BRM Reviews the 6/19/2019 NXT UK

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 6/19/2019 NXT UK

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 22nd, '19, 20:52

Aiden English is subbing for Nigel McGuinness on commentary this week, which is quite the downgrade. Also, this show is taking place at the Download Music Festival.

A fine little match. The story was Ohno showing his knowledge and mastery of the British style of wrestling before getting the win via Rolling Elbow.

IMERPIUM PROMO- didn’t like it
They’re dressed in track suits and sneakers. This is not the right look for these guys at all. They need to be in their gear and boots all the time, with their own t-shirt over it if they’re not expecting to wrestle. They each cut part of a promo that sounds exactly what you’d expect a WWE version of RingKampf to sound like. The fans are chanting for BSS, and for Pete Dunne in particular. When Alexander Wolf started talking, the fans chanted for SAnitY. Wolf talked as if he had never been the crazy man we have known for the past three years. If this is what they are going to be doing, they should have just let him be Axel Tischer and said that Alexander Wolf was his insane identical twin.
WALTER’s promo on Travis Banks was the highlight of this. That title match has been booked for next week. Banks came out and cut his big go-home babyface promo.

Good heel stuff from Dar. Kenny Williams walked by and Dar was a dick to him, mockingly suggesting that Kenny should let Dar take him under his wing.

THE HUNT vs. GALLUS (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang)- 5.5/10
A good brawl for the time it got.

Joe Coffey came out and posed with Gallus, then they all started to beat up Wild Boar. Dave Mastiff came out to make the save.

RADZIE INTERVIEWS MOUSTACHE MOUNTAIN- He tells they’re getting a tag title shot in two weeks. They cut a fine babyface promo saying that they have a lot of things on their plate right now, but they will focus on their tag title shot.

Action-wise, this was a good battle royale, but nothing particularly great. In terms of moving stories along and moving people up, though, this was pretty great.
Xia Brookside eliminated Jazzy Gabert via a dropkick to the knee when Jazzy was on the apron. Jazzy landed on her feet on the floor, so they did everything they could to protect her while still making this feel a like victory for Xia (which it was). They then did a nice little spot where Piper Niven, Xia, and Isla Dawn all ganged up on Jinny now that her protector was gone and tried to eliminate her but Jazzy saved her, only for Xia to later eliminate Jinny on her own, giving her another win here.
Isla and Xia working as a team was emphasized, and Xia got quite the push, appearing to win the match after Piper and Rhea fought on the apron and Xia knocked Rhea off with a dropkick and Rhea grabbed Piper by the hair on her way down and pulled her down as well (the execution on this was excellent)... but then Kay Lee Ray revealed that she had been faking her knee injury on the outside and came in and eliminated Xia. She waited for Xia to turn around before attacking her, but she was still faking an injury, so I’m considering this a heel turn.

This was a decent episode of NXT UK. Nothing big happened in terms of action, but it was easy to sit through and moved things along rather well.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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