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Impact Wrestling 11.1 Review: Pentagon vs Homicide

Posted: Nov 1st, '18, 22:12
by cero2k
Impact Wrestling
November 1st, 2018
Melrose Ballroom, NYC

Show started with a video package recapping the Impact vs Fenix match from last week.

Rich Swann vs Willie Mack - 7.5/10
This was a really competitive babyface vs babyface match. Early on, both men hyped the crowd with dance moves and reversals, dropkicks, and flips. Mack gets control of the match as he starts chopping Swann and working on his back and neck with a Neckbreaker off the ropes.

Swann tries to make a comeback, but Mack keeps control with a Vertical Suplex for a near fall. Mack keeps chopping Swann, they sound stiff. Mack his a Spinning Heel Kick and then sets up Swann in the corner and delivers a huge Coast-to-Coast. Mack hits a Diving Crossbody to the outside, throws Swann into the ring, hits a Facebuster for another near fall.

Swann finally makes a big enough comeback with some kicks, a Leg Drop, and a 450 from the second rope for a near fall. Mack once again cuts him off and crushes him with a Rolling Cannonball to the corner. Mack hits his Samoan Drop/Moonsault combo and as he goes for the Stunner, Swann tries to counter and hit a cutter, but Mack still manages to land the Stunner for another near fall. Finish saw Mack go for a Frog Splash, but Swann dodges it, kicks Mack several times, hits the Phoenix Splash, and picks up the pin. Great singles debut for Mack, he has a lot of potential if Impact capitalizes on him.

OVE Promo - Callihan brags about pining Cage and invite him to Ohio to the obvious trap.

Desi Hit Squad w/Gama Singh vs The Beach Bums - Squash
Beach Bums are TJ Crawford and Freddy IV. DHS is now Rohit Raju and the new member, Rahj Singh. Match was a squash, Raju started the match and quickly took control with a big Clothesline. Rahj got in and they double teamed TJ. Freddy got in and also quickly got taken out with a Big Boot by Rahj. Rohit returned, more striking. Freddy has a small hope stop with a few strikes, but gets taken out with a knee to the head and gets pinned. Quick and effective.

OGz Promo - They're walking down the street saying they're still the top of the food chain.

LAX Promo - They talk trash about Sydal's hippie ways. They bring up the OGz, but Konnan tells them to focus on tonight's match.

Eddie vs Moose Video Package - Quick recap of their history and hype for their match next week at Final Hour.

OVE Mock Cage - We got OVE in Rockstar Pro in Ohio (only place they could get those chants). A rental Brian Cage comes in, obviously not the real one. Callihan cuts a promo saying how he's better than Cage before OVE beat up the impostor.

Eli Drake/Joseph Park Backstage - Drake is telling Park that he is suing Impact for the unsafe work environment. Park likes the idea and says that they should get all the wrestlers together. Drake calls him Dummy (YEAH) and walks off.

Scarlett Bordeaux's Smoke Show - Scarlett meets Gama Singh and company, Gama tries to hit on her by singing to her, but Rohit makes fun of him, trying to look good to Scarlett, who simply plugs her talent search. I like that we see Scarlett interact with everyone.

Impact Wrestling Knockout's Championship Match
Taya Valkyrie vs Tessa Blanchard - 6.5/10
Match was somewhat similar to the Bound for Glory match with a lot of back and forward action. Tessa started the match shoving Taya's face, but after a few reversals and armdrags, Taya gets some momentum hitting Tessa with a double knee to the back and face. Tessa quickly escapes to the outside to break Taya's momentum.

Back from commercial, Tessa has control of Taya with a Chickenwing. Taya made a small comeback with some strikes and a Crossbody, but Tessa regains control again. Tessa gets a near fall after a dropping Taya face first into the turnbuckle and hitting a Running Kick to Taya's back. Tessa goes to the top rope, but Taya cuts her off this time with forearms to the chest. She whips Tessa to the corner and hits a back elbow and boot to the head.

Taya keeps control hitting a running dropkick on Tessa. Follows with a desperation Spear as Tessa is coming back into the match. Taya hits some chops and a German for a near fall. Tessa hits a desperation cutter and both women are down. Crowd is hot.

Taya stays on top locking in a Surfboard and a Stomp on Tessa. Taya hits a big moonsault, much better than the BFG one, and gets a near fall. Taya hits a big Crossbody from the ropes to the outside, but suddenly, back in the ring, Tessa hit the ref with an Elbow to get herself DQ'd again, retaining her championship. So now she blatantly got herself out of the match, and Taya instead of pleading with the ref to let it go, just got sad.

Zero Hour Promo - Kross explains the Doomsday Clock as part of his promo to say that he is bringing the final hour of Johnny Impact's reign. Both Kross and Impact talk about their plans in Impact Wrestling. This was awesome, best commercial I've seen in a long time.

Jordynne Grace Vignette - This time she introduces herself talking about strength training and working in Mexico. She puts over the roster. She debuts next week.

GWN Match of the Week - It's Kim vs Candice LeRae from Turning Point with Kim winning easily.

Fenix & Pentagon Jr Promo - They say that they won't be pawns in King's war vs Konnan, and they will get their revenge.

Brian Cage Promo - He says he's going to Ohio to fight Callihan and he'll defend the championship.

"Reborn" Matt Sydal & Ethan Page vs LAX w/Konnan - 6.5/10
Matthews sold this match as LAX barely arriving from the Jericho Cruise. Ortiz and Sydal start the match, but LAX quickly got Santana and Page in, with Santana having control. but as he starts playing to the crowd, Page turns it around. Sydal did that spot with him running under the ring, but Konnan found him first before he could take advantage. Page and Konnan got into a war of words, distracting them enough for Santana to hit a rolling Senton on Sydal and Page.

Back from commercial, Sydal is working over Santana again. Him and Page tag in and out constantly, working Santana's head and leg, with Ortiz breaking up all pin attempts. Santana makes a comeback on Page, getting away from him and tagging Ortiz, who takes out Page with a Rolling Clothesline and that Falling Headbutt. LAX hit an assisted cutter on Page and a Northern Lights for a near fall. Sydal and Page hit a double kick to the head for a near fall when Santana breaks it up. They trade a dew more pins before LAX hits their non-5150 finisher for the win.

Allie & Hogan Stuff - Allie apologizes for leaving Hogan last week. Hogan wants to make sure Allie is ok, which she claims she is. Hogan doesn't believe it and pushes her until Allie blows up and accepts it. She says that ever since they went to the Undead Realm she hasn't been the same and darkness is taking over her. Hogan promises that together, they'll finish Su Yung.

Homicide w/OGs vs Pentagon Jr. w/Fenix - 7/10
This was more of a brawl between these guys. Early on, Pentagon worked Homicide's chest with chops but after going for a double stomp that Cide dodges, Homicide hits Pentagon with a Clothesline and gains control of the match. Homicide bites Pentagon's fingers and then exchange lariats before Pentagon hits a backstabber that makes Homicide roll outside.

Pentagon follows Cide outside and attacks with some kicks and chops, but Homicide rushes back to the ring and hits a Tope con Giro when Pentagon was distracted with the fans. Back in the ring, Homicide tossed Pentagon around with an Exploder Suplex, got a near fall after a Tornado DDT. Cide went for a Superplex that Pentagon got out of and hit a Footstomp into the Tree of Woe position for a near fall. We got Ole chants at this point.

Pentagon started to chase the Fear Factor, but instead they got into a striking bout with chops and kicks. Finish saw Homicide go for the Gringo Killah, but Pentagon got out and rolled Cide for the quick pin. Good match, but in a better PPV spot, this could be way better.

Post-match - Hernandez came in and attacked Pentagon, to which Fenix came in and they double teamed Hernandez, but King came in with the Slapjack, took out Pentagon. Cide hit a cutter on Fenix, and then they just punished both Lucha Bros with the Slapjack before posing victorious as the show went off.

Good show by Impact, some stuff felt like we're rushing since next week we get Final Hour, but going by how Impact has booked all year, we know that these shows are middle points between the big things in the PPVs.