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Thelone reviews OVW TV Episode 1139

Posted: Jun 14th, '21, 11:28
by Thelone

The Complete Date Night?, that's gonna be... interesting.

Sierra vs. Dani Mo - **
They sure gave Sierra a lot here and to be fair, both looked fairly decent in this match. Mo won and is on her way to a title match against Haley J by the looks of it.

Backstage in a dark room with... some guy with "creepy" contacts. He said stuff with absolutely no context and... yeah, that happened alright.

B&W vignette with Ashcraft and Flo who said that Amir was a moron for choosing this stipulation, Flo will take sick pleasure hurting him with those chains and the title isn't going anywhere.

Brandon Espinosa vs. Koda Jacobs - *1/2
Espinosa is the guy from earlier. Jacobs dominated most of the match, then Espinosa hit a brainbuster out of nowhere for the win.

Outside with Haley J waiting for Bizo who's late apparently. Here he is trying to apologize with a rose and Haley is still mad because "it's just one rose and not a Gucci bag or shoes". Bizo says that unlike Luscious, he will treat her like a queen (and almost said "because I'm a queen", THAT was funny), so here comes a limo and it legitimately looks like they're in the middle of nowhere. Anyway, they hop in, there's champagne because of course, and we're off.

Back to the Davis Arena with Dimes and his (almost empty) protein powder jug for his "super-heavyweight" open challenge. Or not, as he challenges Logan Paul because "he's fighting that midget Mayweather and stealing everybody's money". Instead, he challenges anyone from the crowd to fight him and that goes on and on. Ok, we get it, can we just get Shera or whoever to molest him in five seconds and move on already? Now he's being an ass to a girl interviewer at ringside and calling her fat (I mean clearly, look at that thumbnail) like he's Shannon the Dude or something. She has enough and goes to the ring, then the ring announcer stops it (YES, PLEASE!!!) because she's not a wrestler. She leaves the ring and while that happens, Dimes does a diamond cutter on the announcer and we're finally done with this shitfest. That was mildly amusing at first, but this had no point (we already know Dimes is delusional and an asshole) and felt like it went on forever. Let us never speak of this abortion ever again...

Bizo and Haley are now in an empty club (because he rented the whole place) and they drink some more. A crappy commercial later, they're now playing pool and still nothing noteworthy happened.

"The Good Word" with Reverend Ronnie Roberts - Good
Roberts will finally have his first round match next week and his guest tonight will be his opponent : Tom Coffey. Roberts is being an ass and overconfident, then asks Coffey what's he gonna do next week. He says that he'll do the same thing he does to everybody else, and for Roberts to retort that he's gonna try to eat him. Coffey starts fuming and Roberts keeps calling him fat (lots of that tonight), then he brings out a hot-dog and chocolate bar, so Coffey starts cutting a fucking Hogan promo and stopped almost immediately, but a fan filled the rest and everyone laughed. Anyway, a vaguely calmer Coffey says that he doesn't want to murder Roberts on his own show, so he'll just give a peace offering for the Reverend's funds : HIS HOSPITAL BILL, and beats him up until referees came out to stop him.

Backstage with Amir who's gonna explain to Flo why he chose that stipulation for CHAINED Carnage : because it's the name of the show because he wants Flo to have scars all over his body and get his revenge on him.

Back in the club for a few seconds with Haley chalking Bizo's pool cue. OK THEN...

Gary Gandy vs. Ryan Howe - *1/2
Gandy is "Mr. 5-star" and has the shittiest shirt with his Snapchat code thingy on it. He also looks like the jobbiest or jobbers. That out of the way, the guy didn't embarrass himself here and got some offense in. Howe won.

Outside the club with our two lovebirds, Haley whispers something in Bizo's ear and they both leave in the limo to talk about the meaning of life I'm sure. Somehow Luscious is watching this backstage, gets mad and starts breaking shit.

Dustin Jackson, Kal Herro and Star Rider vs. Legacy of Brutality (Hy-Zaya, Big Zo and Steve Michaels) (w/ Josh Ashcraft) - NA, decent segment
Match never started because LOB beat them with a chair and the referee ruled it a no contest. Anyway, they kept going for a while and no one came out to stop them. LOB posed while the announcers sold it big.

That was an okay episode. No tournament match was a nice change of pace I gotta say (this thing is way too big for what it is and where it's happening), the whole date stuff was mostly eh with the only funny moment being a flubbed line, but I'm wondering what will be on the special besides Amir vs. Flo and maybe Dani Mo vs. Haley J. Godderz has not been around in almost a month and wasn't really feuding with anybody anyway (unless they're going to turn Gunn), the Twins seem to be feuding with the Box Office Blonds (and they just lost a non-title dark match to them on that show), Star Rider just got murdered by LOB (so Hy-Zaya again?), Luscious vs. Bizo might be a thing, then... more tournament matches I suppose.