BRM Reviews the 6/5/2018 205 Live

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 6/5/2018 205 Live

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 7th, '18, 20:42

LINCE DORADO (w/Lucha House Party) vs. BRIAN KENDRICK (w/Drew Gulak)- 5.25/10
Jack Gallagher apparently wasn’t here this week so Gulak came out with Kendrick, then immediately sat down to do commentary. He was too over the top for my tastes. Dorado won but Gulak attacked the babyfaces after the match.


TJP vs. BRIAN KEITH- no rating, meh segment.
TJP beat up the jobber while cutting a promo on the mic. For some reason the referee did not take this weapon away from him. TJP is threatening to go to a different brand, including possibly NXT. I bet there are a lot of people who wish they could do that.


DASHA FUENTES INTERVIEWS BUDDY MURPHY- Tony Nese was there and cut a promo for Buddy first. Murphy then cut a good promo of his own. I’m hoping Nese’s presence here isn’t portending a f*ck finish.

They had an AWESOME match. Murphy landed right on his head taking a poisonrana, but seemed to be okay. Unfortunately I was right about us getting a f*ck finish, but not about who the interloper would be. Hideo Itami came out of the crowd and attacked both men, with the announcers saying he thinks he deserves a title shot a lot more than either of these guys (Maverick had said that this would be an important match in determining who would get the next title shot). Personally. I think Itami is much more deserving than either of these two right now (especially Murphy, who just lost a title match last week).
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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