Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 18th, '11, 13:31

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
And you're STILL watching TNA then, right? So, Sting being champion is working. Obviously. Because the people that do NOT like the situation, could make a bigger difference if they tune out during his matches. If they see say 500,000 people tune off during his title segments, then MAYBE they'd put it on a new guy. BUT, instead, the people that don't like it, only satisfy the Stingers like myself, and watch to complain. See, TNA doesn't see this. They just see +1 on the viewer board. Now, if you tune off for him, they'' see that, rather than tuning in to drop 2 cents... My point being, the whole Sting being 52 has NOTHING to do with it, because he's put as many viewers on TNA as did someone half his age... And even more. Even despite those that think somehow miraculously Dixie Carter will stumble upon & take to heart their comments.
I think it is safe to say at this point that most people aren't watching TNA for Sting. Wrestling fans are a funny bunch. Even if it is bad, we will still watch it (especially if it is free). Additionally, it is very rare that someone will only watch a promotion (especially a free, televised one) for just one wrestler. If you think that there are people who have seen TNA and would not tune in if they knew Sting wasn't going be on the show, you are sorely mistaken.
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 18th, '11, 13:40

badnewzxl wrote:
I agree about Taker & HHH match at Mania. Esp since both guys are supposedly so involved in developing new talent now, you'd think they would have pushed to put the two legends against two up and comers at mania; foster the guys who're gonna be there. Instead, they had a Hogan-esque moment of egotism where they felt their match was the only one that could sell WM.
With Triple H... yes. Having him put Sheamus over, especially having Sheamus defend the belt against him (playing off of their feud last year) would have been better. With Taker, though, the streak makes that sort of thing impossible. Yeah, Taker can give a rub, but no one will expect someone like Wade Barrett to beat Taker, and people will be very pissed off if the streak is ever broken. They had their chance to do it against Orton, and that only would have worked because of Orton's Legend Killer gimmick. Having him face an established name makes it seem like the streak is in actual jeopardy (especially with someone who everyone knows that WWE management is high on, or someone who either actual has, or is rumored to have both backstage clout and a backstage ego [which was why Triple H was a genius choice; it got the smarks worried]).
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 18th, '11, 13:48

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Sting doesn't wrestle every week.

And when Taker wrestles... it is always GOOD. With Sting... rarely. I would rather see Sting in one great match a year than in the 50 mediocre or bad matches he puts on. Just because the Honkytonk Man or the Iron Sheik or whoever wrestles on indy shows every week doesn't mean that they aren't a shell of their former selves in the ring. Same with Sting. When Taker wrestles, he still looks like Taker.
Whether he only goes for 5 minutes, or 15, he is out there weekly in that ring. Taker doesn't look like Taker. He looks like a man with bad hips that needs to sit. Can't perform half of his moves properly that made him a legend. In fact, the ONLY reason why people still remotely like Taker is because he still can dive over the ropes... barely. And guarantee if he were to wrestle consistently, he wouldn't be able to. Oh, "Mr. let me sit at home, nursing my wounds, eating milk & cookies." Instead of getting his butt out there, and duking it out. Like Sting. Retire then. If taker CAN'T go, retire. Simple. Not fair to the guys who nip & tuck everyday, do be outshined at WM, because some old man who had his share of manias can't call it quits. Why did Del Rio & Edge take the backdoor to taker v. HHH? because it included 2 old men who can't go year round, so they won't step out of the spotlight. yet, rather throw themselves in it to delay pumping up the new star, just to hog the spotlight one more time... No. They get there butt out there, and go full force, until they retire. Hell, look at Edge. Earned my infinite respect, because he went full force until he had to retire due to injury. Pretty sure if he would've played the Taker approach, & wrestled onced a year from say 05-09, he'd still be able to do that today. But no, he went, and did his thing. And now, has stayed away completely. Even HBK. He has stayed away because he can't do it without suffer anymore. He ain't hogging anyone's spotlight. Have Taker lose the dumb streak, and get it done with. Taker's career needs to R.I.P.
Because legendary careers are made by legendary matches. Taker puts those on. Even if it is only one match a year, it always winds up being amazing. As I have said before, I would rather see one amazing match than 50 mediocre ones. When was the last time any of Sting's matches caused major buzz by being a good match? MAYBE his match with AJ back in 2009, and that is because AJ could put over a broomstick and make it look good.
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Shogun Rua » Jul 18th, '11, 18:16

Let's remember... This is TNA. I doubt it was Stings idea to be champion. But, who would say no?

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 18th, '11, 18:23

Shogun Rua wrote:Let's remember... This is TNA. I doubt it was Stings idea to be champion. But, who would say no?
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Shogun Rua » Jul 18th, '11, 20:30

Well, it's already known that Kane isn't even a person. He's a monster/machine that is red and big.

But really, he hasn't said no every time.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 18th, '11, 20:35

Shogun Rua wrote:Well, it's already known that Kane isn't even a person. He's a monster/machine that is red and big.

But really, he hasn't said no every time.
not last year,but its been well documented that He doesnt want the top title cuz he isnt crazy about the schedule that comes with it ,I think
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 08:49

Rabid619 wrote:Big Show & more so Kane work every week without being in the main event or holding the title. Show hasnt had a world title in almost 5 years now while Kane had a title reign last year. Kane puts over the younger guys weekly and doesnt hog the spotlight either.
Let's see... Show killed the SES. Kane was a lengthy title holder in the past year, and killed off the Undertaker last year... Vengeance. Oh yeah, Show dismantled Rhodes. The only people Show really loses to cleanly, are other guys on his level. Mark Henry for example.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 08:51

Big Red Machine wrote: 100% irrelevant. We all know that Sting can veto any gimmick he wants to.
Doubt he has power to NOT compete if he doesn't like his gimmick. If Booker T had to play that stupid African King gimmick or whatever, back in the MEM, I'm sure Sting has to play the Joker.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 08:56

Big Red Machine wrote: If you are the champion of a company (especially one that claims to be all about wrestling), you damned well better be out there having great matches. Whether or not Sting is at the level he was 20 years ago is irrelevant. Whether he is in "good condition for a 52 year old" is irrelevant. What matters is that he can't put on the level of match required for a World Champion.
If you think Sting's last 5 months have been "solid," I have a bridge to sell you.

Does Kane go like he used to? No. But the drop off isn't that big, and also has a lot to do with the change in his character over the years. Age is not the relevant factor. Look at guys like Dave Taylor, or the only slightly younger Robbie Brookside and Jerry Lynn. They manage to go out there and have much better matches than Sting.

Can Sting be an asset to TNA? Definitely! But not by wrestling every week and certainly not as champion.
It is NOT about putting on 5 star matches. Hogan didn't. The Rock didn't. Ultimate Warrior didn't. And those are only a few of the BIGGEST stars ever, that made great champions.

If you don't think his last 5 months are solid, then I question if you watch his matches, already with a closed mind, in preparation of saying "look at the 52 year old that's gonna try & wrestle again." Seems like that's the consensus. Because his matches have been pretty solid lately. He's done a good job at selling, executing what he can do, and making his opponent still look good.

And Kane's drop off isn't that big? You crack me up. Kane can't do a proper chokeslam anymore. Kane climbs the top rope like a gorilla trying to participate in the high jump competition. And his running clothesline in the turnbuckle has NOTHIG on it. WAY worse then that Sting Splash you like to diss. That's the obvious.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 08:58

kiel297 wrote:This. Big Show at this point knows that his place in WWE is to have minor fueds and Kane (other than the OCCIASIONAL main event run) has taken his place putting over the younger stars. Sting is hogging the main event picture and putting over nobody but himself and those who don't need it.
He put Anderson over... TNA creative just felt he should be the champion moreso. He's put AJ over. And quite frankly, them changing his gimmick, is rather intriguing. To see something fresh. Gives him an edge. Not the same Big Show, who says the same stuff, and does nothing new. Or Kane, who's career fell off the day he took the mask off, or who's career hasn't been anything more than a glorified mid carder's without his feud with big bro.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 09:01

Big Red Machine wrote:I think it is safe to say at this point that most people aren't watching TNA for Sting. Wrestling fans are a funny bunch. Even if it is bad, we will still watch it (especially if it is free). Additionally, it is very rare that someone will only watch a promotion (especially a free, televised one) for just one wrestler. If you think that there are people who have seen TNA and would not tune in if they knew Sting wasn't going be on the show, you are sorely mistaken.
Haven't we done the whole look at the viewer's Sting has brought in when he returned to TNA before??? So he has brought a few heads in. Considering how bad of a company TNA is, that's something to be proud of.

And, that last statement can ALWAYS be proven true, as I know THOUSANDS of people, and MANY die hard Stinger's (though I'm #1), who have tuned in to see Sting, and that is it.

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 19th, '11, 09:03

Big Red Machine wrote: Because legendary careers are made by legendary matches. Taker puts those on. Even if it is only one match a year, it always winds up being amazing. As I have said before, I would rather see one amazing match than 50 mediocre ones. When was the last time any of Sting's matches caused major buzz by being a good match? MAYBE his match with AJ back in 2009, and that is because AJ could put over a broomstick and make it look good.
I'll prove you wrong with 1 statement...

Who is the most legendary, iconic, most talked about, well known wrestler, ever???

Name rhymes with buying items in Bulk...


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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by cero2k » Jul 19th, '11, 10:35

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Because legendary careers are made by legendary matches. Taker puts those on. Even if it is only one match a year, it always winds up being amazing. As I have said before, I would rather see one amazing match than 50 mediocre ones. When was the last time any of Sting's matches caused major buzz by being a good match? MAYBE his match with AJ back in 2009, and that is because AJ could put over a broomstick and make it look good.
I'll prove you wrong with 1 statement...

Who is the most legendary, iconic, most talked about, well known wrestler, ever???

Name rhymes with buying items in Bulk...

sorry dude, but on this one, BRM is still correct, Hogan HAS legendary matches, the most legendary of the all. Hogan vs Andre, Hogan vs Warrior, Hogan vs Savage, Hogan vs Rock. they may not be technical masterpieces, but legendary nonetheless

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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 19th, '11, 20:52

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: 100% irrelevant. We all know that Sting can veto any gimmick he wants to.
Doubt he has power to NOT compete if he doesn't like his gimmick. If Booker T had to play that stupid African King gimmick or whatever, back in the MEM, I'm sure Sting has to play the Joker.
The African King thing was Booker purposely using a different accent because he wanted to try to get acting gigs.
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by yourcrapsweak » Jul 19th, '11, 20:59

Big Red Machine wrote:
SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: 100% irrelevant. We all know that Sting can veto any gimmick he wants to.
Doubt he has power to NOT compete if he doesn't like his gimmick. If Booker T had to play that stupid African King gimmick or whatever, back in the MEM, I'm sure Sting has to play the Joker.
The African King thing was Booker purposely using a different accent because he wanted to try to get acting gigs.
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 19th, '11, 21:20

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: If you are the champion of a company (especially one that claims to be all about wrestling), you damned well better be out there having great matches. Whether or not Sting is at the level he was 20 years ago is irrelevant. Whether he is in "good condition for a 52 year old" is irrelevant. What matters is that he can't put on the level of match required for a World Champion.
If you think Sting's last 5 months have been "solid," I have a bridge to sell you.

Does Kane go like he used to? No. But the drop off isn't that big, and also has a lot to do with the change in his character over the years. Age is not the relevant factor. Look at guys like Dave Taylor, or the only slightly younger Robbie Brookside and Jerry Lynn. They manage to go out there and have much better matches than Sting.

Can Sting be an asset to TNA? Definitely! But not by wrestling every week and certainly not as champion.
It is NOT about putting on 5 star matches. Hogan didn't. The Rock didn't. Ultimate Warrior didn't. And those are only a few of the BIGGEST stars ever, that made great champions.

If you don't think his last 5 months are solid, then I question if you watch his matches, already with a closed mind, in preparation of saying "look at the 52 year old that's gonna try & wrestle again." Seems like that's the consensus. Because his matches have been pretty solid lately. He's done a good job at selling, executing what he can do, and making his opponent still look good.

And Kane's drop off isn't that big? You crack me up. Kane can't do a proper chokeslam anymore. Kane climbs the top rope like a gorilla trying to participate in the high jump competition. And his running clothesline in the turnbuckle has NOTHIG on it. WAY worse then that Sting Splash you like to diss. That's the obvious.
Wrestling is about putting on good matches and telling good stories. If you do one well enough, people are generally willing to overlook the other. Sting, at this point, is doing neither well enough to be a champion. The last time he did either one well enough was his matches in 2009 against AJ at BFG and against Foley at Lockdown. Age is irrelevant. Like I said, I will take guys like Dave Taylor, Robbie Brookside, Scott Steiner, Jerry Lynn who are all around that same age, or a guy like Flair when Flair was that age... because they are/were still putting on great matches.

As for Kane... yes, his Chokeslam isn't as good, but it still looks fine. And Kane ALWAYS looked like a gorilla lumbering to the top rope. That was the point. He is a big man. He is supposed to. And his running clothesline is fine for a big man. Big men aren't supposed to be that quick.
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 19th, '11, 21:25

SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:I think it is safe to say at this point that most people aren't watching TNA for Sting. Wrestling fans are a funny bunch. Even if it is bad, we will still watch it (especially if it is free). Additionally, it is very rare that someone will only watch a promotion (especially a free, televised one) for just one wrestler. If you think that there are people who have seen TNA and would not tune in if they knew Sting wasn't going be on the show, you are sorely mistaken.
Haven't we done the whole look at the viewer's Sting has brought in when he returned to TNA before??? So he has brought a few heads in. Considering how bad of a company TNA is, that's something to be proud of.
And how long do they stay for? One week? Two?
SONICdopeFRESH wrote: And, that last statement can ALWAYS be proven true, as I know THOUSANDS of people, and MANY die hard Stinger's (though I'm #1), who have tuned in to see Sting, and that is it.
So you are saying that if Sting were not in TNA, you would not watch it at all?
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 19th, '11, 21:29

cero2k wrote:
SONICdopeFRESH wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote: Because legendary careers are made by legendary matches. Taker puts those on. Even if it is only one match a year, it always winds up being amazing. As I have said before, I would rather see one amazing match than 50 mediocre ones. When was the last time any of Sting's matches caused major buzz by being a good match? MAYBE his match with AJ back in 2009, and that is because AJ could put over a broomstick and make it look good.
I'll prove you wrong with 1 statement...

Who is the most legendary, iconic, most talked about, well known wrestler, ever???

Name rhymes with buying items in Bulk...

sorry dude, but on this one, BRM is still correct, Hogan HAS legendary matches, the most legendary of the all. Hogan vs Andre, Hogan vs Warrior, Hogan vs Savage, Hogan vs Rock. they may not be technical masterpieces, but legendary nonetheless
Exactly! Hell, some of Hogan's best-worked matches aren't even talked about (like his match in 94 with Fujinami).
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Re: Sting's New Gimmick!!! Yay or Nay???

Post by SONICdopeFRESH » Jul 20th, '11, 16:41

cero2k wrote:sorry dude, but on this one, BRM is still correct, Hogan HAS legendary matches, the most legendary of the all. Hogan vs Andre, Hogan vs Warrior, Hogan vs Savage, Hogan vs Rock. they may not be technical masterpieces, but legendary nonetheless
Pretty sure somewhere along the forum, a legendary matchup has been said to be one of technical greatness. The match that gives you the feeling of a 10/10... Unless those type of statements don't hold weight in this case. Which then would make BRM's statement incorrect. I still say you DON'T have to be technically good to be the best. Hell, Hogan, and the LOD were the 3 best you'll ever see. LOD being tag of course. And they were all stiff. Thus, would prove my continuous statements about being moreso a great character rather than wrestler, more important to make a legendary match, right?

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