Cero Books Kofi Kingston's Rise to the Title

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Cero Books Kofi Kingston's Rise to the Title

Post by cero2k » Mar 25th, '13, 20:03

So i was lurking reddit for a while and found this image
I started getting ideas on how Kofi is a character that at this point, doesn't really seem title worthy, not a single bit, but if he changed some things about him, maybe we can make him interesting again. I'm actually gonna make Kofi's push as the big push of the year, I'm going all out to make Kofi a monster worth giving the title to.

Since he's not really doing anything worth covering, let's just start it right off the bat.

Part One: A New Focus

We're weeks away from WM 29 and Kofi is not in any title's radar, he's not in any feud. On some RAW before WM, we just get a segment with Kofi going to Vickie asking for a match to contend for the IC title. Vickie being herself simply tells him that with guys like The Miz, Chris Jericho, and Wade Barrett involved in this, why should she even consider adding someone like him to the mix. Time goes on and Kofi never really gets a shot at nothing for WM. He continues to participate at RAWs and SM Slams but nothing more than random matches.

Wrestlemania 29 - Pre-Show Battle Royale, Kofi Kingston wins the battle royale over some other 19 lower card, NXT, and jobber wrestlers. After the match, Kofi takes a mic and shoots out.

Kofi: This win is just the beginning for me, mark today's date as the day that I, Kofi Kingston, finally stopped getting pushed around, one year from now, I promise it's DO OR DIE! I WILL BE DEFENDING THE WWE TITLE AT WRESTLEMANIA 30. STOP AT NOTHING!!

Sounds like a typical lower card promo, right? let's not give a fuck about it for now. As a side note, Cesaro lost his title to The Miz at WM.

The very next RAW Kofi gets a match against Cesaro, to determine the No 1 contender for the US title. Kofi brings his usual arsenal, but falls to Cesaro. Kofi exits the ring frustrated and thoughtful, but with a slight determination in his face. Kofi later gets interviewed for one of the Backstage Fallout videos, he is seemed talking to someone like Daniel Bryan or some other technician. Kofi only replys "You're about to see a whole new side of Kofi Kingston, Stop At Nothing".

For the next weeks, we get Kofi matches, he wins some and loses some, but in each of those matches, we see Kofi trying out new moves or styles. Kofi also starts looking more serious and precise during his matches, he still pulls out the usual BOOM BOOM BOOM at the start. Kofi wins his match before Extreme Rules with a new submission lock, something like the Batista Bite, a Crossface/Leg Lock combination, something that looks complicated and painful at the same time.

Extreme Rules: Antonio Cesaro defs The Miz to regain the title. Kofi Kingston meets Cesaro backstage as he comes back from the match, Kofi asks for a match against Cesaro, if he wins, he gets a title shot. Cesaro answers saying "title on the line or not, you want a match against me, you're gonna have to earn it"

Part Two: Stop At Nothing

The very next RAW Cesaro retains against The Miz's rematch. After the match, Kofi comes out and attacks Cesaro, locks him up in the Kingston Bite, Kofi doesn't let go until refs pull him away and Cesaro runs out of the ring, Kofi grabs a mic, "Hey Cesaro, have i earned my title shot yet!?" For the next weeks we'll see Kofi challenging Cesaro like this until one week prior to the PPV, Cesaro grants Kofi his title shot. Kofi wins the US title at the ppv using the Kinston Bite on Cesaro. Next month is about MITB. The new Kofi easily gets himself in the RAW MITB and cuts a promo between that and the PPV about how the promised he would win the world title and this was all part of the plan.

MITB arrives, RAW MITB match opens the night, Kofi does his usual awesome jumpy stuff, when he's nearing the win, Cesaro costs comes out (Cesaro is in the SD match) and takes out Kofi, someone else takes the MITB. Backstage, Kofi attacks Cesaro and locks him up in the Kinston Bite, Booker T tries to separate them, but Kofi won't release, Kofi shouts to Booker to give him a spot in the SD MITB, Booker agrees, Kofi finally agrees to release Cesaro, who is now unable to compete. Kofi wins the SD MITB.

Later that same night, just minutes shy from winning the MITB briefcase, Del Rio fights Swagger for the title and wins the match. Kofi comes out and cashes in the contract, but Del Rio manages to roll up Kofi and retain the title. Kofi loses his chance and frustrated, starts going berserk, he throws around some stuff, but he doesn't attack anyone, he's shouting like crazy.

The very next RAW Kofi shoots a promo backstage, looking straight to the camera, all seriousness.

Kofi: Yesterday, i was a grasp away from achieving my career's goal, and i failed, I failed because I didn't think things out, I got carried away, I should have known that after participating in two MITB matches. This will never happen again. As i promised back at WM I will say it again, I will defend the WWE title at Wrestlemania 30. I will stop at nothing.

Later that same night, Miz gets a shot at Barrett's IC title and wins it. In other news, the RAW MITB winner cashes in that same night and wins the title, while we never get a reaction from Kofi about this, Lawler does mention that not like Kofi, such wrestler actually won the WWE title using the MITB briefcase.

The next month, Cesaro comes back and feuds with Kofi over the US title. Kofi is still the face here, he surely acts more serious than before, but he still cuts face promos and acts kind and honorable in matches. He teams up with face people and all. This feud goes up to Summerslam where they have their big blow of match with Kofi retaining the title.

Night of Champions comes by, for some time now, Kofi and Miz have been teaming in some champions vs contenders matches, and while this is happening, we get some friendly competition, Kofi jokes around a title vs title match sometimes. So far, Kofi hasn't been close to the WWE title at all. The very next day after NoC, Miz and Kofi team up for a tag match, Miz jokingly steals the pin from Kofi, it's all fun and games. Suddenly Kofi connects Miz with Trouble in Paradise ze and leaves the ring while Miz recovers from the hit. The next monday Miz calls out Kofi about that and Kofi comes out saying

Kofi: You know Miz, for months now, we've been playing around the idea of who is better and I brought up the idea of a title vs title match for a while now. You seem to believe that all this is just a joke, it's not, it never has been, I am better than you, always have been, I am on my road to the WWE title, I proved that I'm the best US champion , now I will show that I'm better than the Intercontinental champion. Once I do that, WWE management will have no choice other tan finally granting me a shot at the WWE title. Miz, this is not a joke, I want a title vs title match at OTL.

Miz agrees to the match against Kofi, title vs title. During the month, we see Kofi go more heelish attacking Miz over and over again, not letting go to submissions, escaping Miz when making the save, typical heel heat. OTL comes and Kofi wins the titles in some sort of heelish way.

The very next RAW, Kofi comes out to the ring, mic in hand.

Kofi: I have proven to be the best US champion, and just last night I proved to the world to be also better than the now former intercontinental champion. Does management need another reason to finally grant me a title shot at the WWE title?

Before he can finish, Miz interrupts Kofi and attacks him. Booker T makes a rematch at HIAC official. Kofi eventually retains the titles. Once again after this, Kofi calls out Booker and Vickie about getting a title shot, he has proven to be the best US and IC champ! John Cena (who has been the champ) comes out and trying to act cool and stuff tells booker that he agrees to such match, Kofi has indeed proven to be worth the title shot. Booker makes a no 1 contenders match between Kofi and someone else for Cena's title. Kofi wins such match and will challenge Cena at TLC, type of match is irrelevant. As a little twist, Booker also tells Kofi that unfortunately for him, he is also the current IC and US champ and will have to defend at TLC too!

TLC comes and Kofi is able to retain the midcard title he puts on the line, but fails to capture the WWE title from Cena. The next RAW, Kofi tries to get a rematch for the WWE title, Booker answers him that he had his chance and failed to do it, he says that he needs to go back to the list. Booker tells Kofi the only way to have this match is to make it all the titles on the line. Cena agrees, Kofi does too. The feud gets more heated with Kofi and Cena getting on each other during the month. Cena retains at RR and wins the other titles. The very next RAW Cena vacates both the IC and the US titles to be re-crowned in the followings weeks.

Part Three: Do or Die
While Cena vacates the midcard titles, he is suddenly interrupted by Kofi on the titantron, Kofi seems to be off location, we can only see his face.

Kofi: Cena, I am a desperate man and a desperate man relies on desperate measures. I am currently miles away from you at West Newbury, Massachusetts, and this is your father. Now i don't want to do anything to him, but i need to make sure i get a title shot at elimination chamber for your title. You either give me the shot, or your father will takes it from me. I have my cellphone and you have my number. This is Do or Die for me Cena, Stop at Nothing!

Kofi starts beating up Cena's father and Cena quickly gets a phone from a plant and calls him, Kofi hears his phone and stops, answers and listens to Cena, turns to the camera and says "wise decision Cena, wise decision"

The next weeks prior to EC, Cena and Kofi get into a serious blood feud over the title. Come Elimination Chamber, Kofi finally wins the title from Cena. His year long journey reaches its destination.

After EC, anything can happen, Kofi finally got his title, he defends on WM, logical contender is Cena, but that is out of my scope.

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Re: Cero Books Kofi Kingston's Rise to the Title

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 27th, '13, 20:30

I really liked it until the very end. Kidnapping and beating up Cena's father just seems too far of a jump from his previous step in being heelish. Everything you did before that was awesome though. I really liked the little detail having weeks over Kofi trying out to moves to find something new that works and the way that he initially turned heel against Miz (after doing slightly heelish thing to bigger heel Cesaro) were brilliant.

Can you imagine how the internet would explode at the thought of Cena beating Kofi during this big push and willing the both the US and IC as well as the WWE Titles? LOL.
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Re: Cero Books Kofi Kingston's Rise to the Title

Post by cero2k » Mar 27th, '13, 20:52

Big Red Machine wrote:I really liked it until the very end. Kidnapping and beating up Cena's father just seems too far of a jump from his previous step in being heelish. Everything you did before that was awesome though. I really liked the little detail having weeks over Kofi trying out to moves to find something new that works and the way that he initially turned heel against Miz (after doing slightly heelish thing to bigger heel Cesaro) were brilliant.

Can you imagine how the internet would explode at the thought of Cena beating Kofi during this big push and willing the both the US and IC as well as the WWE Titles? LOL.
i did have some trouble trying to get Kofi to do heelish things like Orton did with Triple H, but still not making seem like a sick fuck and more like a guy that had nothing else to lose. I had to get him through 3 feuds during a year so by the time I got with Cena, I felt i didn't have much time to build a real blood feud so Kofi's actions wouldn't seem overreacted.

I think that's why i chose Cena to be the face for Kofi to take on, that and i think he's one of the only guys that is credible enough to be given three titles and later vacate them. I also thought about Kofi offering both his titles like Austin Aries with the X division, but i thought it would make him seem desperate, but somewhat face.

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Re: Cero Books Kofi Kingston's Rise to the Title

Post by RedSon » Apr 1st, '13, 13:53

good read, but i just cant get my head around watching kofi achieve all these things
The Man That Gravity Forgot!

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