BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

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BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 7th, '21, 22:52

BRYAN DANIELSON, CHRSTIAN CAGE, JUNGLE BOY, & LUCHASAURUS (w/Marko Stunt) vs. THE ELITE (Adam Cole, Kenny Omega, & the Young Bucks) (w/Dustin Cutler & Michael Nakazawa)- 8.5/10
This was a tremendous all-action opener with great heat. I was SOOOOO happy to see the Indy-taker to the floor treated like the death-move it should be treated as, with Christian being taken to the back by the medical staff and not coming back. Jungle Boy was, as always, an excellent babyface in peril, and they did a wonderful job of building up to Bryan and Omega getting in the ring together again. Yes, the botched pwoerbomb at the end was very bad (I would have gone 8.75 without it), but even with that, this match was absolutely tremendous.

It’s nice that Moxley finally seems to have remembered that he used to be the world champion but got cheated out of the belt twice by interference. I guess the belt is important to him, after all. Not important enough that he wasn’t willing to f*ck around beating up a group of jobbers over and over again for months at a time instead of trying to get it back, though.
And speaking of people who got screwed out of the word title by interference and instead of trying to get it back spent months f*cking around with a group of jobbers, Orange Cassidy is also in this match. Anyone else remember the last time he was in a Casino Ladder Match and was too lazy to look up the rules first?

He put the city over as important to him, then challenged Daniel Garcia to match on Rampage as revenge for trying to take him out before his return match at All Out.

Arn is burning an expensive suit to prove a point to Cody. Cody notices that someone is filming themselves starting a fire on his lawn, so he goes to investigate. Dude… CALL THE POLICE.
Despite the fact that this is happening in the middle of night and on Cody’s lawn, he’s still dressed in a f*cking 3-piece suit and a tie… and wearing a lapel mic? What the f*ck?! What was he doing?
Arn makes a refence to Stardust, then asks Cody to give him his tie… and then Cody is surprised when Arn tries to set the tie on fire. What did you think he was going to do with it, dumbass?
Arn slaps Cody in the face and shouts “YOU THREW US AWAY!” Cody apparently gets the message, and throws the tie into the fire. Then, in the same segment where they buried Stardust, they closed it with an obnoxiously-WWE close-up from below of the crackling fire… just for atmosphere, I guess. You know… because instead of this being a real thing that happened, it’s a bit they’re doing so that they can turn it into a video package.
Look… MAYBE this could have worked if we had seen more timidity out of Cody in this feud, but everything Arn has said and done in his feud feels like a huge overreaction, so Cody now going along with it feels like Cody is being overdramatic… which, when I say it that way, makes a lot of sense, but that doesn’t make it a good story or good TV.


SAMMY GUEVARA HAS BOUGHT FUEGO DEL SOL A NEW CAR- Yes, even though Fuego willingly put the car up as a wager to get a title shot he had done nothing to earn, and then lost fair and square. How will Fuego ever learn anything if people like Sammy Guevara and Tony Khan always show up and erase the consequences of his failures. What incentive does Fuego have to not grab his phone right now and film a promo challenging Kenny Omega or Christian to put their titles on the line for the chance to win his new truck?

AEW TNT TITLE MATCH: Sammy Guevara(c) vs. Bobby Fish- 6/10
Fish was able to use his reDRagon music from ROH. That was surprising to me.
The story of the match was that whenever Sammy would go to the top rope, it would backfire on him.

POST-MATCH SEGMENT- would have been good, if not for the logic problems
Dan Lambert and his crew showed up and attacked Sammy Guevara because Sammy is part of Chris Jericho’s crew. If only there were other members of this crew that could have come out and helped Sammy. Perhaps people who have both pride as well as power? No?
Instead, poor Sammy had only his friend the jobber for help. At least Fuego realized that he owed Sammy this.
Eventually Chris Jericho and Jake Hager came out to make the save. Again… where are Santana and Ortiz? The moment Jericho and Hager hit the ring, Paige VanZant bailed, because the babyfaces were booked to win this segment but they didn’t want male-on-female violence. If you don’t have someone on the babyface side who you’re willing to let hit her, DON’T USE HER IN THIS SEGMENT! It’s not that hard!
And, for those wondering, the reason it’s okay to do that with VanZant (or any of the other MMA dudes) but not okay to do that with LAX is because PVZ doesn’t work for AEW, so it’s not her job to be at every show. LAX are supposed to be at every show unless there is a good kayfabe excuse (which the announcers would need to give us) to explain their absence.
Lambert challenged Jericho’s group to a big tag match next week. Jericho accepted.

They’re the top-ranked tag team in the company, but somehow haven’t had a tag match on either of the company’s top two shows in four and a half months. I’m not saying the haven’t been picking up wins on Dark and Even More Dark ( confirms that they have been, although, predictably, not over anyone with any credibility), but it’s a little silly that wrestlers in AEW will be on this big wining streak and yet somehow never get booked on TV. When someone picks up wins in a combat sport, they get booked in a more visible position, and against better opponents.

TONY KHAN MAKES A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- Apparently the big announcement is that Tony Khan has quit AEW, because despite there being a big graphic advertising a “big announcement from Tony Khan,” there was no Tony Khan. “Detail Guy” Tony Khan strikes again.
Tony Schiavone and Aubrey Edwards are in the ring, and Aubrey is holding what looks like another title belt. Yup. It’s the TBS Championship, and it’s going to be a secondary singles belt in the women’s division. Fine.

J.R. says that MJF was being an “arse” last week. Dude… if you’re not comfortable saying “ass,” then find a totally different word. A dude from Oklahoma in a cowboy hat trying to use British slang comes across as inauthentic and ridiculous.
Darby explained to us why he paints his face. He paints half of his face because half of him has felt dead inside since the car accident that killed his uncle. Shouldn’t you have done that before you did an angle where some heels wiped off his face-paint?

DARBY ALLIN (w/Sting) vs. NICK COMOROTO (w/Aaron Solo & Q.T. Marshall)- 4/10
What happened to Anthony Ogogo?
Darby won a short match cleanly.

I guess someone backstage decided that they needed to get a cheap pop, so they had QT hit Sting with a Diamond Cutter, then had Sting get right back up, hit QT in the balls, and then hit a Scorpion Death Drop.

They’re dorks. I’m tempted to bring back the gimmick I did for the Social Outcasts (remember that sh*t) where I had a big list of names for them, but 1) I used up all of the good ones on them, and 2) nothing I can come up with would hit the nail on the head better than Dork Order (other than maybe Ministry of Dorkness).

He’s making an open challenge. Malakai Black magicked himself into the ring, then spit mist into Dante’s face and gave him the Black Mass (or whatever it’s being called in AEW). Black then magicked Dante Martin out of the ring. Hopefully he teleported him to somewhere safe and not into the middle of the ocean or something like that. You can’t put that sort of thing passed someone as evil as Malakai Black.
He grabbed a mic and said “the house of Black accepts.” Then we panned over and saw Martin just lying there on the floor. What was the point of the f*cking magic, then?

Based on what he did last time, when I saw Cage come out I was worried that he was going to hop into the crowd and start punching fans or go tackle a cameraperson, but fortunately he didn’t assault any innocent people this time. He ducked Stark’s belt shot, then beat him up in the corner until Will Hobbs and Hook could come out and pull him to safety. If I cared about Brian Cage at all, I would have liked this, but I don’t see why I am supposed to like someone went around attacking innocent people instead of going after his rival.

Wow. AEW sure through this thing together quickly, didn’t they? And for a tournament that doesn’t start for another TWO MONTHS. Why the hell did they make that announcement now?

They’ve made a plague for Shida to present to her if she wins this match, which would make her the first woman to reach fifty wins. Did they do that for Jungle Boy? If not, I think it’s a fair bet that some heel is going to hit Shida in the head with this thing.
Shida is on an eleven-match winning streak, but apparently that’s not enough to get her a title shot. Red Velvet got one for just nine wins in a row, and pretty much no one she beat had any sort of name-recognition in AEW other than The Bunny.
Shida did her big knee on the outside, and instead of just putting the move over, Jim Ross has to tell us that the move is “getting predictable” and that soon someone “will be able to counter that to their advantage,” which is a completely worthless comment because it’s true of pretty much every signature move everyone has.
Deeb got the win after raking the eyes and hitting some big moves… and then just decided that if she was going to break one rule once, she might as well go all the way with being a heel, so she refused to let Aubrey Edwards raise her hand, then grabbed the plague they made for Shida and hit her (meaning Shida, not Aubrey) in the head with it. Told ya.

ALEX MARVEZ INTERVIEWS DARBY ALLIN- Marvez tells Darby that MJF went to Tony Khan to get a match booked between them. Darby says he accepts the match.
Then a limo pulled up in front of Darby. He assumed it was MJF so he got ready to fight, but a masked man attacked him from behind with a chair. Two more masked men got out of the car. One of them grabbed the camera from the camera operator, but thankfully, AEW just happened to have a second cameraperson right there right behind the first, so we just cut to that camera.
There are more masked men now, and we’re cutting back and forth between the commandeered camera and the other one.
Does AEW not have security or something? Some unknown assailants are assaulting an AEW employee in the parking lot!
Tony Schiavone assumes that MJF is behind this. One of the guys gives Darby and F-10 onto some barricades, so we are told that that one must be Wardlow. One last guy gets out of the limo and starts to choke Darby with his skateboard. We are told that that is MJF. Excalibur, too, has become insistent that this is the Pinnacle, but I assume it’s not because if it was the Pinnacle, why would they wear masks?

He tries to recruit Dante Martin and promises to take him to new heights. He offers to manage Dante against Malakai Black. This was good character stuff from Lio. I can’t imagine that Martin takes him up on this offer, which I’m sure will lead to a match between them, which should be awesome.

The heel main champ buries the new singles title.

CASINO LADDER MATCH FOR A SHOT AT THE AEW WORLD TITLE: Orange Cassidy vs. Pac vs. Andrade el Idolo (w/Jose the Assistant) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lance Archer vs. Jon Moxley vs. Adam Page- 8/10
Yes, they’re really calling the guy “Jose the Assistant” on graphics. Because everything must have stupid comedy. And speaking of comedy, even in a match with a world title shot on the line, Orange Dumbf*ck still can’t take it seriously and has to put his hands in his pockets and do his weak kicks gimmick.
Matt Hardy was nice enough to leave his army in the back. That seems extremely out of character.
We were told that due to the beating he suffered tonight, Darby Allin won’t be able to compete next week. No word was given on Christian’s condition. In fact, I don’t think he was ever mentioned after he was taken to the back in the opener.
Page got a HUGE pop for his big return. Ladder match spots happened. It was exciting. Page got the win.
The announcers, of course, were all talking about how Moxley was screwed out of the title by Omega and friends. He’s been on TV for months and they haven’t been saying that, but now that the storyline wants to us to remember, everyone remembers and it’s this big thing. This sort of crap makes a show feel scripted.

This was a very good show from AEW. We had two great matches and bunch of stuff that mostly decent, even if some of it was quite questionable.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Thelone » Oct 8th, '21, 14:09

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 7th, '21, 22:52I was SOOOOO happy to see the Indy-taker to the floor treated like the death-move it should be treated as, with Christian being taken to the back by the medical staff and not coming back.
Except this one looked like complete shit with whichever Buck landing a mile away from the other two.
He put the city over as important to him, then challenged Daniel Garcia to match on Rampage as revenge for trying to take him out before his return match at All Out.
They need to turn him or at least give him an actual storyline besides "I wanna face young guys". It's pretty crazy how quickly the hype has died down after his debut and the Allin match.
So, what's the story here? Are we suposed to believe that Black beating him twice is slowly bringing him to the dark side and Arn is helping him fight it? The opposite (although that would imply that he's actually a heel, or whatever is the current equivalent of "that tired old trope")? Or is it just more grandiose throwback to some random territory storyline, but with no substance or charm?
They’re the top-ranked tag team in the company, but somehow haven’t had a tag match on either of the company’s top two shows in four and a half months. I’m not saying the haven’t been picking up wins on Dark and Even More Dark ( confirms that they have been, although, predictably, not over anyone with any credibility), but it’s a little silly that wrestlers in AEW will be on this big wining streak and yet somehow never get booked on TV. When someone picks up wins in a combat sport, they get booked in a more visible position, and against better opponents.
Let's not beat that skeleton's ashes some more, so here's a couple of ideas to make those shitty rankings better :
  • Only matches between contracted wrestlers count towards your record. That way, you don't have countless people who are "title match worthy" and unexplicably aren't granted one because "that's not what we booked" basically, you don't have new signees with 0-20 records because they were long time jobbers on Dark before, and you can give a few Dark/Elevation matches some stakes.
  • Keep the last six months of records and have them roll over time, like in tennis and... golf I think? That would make the rankings more dynamic and closer to your current storylines (maybe, see main event).
TONY KHAN MAKES A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT- Apparently the big announcement is that Tony Khan has quit AEW, because despite there being a big graphic advertising a “big announcement from Tony Khan,” there was no Tony Khan. “Detail Guy” Tony Khan strikes again.
Tony Schiavone and Aubrey Edwards are in the ring, and Aubrey is holding what looks like another title belt. Yup. It’s the TBS Championship, and it’s going to be a secondary singles belt in the women’s division. Fine.

Wow. AEW sure through this thing together quickly, didn’t they? And for a tournament that doesn’t start for another TWO MONTHS. Why the hell did they make that announcement now?
Say it with me now : hotshot booking.
What happened to Anthony Ogogo?
I've heard somewhere that his bad eye got worse or something, but don't quote me on that. Also he was in Brussels two days ago for... reasons (clearly our weather), still doing the "yanks are dumbasses" schtick apparently.
They’ve made a plague for Shida to present to her if she wins this match, which would make her the first woman to reach fifty wins. Did they do that for Jungle Boy? If not, I think it’s a fair bet that some heel is going to hit Shida in the head with this thing.
I can see why Shida wouldn't want to win her 50th match if her reward is THE PLAGUE. In all seriousness, they've done more with her here for this one thing than her whole boring reign.
CASINO LADDER MATCH FOR A SHOT AT THE AEW WORLD TITLE: Orange Cassidy vs. Pac vs. Andrade el Idolo (w/Jose the Assistant) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Lance Archer vs. Jon Moxley vs. Adam Page- 8/10
Yes, they’re really calling the guy “Jose the Assistant” on graphics. Because everything must have stupid comedy. And speaking of comedy, even in a match with a world title shot on the line, Orange Dumbf*ck still can’t take it seriously and has to put his hands in his pockets and do his weak kicks gimmick.
They really can't help themselves with those silly graphic """quips""", like Page "finally showing up to work" or whatever it said this time. Also we swear Cassidy is evolving and it's not the same recycled shit over and over and over!!! Anyway...

I'll give them that : Page is still very over despite his shitty booking over the last year. They're at a point where they have to give him the belt at Full Gear (or else he'll become AEW's Lex Luger) and see how it goes from there. My only issue (more of a nitpick I guess here) is that he's not even in the top 5 currently (neither were Pac, Hardy and Andrade el Flop to be fair), which does happen quite often and they only correct it afterwards. Page is 17-2 though, so he'll win a couple of matches I assume and be back at #1 before the PPV.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 8th, '21, 14:54

Thelone wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:09
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 7th, '21, 22:52I was SOOOOO happy to see the Indy-taker to the floor treated like the death-move it should be treated as, with Christian being taken to the back by the medical staff and not coming back.
Except this one looked like complete shit with whichever Buck landing a mile away from the other two.
He helped pull him down. That's what makes it work for me. It doesn't matter how smooth the landing was.
Thelone wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:09
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 7th, '21, 22:52 CM PUNK PROMO- fine
He put the city over as important to him, then challenged Daniel Garcia to match on Rampage as revenge for trying to take him out before his return match at All Out.
They need to turn him or at least give him an actual storyline besides "I wanna face young guys". It's pretty crazy how quickly the hype has died down after his debut and the Allin match.
I think the issue is more that they want to have him on TV every week but not wrestle every week so they're having him talk too much.
Thelone wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:09
So, what's the story here? Are we suposed to believe that Black beating him twice is slowly bringing him to the dark side and Arn is helping him fight it? The opposite (although that would imply that he's actually a heel, or whatever is the current equivalent of "that tired old trope")? Or is it just more grandiose throwback to some random territory storyline, but with no substance or charm?
I think the idea is that Arn is bring out Cody's missing killer instinct.
Thelone wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:09
Let's not beat that skeleton's ashes some more, so here's a couple of ideas to make those shitty rankings better :
  • Only matches between contracted wrestlers count towards your record. That way, you don't have countless people who are "title match worthy" and unexplicably aren't granted one because "that's not what we booked" basically, you don't have new signees with 0-20 records because they were long time jobbers on Dark before, and you can give a few Dark/Elevation matches some stakes.
  • Keep the last six months of records and have them roll over time, like in tennis and... golf I think? That would make the rankings more dynamic and closer to your current storylines (maybe, see main event).
I like both of these ideas quite a lot.
Thelone wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:09
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 7th, '21, 22:52SERENA DEEB vs. HIKARU SHIDA- 6.5/10
They’ve made a plague for Shida to present to her if she wins this match, which would make her the first woman to reach fifty wins. Did they do that for Jungle Boy? If not, I think it’s a fair bet that some heel is going to hit Shida in the head with this thing.
I can see why Shida wouldn't want to win her 50th match if her reward is THE PLAGUE.
... Oops.

But on the bright side, that has to win me the Revy for Typo of the Year, right?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 9th, '21, 17:18

wrestlinghero01 wrote: Oct 9th, '21, 04:43 Danielson doing the flying headbutt was too much for me.
Yeah, I don't understand why ANYONE does it anymore, nevermind a guy who has had concussion problems already.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by cero2k » Oct 9th, '21, 20:25

wrestlinghero01 wrote: Oct 9th, '21, 04:43 Danielson doing the flying headbutt was too much for me.
Me too, it's not like it's even a move people call for, we don't need a high flying Danielson in 2021

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 9th, '21, 22:06

cero2k wrote: Oct 9th, '21, 20:25
wrestlinghero01 wrote: Oct 9th, '21, 04:43 Danielson doing the flying headbutt was too much for me.
Me too, it's not like it's even a move people call for, we don't need a high flying Danielson in 2021
It never even made sense to me in kayfabe. Sure, you've got momentum, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. How is it worth it to hit the other guy's shoulder when you're taking equal impact on your head, when you could just do a leg drop or an elbow drop or whatever?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by cero2k » Oct 9th, '21, 23:02

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 9th, '21, 22:06
It never even made sense to me in kayfabe. Sure, you've got momentum, but every action has an equal and opposite reaction. How is it worth it to hit the other guy's shoulder when you're taking equal impact on your head, when you could just do a leg drop or an elbow drop or whatever?
For the longest time I had thought that it was a Samoan move, with the idea of the Samoan skull and all, then I learned Harley Race of all people came up with it on accident after a botched dive spot

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Thelone » Oct 10th, '21, 09:46

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:54He helped pull him down. That's what makes it work for me. It doesn't matter how smooth the landing was.
I mean sure, it's still a piledriver and should be treated as an instadeath move, but they really took the worst one I've seen them do for this angle.
I think the issue is more that they want to have him on TV every week but not wrestle every week so they're having him talk too much.
It's not even that he talks too much (well, a little bit), but he has nothing to say and he's been spinning his wheels since the Allin match. Every week, it's the same pandering, corporate kiss-ass "man, it's so good to finally have "real" pro wrestling back in [city]" promo and challenging "Dark regular X" to a match for little to no reason. He's even starting to lampshade it with "aren't you tired of this shit yet?". They have a billion people on the roster and yet can't find another goof doing nothing of note to do a basic storyline for 4-6 weeks.
I think the idea is that Arn is bring out Cody's missing killer instinct.
Alright, fair enough. I guess it wouldn't shock me to learn that this was a rehash of a Kevin Sullivan storyline from back in day or something, because that's what Cody does all the time.
I like both of these ideas quite a lot.
Keep in mind that I still think they should give up on those rankings and records. At this point, it feels more like they really wanted to prove they're not doing 50-50 booking like the EVIL FED, but they've instead created something where you don't really have much of a hierarchy behind the top stars because almost everyone has a winning record.

Like you said, if someone on Dark is starting a winning streak, he should be bumped up to Elevation with better opponents and not face more jobbers until they need a body to feed to new guy X on Rampage or Dynamite. Just use common sense to book your promotion and you'll be fine.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 11th, '21, 10:11

Thelone wrote: Oct 10th, '21, 09:46
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 8th, '21, 14:54I think the issue is more that they want to have him on TV every week but not wrestle every week so they're having him talk too much.
It's not even that he talks too much (well, a little bit), but he has nothing to say and he's been spinning his wheels since the Allin match. Every week, it's the same pandering, corporate kiss-ass "man, it's so good to finally have "real" pro wrestling back in [city]" promo and challenging "Dark regular X" to a match for little to no reason. He's even starting to lampshade it with "aren't you tired of this shit yet?". They have a billion people on the roster and yet can't find another goof doing nothing of note to do a basic storyline for 4-6 weeks.
You're not wrong here. I think I just have more tolerance for it than most.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Thelone » Oct 11th, '21, 18:13

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 11th, '21, 10:11You're not wrong here. I think I just have more tolerance for it than most.
And like, I understand the concept of not blowing your load immediately, let some time pass and see how it'll unfold, but AEW just has an awful track record. I feel like they either "push" new people to a title match quickly and then "creative has nothing for you" (latest victim being Soho already down to Elevation after ONE MONTH), or they'll debut and use a new guy/girl in the most underwhelming fashion imaginable and when the hype is mostly dead, only then they actually push them to do something productive (Miro, FTR, Mr. Charlotte (maybe), Punk). Would you imagine Punk going back to WWE and the first matches he has are against Riddle on the first PPV, then Apollo Crews and Mansoor randomly on TV? You wouldn't hear the end of it but here in real pro wrestling world, it's LoNgTeRm StOrYtElLiNg and other bullshit excuses. Hell, even their fans don't seem to give too much of a shit when you see the Rampage ratings plummeting week after week.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 11th, '21, 18:55

Thelone wrote: Oct 11th, '21, 18:13
Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 11th, '21, 10:11You're not wrong here. I think I just have more tolerance for it than most.
And like, I understand the concept of not blowing your load immediately, let some time pass and see how it'll unfold, but AEW just has an awful track record. I feel like they either "push" new people to a title match quickly and then "creative has nothing for you" (latest victim being Soho already down to Elevation after ONE MONTH), or they'll debut and use a new guy/girl in the most underwhelming fashion imaginable and when the hype is mostly dead, only then they actually push them to do something productive (Miro, FTR, Mr. Charlotte (maybe), Punk). Would you imagine Punk going back to WWE and the first matches he has are against Riddle on the first PPV, then Apollo Crews and Mansoor randomly on TV? You wouldn't hear the end of it but here in real pro wrestling world, it's LoNgTeRm StOrYtElLiNg and other bullshit excuses. Hell, even their fans don't seem to give too much of a shit when you see the Rampage ratings plummeting week after week.
I don't think starting Punk off against lower-level people is wrong, though. I'd much rather see them build him up for a title shot than just toss him into the top ranks (especially when you're not going to beat him for a while).
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Re: BRM Reviews the 10/6/2021 Dynamite

Post by Thelone » Oct 12th, '21, 15:18

Big Red Machine wrote: Oct 11th, '21, 18:55I don't think starting Punk off against lower-level people is wrong, though. I'd much rather see them build him up for a title shot than just toss him into the top ranks (especially when you're not going to beat him for a while).
It isn't wrong, but having him in cold matches against those lower midcarders is though. Couldn't they like create yet another faction (who's gonna notice at this point?) with a bunch of young guys and maybe a veteran to go after Punk because "he's taking yet another top spot" or something? It didn't need to be a year long storyline, just something for Punk to sink his teeth into and not cut the same meandering promo EVERY. FUCKING. WEEK. until they decide to pull the trigger on a heel turn and/or something meaningful. Again, even the TV audience doesn't seem to care at all about Punk facing random dudes in cold matches (Rampage lost 600k since the Punk debut show), so this isn't just internet fans being nitpicky because "he doesn't have the belt yet, WTF".

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