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Impact Wrestling 6.21: Pentagon/Fantasma vs OVE

Posted: Jun 21st, '18, 19:51
by cero2k
Impact Wrestling
June 21, 2018
Orlando, Fl

Impact Wrestling Tag Team Championship Match
LAX w/King vs Z&E (C) - 8/10
LAX start the match at the ramp, just like last weeks, they're far more aggressive than before, and in consequence, it pushed Z&E into being more aggressive as well, an agressiveness that they're not accustomed to and heats up their heads and lose control of their game plan. Match saw LAX work over Everett for most of the in-ring action. When Z made the tag, him and Everett pulled off some great double team moves on LAX to get control of the match. They went tornado tag for the last minutes of the match, both teams chasing their finishers, including a really close copy of More Bang For Your Buck that even Callis said Z&E reminded him of the Bucks. Finish saw Everett miss a Phoenix Splash and LAX capitalize with the 5150 for the win. Pretty great opener.

Jimmy Jacobs Promo - Jacobs cuts a promo on Cage saying that Cage comes in thinking that he can get whatever he wants because he's strong, but Jacobs showed that Cage is beatable and that he is no match for Kongo Kong. If only Jacobs had a better monster.

KM Promo - He says that he tried to do a lot for Bahh, but Bahh completely wasted all he gave him. He called Bahh out, who came out, gave him a note and said good bye. KM read the note and it technically said that Bahh wasn't fighting KM tonight, but there was someone on stand by that would. Obviously this means...

KM vs Scott Steiner - 4/10
Ok, I was expecting Brian Cage, fans clapped the Terminator song, but out came Big Bad Booty Daddy. KM tried to jump Steiner, but Steiner quickly turned it around and hit an Overhead Belly-to-belly. They kinda went back and forward, but it was mostly Steiner with the dominant arsenal, while KM's was more of a desperation sneaky style. Steiner tapped out KM with the Steiner Recliner. This combined with the Bahh thing and promo was overall kinda bad. Bahh is the babyface and shouldn't be running away from 'the bully'.

Slammiversary XVI Press Conference - Moose cut a decent promo. Aries officially merged the Grand Championship and Impact Championship, and cut a good cocky promo on Moose about Moose's empty resume.

Impact is gonna start airing in Mexico. Fuck Yeah!

Eddie Edwards Saga Continues - Eddie is looking for his wife, it's an empty house so I don't know if that is to imply that she left him, or that this house is a work in progress. Anyway, she's not there, Eddie sees himself in the mirror and the image turns into Callihan, Psycho Eddie gets some crazy flashbacks, breaks the mirrora and starts screaming blaming Dreamer. I really really hope that when Eddie and Dreamer finally come to fists, Eddie does a 'Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down' taunt.

OVE Promo - Callihan cuts a promo saying that whoever gets in their business, pays. That goes for Fantasma and now Pentagon.

Taya Valkarye vs Madison Rayne -
Taya was dominant all match with Rayne having small comebacks here and there and never giving up, but Taya's power was usually enough to regain control over and over. Taya however started getting frustrated and loss her concentration giving Rayne the opening to hit the CrossRayne for the win. Fans were completely behind Taya, and now it seems like Su Yung vs Madison Rayne will be a thing going forward.

Post-match - She cut a promo about her career comeback and she reveals that the office promised her that if she could defeat Taya tonight, she was getting a title shot at Su Yung at Slammiversary. Good babyface promo, but how do you not win the title after a promo like this. Lights went out, we heard weird laughter, from Yung I'm assuming, but she didn't come out.

LAX Club House Celebration - They're celebrating in the club house, Diamante won't take selfies. And then shit hit the fan, Konnan is back. "Yo King, you and me need to talk". King tries to kiss Konnan's ass, Konnan asks if he knows who attacked him, but King says he doesn't know and has all NYC investigating. Konnan implies that King is a suspect, but everyone is a suspect. Konnan says that if King indeed is behind the attack, he better leave before he finds out, but they're cool for now.

Killer Kross Interview - He attacked a bunch of people including some officials and they gave him a sit down interview. He says that he attacked them all because "Why not?" He says that he is here to bring chaos to the industry. No shit with that promo that didn't make sense at all.

Desi Hit Squad Vignette - They took fucking forever to properly debut.

GWN Match of the Week - It was the Low Ki vs Dutt match for the title at India last year.

OVE w/Sami Callihan vs Pentagon Jr & El Hijo del Fantasma - 7/10
Match saw the Mexicans start dominating, but OVE turned it around on Fantasma and work over his leg for a good while. Pentagon got a hot tag and run wild no both Crists, but the numbers game eventually worked out and Crists took out Fantasma. Pentagon came back in strong and took out Dave, hit the Penta Driver no Jake for the win.

Post-match - Callihan attacked Pentagon with the bat. Pentagon got out with low blows, and as he was about to break Jake's arm, Callihan got back up and took him out with the bat again. All three ganged up on him and Callihan was about to unmask Pentagon until Fantasma came back with a chair. Interesting to see Kross have a 'bring chaos' story when OVE has been chaotic ever since they debuted.

Enjoyable quick show from Impact, went by really fast. We now have an even better idea of Slammiversary when it comes to the KO's title and for sure Callihan vs Pentagon is gonna be the match come the PPV. I wasn't a fan of the Bahh segment, and I thought that after all the build, Kross's debut wasn't properly handled, not that it was bad in itself, but if he had just kept attacking nobodies, it wouldn't require Impact officials to do something about it, like where was Dutt today?