BRM Reviews the 2/26/2021 ROH (... f*cking Delirious)

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 2/26/2021 ROH (... f*cking Delirious)

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 1st, '21, 21:43

First of all, why is there a camera here?
The three Munozes are talking about how they’re going to defeat Shane Taylor with a chair and humiliate him. Kenny King walks up to Rush and suggests that he beat Taylor cleanly instead because Kenny and Shane are friends. The others (including Amy Rose) object to this and tell Kenny to get his head on straight.
I didn’t like this. Yes, they established that Kenny and Shane are friends, but it felt like an ass-pull at the time and still does, as does Kenny having any sort of real conscience after so much of what he’s done. I guess I should be happy that now we have someone who will stop the heels from cheating, but this feels like dissension coming mostly out of nowhere.


JAY LETHAL & JONATHAN GRESHAM PROMO- good, but it would have been better if they had shown some disdain for the fact that LFI didn’t beat the Briscoes cleanly.

PURE RULES MATCH FOR THE ROH WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: The Foundation (Jay Lethal & Jonathan Gresham)(c) vs. La Faccion Ingobernable (Dragon Lee & Kenny King) (w/Amy Rose)- 5.75/10
The story here was LFI not being comfortable with the rules… but they got the win anyway due to a punch behind the referee’s back. I get the punches are illegal in a Pure Rules match, but that doesn’t make it a finisher. Lethal couldn’t make the save because he was concerned about Amy Rose, who he had just dived onto.

SHANE TAYLOR PROMO- awesome… but I still find his babyface turn a little odd. He had turned babyface by essentially being (to use his own words) “a truth-teller” rather than by really changing his ways away from his old heelishness very much. To be fair, he doesn’t cheat anymore, but it was a very soft turn.
Also, if he is going to paint himself as a successor to Bryan, Joe, and Nigel in terms of match-quality, he REALLY needs to be able to live up to that (and the booker needs to give him the chance to do so).

ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Rush(c) vs. Shane Taylor (w/Soldiers of Savagery)- 6.25/10
OH COME ON! If I knew I was getting this, I would have just kept watching Raw!
Kenny King was on commentary for this match.
Rush hit and choked Taylor with those stupid cables from under the ring and wasn’t disqualified. You can’t be the “we’re strictly enforcing the rules” promotion and do sh*t like this!
Lots of brawling happened until we got a ref bump. SOS have disappeared, so Bestia del Ring was able to just mosey on out and give Rush the chair. After making a big deal about how LFI had promised him they wouldn’t do this. Kenny King got up from the commentary booth to put stop to it. He got the chair away from Rush and got angry enough to swing it at Rush but Rush ducked and he hit Taylor… and Kenny was perfectly happy with this, treating it as if he had passed some loyalty test.
They had better have a REALLY good explanation for this, because right now I feel like a sucker for starting to believe in this company again.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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