BRM Reviews the 6/10/2021 NXT UK (KLR VS. SATOMURA II!)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 6/10/2021 NXT UK (KLR VS. SATOMURA II!)

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 13th, '21, 17:26

WALTER PROMO- He says that he is the best and is now the longest-reigning champion in WWE’s modern era. That’s it? We haven’t seen WALTER in what feels like forever, and he comes back just to say that?

SUBCULTURE PROMO- didn’t like it
They’re building up a Dani Luna & “Flash” Morgan Webster vs. Joseph Conners & Jinny match. The words were fine, but the presentation (starting this off with them cutting their promos to each other instead of to the camera, combined with the black-and-white effect and having “Subculture” around the edges of the screen) made this feel overproduced. I would have been fine with just the last two, but having them talk to each other at first was really the problem. It made it feel too much like “we’re trying to put out a scripted video” instead of them talking from the heart.

Devlin gets a clean win over the big, crazy grunting guy.

They were very annoying and talked very quickly. They come across like ten-year-olds. When Sam Gradwell barged in and described their conversation as “pointless” and “about nothing,” all I could do was nod in agreement. Realizing that he was outnumbered, Gradwell said that he would comeback later. It was decided that Wolfgang would wrestle Gradwell because he “called it first.” Yes, really. These two are going to be singles wrestlers now or something. Maybe if they didn’t speak so damn fast, I would have a better idea of what happened here (and that’s coming from someone who is often old that he speaks too fast himself, so you can imagine how fast these guys were going).

ANDY WILD & DAN MOLONEY vs. SYMBIOSIS (T-Bone & Primate) (w/Eddie Dennis)- DUD!
This was a squash that went on for WAAAAAAAY too long. Pretty Deadly were on commentary. They were meh.

TEOMAN PROMO- good, but with weird framing
He cut a promo on Oliver Carter, warning him to stay put of his business or else he would wind up I the hospital and thus make his family sad. Teoman also tried to sow some dissension between Oliver Carter and Ashton Smith by claiming that if Oliver wound up in the hospital, Ashton wouldn’t come visit him.
They had him deliver this while sitting alone at a table set for six, with a Gothic-looking candelabra on the table. This kind of worked with this “the eye knows” thing and the set table kind of works with the idea of family and Teoman portraying himself as his family’s breadwinner and his belief that this is all wrestlers’ ultimate motivation, but I think it would have been better to just have him cut a normal promo without the multiple camera angles and creepy setting.

NXT UK WOMEN’S TITLE MATCH: Kay Lee Ray(c) vs. Meiko Satomura- 9.5/10
This was INSANE! It started off with your basic wrestling but with the intensity amped up due to the nature of this feud. It was fine for a bit until KLR hit Meiko with an absolutely sick knee-drop to the head. It was one of those where you cross your fingers and hope that it was just a good camera angle and Meiko’s selling, because it looked like it connected completely. Meiko appeared to give her one hell of a receipt later, too.
Anyway, live round or not, at that point the match became essentially bomb after bomb after bomb with both women refusing to stay down no matte what happened… and no matter how much they kicked out of or struggled to their feet after, everything they did felt like a potential finisher. Absolutely amazing. KLR had a great reign, and it’s nice to see it end at its absolute peak.

Any one hour show with a match as awesome as this main event is going to be a great show in my book, no matter what else is on it. Go watch the main event right now!
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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