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Cero Reviews Impact Wrestling Turning Point 2019

Posted: Nov 12th, '19, 21:05
by cero2k
Impact Wrestling Turning Point 2019
November 9th, 2019
Hazelton, PA

Impact Wrestling presents Turning Point, formerly a pay-per-view, now an Impact Plus special. While this show is not going along with current storylines, it does serve as fallout and follow up to Bound For Glory as many rematches were booked for this show. This show was promoted in conjunction with Pennsylvania Premiere Wrestling.

Tessa Blanchard & Jordynne Grace vs Havok & Madison Rayne - 5/10
Originally, Kiera Hogan was going to team up with Rayne, but due to an injury, Havok is replacing Hogan for tonight’s match.

Jordynne Grace was the babyface in peril until Blanchard came in for the hot tag. Blanchard held her own until Rayne distracted her and fed her to Havok. Rayne tagged herself in when Havok was under control, only for Tessa to make a comeback and win with the Buzzsaw DDT. Ok opener.

Rhino Promo - Audio is terrible and I fear it'll be like this all show, it's the problem of using other promotion's gear for your throwaway shows. Rhino cut a promo backstage, telling Rob Van Dam that his vacation was over and tonight, he RVD was being sent to the hospital.

PPW Heavyweight Championship Match
Clutch Adams (C) vs Facade vs Evander James vs Desean Pratt vs KC Navarro vs Charles Mason - 6.5/10
Commentary sold KC Navarro strong as a potential X-Division wrestler, but Matthews still manage to mention that his KT Tape was all wrongly placed.

Match was mostly going from one pair up to another, giving everyone a chance to show their stuff. Navarro, James, and Facade all got a chance to hit dives, Navarro was the most impressive one with the height he got. After another quick run of everyone getting near falls and finishers in, Facade hit a Coast to Coast on Pratt, only for Adams to run in with a Flying Elbow and stole the pin from Facade. Ok match, no one was particularly impressive, but I think Desean Pratt is someone worth developing and keeping an eye on.

Moose Promo - Yeap, audio sucks. Jimmy Jacobs interviewed Moose about his opponent tonight — Fallah Bahh. Moose put over Bahh as a great contender now, but that Bahh wasn’t at Moose’s level yet. Moose is fantastic.

Michael Elgin vs Mike Orlando - 3/10
Orlando is a big dude, so Elgin gave him some at first, but at the end, it was Elgin wrestling circles around him. Elgin mostly chopped and tossed Orlando around the ring. Orlando had a short hope spot landing a suplex, a DDT, and a TKO, which only led to a two count. Elgin got some near falls before he hit a Powerbomb, Backfist, and Elgin Bomb combo for the win. This was terrible and too long, Mike Orlando sucked the life out of me.

Taya Promo - Jacobs interviewed Taya Valkyrie about Tenille Dashwood getting a rematch tonight. Taya just said that she probably had to get a favor from management to get this match, but just like in BFG, she’ll take care of Dashwood tonight.

Moose vs Fallah Bahh - 7/10
Bahh started the match with momentum, forcing Moose to rely on dirty heel tactics to turn the match around. Moose went to work over Bahh’s leg for a long while, really slowing down the match, but eventually, Bahh started his comeback. The match really picked up from here on, they started trading big moves and near falls. At one point towards the end, Moose Superplexed Bahh, but Bahh fired up, came back with a huge Lariat for a two count. Moose came back with two running Dropkicks and the No Jackhammer Needed for the win. Bahh has to be top five Most Improved Wrestlers of the year, him going Strong Style has really helped his matches a lot. This was the best match we’ve seen so far tonight.

Swann and Mack Interview - Jacobs interviewed Rich Swann and Mack about their title shot tonight with The North. They said that there is no Rhino or RVD getting involved with their match, how the BFG match should have been. The North interrupted and said that tonight they’ll beat them again, and Swann and Mack won’t have excuses anymore.

Taya Valkyrie w/John E. Bravo vs Tenille Dashwood - 6/10
So Taya was the only champion smart enough to get away with not defending her title tonight.
Of all the matches so far tonight, this was the one that went straight to the mat for chain wrestling. Taya worked over Tenile’s midsection, with casual interventions of Bravo and Taya’s fake dog, taking shots at Tenille.
Eventually, Tenille would manage to dodge Taya’s running knees and start a comeback. Finish saw Tenille go for the Spotlight, but Bravo grabbed Tenille’s leg, distracting her enough for Taya to sneak up behind and roll her up to retain her title. Ok match.

Post-match - Taya and Bravo beat up on Tenille until Jordynne Grace came for the save. Jordynne attacked Taya and ran her off.

Impact Tag Team Championship Match
The North (C) vs Rich Swann and Willie Mack - 8/10
Really good match. The North cut off Swann and worked on him, Mack had the hot tag, and then the match broke down into chaos. Tons of great near falls with both team's finishers, but at the end, it was The North who hit their Double Facebuster finisher, and retained their titles.

oVe Promo - Sami Callihan cut a promo putting himself over while telling Jake Crist that he can’t be the Golden Draw anymore until he regains the X-Division Championship. Callihan then told Cage that tonight, he’ll defeat him again and stay the World Champion

Call Your Shot Gauntlet title shot on the line
Eddie Edwards vs Mahabali Shera - 6.5/10
Shera used his size and power advantage to run over Eddie early on, but Edwards came back using his experience advante and used Shera’s power against him. The match then went on to wash, rinse, and repeat that sequence a couple of times as they closed in to the finish, with Shera getting a hold of Eddie, cutting him off with power and working over him until Eddie would find a smart way out. Eddie eventually just unceremoniously landed the Boston Knee Party for the win.
This started good, but ended really weak, like Eddie just wanted to get out of there.

We got a commercial for the Impact Plus special — No Surrender. Rich Swann challenges Callihan, given he wins tonight, for the World Title after pinning him on Impact a couple of weeks ago. No Surrender takes place December 7th from Dayton, OH. Other matches are Ace Austin defending the X-Division title against Eddie Edwards in a Tables match, and Taya Valkyrie defending her title against Jessicka Havok.

X-Division Championship Match
Ace Austin (C) vs Jake Crist - 7.5/10
This was a heel vs heel match, but Ace was given the more devious role in the match, as he was the one pulling out all the dirty tricks behind the refs back, he also got to work over Jake Crist for most of the first half of the match.

Crist had a great comeback, hitting a kick combo and later catching Ace’s diving move into a cutter for a two count. Jake went for a Super Cutter, but Ace grabbed the ropes to counter the move, came back with The Fold from the top rope, and retain his championship. Good match, but somewhat short.

Rob Van Dam (w/Katie Forbes) vs Rhino - 6.5/10
The brawl started outside the ring as Rhino was making his entrance. After some minutes around the ring, they finally made it back to the ring and we finally got a good look at the new heel RVD, which pretty much consisted of a lot of taunts, a lot of making out with Forbes, RVD stopping his own signature moves, yet still managing to beat up Rhino.

Eventually, all the taunting and not actually hitting moves allowed Rhino to recover and make a comeback. Rhino Superplexed RVD for a two count. Rhino hit the Gore, but Forbes put Rob’s foot on the ropes to break the pin. Rhino went for a chair, but the ref took the chair away, and in the distraction, Forbes low blowed Rhino. RVD brought out a table and tried to Gore Rhino, but Rhino blocked him, picked RVD up, and drove him through the table for the disqualification. Fun match, but the fans hated the finish.

After the match, Rhino chased the referee away instead of attacking RVD, who just made out with Forbes in the ring.

Impact World Championship Match
Sami Callihan (C) vs Brian Cage - 7.5/10
Story of the match was that Cage was strong and healed up for this match, and thus none of Callihan’s offense was hurting Cage, who initially took Callihan on the Tour de Hurt around the ring, slamming him against the guard rail and apron. Callihan was desperate looking for a countout victory.

It wasn’t until Callihan raked Cage’s eyes and hit a Piledriver on the apron that he managed to cut Cage off and gain control. It didn’t last long because Cage recovered quickly, but he was rocked enough so that Callihan could at least now go back and forward with Cage. Out of desperation, Callihan went for the title belt, but the referee took it away, and among the distraction, Cage accidentally clotheslined the referee, hit and F-5 for a visual pin, but the ref was down.

Jake Crist came down and Cage took both Callihan and Crist down. Cage went for the Drill Claw, but Fulton came down. Callihan kicked Cage low, Chokeslam by Fulton, Belt shot by Callihan, and one Cactus Special later, Callihan pinned Cage to retain the championship. Good main event.

Weak show, but I felt compelled to watch it due to the rematch clauses being cashed in tonight. There were a couple of good matches throughout the show, but nothing noteworthy.