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Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 14:38
by Big Red Machine
Matches already announced for tonight:

Morgan vs. Crimson.

Also, I assume we will get some resolution for the whole "Hogan becoming GM" angle.

Re: Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 16:21
by cero2k
Big Red Machine wrote: Morgan vs. Crimson.
i can already see this not having an ending. unless they're giving it for free....

also announced is
Kennedy vs Hardy
Velvet vs Rayne
and the Hogan/Dixie thing

Re: Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 18:15
by Big Red Machine
Dixie says that Hogan has until the end of the night to decide whether he wants to be GM or not.

Roode comes out with a bunch of cops and cuts a promo.

Then Storm comes out and cuts a promo. Storm gets jumped form behind by Bully Ray, but still manages to fight both heels off. Then they make a handicap match for night: Bully Ray & Bobby Roode vs. James Storm.

Backstage, Gail gives Madison a crown. Apparently they are friends again.

Madison vs. Velvet will be up when we get back from commercial.

Re: Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 18:22
by Big Red Machine
Velvet wins clean.

Re: Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 18:23
by Big Red Machine
After 5 months, Velvet finally remembers that she never got a rematch for the Knockouts' Titles.

Re: Impact Discussion 3/29

Posted: Mar 29th, '12, 18:33
by Big Red Machine
Moronic Hogan & Dixie segment. I'm done for now.

Tonight's review will likely have yet another rant on how dumb this angle is.