Main Eventer or Midcarder?

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where do you think the following WWE wrestlers deserve to be on the card?

Dolph Ziggler- Main event
Dolph Ziggler- Mid card
Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson)- Main event
Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson)- Mid card
John Morrison- Main event
John Morrison- Mid card
Kofi Kingston- Main event
Kofi Kingston- Mid card
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Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Big Red Machine » Aug 11th, '11, 19:52

Yet another poll resulting from a BRM vs. SONIC debate:
Your answers should be based on their performances so far (anywhere- indies and developmental count),
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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Rabid619 » Aug 11th, '11, 20:13

My Choices:

Ziggler has proven he's got what it takes more then once to be a main event guy. I still resent the fact that he's a former world champion by being awarded the belt instead of actually winning a match. His "reign" was an insult to him and just a horrible idea. I wanted to see him take the belt off Edge because he's got "it" or at least he does in my opinion. Name is stupid but he makes up for WWE's blunder in that area by showcasing his talent which he's got tons of.

Daniel Bryan like Ziggler has proven he can hang with the big boys and put together a great match. In fact he's had one against Ziggler himself on PPV in a mid card champion vs mid card champion which felt like a preview of a World Title match in a year or two. I'd pay to see them square off again. Everyone expected him to be champion right off the bat but look at what majority of the WWE product is, big guys. He's held his own quite well and i admit that i was a bit scared when he was moved to SD because i felt he wouldn't be able to shine as brightly. I was proven wrong thankfully, his program with Rhodes was good and he's won MITB. RAW main event picture is a bit crowded while SmackDown's is thinning out with Kane & Taker out for now. It's basically Christian & Orton. This feud he's starting with Barrett could help both of them. I was honestly expecting a little something last year but you can't have one guy who's not John Cena feud with Barrett while he's still apart of Nexus. Barrett seemed bland in his Main Event matches last year and maybe this feud with Bryan will make him look better while proving even more Bryan has what it takes. Bryan entertains in the ring, they need to give him a bit more freedom on the mic though it's holding him back a bit.

Morrison had potential as a Main Eventer but he's just become a spot monkey. He did spots at the Royal Rumble & Elimination Chamber. In his match with Truth on RAW earlier this week Truth looked absolutely dominant while Morrison just did his spots and took a beating for the most of the match. To me, that doesn't say Main Event. I can't see his finisher being enough to take a Main Event guy like Orton or Cena out for a three count. Morrison has become too bland for me. This is NOT based off the backstage stuff he's gone through this year because i've lost tons of respect for him behind the scenes, I just feel as though his in ring stuff is not as appealing anymore to me at least.

Kingston i used to think that potential as well but that was a few years ago, possibly last year. He does spots but not to the degree of Morrison. When i see him, i dont see Main Event material. Sure his finisher is a bit unique but to he needs something more then what he's got. I would need to see him in consistent good matches maybe on PPVs or consecutive RAWs before i'd consider him Main Event material again. I honestly get annoyed with Kofi Kingston, probably has to do with his million and one title shots on SD last year against Ziggler. It was the same match and even though Ziggler was in it, Kofi put me off of wanting to see it again.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by yourcrapsweak » Aug 11th, '11, 20:55

Rabid, I see you're only taking their wrestling ability into account, which isn't the point. WWE doesn't care about wrestling ability, they look into the marketing aspect of it and if they have the charisma to carry themselves and the company. I said keep Ziggler in the mid-card because he's not ready to be a main eventer, in that he's not over enough and has to work on his mic skills. However, charisma is not something you can teach. Daniel Bryan I said can become a main eventer, because he's over as hell and we all know he can carry a company on his back from his natural charisma. Sure he's small, but his fan base is well-rounded between the little kiddies and the smart marks. I said Morrison can be a main eventer as well, but with a little work. He's almost there, and he did main event Extreme Rules and proved he can hang with the main eventers (Cena and Miz), though it did feel a little too soon and that he didn't fit in. But that's not to say that with some improvement in his mic skills, that in a year he won't be ready. Kingston I see being a lifetime midcarder. I dunno why exactly, but I think you all can agree with me.
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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Rabid619 » Aug 11th, '11, 21:24

yourcrapsweak wrote:Rabid, I see you're only taking their wrestling ability into account, which isn't the point. WWE doesn't care about wrestling ability, they look into the marketing aspect of it and if they have the charisma to carry themselves and the company. I said keep Ziggler in the mid-card because he's not ready to be a main eventer, in that he's not over enough and has to work on his mic skills. However, charisma is not something you can teach. Daniel Bryan I said can become a main eventer, because he's over as hell and we all know he can carry a company on his back from his natural charisma. Sure he's small, but his fan base is well-rounded between the little kiddies and the smart marks. I said Morrison can be a main eventer as well, but with a little work. He's almost there, and he did main event Extreme Rules and proved he can hang with the main eventers (Cena and Miz), though it did feel a little too soon and that he didn't fit in. But that's not to say that with some improvement in his mic skills, that in a year he won't be ready. Kingston I see being a lifetime midcarder. I dunno why exactly, but I think you all can agree with me.
With Ziggler he's got the look of a champion. Only problem is the name BUT it can work. He needs to work a bit for his charisma & promos to match his in ring stuff though. He's not that far off IMO.

Bryan markets as a small guy who proves himself among guys like Cena or Orton. He's got tons of skill but it seems like they're not letting him speak like i've seen him do in other places. I dont expect him to be exactly how he was before but i want to see something.

Morrison i dont see as much of anything except trying to appeal to females. Morrison comes off as a jerk when he speaks. I cant see him being a main event guy if he is a face who sounds like a jerk. His promos lack something as well, i cant see him as anything other then mid card right now or in the future if he stays the same.

Kingston to me shouts midcarder. I've felt that way for at least a year. I dont see anything appealing about him, nothing about him says he should be anything above mid card. I get annoyed with him quite easily, far quicker then i do with Morrison.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by cero2k » Aug 12th, '11, 00:05

Ziggler - Main eventer. Dude can talk, dude can fight, dude has the looks + an amazing manager. great heel champ that wins thanks to his handy manager.

dragon - main eventer. iff stops being goody 2 shoes Daniel Bryan and unleashes the American Dragon inside him. He needs to become Benoit. He's small and tiny, but he is one of the only dudes that makes me feel like he can break my legs. 2011 Daniel Bryan should stay in midcard really.

Morrison, mid card. can't really talk, shitty gimmick as a face, yet too popular to turn heel. Spot monkey.

Kofi mid card - you have what was shelton benjamin's job now...jump high during MITB matches, nothing else, nothing more...Kofi just inspired me to do this

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by badnewzxl » Aug 14th, '11, 12:56

Kofi & Bryan are midcarders; neither have had a huge breakout moment or match to propel them into a main event spot.

the Heat Dolph gets with Vickie and his VERY strong ring work & personality make him a perfect main event calibur guy. He should have stayed on SD!.

Morrison is WWE's most exciting guy to watch, he performs PHENOMINALLY, and he's MEGA popular. They should stop holding him back every chance they get....

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Shogun Rua » Aug 14th, '11, 13:28

Ziggy should stay the hell away from the main event. He has a stupid name, an annoying manager, his ring work puts me to sleep, and his sleeper hold is the weakest looking submission maneuver I've ever seen in my life. I'd take Eugene over Dolph Ziggler as a main eventer. When he talks, I imagine him with a trollface. His voice is obnoxious. And to top it all off, Cole seems to like talking about how hot Vickie is. Ew...

Daniel Bryan, on the other hand, this guy has the potential to go places. He has good ring work, he knows how to get a crowd going, and he's a smaller guy, which gives the fans somebody they can feel more alike with. The only thing he would need to work on is his charisma.

JoMo kind of strikes me as the next generation HBK. A lot of women love the guy, he can do incredible things in the ring, any match he puts on is entertaining. He's a lot better on the mic when he's a heel, because a babyface is usually just "I'm here for the fans, and I'm going to beat you."
As a side note, I really enjoyed the Dirt Sheet.
cero2k wrote:Kofi mid card - you have what was shelton benjamin's job now...jump high during MITB matches, nothing else, nothing more...
You hit the nail right on the head.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by yourcrapsweak » Aug 14th, '11, 16:28

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by e-moose » Sep 12th, '11, 16:47

I chose mid-card for all 4. None of these guys have created enough buzz amongst the fans to warrant them being at that top level.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Rabid619 » Sep 12th, '11, 16:49

e-moose wrote:I chose mid-card for all 4. None of these guys have created enough buzz amongst the fans to warrant them being at that top level.
I would say that Morrison has. He gets the best reaction, does the Bret Hart thing with the glasses.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by badnewzxl » Sep 12th, '11, 17:37

Rabid619 wrote:
e-moose wrote:I chose mid-card for all 4. None of these guys have created enough buzz amongst the fans to warrant them being at that top level.
I would say that Morrison has. He gets the best reaction, does the Bret Hart thing with the glasses.
I agree; whenever they begin to push him, the fans are there to support the guy. They just keep holding him back for whatever reason (def nothing to do with his in ring work; he and Sheamus had a great feud, he had Miz's best match back in January, AND he stole the show at the Rumble. Then, they team him with Snooki at WM and refuse to give him a PPV match with Truth despite it being the best midcard feud the WWE's had all year)

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by e-moose » Sep 12th, '11, 18:06

badnewzxl wrote:Then they refuse to give him a PPV match with Truth despite it being the best midcard feud the WWE's had all year)
I remember that feud. R. Truth turned heel over it. No PPV match? For real? That's f'd.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Rabid619 » Sep 12th, '11, 18:12

badnewzxl wrote:I agree; whenever they begin to push him, the fans are there to support the guy. They just keep holding him back for whatever reason (def nothing to do with his in ring work; he and Sheamus had a great feud, he had Miz's best match back in January, AND he stole the show at the Rumble. Then, they team him with Snooki at WM and refuse to give him a PPV match with Truth despite it being the best midcard feud the WWE's had all year)
He had a great match with Del Rio last month on RAW as well. He's over with the fans but the only thing thats keeping him from being main event right now is the backstage stuff which isn't in his control AND his speaking because he's a face who sounds a bit like a douche. When Truth had that title shot earlier this year, when Morrison "challenge" him for it he sounded like such a douche if i had been never seen WWE before and tuned in then i would have said Morrison was a heel right off the bat. But despite all that stuff, the fans are behind the guy because he's exciting in the ring. He does his parkour stuff which gets little kids out of their seats.

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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Big Red Machine » Sep 12th, '11, 21:59

I figure I should actually do what everyone else did and explain my choices.

Dolph Ziggler- Proved that he could be a main eventer during his feud with Edge this winter. I really have no idea why WWE pushed him back down to the midcard. He is probably WWE's best home-grown talent right now who isn't already in the main event scene.

Dragon- Obviously a main eventer. He has proved it everywhere he has gone. He is what he claims he is "the Best Wrestler in the World."

John Morrison- Definitely over, and has the in-ring skills. He has good mic skills, but his character just doesn't work well as a babyface, which is why he has been so dreary for the last few years.

Kofi Kingston- Has the goods to be a main event babyface. He is a great wrestler, is ridiculously over, and the fans just love to get behind him.
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Re: Main Eventer or Midcarder?

Post by Rabid619 » Sep 12th, '11, 22:29

e-moose wrote: I remember that feud. R. Truth turned heel over it. No PPV match? For real? That's f'd.
Shortly after Truth's heel turn Morrison went out with an injury. What Badnewz means by no PPV match is that they should have had one at SummerSlam but instead they for some reason just didn't. EVERYONE on here assumed they would.

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