2 Cents: Wrestlemania 4 and 5

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2 Cents: Wrestlemania 4 and 5

Post by NWK2000 » Sep 1st, '16, 08:19

I was watching WM 4 and 5 back to back last night because I had nothing better to do. And I got to thinking, why don't they have Wrestlemania in the same arena twice in a row again? If I saw the beginning of a major storyline, and knew I could get tickets to the culmination, being there for both the beginning and end, I totally would. Especially with the extravaganza that Mania has become, I would love the ability to go to two even if the stories told didn't involve the same core people.
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Re: 2 Cents: Wrestlemania 4 and 5

Post by Big Red Machine » Sep 1st, '16, 08:37

Probably because they figured they could make more going to different places. I agree with your point from a fan perspective, but I think that, for the company, it was best to do it the way they did. Also, at this point, they realize that there are people who will come from all over anyway, so it doesn't matter.
(On a side note, it'd be interesting to see how much of the "traveling fans" thing is due to other shows going on as well- i.e., does the benefit of being able to also see ROH,the WWN shows, WrestleCon, etc. that weekend make it more worthwhile for a fan to go than just Mania would, to the point where it makes people who otherwise wouldn't travel to Mania decide to do so. I know that Lance Storm said that he and some buddies make car trips from Calgary to see either 4 and 5 or 5 and 6, and that was the late 80's, but it'd be interesting to see whether they were the out-liers or not. It'd also be interesting to see how much of an increase there was in traveling fans when ROH first started running SCOH or if it had to do with WWE's shift to big stadiums a year later or if it's not related to any of that at all.)
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Re: 2 Cents: Wrestlemania 4 and 5

Post by cero2k » Sep 1st, '16, 10:33

They pretty much have been doing that with Summerslam anyway, they did like 5 years in LA and now it's been 2 in NYC.

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