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Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Apr 3rd, '14, 16:21

Alright, so... Let's hear them!!!

Andre the Giant Battle Royal: Dolph Ziggler (face) or Titus O'Neil (Heel). Dolph would be ideal if you want to establish credibility & value to it, and he could use this as on screen momentum going forward as a "big" accomplishment. And Titus just would be nice. At least make the split of PTP mean something other than both being future endeavored.

4 way Tag Match: I think the Usos walk out with the titles. Idk what more to say about it.

Divas Match: Who the hell cares. (Karma will return the following night on RAW though, you'll see).

Authority vs. Shield: Shield wins this in a very WWE styled match that I think the crowd won't care much about, with Roman being the usual highlighted member of the group.

Bray vs. Cena: I see Bray winning. Especially since WWE has nothing to gain from Cena winning this, while it would propel Bray in the right direction.

Bryan vs HHH: Daniel Bryan, DUH.

Brock vs. Taker: 22-0 is near. Taker wins, in what should be a match that'll put him out for another year (SIGH).

Bryan vs. Orton: ORTON RETAINS CAUSE PUNK INTERFERES (Him quitting is a work) and he goes CORPORATE PUNK

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Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 3rd, '14, 17:07

For the Battle Royale, I thinkit's Rusev. That's the only explanation for why he hasn't wrestled on Raw yet.

Usos are keeping the tag titles if the Real Americans break up. If they don't I can see them putting the belts on the Real Americans.

Brie wins Divas Title

Bray beats Cena for exactly the reasons you said, plus the fact that losing would absolutely kill Bray

Dragon over Hunter

Dragon wins world title

Taker beats Brock
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Post by cero2k » Apr 3rd, '14, 18:43

here are my crazy-out-of-the-box predictions.

battle royale: Cesaro pulls double duty or Big E, they slam Big Show and win. if they wanna do this every year, they need to start with someone battle tested and established, only reason i think rusev may not win.

tag titles. Real Americans

Divas: Lita enters the thing and wins it setting up Lita vs Aj in a Punk on a Pole Match

Cena wins by DQ. one thing i wanna see is Bray saying 'Lousiana....We're Home'

Taker vs Brock. Taker wins by DQ because of excessive violence, mid match lesnar and Taker will play it out like it's becoming a shoot fight and Lesnar breaks Taker's arm with the Kimura. Taker/Lesnar II at Extreme Rules where Taker wins.

Dragon vs Triple H ends in double pin/tap out situation and both advance to the finals

main event. Dragon comes out, before anyone else comes out, out comes Flair WOOOOOOOO, the jet flying, wheeling dealing sonavagun announces the next opponent, Evolution's song plays and out come all three together. It's Dragon vs Evolution. Dragon wins.

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