Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

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Future Endeavored
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Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by womenwrestlerfan » Jan 9th, '11, 21:39

Hey guys,

For those of you that have missed it

We have a Brand NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

His name is Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson has won 2 matches in a row @ genesis when he def. "The Blueprint" Matt Morgan and Jeff Hardy

Here's what happend:

#1 Contender's Match
Matt Morgan vs. Mr. Anderson

The bell rings, and Morgan and Anderson begin the all important feeling out process. We get and lock up, and Morgan locks in a side headlock. Anderson is able to fight out of it, but Morgan comes up with a big shoulderblock that takes Anderson off of his feet. Another lock up, and this time Anderson locks in a side headlock. Morgan fights out and Anderson tries for a shoulderblock of his own, only to have it shrugged off by Morgan.

Morgan locks in another side headlock, and Anderson fights it off, only to get another shoulderblock. Anderson gets up to his feet and tries for a hip toss, only to have it reversed into a hip toss by Morgan. Morgan goes for a leg drop but Anderson moves out of the way. Both men make it back up to their feet and Morgan tries to charge Anderson in the corner, only for Anderson to duck it and lay a kick into Morgan's thigh. Another charge from Morgan and Anderson connects with a right hand. Morgan catches Anderson and fires him into the corner, hitting and kicking him, before picking him up and hitting a big head butt.

Morgan sends Anderson into the corner and follows in with a big splash, which he follows up with a huge side slam. Morgan goes for the pin, but he only gets two. Anderson rolls to the apron and Morgan waits for him to get to his feet. Morgan tries for the carbon footprint, but Anderson ducks, and Morgan crashes to the outside. Anderson sits Morgan up against the ring apron and hits a stiff kick to Morgan's chest before slamming him head first into the barricade. Anderson goes up to the apron and leaps off toward Morgan, only to be caught, and driven back first into the ring post.

Morgan slams Anderson back first into the ring apron before rolling Anderson back into the ring. Morgan tries for a cover, but is only able to get a two count. Morgan chokes Anderson in the corner with his boot before setting up for rapid fire elbows. Anderson fights it off, but ends up being pushed back into the corner, and eating the rapid fire elbows anyway. Anderson is able to connect with a chop block, and he goes for the cover, but Morgan kicks out at two. Anderson focuses on the knee, standing on it and stomping away at it before wrenching and pulling, putting strain on Morgan's knee.

Morgan is able to fight out of the hold, but Anderson comes right back with a stomp to the knee. Anderson grabs the leg and is able to lock in a half crab. Morgan is able to crawl toward the ropes and get his hands on the bottom rope, forcing a break. Anderson holds on until a count of about three before breaking. Morgan blocks a couple of punches from Anderson and comes up with some of his own, but Anderson buries his knee in Morgan's gut. Anderson tries to whip Morgan into the corner but it's reversed. Morgan charges Anderson but catches a kick to the head. Anderson goes to the second rope and Morgan catches him, taking him off with a big chokeslam that's good for a two count.

Morgan picks Anderson up to his feet for a series of short arm clotheslines before picking Anderson up again and attempting the discuss clothesline. Anderson ducks the clothesline and is able to connect with the mic check, but a pin from Anderson is still only able to yield a two count. Both men are down and the ref begins the count. Both are up to their knees at seven and they begin trading blows. Neither gives any ground until Morgan connects with the carbon footprint, but it still only results in a near fall.

Morgan gets back to his feet and waits for Anderson to do the same. Morgan goes for another carbon footprint, but Anderson avoids it and is able to connect with another mic check. Anderson goes for the cover but is still only able to get a two count. Anderson gets back up and goes for another mic check, but Morgan fights out of it. Anderson charges and looks to just bump into Morgan before falling to the mat. Morgan goes down and Anderson catches him with a quick roll up to get the three count.

Winner and NEW #1 Contender: Mr. Anderson

Eric Bischoff's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Bischoff sets the chair up in the ring, sits down and gets a mic. Bischoff says he's impressed with Anderson, and Anderson shows the stuff to be TNA World Champion, and Bischoff isn't going to wait to reward Anderson with his match, tonight.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

Jeff Hardy makes his way to the ring in street clothes smoking a cigarette, and taking his time to get in for his match.

Hardy ducks a clothesline and takes Anderson down with a series of right hands. Hardy continues to lay in with more rights before hitting a twist of hate. Hardy pins Anderson, but Anderson is able to kick out at two. Hardy is shocked and he argues with the ref. Hardy stomps away at Anderson before choking him with his boot. Hardy picks Anderson up, and hits another twist of hate. Another cover from Hardy, and another kick out from Anderson.

Hardy kicks at Anderson before stomping away at him repeatedly. Hardy picks Anderson up again, and this time Anderson grabs Hardy by the belt and throws him outside to the floor. On the floor, Morgan connects with a discus clothesline while the ref has his back turned. Morgan rolls Hardy into the ring and Anderson goes for the quick cover, only to get a two count.

Hardy and Anderson get to their knees, then their feet, trading blows the whole time. Anderson scores a series, but Hardy gets a kick to the gut. Anderson hits a clothesline, elbow, then a spinning neckbreaker, and it's good for another near fall. Anderson is able to get back to his feet first, and he stomps on Hardy's hand before raking his eyes. Anderson picks Hardy up and sends him into the corner, but he's met with a whisper in the wind. Anderson is able to roll to the outside before Hardy can pin him. Hardy follows Anderson to the outside and he grabs a steel chair. Mick Foley is out from the back to grab the chair out of Hardy's hands. That brings out Flair, and security is out to break things up. Back in the ring, Hardy goes to the top turnbuckle, but he's stopped by Anderson and crotched. Anderson goes up after Hardy, going for a superplex, but Hardy is able to fight it off and shove Anderson down to the mat. Hardy connects with the swanton and goes for the cover but Anderson still will not die.

Anderson has a little cut on his forehead. Hardy goes to pick up Anderson, and Anderson connects with the standing Green Bay plunge. Hardy is right back up and he hits a running clothesline. Hardy calls to the back and his brother Matt makes his way out to assist. Before Matt can do anything, RVD is out to fight with him to the back. While everyone is distracted, Bischoff rolls into the ring, and teases a chair shot, but Anderson stops him with a kick to the stomach and a mic check. Hardy comes back into the ring and tries for the twist of hate, but Anderson fights it off, connects with the mic check, and pins Hardy for the three count as members of Fortune are running down the ramp.

Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Mr. Anderson

Anderson celebrates with his title, as members of Fortune make their way to the back, licking their wounds. Anderson looks at the title, and the crowd cheers loudly. Anderson calls one of his fans into the ring, and calls down the microphone. Anderson says, as he predicted, the new TNA, total, nonstop champion. Mr. Anderson! The PPV ends with Anderson holding his belt high, with the crowd cheering along, and Tenay proclaiming 2011 to be the year of Mr. Anderson.

Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Well guys, after 4 years of not cashing in the Money in the Bank Briefcase in the WWE, Mr. Anderson has proved everybody wrong and now, he is the NEW WORLD Heavyweight Champion

Will we see the TNA World Heavyweight Championship Belt that was held by Kurt Angle and STING back in full force?

That's the Question!

Let's hope so



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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by ECWFlairfan » Jan 14th, '11, 07:23

Anderson deserves to be champion but in my opinion it was too soon...Matt Morgan deserved it WAY more...oh well

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Future Endeavored
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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by Lynas » Jan 14th, '11, 07:38

ECWFlairfan wrote:Anderson deserves to be champion but in my opinion it was too soon...Matt Morgan deserved it WAY more...oh well
If they were gonna have Hardy drop it all along... why didn't they just book it as a triple threat match...

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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by ECWFlairfan » Jan 14th, '11, 07:41

Lynas wrote:
ECWFlairfan wrote:Anderson deserves to be champion but in my opinion it was too soon...Matt Morgan deserved it WAY more...oh well
If they were gonna have Hardy drop it all along... why didn't they just book it as a triple threat match...
Not sure, TNA has made a whole lot of dumb booking decisions in 2010 & 2011 looks to be no different unfortunately...

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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by badnewzxl » Jan 14th, '11, 10:18

Lynas wrote:
ECWFlairfan wrote:Anderson deserves to be champion but in my opinion it was too soon...Matt Morgan deserved it WAY more...oh well
If they were gonna have Hardy drop it all along... why didn't they just book it as a triple threat match...
I think they wanted to both get Anderson over more by having him overcome tremendous odds and win two matches back to back (kinda like they did when they had RVD beat Jeff, then AJ the same night) AND continue to show how Immortal tries to throw their weight around by making the number one contender have his title match immediately after winning said number one contendership.

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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 14th, '11, 11:56

badnewzxl wrote:
Lynas wrote:
ECWFlairfan wrote:Anderson deserves to be champion but in my opinion it was too soon...Matt Morgan deserved it WAY more...oh well
If they were gonna have Hardy drop it all along... why didn't they just book it as a triple threat match...
I think they wanted to both get Anderson over more by having him overcome tremendous odds and win two matches back to back (kinda like they did when they had RVD beat Jeff, then AJ the same night) AND continue to show how Immortal tries to throw their weight around by making the number one contender have his title match immediately after winning said number one contendership.
Exactly this.
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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by womenwrestlerfan » Jan 25th, '11, 15:08

Well personally, I like this decision to have 1 guy win 2 matches back to back

I think that 2011 will be the year of Mr. Anderson

Now, if they can only bring back the TRUE TNA World Heavyweight Championship Belt which is the same 1 worn by Kurt Angle and STING

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Re: Mr. Anderson; The NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Post by KILLdozer » Jan 25th, '11, 15:16

well he said hes gonna be getting rid of that title so we'll have to see,,Eric Young last had that belt so idk,,maybe hell get elevated from this whole thing
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