shouldn’t he know that the bear isn’t supposed to be Ambrose and Dean is now interfering in this match, which should give Miz the DQ win?
Miz tries to get away from Dean but accidentally bumps into Maryse and knocks her off the apron so she storms away, yelling at him while Miz looks horrified, and apparently we’re all supposed to laugh because Ambrose’s antics over the past two weeks have put a strain on Miz’s marriage, and I guess the idea of Miz’s marriage falling apart is supposed to be funny because he’s a heel?
Dean lays Miz out with Dirty Deeds, then drags the unconscious Slater onto him for the pin, so our new #1 contender is a totally unworthy comedy dork. Meanwhile, shouldn’t Dean have gotten his rematch tonight? He said he wanted it last week but Kurt gave us a reason why he couldn’t have it, so why didn’t Dean ask for his rematch tonight? Or even on one of this past weekend’s house shows?
Yes, I laughed at the bear hug, but other than that this wasn’t very funny and is taking this feud in a direction that, more than anything else, makes me feel really sorry for the heel. This was also the second straight match where the heels were facing uneven odds.

After the match Dean put the heard of the bear costume on Miz’s head, so I guess you can say that Miz got bear-ried hahahahahah.

They plugged MITB as “an event that can change your life if you’re a WWE Superstar, and it only comes once a year,” which actually applied to every PPV. They also pushed both MITB matches as “historic.” I guess this is their new promotional angle: trying to convince us that we need to see each show because it is going to be some sort of major milestone in history (the main event for the previous PPV was constantly plugged as “a match that could change the course of history”). Seems to me that a much more effective way of getting people to watch your PPVs would be to competently build up matches so that people want to see them, but this is WWE, where they honestly believe that the fans will take everything they say to be an indisputable fact so all they have to do is come up with some tagline and that’s all it takes to get people to buy a PPV or believe a storyline (but, of course, when it comes to trying to get over the guys they really care about- at this point Brock, Cena, Braun, and Roman- then they’ll also insist on protecting them and trying to building them up the old-fashioned way, just in case every fan doesn’t buy into their empty marketing ploys).

RICH SWANN vs. NEVILLE- no rating, decent segment.
Neville jumped Swann before the match and put him in the Ring of Saturn. No one came out to help Swann because he apparently has no friends. Neville then cut a promo that pretty much told us that his next challenger would be Tozawa because Titus O’Neil Tweeted that Tozawa would be a good champion or something like that.


Cass got knocked out backstage AGAIN. At this point this is getting kind of funny. Just like last week Cass wants to wrestle but Enzo says he shouldn’t. Gallows and Anderson also fine this funny. They cut an excellent “heels who think they’re a lot funnier than they actually are” promo. Enzo & Cass came out for that match anyway. Cass is being allowed to wrestle. Did they even give him a concussion test yet? This seems like a kayfabe violation of WWE’s concussion policy. In fact, Cass can barely stand up straight. He’s definitely concussed. And yet he’s STILL BEATING UP KARL ANDERSON.
He tags Enzo in and Enzo beats Karl up, too, until a distraction from Gallows lets him take over. Enzo makes his comeback and almost fights off both guys before getting hit with a superkick and the Magic Killer. They go to give Enzo another Magic Killer just because, but Big Show comes out to make the save. Cass wakes up just in time to see Enzo hugging Big Show and Big Show raising Enzo’s hand. I can appreciate the ways in which this moved the story forward, but the way this match was done made Gallows & Anderson look atrocious, even in victory.




ROMAN REIGNS VIDEO PACKAGE AGAIN- how about an explanation of where Roman is this week? (Balor, too, while we’re at it.)

TWO OUT OF THREE FALLS MATCH OF THE WWE RAW TAG TEAM TITLES: Sheamus & Cesaro(c) vs. The Hardy Boyz- 7.5/10
The match was great but the booking was not. There was no reason for this to be a gimmick, but they made it one anyway. In this case it was one that necessitated both teams getting pinned, which is just plain stupid when you’re doing a non-finish. They could have just done the same finish in a regular match and protected both teams, but they chose to do the exact opposite. And that’s on top of doing a non-finish in a main event title match.

This week’s Raw was very up and down. Stuff was either awesome or terrible- or in some cases both- with very little in between.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 13th, '17, 09:13

So I just did a bit of looking and it turns out Balor is in Asia promoting an upcoming tour... Why not give us footage of that instead of a video package? It gets the point across better that he's popular worldwide, and keeps us from wondering where the hell he is.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 13th, '17, 09:31

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:13 So I just did a bit of looking and it turns out Balor is in Asia promoting an upcoming tour... Why not give us footage of that instead of a video package? It gets the point across better that he's popular worldwide, and keeps us from wondering where the hell he is.
because all he does according to his instagram is hang out with the New Japan guys and miss having competition

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '17, 09:35

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:13 So I just did a bit of looking and it turns out Balor is in Asia promoting an upcoming tour... Why not give us footage of that instead of a video package? It gets the point across better that he's popular worldwide, and keeps us from wondering where the hell he is.
Exactly. and it reiterates to us that WWE is a worldwide company with fans all over the world.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '17, 09:39

cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:31
Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:13 So I just did a bit of looking and it turns out Balor is in Asia promoting an upcoming tour... Why not give us footage of that instead of a video package? It gets the point across better that he's popular worldwide, and keeps us from wondering where the hell he is.
because all he does according to his instagram is hang out with the New Japan guys and miss having competition
If WWE wanted to prevent this they should have sent him along with a bunch of legos to occupy his time.

Bad Luck Fale: Hey, former leader! I heard you were in town. Do you want to hang out with your old comrades?
Balor: Sorry, Bad. I have legos tot play with.
Fale: Oh. I understand
*Fale hangs up phone, then goes and has himself a cry.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 13th, '17, 10:49

Big Red Machine wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:39
cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:31
Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 09:13 So I just did a bit of looking and it turns out Balor is in Asia promoting an upcoming tour... Why not give us footage of that instead of a video package? It gets the point across better that he's popular worldwide, and keeps us from wondering where the hell he is.
because all he does according to his instagram is hang out with the New Japan guys and miss having competition
If WWE wanted to prevent this they should have sent him along with a bunch of legos to occupy his time.

Bad Luck Fale: Hey, former leader! I heard you were in town. Do you want to hang out with your old comrades?
Balor: Sorry, Bad. I have legos tot play with.
Fale: Oh. I understand
*Fale hangs up phone, then goes and has himself a cry.
Hey, legos are fantastic.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 13th, '17, 10:52

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 10:49
Hey, legos are fantastic.
Balor's heel turn happens when he starts playing with Megablocks

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 11:42

Ok this is how it is... Cassidy wanted to get rid of Amore because he's tired of him, holding him back, now Amore knows it was him and is trying to get revenge and he wants to get rid of him and I'd actually hiding behind the Big Show.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 13th, '17, 11:55

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 11:42 Ok this is how it is... Cassidy wanted to get rid of Amore because he's tired of him, holding him back, now Amore knows it was him and is trying to get revenge and he wants to get rid of him and I'd actually hiding behind the Big Show.
there is a hypothesis going out there that it's Kurt Angle attacking Cass and Enzo, and THAT is the incriminating thing that Corey has that could ruin Angle's job as GM, and since Corey hates Enzo anyway, he rather help Kurt

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 12:22

cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 11:55
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 11:42 Ok this is how it is... Cassidy wanted to get rid of Amore because he's tired of him, holding him back, now Amore knows it was him and is trying to get revenge and he wants to get rid of him and I'd actually hiding behind the Big Show.
there is a hypothesis going out there that it's Kurt Angle attacking Cass and Enzo, and THAT is the incriminating thing that Corey has that could ruin Angle's job as GM, and since Corey hates Enzo anyway, he rather help Kurt

Yeah I've figured they're involved some way or another, but where does that leave the Big Show?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '17, 12:41

cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 11:55
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 11:42 Ok this is how it is... Cassidy wanted to get rid of Amore because he's tired of him, holding him back, now Amore knows it was him and is trying to get revenge and he wants to get rid of him and I'd actually hiding behind the Big Show.
there is a hypothesis going out there that it's Kurt Angle attacking Cass and Enzo, and THAT is the incriminating thing that Corey has that could ruin Angle's job as GM, and since Corey hates Enzo anyway, he rather help Kurt
That would be a wonderful swerve that would do an amazing job of tying all of the disparate pieces together in an almost Quackenbushian way.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 13th, '17, 14:21

cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 10:52
Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 10:49
Hey, legos are fantastic.
Balor's heel turn happens when he starts playing with Megablocks
So because I don't know anything about him pre-WWE, how is he as a heel?

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '17, 14:32

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 14:21
cero2k wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 10:52
Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 10:49
Hey, legos are fantastic.
Balor's heel turn happens when he starts playing with Megablocks
So because I don't know anything about him pre-WWE, how is he as a heel?
Very good.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 13th, '17, 14:37

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 14:21
So because I don't know anything about him pre-WWE, how is he as a heel?
awesome, super cocky, especially with his sexy little Rock'n Rolla jacket and being carried on Bad Luck Fale's shoulders, but at the same time, he was the best super junior, so he could definitely bring it in the ring, backing up all his bs


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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 13th, '17, 14:39

Oooooh I'm excited to see it now.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 15:08

So I guess Bailey's just gonna end up retiring now next huh? Lol because it seems like the only and most logical conclusion here
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 13th, '17, 15:29

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 13th, '17, 15:08 So I guess Bailey's just gonna end up retiring now next huh? Lol because it seems like the only and most logical conclusion here
nah, she's gonna stalk Corey Graves until he kisses her, sending tons of teenagers all over the country really mixed ideas

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 16:53

So again with the "giant Brawl with Brock Lesnar" that it feels like we see every time. Lol this kinda worked but I feel like it's always​happening.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 17:27

Holy CRAP this Bailey promo segment is horrible!

There's no way this could be just natural talking in any way at all. You can just 100 % tell this crap was all force fed to her word for word. Delivery and tone and everything.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/12/2017 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 13th, '17, 17:53

If this wasn't WWE I'd almost say it's strange neither Cassidy or Amore or too focused on this "Out of control" mysterious situation...
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