BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 5th, '16, 02:18

Once we get out of the WrestleMania recap video package, Cole informs us that the Raw after WrestleMania “usually has this non-traditional audience consisting of some of the more passionate members of the WWE Universe.”
Obviously this was their attempt to “warn” any new or casual fans that they shouldn’t pay attention to who gets booed and cheered tonight. The way they did this was a complete and total failure because the only way to do this is to basically say “please ignore the crowd because they won’t do what we want.” Obviously they can’t actually have Cole say that, so they came up with this work-around… except that the work-around completely fails because in order to understand what Cole really means, you would have had to have seen a post-Mania Raw crowd before, in which case you either already know to disregard them or you are someone who enjoys these crowds and will be annoyed by what Cole said.
Also, let’s take a closer look at the plain English of what Cole actually said without the coded message. So having the “more passionate” fans attending the shows is “non-traditional” (read as: an anomaly)? What does that say about the regular crowds? Or about the company, who can only get their most passionate fans to show up once a year?
Byron does a slightly better job, talking about how this crowd likes to use their “Freedom of Expression.” It’s probably the most diplomatic way to say what they wanted to say, but the problem is that it sounds both corny and phony.
Then JBL really set me off, saying “yeah, but it’s all about the passion! They’ll boo the people they’d normally cheer and cheer the people they normally boo. They’re having fun! And we love it that they are.”
Oh, yeah? Well if it were really all about “passion” and “having fun” and you really “loved” that the crowd was acting this way, you wouldn’t be opening the show with a preemptive spin-doctoring session, would you?

Vince shows and everyone is cheering him and singing his entrance music. Then Vince talks about Shane losing last night, and crowd boos. I know I just spent the first five paragraphs of this review crapping on WWE for crapping on the crowd, but come on, guys! What the hell did you think Vince was going to come out here to talk about? Either you like the guy or you don’t. Choose one!
Vince asks “how about that WrestleMania, huh?” and was met with a mixture of cheers and boos. That was pretty embarrassing.
Vince says that he has dealt with Shane’s lockbox and now he has total control and no one will ever blackmail him again.
Shane comes out (still selling) and gets a big pop and “THANK YOU, SHANE!” chants. Shane concedes his defeat to Vince, then thanks the fans. He ended it by saying “Thank you for all that again… and goodbye.”
Vince got upset that he was being “upstaged.” Then, apparently because the fans want it so much, Vince says he’ll let Shane run Raw tonight. WHY?! Wasn’t this what Vince has been trying to prevent?!

NEW DAY PROMO- horrible.
The crowd, for some reason, love the New Day. They’re singing the Bayley song, but replacing “Bayley” with “New Day.” Xavier says that it was his own fault that Austin gave him a Stunner. What? NO! Xavier didn’t do anything wrong. Austin just decided to be an asshole for now reason, and now Xavier letting him get away with it like an abused spouse with this self-blaming “I must have deserved it” bullsh*t.
Now they’re doing dumb crap with this one big Booty-O. Big E. is singing Lion King. It’s crap.

WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The New Day(c) (w/Xavier Woods) vs. The League of Nations (Wade Barrett & Sheamus) (w/Alberto Del Rio & Rusev)- 5.25/10
I assume The League of Extraordinary Foreign Gentlemen is getting this title shot because they beat the New Day last night… but then shouldn’t it be two guys who were actually IN the match getting the title shot instead of the guy who got the pin and a guy on the outside? I mean… there is some logic behind it in that Wade and Sheamus were the two who put Xavier down but still…
You know what? I’m going to do WWE a favor here: We will assume that the League of Nations was also allowed some sort of Freebird Rule-esque privilege to determine which two of them would challenge of the titles. They picked Sheamus and Barrett because they were the two who actually put Xavier down last night. Similarly, New Day has chosen Big E. and Kofi to defend the titles against the League tonight because Xavier was the one who was pinned last night. See? I can be nice.

The match was mediocre. New Day retained after a League of Nations miscommunication. More importantly, though, this happened:
JBL: Xavier’s trombone has shrunk.
Byron: They come in different sizes.
Cole: Must be cold.

Yes. MICHAEL COLE JUST MADE A PENIS JOKE. I was so caught off guard by this that I started laughing so hard I had to pause the match for a good ninety seconds.

Sheamus cuts an angry promo. Wade Barrett is (literally) kicked out of the League of Nations. I assume he will spend the rest of his contract feuding with and perpetually losing to members of the League of Nations.

POST-MATCH SEGMENT #2- Or not. Instead, the League of Nations will apparently be feuding with the Wyatt Family in a heel vs. heel feud. This is really random. Rowan tried to throw Del Rio shoulder-first into the post but he hit so lightly it was embarrassing. The crowd liked this whole thing, but that’s because they are all under the mistaken impression that the Wyatts are better than the League of Nations when the reality couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Vince is leaving the arena. Why? Because he says tonight’s show will be a disaster and he doesn’t want to be here to watch the ship go down. If he thinks the show is going to be so terrible with Shane running it, WHY DID YOU LET HIM RUN IT?!

SUMMER RAE PROMO- proof that WWE Creative is dumb and/or lazy.
She says that if she in charge of her team last night they would have won (holy crap they actually acknowledged the finish of that match!), but at least she didn’t lose like Sasha. But… Sasha didn’t lose the fall in her match, either? So shouldn’t this be Becky’s spot? I have no problem with them sending Summer out to cut a promo to set up a match with Sasha, but why have her say something that doesn’t make sense when you could have just had her say something that does make sense? Then Sasha comes out and says “I think you forgot about one thing: I’m Sasha Banks and I’m still the boss.” This just made things worse as Sasha isn’t even trying to correct Summer when she should be.
Anyway, Sasha slaps Summer and we get…

If you want to know why I love Summer Rae so much, just watch her facial expressions and body language in this match.
The crowd was chanting something that sounded pro-Sasha but I couldn’t make out what it was.
The announcers decide that calling the match is much less important than explaining to everyone that “Summer came out here to make a statement.” Who gives a f*ck why she came out here to cut a promo?! That’s clearly not the point of this segment! The point of this segment is to get Sasha over as an ass-kicker who doesn’t sh*t from anyone… so maybe you should spend your time talking about how Sasha is kicking Summer’s ass instead of jabbering on about something that is completely unimportant.

Do you think that WWE realizes that fans don’t give a sh*t about their attendance records and they think we actually want to hear this fact over and over again or do you think they know we don’t care about attendance records but they don’t give a sh*t and are saying it over and over because Vince/Steph/Hunter/Dunn etc. get off on hearing it?

APOLLO CREWS DEBUTS NEXT- well… that was unexpected.

APOLLO CREWS vs. TYLER BREEZE- no rating. Good semi-squash.
Big pop for Crews. Loud chants of “TYLER’S GORGEOUS!”
Cole miscalls Crews’ finisher as a “spin-out powerbomb.” It’s not a spin-out powerbomb if the guy doing it doesn’t spin! It’s a back suplex trasnsitioned into a powerbomb. Or I guess possibly an atomic drop into a powerbomb. Actually… there you go. You can call it the “Atomic Bomb.” You’re welcome, WWE.

CLIPS OF ROMAN REIGNS & CHARLOTTE ON THE TODAY SHOW- Charlotte didn’t get to speak. Roman sounded so completely out of his element. This is not the sort of thing you should be doing with him.

Later tonight we are getting an “official presentation” of the new Women’s Title to Charlotte. Didn’t we just see this last night? She won the match and then Lita gave her the belt. What else is there to do?

ROMAN REIGNS PROMO- okay, I guess.
He’s getting booed out of the building, but the cameras managed to find what might well be the only two people with pro-Roman signs in the entire building (they were sitting right next to each other). JBL makes sure to repeat his bit about now tonight’s crowd is “booing people they normally cheer and cheering people they normally boo… but it’s all good because they’re having fun.” This statement was even more ridiculous and obnoxious here because if you’ve been watching any WWE programming in the past three months, you’d know that Roman Reigns is one of the people who usually gets booed.
He basically said that he is having an open challenge for the title, but in much more natural words. Chris Jericho came out and said he wants a title shot. He also said he was better than AJ. Then AJ came out. To a big pop. Then Kevin Owens came out to an even bigger pop. Then Sami Zayn came out (also to a big pop, but not quite as big as Owens’). The people did sing his entrance music, though.
Owens and Zayn started brawling. Jericho and AJ saw this and decided that they should start brawling, too. Roman just kind of stood there watching, looking like a douche. Zayn dove onto Owens, Jericho dumped AJ to the outside, then Roman speared Jericho. The people booed Roman.

Some guy in the front row (looks to be in his forties) has a sign that says “HulkaMania… still runnin’ wild.” I guess he’s been living under a rock for the past eight months.

We will see Dudleys vs. Usos in a tables match, because as we all know, the time for blow-off gimmick matches is on free TV the night after the biggest show of the year rather than on the big show itself. Wait a minute…
- putting a disappointing regular match on PPV with a gimmick match on free TV right afterwards?
- constantly putting the wrong guys over and showing a general inability to make new stars?
- constantly letting old guys gets the best of up-and-coming talent?
- wasting WAY too much time on dumb comedy acts, including even putting the tag belts on them?
- female executive who seems to have no idea how much go-away heat her character has?
- completely non-sensical power-struggle storyline?
- completely incompetent creative department?
This isn’t WWE anymore: It’s TNA!

SHANE & ROMAN BACKSTAGE- Shane announces that the main event will be a Fatal 4-Way #1 contendership match between Jericho, AJ, Owens, & Zayn.

BARON CORBIN PROMO- longer than any promo he ever cut on NXT. Also, this showed exactly the reason why he didn’t cut many promos on NXT.

What is that white sh*t in Dolph’s hair? The fans are chanting something. I’d not sure what it is. Now I think they’re chanting “YOU SOLD OUT!” At Corbin for not being on NXT anymore, maybe? I don’t know.
Corbin was mostly kicking Dolph’s butt. We wound up with a double-count-out. Corbin kept beating Dolph up anyway, then hit him with the End of Days on the floor. If Corbin is going to lay Dolph out like this anyway, why not just let him pin him clean in the middle of the ring.

Not much of a pop for Ryder. If WWE wasn’t already planning on shoving him back down to jobber status soon, I’m sure this will lack of reaction will ensure that it happens.
Now he’s getting “YOU DESERVE IT!” chants. Make up your mind, crowd! He cut a great promo about being a fan as a kid and thanking his dad, who is in the front row.
Miz comes out to be a dick. He is upset that Ryder beat him last night and “stole” his WrestleMania moment. These two were great together in this segment! Miz goads Ryder into putting his title on the line, right here, right now!

Byron lets us know that he doesn’t think Miz deserves this opportunity because Miz lost fair and square last night. Funny. I didn’t hear him say that Owens, Zayn, and AJ don’t deserve the #1 contendership match they’re getting later tonight even though they all lost last night.

WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Zack Ryder(c) vs. The Miz- 6.25/10
They had a fine match. The finish saw Miz go over and poke Mr. Ryder in the chest, so Mr. Ryder shoved him. In response to this, Mrs. Miz jumped the guardrail, went over to Mr. Ryder and slapped him in the face. Security hauled her off (hooray for someone actually getting in trouble for jumping the guardrail), but this wound up distracting Zack Ryder, allowing Miz to hit the Skull-Crushing Finale and win the title. I’m… kind of okay with this. I thin Ryder works a lot better as a guy chasing the belt than as a champion, and having Maryse back on TV and as part of Miz’s act would be great because Miz operates best as a dog and pony show guy, and now he has someone to help him with that.
Just off the top of my head, you could use this segment to build to a rematch at the next PPV where Maryse and Mr. Ryder are handcuffed to each other at ringside and Miz would retain after interference by his new bodyguard (Barrett would be great in this role, plus I think he and Miz would have great comedic timing). Maybe you could bring in Bo or someone to be a lackey for Miz, too. You could bring some other people in on Ryder’s side temporarily, and maybe have Miz pay one of them off to turn on him. Hell… you could keep this going until SummerSlam where Ryder could win the title back in New York.


THE VAUDEVILLANS WILL DEBUT ON SMACKDOWN- right. Because, what he tag team division needs is more dead weight.

They let Lita cut a promo that, unlike last night, wasn’t filled with phony bullsh*t.
Okay… there was some bullsh*t in here, but it was mostly innocuous things like putting over all of the women in the ring as having “pushed themselves to the limit” at WrestleMania… including the women in the ten-woman tag.
She introduces Charlotte. The fans start chanting for Bayley. Michael Cole sternly chides them that “Bayley’s not here.” Charlotte tries to put over the crowd for believing in women’s wrestling but they just want to chant for Bayley. This sucked, and it was totally the crowd’s fault.
Ah. The crowd seems to have figured it out now and they’re chanting “WOMEN’S WRESTLING!”
And now it’s sucking for different reasons. Charlotte says that the main reason she won the title Ric, because G-d forbid that Charlotte should actually be a star. This was supposed to get heel heat, but no one is going to boo Ric Flair so it didn’t work.
Now Charlotte is trying to cut a heel promo but the crowd won’t let her get where she needs to go because they’re chanting for Sasha.
They did the deal where Charlotte is bragging so the other women start leaving the ring and Charlotte gets angry that they are disrespecting her and it just feels SOOOOOO scripted and over-produced. Veteran Nattie grabs a mic and cuts a promo. She got a good pop. She said “I am the woman who has given you some of your hardest-fought matches” which felt like code for “I carried your ass in that match at Takeover two years ago that put this whole division on the map.”
Then it got sh*tty again as they forced Nattie to use terrible WWE Creative dialogue. This resulted in Nattie saying the following: “how about you put your genetics on the line with mine?”
WHAT THE F*CK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?! Are they going to have a match where the winner gets a lock of the loser’s hair or something? Does the winner get a access to a computer file containing the loser’s fully-mapped DNA?
We never got an answer because Charlotte started to talk about how the title proved that Flairs are better than Harts, so Nattie double-legged her and locked in the Sharpshooter but Ric pulled Charlotte to safety.
This was a huge mess. At first it was because of the crowd, but then it was because WWE had to do this big grandiose WRESTLING SHOW SEGMENT so they did what they thought would look really cool on TV except that they over-produced the hell out of it so that it appeared 100% scripted instead of feeling like there were real emotions here. Then they f*cked it up even more with their awful WWE dialogue.


TABLES MATCH: The Usos vs. The Dudley Boys- 5.25/10
The fans didn’t give a crap. First they chanted for Nakamura, and then they started singing… something. It sounded like it was “save the Gabe. Nakamura” but they were singing it instead of chanting it.
The Usos missed stereo splashes and wound up going through tables. The bell rang, but that didn’t make sense because everyone knows that YOU have to PUT your opponent through a table to win. Or at least I thought everyone knew that. The Dudleys, being Tables Match experts certainly knew that, and made sure to win correctly (after the Usos went through the tables, Devon picked one of them up and threw him through a table set up in the corner. Then Bubba angrily shouted at the timekeeper NOW YOU RING THE BELL! NOW WE WON! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!”

RENEE YOUNG INTERVIEWS SAMI ZAYN- Renee asks Sami Zayn if he has any experience in Fatal 4-Way matches… because it’s not like he main evented a Takeover special in a fantastic and memorable one or anything.
Sami cut a very good promo, but then he got jumped from behind by Kevin Owens, who powerbombed him through a table.

Huh. Apparently the Dudleys are STILL out here.


(Carmella is still down in NXT because… you know… she’s only barely less green than She-Hulk’s tits).
THIS might have been the biggest pop of the night! They are super-over. Enzo cut an AWESOME promo on the Dudleys, which included the following line: “You two are so ugly that your tears run down the back of your head to avoid your face.” AWESOME! He also warned them that they should “fall back like your hairline.”
The Dudleys teased a confrontation, then retreated.

Ryder gets his rematch on Smackdown. Maryse is in the graphic, so I guess that confirms that she’s back with the company.

I absolutely DREAD the stupid segments they will write for him. That being said, if they use a Dr. Phil segment to set up a major turning point in the Truth-Goldust story, I will give them a pass for this.

We were told that Sami Zayn would be unable to compete tonight due to Owens’ attack. I assume they will have Cena replace him. Zayn will also certainly cost Owens the match.

FATAL 4-WAY #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH: Kevin Owens vs. AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho vs. CESARO!- 8/10!
Okay… THAT was the biggest pop of the night! He looks ultra-snazzy in his sunglasses.
“K-O MANIA!” chants. There is this dude in a hoodie that keeps blinking green. It’s extremely distracting.
AWESOME match!

This was a very… interesting episode of Raw. It certainly felt a lot different from what we have been getting for months. Obviously one big part in that was all of debuts, call-ups, and returns, as well as the moderate shake-up after the tag title match. Another part of it was what felt like an elevation for Owens (and Zayn, too, for a time), but it’s possible that will disappear after tonight.
Another major part of that different feel had more to do with who wasn’t on the show than who was. A lot of guys who have been on the show every week were absent this week- guys from Ambrose, Ryback, Big Show, Kane, and the Lucha Dragons all the way down to Stardust, R-Truth, Goldust, and (thankfully) the Social Outcasts. Most of those guys weren’t on the show with absolutely no explanation for- or even mention of- their absence. Once those guys are put back into the mix- which I assume will happen next week- things will not quite feel so different.
Even more than those guys, though, there is one other act whose absence I think deserves a lot of credit for making this show feel so different: The Authority. We didn’t have many long, boring, talking segments, and we didn’t have pointless backstage skits. Those things were replaced with an interesting talking segment that set up the #1 contendership match and by letting the guys scheduled to be in the #1 contendership match cut promos about why they wanted to win. You know… like on a real wrestling show. Unfortunately, I see this changing next week as well. The Authority will be back (and Cena, too) and we will go back to the twenty-minute show opening promos and boring, predictable, poorly-scripted backstage drivel designed to help no one but Hunter, Steph, and Roman.

Also… does anyone else think there were WAY too many NXT call-ups on this show? We had Enzo & Cass, Corbin, and Crews, plus now we’re getting the Vaudevillains on Smackdown, and Zayn is still new to the main roster (plus Ryder kind of feels like a call-up). I am quite worried that there won’t be enough focus to go around.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by XIV » Apr 5th, '16, 03:17

For every bit that Wrestlemania was bad, RAW was so much better. I marked for Enzo and Cass. I lost my shit for Cesaro. And they put a little sense into the crap that came the night before.

If RAW is a barometer for the future. I am excited. The Vaude Villains coming to Smackdown is also pretty cool.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by XIV » Apr 5th, '16, 03:25

Also. AJ as number one contender!? Even if it's short term I can behind this. If RAW was like this every week ratings would boom. More wrestling, less talk. Less old stars trying to keep the show about them. This show had a genuine "this is the future" feel about it.

We can dream eh?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by NWK2000 » Apr 5th, '16, 08:11

I think my only disagreement of your review is with the Vince/Shane segment. Vince essentially throwing a temper tantrum because he was upstaged by Shane just proves that Mr.McMahon is a petty old grandpa and I love it.

Also, I thought of you when Cesaro came out in the suit because KAYFABE!
And, in closing, you should just accept the fact that you're the only person who doesn't like New Day and move to the mountain of Whoville where you belong.
NWK Reviews is closed for business for now.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by cero2k » Apr 5th, '16, 10:16

Big Red Machine wrote: WOMEN’S TITLE PRESENTATION CEREMONY- TERRIBLE, on so many levels.
They let Lita cut a promo that, unlike last night, wasn’t filled with phony bullsh*t.
Okay… there was some bullsh*t in here, but it was mostly innocuous things like putting over all of the women in the ring as having “pushed themselves to the limit” at WrestleMania… including the women in the ten-woman tag.
She introduces Charlotte. The fans start chanting for Bayley. Michael Cole sternly chides them that “Bayley’s not here.” Charlotte tries to put over the crowd for believing in women’s wrestling but they just want to chant for Bayley. This sucked, and it was totally the crowd’s fault.
Ah. The crowd seems to have figured it out now and they’re chanting “WOMEN’S WRESTLING!”
And now it’s sucking for different reasons. Charlotte says that the main reason she won the title Ric, because G-d forbid that Charlotte should actually be a star. This was supposed to get heel heat, but no one is going to boo Ric Flair so it didn’t work.
Now Charlotte is trying to cut a heel promo but the crowd won’t let her get where she needs to go because they’re chanting for Sasha.
I really don't know why they think they need to move to Charlotte vs Natty again. Sasha is 100% still deserving of a title shot since she wasn't in the decision of last night and it was 100% obvious that Flair interfered. This felt like that hijack Raw when they tried to promote Orton vs Cena, but you had Bryan there who SHOULD be the contender for the title.

I absolutely DREAD the stupid segments they will write for him. That being said, if they use a Dr. Phil segment to set up a major turning point in the Truth-Goldust story, I will give them a pass for this.
Between Shane yesterday and now Dr. Phil, i dread this is the return of the guest hosts

Also… does anyone else think there were WAY too many NXT call-ups on this show? We had Enzo & Cass, Corbin, and Crews, plus now we’re getting the Vaudevillains on Smackdown, and Zayn is still new to the main roster (plus Ryder kind of feels like a call-up). I am quite worried that there won’t be enough focus to go around.
good, now Hunter knows what it feels to get your promotion raided. weirdly enough, between Corbin, Crews, and the Vaudevillians, they took all the guys that still need development. As for giving them focus, i'm sure 'future endeavor' season is coming sooner than later

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by WrestlingJoker » Apr 5th, '16, 11:43

I did not care for WM or Raw at all. Both were just dreadfully boring. I disagree with the part about New Day. I found it humorous and possibly the best if not only good part about Raw. As for Enzo and Cass, I think you meant Scotty 2 Fakey and Discount Drew McIntyre.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by cero2k » Apr 5th, '16, 11:51

WrestlingJoker wrote:I did not care for WM or Raw at all. Both were just dreadfully boring. I disagree with the part about New Day. I found it humorous and possibly the best if not only good part about Raw. As for Enzo and Cass, I think you meant Scotty 2 Fakey and Discount Drew McIntyre.
C'mon! Big Cass is obviously the pokemon evolution of Edge

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 5th, '16, 16:10

cero2k wrote:
WrestlingJoker wrote:I did not care for WM or Raw at all. Both were just dreadfully boring. I disagree with the part about New Day. I found it humorous and possibly the best if not only good part about Raw. As for Enzo and Cass, I think you meant Scotty 2 Fakey and Discount Drew McIntyre.
C'mon! Big Cass is obviously the pokemon evolution of Edge
I would say he's an alternate finish to Edge. Still the end of the line but obviously not as good. Like Jolteon vs. Flareon.

I also don't like Enzo... Never have. I can't get over how goofy he looks.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by cero2k » Apr 5th, '16, 16:22

Serujuunin wrote:
I also don't like Enzo... Never have. I can't get over how goofy he looks.
yeah, i also hate the look, but i have to agree that he is top 5 best talkers in the company, his words may be dumb sometimes, but his delivery is perfect.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 5th, '16, 17:59

New Day SUCKS!
When they come, they'll come at what you love.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 5th, '16, 21:20

cero2k wrote:
Serujuunin wrote:
I also don't like Enzo... Never have. I can't get over how goofy he looks.
yeah, i also hate the look, but i have to agree that he is top 5 best talkers in the company, his words may be dumb sometimes, but his delivery is perfect.
He has the charisma, that's for sure, I just want him to reinvent the look, and stop being Jersey Shore on steroids...

I really want to like him, but the gimmick is just too out there for me.
KILLdozer wrote:New Day SUCKS!
I like the New Day, but I've also been watching Xavier's YouTube channel, UpUpDownDown, and it's super funny. It's hard not to like them when they're just giant nerds like me!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 5th, '16, 22:54

Serujuunin wrote:
cero2k wrote:
Serujuunin wrote:
I also don't like Enzo... Never have. I can't get over how goofy he looks.
yeah, i also hate the look, but i have to agree that he is top 5 best talkers in the company, his words may be dumb sometimes, but his delivery is perfect.
He has the charisma, that's for sure, I just want him to reinvent the look, and stop being Jersey Shore on steroids...

I really want to like him, but the gimmick is just too out there for me.
KILLdozer wrote:New Day SUCKS!
I like the New Day, but I've also been watching Xavier's YouTube channel, UpUpDownDown, and it's super funny. It's hard not to like them when they're just giant nerds like me!

Wait wait wait... Colin & Enzo are too "out there"... but THE NEW DAY isn't? They wear f*cking unicorn horns on their foreheads! Their big WrestleMania entrance was to come out of a giant cereal box filled with over-sized Cheerios!
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 5th, '16, 22:57

Big Red Machine wrote:Wait wait wait... Colin & Enzo are too "out there"... but THE NEW DAY isn't? They wear f*cking unicorn horns on their foreheads! Their big WrestleMania entrance was to come out of a giant cereal box filled with over-sized Cheerios!
Yeah, but they were Saiyans, so its okay. :P

Honestly, I didn't like them at all until, out of boredom, I started watching Xavier's YouTube. I don't really like a lot of what they do in the ring or in their promos, but I like them because I can relate to them outside of the ring.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by XIV » Apr 6th, '16, 02:22

I like the New Day Day. Although they should be kept heel as that works a lot better for them.

But Enzo & Cass are brilliant. They can have crowds eating out of the palm of their hands, forget the hair and the outfit, great talkers, great workers and whether together or eventually apart they're going to be huge.

A person's hair doesn't really change much for me. Sheamus has been world champion with a slick ginger Mohawk and a beard with braids in it.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Serujuunin » Apr 6th, '16, 14:57

XIV wrote:I like the New Day Day. Although they should be kept heel as that works a lot better for them.

But Enzo & Cass are brilliant. They can have crowds eating out of the palm of their hands, forget the hair and the outfit, great talkers, great workers and whether together or eventually apart they're going to be huge.

A person's hair doesn't really change much for me. Sheamus has been world champion with a slick ginger Mohawk and a beard with braids in it.
I actually really enjoyed Enzo on the mic on RAW, but I had to minimize the video and do something else because looking at him just made me giggle.

I personally like Sheamus' beard and mohawk, I think it fits the Celtic Warrior bit. The nose piercing threw me for a loop though.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 6th, '16, 15:52

Serujuunin wrote:
I personally like Sheamus' beard and mohawk, I think it fits the Celtic Warrior bit. The nose piercing threw me for a loop though.
This. I didn't like the whole look at first, but after a while it just kind of clicked. I still hate the nose-ring, though.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 4/4/2016 Raw (interesting)

Post by KILLdozer » Apr 6th, '16, 20:38

No. The New Day is only one thing: bad.
When they come, they'll come at what you love.

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