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Post by NWK » Jul 5th, '11, 22:59

ECW One Night Stand 2006
The show opens up with Paul Heyman cutting a promo thanking the audience on behalf of the whole roster, and plugging their new TV show, ECW on fhe Sci-f channei
-Kurt Angle def Randy Orton via Ankle Lock. Angle Angle slams Orton over the top rope. Orton is taken out on a stretcher.

-Taz def Jerry Lawler via submission after a T-Bone Suplex and Tazmission, Taz joins Joey Styles on commentary.
-Balls Mahoney def Masato Tanaka after Balls gets to upperhand in a chair fight.

-The FBI (Mamaluke,and Little Guido w/Trinity and Big Guido) defeat Tajiri and Super Crazy
The FBI continue to beat on Super Crazy after the match, Mikey Whipwreck and Francine run down to even the odds, Francine and Trinity catfight on the outside. Chuck Palumbo runs down to side with the FBI, The Big Show’s music hits, as he slowly walks down to the ring. He gets to the ring, demolishing everyone in the ring with chokeslams and Cobra Clutch Backbreakers, including the entire FBI.

-Joey Styles announces to everyone that the World Heavyweight Championship contest between Sabu and Rey Mysterio has been changed to a falls count anywhere match.

-Rey Mysterio (champion) def Sabu via pinfall to retain the World Heavyweight Title.
The finish came after Sabu hit an air Sabu DDT from the ring onto Rey Mysterio through a table, and Rey managed to roll Sabu over for the 1,2,3 with Sabu kicking out a second too late. Both men walk out unassisted, but hurting.

-Mick Foley, Edge, and Lita def Tommy Dreamer, and Beullah in an Extreme Rules match. All six competitors get a standing ovation afterwords

-Rob Van Dam def John Cena (champion) after 20 minutes of action to become the NEW WWE Champion.
The momentum swings like a pendulum all match from Van Dam, to Cena, back to Van Dam. The momentum swings back to Cena, where he hits his combination, much to distaste of the ECW faithful. Cena hits the FU, but Rob Van Dam kicks out at 2. Exhausted, and wearing a crimson mask, Cena staggers back into the corner, leaning against a table he had set up in the corner earlier. A man tears through the crowd wearing motorcycle gear, a helmet to cover his face, and tackles an unsuspecting Cena through the table. Taz is quick to call it a spear, but Joey points out that it looked more like a Gore. Sure enough, the man takes off his motorcycle helmet to reveal IT’S RHINO! Rhino takes a moment to pose for the rabid ECW fans, who have started a “Thank you Rhino” chant. Meanwhile Rob (also wearing a crimson mask) staggers to his feet. Rhino promptly turns around and smacks Rob in the face with the motocycle helmet, causing Rob to drop like a sack of potatoes, and the fans to chant “Fuck you Rhino” Rhino leaves the ring with a noticeable frown on his face as John Cena crawls out of the table wreckage to drape an arm across Van Dam. One, two-NO! RVD kicks out. Cena pushes himself to his feet, nearly losing his balance. Cena measures his man, no theatrics, as RVD staggers to his feet. He hoists RVD up on to his shoulders for an FU, but RVD squirms out of it and hits Cena with a well placed kick to the temple as he turns around, knocking Cena out cold. Rob staggers backwards, into the same corner where the table has been smashed, hoists himself up onto the turnbuckle, and with his last ounce of strength, jumps off the turnbuckle to execute a Five Star Frog Splash! 1-2-3!

-After the match, all of the babyface ECW originals (including Sandman, the only person to have his separate fanfare) storm the ring and have a beer bash with the new WWE Champion, RVD.

Monday Night Raw, the day after One Night Stand
RVD and Paul Heyman start the show, with Paul saying RVD will not compete tonight due to minor injuries sustained during ONS He also explains that an agreement was made between Vince McMahon and himself. The WWE Title will not be defended on ECW soil and vice versa. Vince has also allowed them their own travel schedule, and the first show will happen at the old ECW Arena He plugs the main event for ECW to take place the next day, a match between RVD and Rhino, where the winner determines the stipulation for the match they will have for the ECW Title at ECW’s first Pay Per View in nearly 5 years. Heatwave 2006. As for tonight, RVD wil be l at the commentator’s table for the main event tonight, Edge vs. John Cena for the #1 contender spot for RVD’s WWE Title. Edge’s entrance music plays, as Edge smugly stands on the ramp, claiming that RVD can’t win a match clean, he has to use weapons to win his matches, like all those other ECW hobos. RVD snatches the mic from Paul and says, “I see what you’re sayin’ dude, my match at Vengeance will be a normal WWE-rules match.”
-Edge (w/Lita) def John Cena, via countout to become the #1 Contender.
The match ends when Cena sets up Edge for an FU, Edge grabs the ropes. Meanwhile, Lita tries to wack John in the back with chair, RVD runs in and spins Lita around and Van Terminators her and rolls out of the ring. Edge meanwhile, kicks Cena in the head, squirms out of the FU, dropkicks Cena to the apron, and spears Cena off the apron onto the announce table. Cena, still injured from ONS, can’t make it in the ring in time.
Edge checks on Lita, seething in anger as he glares at RVD, who has worked his way up the ramp.

[center]ECW, Week 1[/center]
Paul Heyman starts the show, asking the former ECW champions (Rhino, Danny Doring, and Roadkill) to come to the ring. Firstly, Paul addresses the ECW Tag Team Champions, Doring and Roadkill, saying that Paul plans to pick ECW up right where it left off for the most part. He proclaims Roadkill and Danny Doring the active ECW Tag Team Champions, and tonight, there will be a 4-Team Sudden Death match to proclaim the #1 Contenders to the ECW Tag Team Championship. The Teams are, Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri (Big Pop), The FBI (who are competing under the Freebird Rule, and get boos), The New Hart Dynasty, (Teddy Hart and Harry Smith w/Natalya Neidhart, mixed reaction) and the returning Matt Morgan and Nathan Jones (mixed reaction, mostly boos.) Next, he addresses Rhino, and quickly proclaims him the active ECW Champion, and tells him he has a huge task ahead of him in the form of RVD. He sees he has special plans for the TV Title, to abolish it, and replace it with the FTW Title, a title similar to the old WWE Hardcore Title, falls count anywhere, and anyone, regardless of brand, can challenge for it, but no 24/7 rule (this gets a pop). And since the last FTW champion, Taz, can’t defend the title, an 8-man tournament will take place over the next few weeks, with the final being at Heatwave. Rhino snaps, snatches the mic from Paul, talking about how HE should’ve been the one to take on Cena on Sunday, not RVD. “I wasn’t brought on late, I was just neglected, and I’m gonna fix that mistake.” he snarls before leaving the ring.
-After the commercial break, we get a shot of one of ECW’s new stars, C.M Punk in the front row of the crowd, wearing a suit.
- Matt Sydal (debut) def, The Big Show. The Big Show squashes Sydal for most of the match, then The Sandman interferes, caning Show, giving Sydal the opportunity to nail Show with the Shooting Star Press and get the pin. Before Sydal can even celebrate his giant win, the obviously drunk Sandman canes him in the head too, slurring, “You had it coming punk.” before retreating . The Big Show eventually gets to his feet, chokeslamming Sydal and stomping to the back. Joey Styles points out the Big Show has no right to be angry, every match in ECW is Extreme Rules, he knew what he signed up for. A few moments of silence, and generic rock fills the arena, as Shannon Moore walks out to the ring (complete with a Mohawk and spiked shoulder pads) a mic in hand, talking about what makes a reject, and that he is one, hence why he’s “The Reject” Shannon Moore. He says he despises, “Cookie-cutter golden boys” turning his attention to Sydal as soon as he enters the ring, kicking him out of the arena, literally, Paul Heyman appears at the entranceway, “Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce our first FTW tournament match-up, “The Reject” Shannon Moore against….this man”
A remix of “Medal” hits the speakers and Kurt Angle charges out in full wrestling gear
-Kurt Angle def. “The Reject” Shannon Moore v ia submission after Matt Sydal pulls the bottom rope back when Shannon is locked in an Ankle Lock.
-CW Anderson def. “Pirate” Paul Burchill after a spinebuster, Taz announces that it will be Angle vs. Anderson next week.
Morgan and Jones def. Whipwreck/Tajiri, The New Hart Dynasty, and The FBI (Guido and Mamaluke) after Morgan pinned Guido. The New Hart Dynasty applaud Morgan and Jones, despite being full on heels.
-Rob Van Dam def Rhino with a rollup. Before he can name a stipulation, Rhino Gores him. CM Punk (who had been hit accidentally by an RVD suicide Dive earlier) jumps the guardrail, hitting Rob with a GTS. Sabu makes his entrance, throwing a chair right at a weakened Rhyno who drops like a sack of potatoes. Tommy Dreamer enters the ring, Beullah trails behind him. Tommy kicks Punk in the balls, saying, “Welcome to ECW, mother f*cker” dropping the DDT on Punk. Just then, The Big Show’s music hits, as he slowly stalks up to the ringside area, grabbing Beullah by the throat. This pisses off Dreamer, who slides out to the arena and attacks Big Show. Sabu does a springboard crossbody onto both Big Show and Dreamer, seemingly not caring who he hurts. Sabu mounts Big Show, punching and biting the fallen giant, Dreamer pulls Sabu off of Big Show to do the same thing. Meanwhile, a recovered C.M Punk and Rhino jump Tommy and Sabu from behind. Rob Van Dam finally has recovered, swinging a chair wildly at the heels. Joey explains that the show is out of time, despite Taz's protests and he will see everyone next week.
Last edited by NWK on Jul 7th, '11, 02:54, edited 1 time in total.
The Andy Rooney of WR, NWK

Posts: 510
Joined: Jan 4th, '11, 19:55

Re: NWK Rebooks WWEECW.

Post by ECWFlairfan » Jul 6th, '11, 06:52

Great start... but unfortunately, we all know that Vince would not have agreed to this...lol

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