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Impact Wrestling 9.20: Impact Invades Mexico

Posted: Sep 21st, '18, 13:07
by cero2k
Impact Wrestling
September 20, 2018
Ciudad de Mexico, Mx.

Laredo Kid, Aerostar, & El Hijo del Vikingo vs OVE - 7/10
The Mexican team are super short compared to this ring, but it enabled them to do a lot of flippy stuff. This was more back and forward than I expected it, and it was lucha tag rules, so it was all action. Mexican team got a lot of dives. drags, and ranas in, while OVE hit more of the big impact moves and kicks. At one point in the match, OVE did get some control of the match working over Vikingo, but this babyface in peril run was short. We had a good near fall towards the end with a triple Tombstone spot, but only to be lead to the assisted Cutter for the win. This was a great opener for the Mexican tapings. Vikingo stole the match

Swann & Sydal Backstage - Sydal says he wants to face Swann, but he got a premonition that instead, they should tag team together against Lucha Brothers. Swann says he doesn't care about no Third Eyes, Universes, and shit, but he does agree that this match does sound pretty good.

Tessa Blanchard Arrives - She gets to the locker room and kicks out Chik Tormenta from there saying this is her seat. Faby Apache (let's pretend she's not a heel in AAA) confronts her saying who the hell she thinks she is? Faby kinda kicks her out, Tessa says she has a better locker room anyway.

Eli Drake Open Challenge - He makes his challenge hoping that Mexico has some better challengers than Canada. The answer comes from...

El Drake vs Trevor Lee - 5/10
This is weird considering Cult of Lee were sucking up to Drake a few weeks ago. Josh did sell it as Lee was still pissed that Drake had blown them off back then. Eli wrestled this match as a babyface, with Lee getting a lot of heat on him, and Eli making a comeback, chasing the Gravy Train for the win.

King and the OGz Backstage - King is plotting with Homicide and Hernandez that they need to get Konnan and LAX to break the cease fire before their match. He says that tonight, Cide and Dez have the night off, because tonight, King gets in the ring.

King w/OGz vs Kronos - Squash
Cide and Hernandez attacked Kronos before the match, so as soon as the bell sounded, King hit a Backfist to the Future for the quick win.

Post-match - King cut a promo calling out Konnan, telling him to ignore the cease fire and get it on. Good heat.

LAX Backstage - Santana and Ortiz yell at Konnan that they want to go out fight after that, but Konnan shuts them up telling them that Konnan know to stay alive in this game and if they want to go break the cease fire, they're gonna end up 'disappeared'. Konnan tells them they're waiting for BFG and they're gonna (and I quote) Kick King's Uterus into Uranus.

Alisha vs Faby Apache - 4.5/10
Josh and Callis really built Apache bringing up all her accolades and wrestling family. In the tapings, everyone was freshly remembering that she is a heel in AAA, so she got a lot of heat, but they manage to quiet down the boos. The match was a good debut for Faby, considering she's wrestling Alisha, she was able to get some good looking locks and moves in. Faby wins with a Sitdown Powerbomb.

Post-match - Good babyface promo saying she has always represented female wrestling all over the world. Faby makes a challenge for Tessa's championship for next week.

Texano Interview - McKenzie is back!!! Fuck Yeah!!! Oh yeah, Texano was there cutting a promo saying he will kick Austin Aries' ass with his two friends, first and bullrope. As good as it can get with Texano speaking English.

Next week Scarlett Bordeaux is making a special announcement.

Rich Swann & "Reborn" Matt Sydal vs Lucha Brothers - 7.5/10
As expected, Fenix and Penta are hugely over tonight. Match saw Lucha Bros start the match strong, taking down both guys for a bit. Sydal got the upper hand on Pentagon and they were able to cut the ring in half on him for a while, Swann and Sydal actually working pretty well as a unit. Penta made a small comeback, enough to get away from them and tag in Fenix, who came in and just crazy over everyone. Last few minutes, Fenix and Sydal had a chance to do their thing alone for a while. There was a spot with both Sydal and Swann try to go for tandem SSPs, but instead Lucha Bros cut them off, Fenix killed Swann with a Foot Stomp, Penta killed Sydal with a Fear Factor on the apron. Inside the ring, Fenix hit his Fenix Driver for the win. Great match.

Post-match - OVE hit the ring, but Cage evens the odds before OVE can attack. OVE retreat.

Austin Aries and Co Interview - Aries shits on McKenzie, that motherfucker! Aries says he's taking on Texano (Texan in Mexico?) because he has no more challengers in Impact. He puts over Texano saying he's the real deal, but tonight, Aries wins because he's the best in the world at what he does. C'mon, he's clearly calling out Jericho now.

Desi Hit Squad Skit - They're getting a massage. They're getting a non-title match against LAX next week. Gama comes in and hits them because massages are against the law. Makes them train.

Joe Hendry Music Video - Another song about dumping Katarina and Grado being his best friend. It was ok, nothing special.

GWN Match of the Week - Ultimate X match between Petey Williams, Matt Bentley, and Sabin, and holy hell, I haven't thought about Bentley in years!

Allie vs Yung vs Tessa Saga Vignette - Good reminder that brings us up to date with the storyline. Next week, Allie and Hogan take on Su Yung & her Undead Maid of Honor. Tessa takes on Faby Apache. Cage vs Jake Crist, and LAX vs DHS.

Impact Wrestling Hall of Fame Announcement - It's Abyss. I think it's great, unless Impact could get WWE to share Styles or Joe, I think Abyss is the next person to really deserve it.

Impact World Championship Match
Austin Aries (C) w/Killer Kross & Moose vs Texano Jr - 6.5/10
Moose is wearing a Crayola sponsored jumper. Wrestling wise, this was a perfectly well wrestled match, nothing really bad about it, but beyond that, I just couldn't care less for Texano getting a shot here. Unlike last week when they made me believe in Fallah Bahh, this time I just saw this as Aries going to the office.

Match saw Aries again work with stamina and athleticism and gas Texano out. Aries gets cocky and starts paying more attention to the fans and ref, so Texano wakes up and makes his comeback, still gassed out, so it may be legit. Towards the end, Aries grabbed Texano's rope, ref takes it away, so Aries goes for the title instead, and again the ref takes it away, but all this coming and going gives Texano the opening to use the rope on Aries for a near fall (what a geek!), Aries then gets up, hits the Brainbuster and clean pin.

Post-match - Johnny Impact cuts a promo on the tron that says he's in LA. He talks about being hurt by Aries and co. He says that sooner or later, he's coming back. Aries cuts the video off and catches the trick and knows that Impact has to be around the arena tonight (Aries did the same thing a few months ago against Moose). Impact simply comes out through the ramp and attacks all men. Eddie Edwards comes out too even though Impact had everything under control.

An ok show for Impact, it was a great showing for the Mexican wrestlers, and I think these small feuds will be good filler in-between now and BFG to not overdo the same matches week in week out, but having said that, this show didn't do much other than keep stories warm and deliver some good wrestling, at least when Luchadors where in there.