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A list of random "Firefly Funhouse" booking ideas

Posted: May 15th, '19, 02:07
by NWK2000
1. Make Firefly Funhouse an interview segment. Seeing wrestlers interact in a Pee Wee Herman style setting would make for some great, memorable segments. Also, Bray could get the "child friendly host" gimmick over by preaching good manners and behavior to wrestlers. Also, the duality of his gimmick means that if those manners are not respected, he could turn his Sweet Tooth gimmick, which would make the trope of "You're the interview show host, so naturally you're involved in a tag team match after the brawl" thing much easier.
2. Bray has to be the, or at least one of the, top babyfaces for at least four months. If I was a WWE Booker, I'd go ham pushing Babyface Bray, let's say Summerslam to Survivor Series, really pushing him as the babyface hero. I like Bray in his Mr.Rogers form, so I feel like Bray could pull it off.
3. BUT, if the crowd turned on him, he could go full Sweet Tooth, and really be a viscious heel.
4. He would be the world's easiest character to write off for extended period of time, saying that he has to recalibrate his good side, or whatever.
5. You could have him return each time as different variations on child friendly gimmicks. Imagine Bray Wyatt doing a demented spin on Bob Ross.
6. Have Bray win the US Title so he could teach children about US Geography and History on "Firefly Funhouse"
7. Bray should have a dancing bear companion, which, if you ever wanted to reform the Wyatt Family, you could reveal the guy under the mascot suit to be Luke Harper.
8. Wacky midcard attitude era wrestlers should play human characters on "Firefly Funhouse" (for some reason I imagined Gangrel as a mailman and it popped me, leave me alone)

Re: A list of random "Firefly Funhouse" booking ideas

Posted: May 15th, '19, 07:43
by Big Red Machine
#8 is a winner. Specifically the Gangrel thing. He just has this mailman-ish look to him.