BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

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BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 19th, '18, 00:24

We start off with Kurt standing in the ring (which is all gussied up). There is a table in the ring (also gussied up) with the women’s MITB contract and the Raw Women’s Title sitting on it. Kurt first informs us all that he’s so happy that Raw Superstars™ won both contracts. He then brings out Alexa Bliss! Kurt told us all that Alexa “demanded this presentation, so… here you go” and he handed Alexa the belt and she raised up in triumph. That was excellent. It was both totally in character for Alexa, and was an extremely rare example of Kurt actually being able to deliver a line well during this run.
Kurt tells Alexa that Nia has already said that she wants her rematch next month at Extreme Rules, while also establishing for us that Nia isn’t here tonight because “she is in physical therapy in Birmingham, Alabama.” “Physical therapy?” Really, guys? Can we not just say that Nia isn’t here tonight because she’s recovering from the damage that first Ronda and then Alexa did her to arm last night? Is that no longer believable enough for WWE that they have to get so goofily specific?
Alexa responds by complaining that Kurt is trying to brush her victory aside by moving on to next month. The fans are split 50/50 on Alexa, which is better than heels usually do in WWE. Then once they remember that Alexa screwed Ronda out of the title they all started to chant “WE WANT RONDA!” Alexa cut a good promo, then Ronda came out to a big pop, and Kurt had to hold her back (while Alexa ordered her to “clam down!”). Alexa then cut a good promo on Ronda.
Ronda decided she had had enough and got passed Kurt and took Alexa down and started punching her. Kurt tried to pull her off by Ronda floored him with a judo throw. Alexa tried to hit Ronda with the briefcase but Ronda ducked and punched her in the gut, then started beating Alexa with the briefcase. Kurt once again tried to pull Ronda off but she started hitting him with the briefcase as well. Referees came out to try to calm Ronda down but she beat them all up as well, then gave Alexa an Awesome Bomb through the table before storming off. This was a really great segment that did the important job of creating a reason for Ronda to be off TV while Alexa and Nia have their feud (one assumes she will be suspended). Just about the only way this could have been better was if Ronda had punted the MITB briefcase up the ramp on her way out.

If I may put on my booker’s hat for a moment:
This theoretical suspension should give Steph quite a bit of leverage over Ronda, meaning we could get a story where Ronda is now forced to be Steph’s… if not outright lackey than at least be her unwilling corporate poster-girl, and if Ronda does anything to Steph then Steph can immediately suspend her again because Ronda will now have a “history of assaulting authority figures” and thus you could do a sort of “zero tolerance policy” sort of thing. Steph could also use her influence to make sure Ronda doesn’t get any title shots so that Ronda won’t be able to win the title and get any leverage of her own (she could spin it as Ronda needing to be punished somehow if Steph is going to allow her to wrestle when she really should be suspended), leading to a situation where Ronda has to win the Royal Rumble to get her title shot, and you can have her win the title at Mania (despite Steph working against her) and finally be free of Steph.

Ronda is sick and tired of being condescendingly told that this isn’t the UFC and the rules are different. Join the club. Kurt suspends Ronda for thirty days and warns that she might have ruined her chances of ever being champion. On the bright side, this was by far the best Ronda has ever been in a talking segment.

She vows to return in thirty days, whether Alexa is still champion or not, Ronda is going to “kick her pink-haired ass.”

SETH ROLLINS PROMO- He puts The Drifter over as a worthy opponent and says he wants to defend the title tonight to prove he is a fighting champion, so he is putting out an open challenge. Doesn’t he need permission from Kurt or at least from Corbin/Steph to do this?
The open challenge is answered by the tag team of Ziggler and McIntyre, but unfortunately it would be Dolph wrestling Rollins and not Drew.

WWE INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCH: Seth Rollins(c) vs. Dolph Ziggler(c) (w/Drew McIntyre)- 7/10
The idea that they pushed here was that Rollins was making a mistake by issuing an open challenge to defend his title tonight after going through a supposedly grueling match last night, and that did, in fact, play out… although I think it would have been better to have Dolph win clean rather than have Drew cause a distraction and then have Dolph pull the tights (in the same finish we got last night, which I assume must have been done on purpose). Actually, if someone was going to win the title clean, I’d have had it be McIntyre. Seth got in Dolph’s face after the match over the cheating, but got assaulted by Drew.

RENEE YOUNG INTERVIEWS ZIGGLER & MCINTYRE- very good promos. Also, Dolph needs a haircut.

Roode’s ribs are taped up but he still squashed Hawkins. If they’re trying to convince us that Hawkins might have a chance every week then at least give him something. Let him get in a bearhug and pass it off as a potential finish. Or even better, give him more offense than that, all targeting the ribs so we can actually believe he has a chance.

He lists off all of the things he’s done this far in his WWE career, including flipping an ambulance. Also included in this was the fact that he “won a giant trophy in Saudi Arabia.” Did anyone else totally forget that that happened? Because I sure did. He says that he will cash in the next time Brock shows up.

Kevin Owens showed up to congratulate Braun, then, of course, tries to suck up to him. He tries to convince Braun that they should be allies, and suggests that Braun give him the first title shot after Braun wins the Universal Title. They shook hands but Braun wouldn’t let Owens go. Braun hoisted Owens up for his finisher but Owens slipped free and ran away. This was dull and predictable and Corey Graves wasn’t wrong when he said that there was no reason for Braun to try to attack Owens.

We got a recap of The Riott Squad’s humiliation of Bayley last week which included Graves saying the following:
“The calling card of chaos, panic, and disorder, disrespecting Bayley, using the black lipstick to mark the huggable one with the initial of the Riott Squad.”
These are all English words, but that is not f*cking English. That is some other language that only people in WWE speak.

SASHA & BAYLEY IN THE LOCKER ROOM- Bayley wants Sasha to help her fight The Riott Squad. They’re friends again. I’d so glad we wasted all of that time this year with them constantly not-quite turning on each other.

B-TEAM PROMO- This took place on the Titan Tron after Matt hardy & Bray Wyatt had come out to the ring for their match. They did a parody of Matt & Bray. It was just as coherent as your usual Matt Hardy and/or Bray Wyatt promo, but at least it was shorter. Then they did a stupid bit where Bo decided to “break character” and actually cut something that almost came close to being a good promo saying they would win the tag titles (though it was marred by the fact that their claim to being undefeated is idiotic comedy), but Axel then refused “break character” and so Bo just went right back to being a clown imitating a clown as well.

The referee ordered the bell to be rang even though Matt and Bray were still staring at the TitanTron, so Rhyno & Slater attacked them from behind. Growing that beard has got to be the single dumbest thing Rhyno has ever done. It looks completely hideous. The match was short.

KURT ANGLE & BARON CORBIN BACKSTAGE- There is apparently “big news” but we didn’t find out what it was here because of a commercial break. There will be an announcement later tonight. Steph has ordered Kurt to “run everything by Constable Corbin.”

JINDER MAHAL PROMO- He claimed to have found “tranquility” but just used this as cover to surprise everyone by attacking viciously attacking Gable.

CHAD GABLE vs. JINDER MAHAL (w/Sunil Singh)- 3/10
The match was very good for the short time it got. Gable’s entrance wasn’t even shown on TV. The poor guy has so much talent. He should go the indy route when his contract is up.

THE RIOTT SQUAD MAKE A MESS BACKSTAGE- this time they menaced some backstage workers and smashed a dude’s laptop. Apparently they don’t smash mirrors, though. Instead, Ruby used her lipstick to write an R on it. The big swerve is that this is all actually heralding the return of their spiritual leader: Ryback.

SASHA BANKS & BAYLEY vs. THE RIOTT SQUAD (w/Ruby Riott)- 4.75/10
Michael Cole again told us that “Sarah Logan is a very unique individual,” before telling us that she was “brought up on her uncle’s tater farm,” a fact he prefaced with the phrase “and this is a true story!” as if it was somehow crazy and unbelievable that someone would have been brought up on a farm.
Sasha sold her back well. The heels won. Bayley tried to console Sasha after the match but Sasha pushed her a few times. They had a comically long stare-down in the middle of the ring, to the point where I was certain they were about to just give up all pretenses and make out, but then Sasha just shoved Bayley down and walks off. The time-loop starts all over again as this angle continues to go in pointless circles.

Bayley angrily told Sasha “don’t walk away from me. I’m not finished with you,” to which Sasha replied “well I am” so Bayley grabbed Sasha from behind and attacked. They had a good brawl… but despite Sasha being more hurt and Bayley being the one who attacked Sasha, Sasha won the brawl.

The big announcement is that we now know when Brock will finally show up to defend the Universal Title again. Before Kurt could say anything else, Roman Reigns came out. The crowd was turned down well in advance of Roman’s entrance. Either that or they didn’t give a sh*t about Roman or even the mention of Brock’s name. Roman says that same general stuff he’s been saying for months.
Kurt once again tried to talk but was this time interrupted by Lashley, who cuts a promo on Roman saying that unlike Roman he can beat Brock… and he can beat Roman, too. Kurt says there will be a multi-man #1 contendership match at Extreme Rules to determine who faces Brock Lesnar for the WWE Universal Championship. Hm… that seems a little familiar, doesn’t it? Kurt says he will announce who else is in the match at a later date.
The Revival then came out and complained that guys like Lashley and Roman are always getting their way and stopping them from getting opportunities. They challenged Lashley and Roman to a match tonight and started to list the reason why they would win, only to be interrupted by Roman, who mocked them and turned it back into a segment about him and Lashley. Kurt made the match official, so we got…

The Revival- a dedicated tag team- lost to two guys who are not only teaming together for the first time, but who weren’t even getting along. I knew what would happen the moment The Revival came out and it just made me angrier and angrier throughout both the segment and this match. One of the best tag teams in the world- and arguably WWE’s best in-ring home-grown act in a long time (depending on how you feel about Charlotte Flair and American Alpha, and how home-grown you consider Sasha Banks) is being used to make Vince’s favorite muscle-heads look good while the tag team division on this show is being headlined by goofball comedy losers. This whole thing pissed me off.

Balor says he wants to be in the #1 contendership match. Corbin makes fun of him. Owens shows up, and so does Braun. Apparently Braun and Finn are pals. Braun challenged Owens and Corbin to a tag team match.

MOJO RAWLEY vs. NO WAY JOSE (w/his conga line)- 2.75/10
For some reason angry heel Mojo Rawley is getting over with me as a babyface.


BAYLEY ACCOSTS SASHA IN THE PARKING LOT- Sasha reiterates that she is done being friends with Bayley and drives away. I don’t care about this anymore.

THE DRIFTER SINGS- he wants in the #1 contendership match. This went on way too long and was nowhere near as funny as usual.

RENEE YOUNG INTERVIEWS SETH ROLLINS- Rollins tells us he is invoking his rematch clause next week. He did a good job of still coming off as shocked and thrown off by the fact that he lost the title.

Corbin is wrestling in his dress clothes. Didn’t anyone ever teach him that you always bring your gear?
They had a few good spots here, but this match mostly failed to get out of second gear. Corbin pinned Balor, and the announcers spent most of the match talking up the idea that Steph is surely pleased by the job that Corbin has been doing.

This show started out great, but by the end they had me completely irritated by the product again.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 21st, '18, 12:53

Constable Corbin with the shaved hair? Stupidest shit ever lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 21st, '18, 13:06

Where exactly does that go? Angle v Corbin? Corbin as a chosen main eventer?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 21st, '18, 13:56

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 21st, '18, 13:06 Where exactly does that go? Angle v Corbin? Corbin as a chosen main eventer?
Both of these are bad ideas, which makes me think even more that that’s what the plan is.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 21st, '18, 14:01

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 21st, '18, 13:56
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 21st, '18, 13:06 Where exactly does that go? Angle v Corbin? Corbin as a chosen main eventer?
Both of these are bad ideas, which makes me think even more that that’s what the plan is.
Unless it's some sort of transition, only possible good way.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 22nd, '18, 09:16

Dean Ambrose returns as the answer to McIntyre in the rematch.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 22nd, '18, 10:30

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 09:16 Dean Ambrose returns as the answer to McIntyre in the rematch.
I'm pretty sure he's still months away from coming back.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 22nd, '18, 12:58

Big Red Machine wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 10:30
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 09:16 Dean Ambrose returns as the answer to McIntyre in the rematch.
I'm pretty sure he's still months away from coming back.
It seemed like Rollins had an answer...unless it's "Reigns LOL" .
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Bob-O » Jun 22nd, '18, 18:43

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 12:58
Big Red Machine wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 10:30
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 22nd, '18, 09:16 Dean Ambrose returns as the answer to McIntyre in the rematch.
I'm pretty sure he's still months away from coming back.
It seemed like Rollins had an answer...unless it's "Reigns LOL" .
Sounds like a job for The AOP to me.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 22nd, '18, 23:02

Yes. Then all of those "aggravated unimpressed complaining guys" on the internet can really continue to calm them "cheap imitation shield ripoff 2.0." Lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 24th, '18, 16:11

Wtf is Corbin in that spot anyways? Lol.

Since there's never enough of Stephanie McMahon, and Corbin probably guaranteed couldn't get over to their desired levels on his own...

I'm trying to think who else I'd have put in the spot if it HAD to be done...Heel turn Finn Balor.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 24th, '18, 19:50

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 24th, '18, 16:11 Wtf is Corbin in that spot anyways? Lol.

Since there's never enough of Stephanie McMahon, and Corbin probably guaranteed couldn't get over to their desired levels on his own...

I'm trying to think who else I'd have put in the spot if it HAD to be done...Heel turn Finn Balor.
I don't think they have anyone who fits that role (certainly not on the male heavyweight side of things. The women and cruiserweight shave people who could maybe fit if you wanted to make them Steph's suck-up). I think a big chunk of the reason they used Corbin is that he is so generic.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Bob-O » Jun 24th, '18, 20:31

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 24th, '18, 16:11 Wtf is Corbin in that spot anyways? Lol.

Since there's never enough of Stephanie McMahon, and Corbin probably guaranteed couldn't get over to their desired levels on his own...

I'm trying to think who else I'd have put in the spot if it HAD to be done...Heel turn Finn Balor.
He's Corporate Kane.

I don't mind the "spot", except with Kurt Angle as GM and they're trying to make Corbin intimidating. I don't care if Kurt's twice as old, we all know Angle could make him cry like fresh meat in Stu Hart's Dungeon.

The ideal person would be somebody much smaller, like Balor, but I'm thinking a little more naturally annoying. Drake Maverick would be PERFECT imo, in a "if you touch me you're fired" kind of way.

Beyond that, I think Bobby Roode is a no-brainer for the role. He really sucks as a babyface, and would knock this out of the park. Maybe paired up with the B-Team? I dunno, I think it'd be GLORIOUSLY annoying.

Did you see what I did there? DID YOU!?

I've never liked Corbin, though. Not in NXT, not ever. He's clunky, he's sloppy, and he just sucks the life out of whatever he's involved in. I'm pretty sure he only won the Andre Battle Royal thing because the other contestants were having trouble staying awake.

Things I would rather watch over Baron Corbin:

-Enzo's Rap Video
-Undertaker's entrance in slow motion
-Jim Ross eating chicken wings
-Backlash 2018
-No Way Jose vs Mojo Rawley 90 Minute Draw
-Isis The Amazon's sextape
-Titus O'Neil falling under the ring... again...
-Hulk Hogan vs Kevin Nash 90 Minute Draw
-The Evolution of Paul Heyman's Hairline
-A YouTube Review of ECW Hardcore Revolution on N64 by a 12 year old
-Nia Jax vs Constipation 90 Minute Draw
-Music montage of Kevin Dunn at work
-Jerry Lawler

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 24th, '18, 21:13

Corbin just really doesn't have the look, for once. He's nowhere near big enough to be a monster, ugly as hell in all the wrong ways, and now shaved hair and a bunch of tattoos that Don't really add to anything.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 25th, '18, 07:41

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 24th, '18, 21:13 Corbin just really doesn't have the look, for once. He's nowhere near big enough to be a monster, ugly as hell in all the wrong ways, and now shaved hair and a bunch of tattoos that Don't really add to anything.
he's now a younger version of Corporate Kane

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by XIV » Jun 25th, '18, 10:47

cero2k wrote: Jun 25th, '18, 07:41
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 24th, '18, 21:13 Corbin just really doesn't have the look, for once. He's nowhere near big enough to be a monster, ugly as hell in all the wrong ways, and now shaved hair and a bunch of tattoos that Don't really add to anything.
he's now a younger version of Corporate Kane
Which considering his whole thing was “lone wolf” it makes no sense that he would now be a corporate stooge.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 25th, '18, 22:08 and out of kayfabe I guess it works because "the lone wolf" just wasn't getting it done on his own lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by Serujuunin » Jun 25th, '18, 23:04

KILLdozer wrote: Jun 25th, '18, 22:08 and out of kayfabe I guess it works because "the lone wolf" just wasn't getting it done on his own lol.
That, and I think it adds a new dimension to his character. He can maybe get things done with Steph backing him up and claim he did it all on his own- a lot of heels make it work, maybe he can too

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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 26th, '18, 03:23

He can't even make a half sleeve tattoo work.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 6/18/2018 Raw

Post by cero2k » Jun 26th, '18, 09:25

Serujuunin wrote: Jun 25th, '18, 23:04
KILLdozer wrote: Jun 25th, '18, 22:08 and out of kayfabe I guess it works because "the lone wolf" just wasn't getting it done on his own lol.
That, and I think it adds a new dimension to his character. He can maybe get things done with Steph backing him up and claim he did it all on his own- a lot of heels make it work, maybe he can too
not to mention heels are supposed to be losers and he was probably calling himself the lone wolf because he couldn't make friends, but in reality all he wanted was to be included, and so he is happy working for the authority.

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