BRM Reviews the 7/3/2013 NXT (I hate Bo)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 7/3/2013 NXT (I hate Bo)

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 31st, '13, 08:19

BO DALLAS PROMO- OMFG I HATE BO SO F*CKING MUCH! You had better Bo-lieve that I want to shove my foot so far up your ass that I'll kick your teeth out!
Oh thank G-d Cesaro showed up! GRRRR! And now Bo has the audacity to call his US Title rein insignificant?! GRRR!!! Someone get this ass-hat off of my screen, please!


ANTHONY BAKER vs. CONNOR O'BRIAN (w/Rick Victor)- good squash, though him holding the pin afterwards was very awkward.

COREY GRAVES & ADRIAN NEVILLE PROMO- good. Any time we can get a Regal match, I am happy.

XAVIER WOODS vs. SCOTT DAWSON (w/Sylvestor Lefort)- 4.5/10
Short, but a lot of fun.


Ryan wins with JUST ONE PUNCH... and they made it work!
Then Amore claims that he wasn't ready (always gold), and sends Cassidy in instead.

COLIN CASSIDY (w/Enzo Amore) vs. MASON RYAN- another good squash
More importantly, though, Ryan won with the One and Only!

NXT TITLE MATCH: Bo Dallas(c) vs. Antonio Cesaro- 6.5/10
A large portion of the crowd seems to hate Bo as much as I do. Hooray! We have dueling chants of "Let's go Bo!" and "No more Bo!" If John Cena had no charisma, he would be Bo Dallas.
The match was a typical Bo match, which means that he gets his ass kicked all match, then hits one move and gets the win.

POST-MATCH STUFF- Great. Especially the part where both heels were laying the boots to Bo. That was my favorite part of the whole show. The heels also brawl because they bonked heads on the finish. Then Sami Zayn makes the save for Bo. To think that I actually used to like Sami Zayn!

Overall, a very entertaining show, aside from when Bo was on screen and not getting an ass whooping.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/3/2013 NXT (I hate Bo)

Post by DevilWithin » Aug 3rd, '13, 21:17

This is real Bo Dallas hate, right? I have no idea if he turned heel or not, But I think I can gather where it's coming from.
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Big Red Machine
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/3/2013 NXT (I hate Bo)

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 3rd, '13, 21:34

DevilWithin wrote:This is real Bo Dallas hate, right? I have no idea if he turned heel or not, But I think I can gather where it's coming from.
No. He's a babyface (theoretically), but he is SO F*CKING ANNOYING and has such a lack of charisma that I want to hit him... and I'm apparently not alone, as his opponent almost always gets cheered.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/3/2013 NXT (I hate Bo)

Post by DevilWithin » Aug 3rd, '13, 21:47

Big Red Machine wrote:
DevilWithin wrote:This is real Bo Dallas hate, right? I have no idea if he turned heel or not, But I think I can gather where it's coming from.
No. He's a babyface (theoretically), but he is SO F*CKING ANNOYING and has such a lack of charisma that I want to hit him... and I'm apparently not alone, as his opponent almost always gets cheered.
They need to wise up then and give the people what they want. It's a wonder this guy was sent RIGHT BACK after being called up for the Wade Barrett thing, huh?
Don't sleep on me...cuz then you're fucked and left behind.

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