That was me, but I've since changed my stance. He's my favorite now. While he yells utter nonsense and weird catch phrases, he's the only one that makes me believe he's legitimately excited about what's happening in the ring, no matter WHAT is happening in the ring. I just figure he's so excited that he can't compose rational thoughts, so he just goes with whatever comes out as loud as he can... and I'm cool with that. "ADAM COLE HITS THE SUPER KICK! SOMEBODY CALL GEORGE BUSH, JET FUEL DON'T MELT STEEL BEAMS, BUT RICOCHET JUST WENT DOWN LIKE 9-11! SAY WHAT, SAY WHAT!? MAMAAAAA MIAAAAAAA!!!"
He's completely engaged. I wish there was a little more chemistry between the three, but I'll take the NXT announce team over any other combination WWE has to offer.
I might be the only person in the world that thinks this but...
Mauro Ranallo is the only announcer in WWE that makes matches better by calling them.