Impact Wrestling 1.11 Review: The Calm before the Storm, not that Storm, that Storm is GONE

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Impact Wrestling 1.11 Review: The Calm before the Storm, not that Storm, that Storm is GONE

Post by cero2k » Jan 11th, '18, 21:20

Lashley and Lambert Promo - They come down to the ring, Lambert cuts a promo shitting on Ottawa and talks shit about how he retired James Storm. In addition, he introduces the new member of ATT, the man that "did what not even Lashley could do" (pay attention kids, that's gonna be on the exam), and that man is KM.

KM comes out, cuts a promo on Storm, but it's really hostile towards Lashley. As he is about to talk shit about Moose, Moose comes out and gets in a fight but is overpowered, so out comes Eddie Edwards to balance the fight off. Heels run away.

Lambert may as well be one of the best promos out there.

ECIII Promo - ECIII is talking shit on Matt Sydal about how he not only defeated once, but twice and in a 3-way, he says that Sydal doesn't have the killer instict, and makes an open challenge to anyone in the world, even America's hat, Canada, and so out comes...

Impact Grand Championship Match
Ethan Carter III (C) vs Petey Williams - 5/10
This wasn't normal Grand Championship rules. It was good for while it lasted, as Matt Sydal came out about 5 minutes into the match from within the crowd and attacked ECIII. The match started with ECIII having the advantage, working over Petey for about 2 minutes, then Petey made a small comeback and the match got more balanced, and as it seemed that Petey was starting to be on top, Sydal comes out.

So the Sydal vs ECIII feud will continue, with what it seems, a more loose cannon Sydal, I mean, he wasn't Pillman, but he surely wasn't all Namaste on this segment, so i'm really interested to see how this progresses. One thing I'm not sure I love is that Petey's match got DQd, because now I assume that Petey should have a beef with Sydal.

Allie Interview - Allie is pissed off at Van Ness and she's coming for her. Good small promo. I really appreciate that no one 'enjoys having fun' on Impact. People are actually pissed.

We see backstage footage of Drake arriving and a pissed of Patron

Matt Sydal Promo - He challenges ECIII to a good ol' 60 minute time limit, no judges, pinfall and submissions only. If ECIII can win that, he'll take the loss and walk away.

KC Spinelli vs "Hot Mess" Laurel Van Ness - 3/10
This is non-title. I never paid attention to see when it happened, but Spinelli now has music/tron for her entrance, so I guess she's official roster.

Spinelli jumped Van Ness, but the bell had already gone and Van Ness was just messing around with her jacket and the fans, so I don't know if I'd take that as a heel thing. Anyway, Van Ness got the advantage really quickly, there was a sick looking Curb Stomp and an ugly looking Uranage by Spinelli. They traded momentum on several occasions that the match I figured would end in a squash turned out to be a really competitive match. Van Ness won with the Unprettier

There tried a lot of impressive looking moves, but the overall match was really sloppy by both parties and it went longer than it should IMO.

Post-match - Allie came out and went for Van Ness, but she fled the ring.

Eli Drake Championship Address - Drake cut a great promo on Patron, how he defeated him, that while Patron was running around getting in trouble, he was winning championships, and as you imagine, Patron eventually came out.

Patron came out super babyface, scarf and all. He cut a good babyface promo, he had that recently released 2014 charisma. I seriously don't know if he is a heel or a babyface anymore. Eli had said that they were going to Detroit next week, and so Patron says that since Drake is gonna be there, he may as well head over there too.

Out comes Johnny Impact. He doesn't want to be left out of the party, so he's going to Detroit. Johnny talks a little trash on Patron and Patron and Impact start brawling. Adonis and Drake join in. Impact is the only man left standing at the end after he takes them out with a dive... Next week, Patron vs Drake vs Impact for the title in the Motor City.

I just want to take this moment to say that the crowd has been really loud and active this show, I assume it's the paid 'fans', but tons of chanting tonight.

We got a little ATT backstage thing with more Lambert bragging about how it was KM got rid of Storm, Lashley just rolls his eyes.

Joseph Park and Chandler Parks Backstage - Chandler is happy about his debut, Joseph is worried about him. Jimmy Jacobs comes up and brings up how awesome Abyss was, but good thing that he is gone, because now there is a new monster in Impact, Kongo Kong. Chandler is freaking hilarious.

OVE invade the LAX Club House - They steal the money, they burn the club house. There was a stupid camera filter, but this is an awesome angle to escalate this LAX vs OVE feud to the final level.

LAX discovers their club house and they plea Konnan to let them end this. Konnan agrees. BARB.WIRE.MASSACRE 3!!!

Cult of Lee & Hakim Zane vs Garza Jr, Dezmond Xavier, & Sonjay Dutt - 6.5/10
Garza is fighting with only one arm and still havnig a better match than a lot of other televised wrestlers. The match was fast paced and full of action, the babyfaces shined through and through, with Xavier taking the win over Zane.

Post-match - Taiji Ishimori comes out and officially shakes hands and sets up that title shot that Dezmond is owed for next week. Good stuff when a champ is honorable.

Lashley & KM w/ATT vs Moose & Eddie Edwards - 6.5/10
KM is dressed like Razor Ramon, it's distracting. He started the match and got his ass kicked, when Lashley came got in, ATT started getting the advantage and heat on Eddie Edwards, and yes, when KM came back, Eddie made a comeback and Moose got the hot tag. Finish saw Moose and Lashley brawl away while Lambert distracted Eddie so KM could kill him for the pin. So the whole story of the match is that Lashley actually does most of the effective work, but KM steals the spotlight and Lambert only pays attention to that.

Barbwire Massacre 3 Teaser - This looks awesome!

Not a great episode inside the ring, but tons of angles and storyline work done for the end of this set of tapings. Next week is gonna be huge. We got Kong vs Chandler, ECIII vs Sydal (if he accepts), Ishimori vs Xavier, the Detroit 3-way, and for the first time ever on TV, Barb Wire Massacre.

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