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Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 19:06
by cero2k
Welcome to the live WWE commentary, brought to you by Cero2k

We're ON!!

We're in Long Island tonight, so i'm hoping that both Ryder and Hawkins get some tv time tonight.

Mick Foley is out to tell us he's the guest host for this week's RAW and Smackdown...So I'm guessing we're back to the guest host shit. He announces Kane/Dragon vs Punk/Sheamus

Ace comes out to make his last stand

Ace says that last night he booked Show/Otunga/Ace vs Cena for tonight.

Sheamus "the bully" comes out. Then Punk comes out.
Kane comes out, then Dragon comes out last. huge ovation

i could totally get into a Kane vs Sheamus feud

Lawler is still using the goat face thing. I guess WWE still wants to get that going

AJ comes out dressed as Kane/Harley Quin, just walked around, and left. Kane followed her leaving Dragon alone. Sheamus and Punk take the win.

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 19:40
by cero2k
We're back to Ziggler and Swagger arguing with each other. Vickie interferes saying that she needs to make a decision. Tonight, Swagger vs Ziggler for Vickie's love!!

Show/Ace/Otunga talk about stuff. I wonder if Show is turning face again tonight.

Ziggler vs Swagger is now. You are witnessing the subtle art of turning Ziggler face

Vickie kisses Ziggler in the mouth. So is this thing again??

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 19:58
by cero2k
we're back

1000 memory thing. from Lawler, i was expecting something to do with Sable and not a lot of clothing.


Heyman says that neither he nor Lesnar will not drop the lawsuit. and that Lesnar won't fight Trips at Summerslam.
Triple H comes out to badmouth Heyman.

Trips keeps trying to get the trial dropped by fighting. he's a neanderthal that can only revolve on fighting instead of talking about it.

Fuck it, let them fight, I wanna see Lesnar kill Triple H already!! GAWD i can't stand him anymore!!

Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar's WWE??? This sounds like an angle i wanna see!!! honestly, i think that Heyman's WWE could be the storyline they wanna go for to shock the world this year.

Triple H drops Heyman. He's such a bully.

Santino vs Del Rio is next. So Del Rio missed the title shot by 1 night.

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 20:15
by cero2k
we're back

for some reason WWE promotes Orion music Fest.

Santino vs Del RIo is now

good to see Del Rio defends RR's honor. and the Us champ gets squashed

Cyndi Lauper shit. bathroom break

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 20:27
by cero2k
we're back from commercial

Layla introduces Cindi Lauper and Wendy Richter. Bathroom break


Piper comes out. I'm not surprised

back from bathroom and Slater is singing. AWESOME!!!

Dang, Lauper just broke glass over Slater. Slater is bleeding!!!

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 20:41
by cero2k
we're back

Epico and Primo are out to challenge the Prime Time Players...introduced by AW.


anyway...someone one, i didn't care.

Handicap match is next

BTW, Chris Jericho returns next Monday!!

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 20:53
by cero2k
back from final commercial

Ace is already out. If this is the last time we see people power, i'm gonna have to change my top banner. gawd

I hope that we get an Ace Crusher before Johnny leaves.

Cole sucking up to Long is awesome. But I hope Long doesn't come back either.

Show decides to leave. thus face turning, but he didn't slap that little kid's hand, thus heel turning again.

So the main event match is Cena vs Otunga. there you go. #PushOtunga

Otunga now leaves Johnny. Predictable RAW

Re: Live RAW Commentary (6/18)

Posted: Jun 18th, '12, 21:08
by cero2k
Show is over.

Thank God,

Show sucked bad, it was horrible really.