Cero reviews PWG Fear Of A Black Planet

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Cero reviews PWG Fear Of A Black Planet

Post by cero2k » Feb 1st, '13, 23:54

PWG Fear Of A Black Planet, June 3rd, 2006
@ The Sweatbox, Hollywood, CA

The Dynasty Intro - Joey was good. Bosh and Sky were funny as hell. The rest was meh, but Sky getting called Virgil was gold! Kazarian's stuff was kinda poor

Bino Gambino and Top Gun Talwar vs Disco Machine and Nemesis - 3.5/10
I found Bino to be really annoying. Top Gun was hilarious as always. The whole match was making fun of the extreme heat at the Hollywood Sweatbox, to the point where the match felt like a kikutaro slow motion match. The wrestling was ok at most, a lot of bad communication and a lot of bad timing.

TJ Perkins vs Excalibur - 5/10
A whole lot better than the previous match, but still quite slow. The match was mostly a TJ Perkins showcase to promote him. Excalibur had some funny stuff, but not his best. Finish kinda sucked.

Alex Koslov and Ronin vs Cape Fear (Generico and Quicksilver) - 6.5/10
Great match. Good pace, a lot of babyface/heel stuff. Some good spots here and there, I'm just gonna take this match as the actual start of the show. The ending sequence made me shout twice, I honestly thought someone was getting seriously hurt.

Scorpio Sky w/Jade Chung vs "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen - 6/10
We almost saw Sky's dick...it turned out it was only Kaz's hair. Good match with a LOT of heel stuff from Scorpio Sky. Most of the match we see Steen and Sky working on each other's necks, and then for some reason, by the end of the match, it seems like both have miraculously healed. Anyway, i've never been a fan of Sky's Black Out, so I wasn't a fan of the finish, but it works, so it's cool.

PWG World Tag Team Titles Match
Arrogance (Scott Lost and Chris Bosh) (C) vs B-Boy and Human Tornado w/Candice LaRae - 7/10
This was a great match, like most of the card tonight, it was just good heel stuff for the bad guys and some less heel stuff by Tornado and BBoy. This match got to a point where it became a mess, the ref is telling Tornado that he is not the legal man, and then counts one of his pins! There is a spot where Tornado flew over the ropes, he has so much momentum that Tornado reaches the wall and hits himself in the face!! Then there's a spot where Bosh hits a release german suplex on Tornado from the apron to the chairs, A STUPID GUY STANDS IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA!!!! GAWD!! Finish came in at the perfect moment.

PWG World Title Match
Joey Ryan (C) vs Frankie Kazarian - 6.5
In less than 5 minutes, Knox gets hit in the crotch and we get to see Ryan's ass. Thank You Joey chants for covering it up. Then Knox gets another crotch shot....and another....I think i see the theme of this match. Good match but it was a weird mix of street fight violence with crotch shot comedy. Some good spots, but not what you would expect for the return match after Kaz got his hair taken and this being the debut of The Dynasty.
Final Crotch Shot Count
Rick Knox - 3
Joey Ryan - 1
Kaz - 1
Scorpio Sky - 1

Aftermath - Ok, Kaz got a sick flying shot to the side of the ribs. Scott Lost vs B-Boy is announced and Joey vs Davey too.

Not really a good show for PWG, sure it's the first official show of The Dynasty as a stable, but the matches were not at the level. I would pass on this show unless you have a fetish on crotch shots or The Dynasty.

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