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BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 03:09
by Big Red Machine
New US Champion Kevin Owens comes out and cuts a standard heel promo. He says he is going to be doing the US Title Open Challenge again starting next week because the people of INSERT CITY NAME HERE don’t deserve it.
AJ comes out and the announcers say the things between AJ and wens have become very personal, but I haven’t seen that at all. AJ wants his rematch tonight but Owens says he won’t defend the title tonight. It seems like an authority figure should come out here and settle this issue, no?
Instead of an authority figure Chris Jericho comes out. Owens was clearly scared of him and trying to not let it show. He’s got his scarf and list. He, too, wants his contractually obligated rematch. While we’re at it, I believe that Cena, Nakamura, and Balor all deserve title shots for having beaten Owens while he was champ as well.
Jericho accuses AJ of trying to cut him in line for a title shot. He tells AJ that someone recently cut in front of him in line at the checkout counter of the supermarket. “Do you know what happened to him?” AJ guesses that Jericho put him on the list, but Jericho says “no. I punched him in the face and put him in the Walls of Jericho in aisle seven in front of the canned corn.” Well if we’re going to get that specific, I have to ask why Jericho dragged this man all the way to aisle seven rather than just putting him in the Walls of Jericho right there in the checkout line. Also, Jericho put AJ on the list.
While AJ and Jericho were doing their bit, Owens quietly exited the ring and headed up the ramp because he didn’t give a damn about their shenanigans. Jericho noticed him leaving. Shane finally came out to do his job, which, in this case, consisted of booking a Triple Threat Match for the US Title in tonight’s main event. JBL immediately declared this to be “one of the biggest main events in Smackdown history.” I love all three of these guys, but this is nowhere close to that. Announcers need to learn that you can’t hype everything up like it’s a 10. You can hype a 9 up as a 10 and get away with it, but if you hype everything from 6 through 10 up like it’s a 10 (and on the scale of “biggest main events in Smackdown history, this feels like a 7.5 or an 8 to me), then all you’re doing is making it harder for people to believe you when you tell them something is a 10, even if that thing really is a 10 (or even an 11). And this is not just a problem in WWE; ROH has this problem frequently as well, and it also crops up in TNA and LU from time to time.

Byron Saxton told us that Nakamura was so furious after last night’s match that he was going around angrily looking for Corbin and actually had to be escorted out of the arena. That’s exactly the sort of thing that they need to be SHOWING us. He also told us that many wrestlers have been “questioning whether Corbin even deserves to be Mr. Money in the Bank” after his actions at Battleground. Not saying I agree with the idea because the briefcase wasn’t on the line in that match and the briefcase is not a championship that is supposed to be held by the best wrestler in the division, but if this is what the storyline is going to be, then SHOW US. Hell, you could have Corbin do something dastardly to injure Nakamura here and then have Corbin wrestle (and cleanly defeat) a different outraged undercard babyface every week until Nakamura returns for the big PPV showdown at SummerSlam. That would not only get some guys on the show who almost never get TV time (Luke Harper or Tye Dillinger, for example), but it would also ensure that Corbin isn’t facing the same rotating door of three babyfaces that he’s been facing every damn week since the Superstar Shakeup (Zayn, Nakamura, and AJ).
Nakamura carried Corbin to a great match, but Smackdown has once again given us a f*ck finish on PPV and then given us the clean finish on TV. Sh*t like this is why TNA wound up where it is now.

DASHA FUENTES INTERVIEWS NAOMI- She asks Naomi how she feels about Nattie snubbing her handshake at Battleground. Naomi starts to say that she won’t let Nattie get away with disrespecting her, but Nattie shows up and buries her for turning the title belt “into a kid’s toy.” THANK YOU!
She also claims that Naomi doesn’t respect the Hart Family and she is going to take her title at SummerSlam and “restore honor to the women’s division.” Naomi responds by telling Nattie “you are so stuck in that dirty dungeon of the past that you can’t see that this [she turns on the glowing lights of her WWE Women’s Title nightlight] is the now.”
A few things here:
1. This is the sort of line that I’m sure the writers pat themselves on the back for coming up with, even though they sound nothing like what a real person would say.
2. Whoever decided to stick the word dirty in there should have been flogged, because that just makes it seem like Nattie is right and Naomi really doesn’t have any respect for the her family’s legacy.
3. The fact that Naomi is actually PROUD of the way she has defiled that title belt with her neon color-changing LED hideousness is profoundly disturbing to me. I don’t see how anyone could think that this tacky-looking crap would be a babyface thing to do.
She would later defend what she had done to the title by saying that “I added a little piece of myself to it, which caused to scream “A LITTLE?! THE WHOLE F*CKING THING LOOKS LIKE IT’S MADE OUT OF LITE-BRITE NOW!” Even worse, there already was a mechanism in place for each champion to add a little bit of himself or herself to the belt: the side-plates!
She went to give a speech about how “the women’s evolution is the future” but “I respect tradition” and “I didn’t tarnish the title; I earned it” and oh my G-d how do these writers still have jobs? Do they not realize that their goal is supposed to be to simulate normal human conversation and not write grand speeches for off-Broadway plays?
She concluded by telling Nattie “at SummerSlam, you’re going to be blinded by the glow.” Uch. Nattie left, which should mean that this terrible segment is finally over.

After Nattie left, Carmella showed up with her MITB briefcase for no other reason than to remind us of her existence.

Apparnetly the fact that Becky overcame the odds and cleanly eliminated both Tamina and Lana from Sunday’s #1 contendership match somehow means that there is now “a personal issue between these four women” according to Tom Phillips.
I don’t know what this hand thing that Becky and Charlotte have started doing is, but it needs to stop immediately. It looks absolutely moronic.
Tamina let Lana start this match, because I guess she doesn’t care if her team loses or not. The very first thing that happened was Becky almost locking Lana in the Disarmer but Lana tagged out before the hold could be locked in. Tamina got the advantage on Becky who became the babyface in peril. Becky eventually made a hot tag to Charlotte. The finish was Lana tagging herself in but then immediately earing a big boot from Charlotte for pin. Tamina walked out on Lana, who walked to the back in tears at her own pathetic failure.

Apparently both Singh Brothers were injured in last night’s match so they’re not here tonight.
What is the purpose of them putting that carpet in the ring for Jinder’s promo? It’s certainly not to let us know that he’s Indian, because they’re doing so many things to make sure that you can’t miss that fact that anyone who has somehow not figured that out yet isn’t going to clued in by a rug. Do they think it makes him look like a bigger star? Because it doesn’t make one lick of difference.
Anyway, Jinder demands to know who he will face at SummerSlam. He wasn’t bad here, but he wasn’t good, either. A bigger problem was that my interest in what he had to say was killed by the fact that they already told us what Jinder was going to say during their various plugs for this segment.
He started to speak in Punjabi and mentioned John Cena, so Cena came out. Jinder anticipated that Cena would say the same things to him that everyone says: he’s an unworthy champion because he needed outside interference to win. Instead, Cena puts Jinder over for being in great shape and for caring about being WWE World Heavyweight Champion so much that he will do whatever it takes to win.” So apparently John Cena, role model for children everywhere, is fine with cheating as long as you have determination and large muscles. Cena announces that he is getting the title shot at SummerSlam. Then Daniel Bryan comes out and makes Cena look like a huge douche. He points out that Cena doesn’t make the matches, so he shouldn’t be out here acting like he does. He announces that next week there will be a #1 contendership match between John Cena and Shinsuke Nakamura, because that’s definitely the sort of match you should be giving away for the first time ever on free TV. On the bright side, I liked how Bryan noted that everyone involved here- Cena, Nakamura, and Jinder- has actually WON their matches recently.

SHANE & OWENS BACKSTAGE- pointless, unless we’re building to Owens vs. Shane, which I can actually see them doing, and probably wouldn’t be too bad, either.

English his doing his obnoxious singing. It feels like it’s going on forever. We just wasted a minute and a half that could have been given to the main event. The match wasn’t much, although the spot where they cut Sami off looked really great. Zayn pinned Mike clean. Tom Phillips described this as Sami getting “revenge” even though Sami also beat Mike cleanly just two days ago at Battleground.

NEW CHAMPIONSHIP CELEBRATION- excellent. Because it didn’t happen. Instead of an annoying New Day promo, we got the Usos jumping them during their entrance (starting before they even came through the curtain, attacking Big E. while he was doing his introduction) and laid them out. Good angle.

RENEE YOUNG INTERVIEWS SHINSUKE NAKAMURA- Nakamura was good, but the crowd was chanting for New Day during his promo.

WWE UNITED STATES TITLE MATCH: Kevin Owens(c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. AJ Styles- 8/10
Awesome match. This was the best thing to happen on Smackdown in months (probably since Orton vs AJ). AJ won the title by stealing Owens’ pin on Jericho. After the match Owens cut an angry promo saying that this was all unfair. He wants is rematch next week, but I wouldn’t bet on him winning, as the idea of Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon is looking a lot more plausible after this.

This was BY FAR the best episode of Smackdown we’ve had in forever, in terms of match quality, angles, the use of the authority figures, and generally avoiding infuriating bullsh*t. Hopefully this continues next week.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 04:59
by XIV
My only observation that is anything other than agreement or approval here is this...

They've booked Baron Corbin very oddly since winning MITB. I know they need to give him some high profile matches with big names to push him as that credible threat to the champion... But when Corbin won MITB I was excited and interested and actually thought that other than Owens, he would be the best person on the roster to carry the briefcase. However, he's been booked stupidly since.

Yes, getting the rub of a Nakamura feud is solid, but why? Smackdown is in a position where they want to make a success out of both of them, so why have a feud where one is going to look worse than the other?

Why have Corbin come out and distract and annoy Jinder on a couple of occasions, only to stop. And do'nt tell me it's for some subtle "reminding the champion I've got the briefcase and can cash in any time angle" because he's not been booked in that way at all, except the first week after the MITB PPV.

Here's what I want to see. I want to see Corbin cash on a face champion (whomever beats Jinder) and lose. This in turn causes Corbin to go monster, book him as monsterous, aggressive, angry and most importantly, really bitter... Then build him up until the Royal Rumble. And have Braun & Corbin as the first two competitors in the Royal Rumble, have Corbin sort of duck until the first competitor comes out, and use the RR to keep the two apart and absolutely dominate individually until leaving Braun & Corbin as the last two men standing. If Corbin is booked right as a monster heel through summer and up to RR, and Braun continues as he is... the crowd will freakin' explode and you could give the shot to either and the fans would be accepting. That would be my plan.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 08:00
by Big Red Machine
XIV wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 04:59 My only observation that is anything other than agreement or approval here is this...

They've booked Baron Corbin very oddly since winning MITB. I know they need to give him some high profile matches with big names to push him as that credible threat to the champion... But when Corbin won MITB I was excited and interested and actually thought that other than Owens, he would be the best person on the roster to carry the briefcase. However, he's been booked stupidly since.

Yes, getting the rub of a Nakamura feud is solid, but why? Smackdown is in a position where they want to make a success out of both of them, so why have a feud where one is going to look worse than the other?
My assumption is that they think any damage done will be instantly repaired by cashing in, and thus they are just having him engage in a feud with Nakamura in which is he just kind of a general heel and will lose in the end (which might well have been tonight) because they think it's win-win, with Nakamura getting the win and Corbin getting a rub from working with him.

Why have Corbin come out and distract and annoy Jinder on a couple of occasions, only to stop. And do'nt tell me it's for some subtle "reminding the champion I've got the briefcase and can cash in any time angle" because he's not been booked in that way at all, except the first week after the MITB PPV.
The reason they did what they did with Corbin and Jinder (and the reason they've been doing it with Carmella and Naomi) is that they are WWE and they think the only way you can get something over is to beat people over the head with it. They've almost always done similar things with MITB (especially since 2013 or so), and it drives me nuts because I think the best way to deal with MITB is to not draw attention to it in the hopes that people will forget about it and thus cause as big of a surprise as possible. All that these teases do is train the fans to think that when Mr./Ms. MITB comes out, we're probably not getting a cash-in, and thus the pop is less than what it could be.

Here's what I want to see. I want to see Corbin cash on a face champion (whomever beats Jinder) and lose. This in turn causes Corbin to go monster, book him as monsterous, aggressive, angry and most importantly, really bitter... Then build him up until the Royal Rumble. And have Braun & Corbin as the first two competitors in the Royal Rumble, have Corbin sort of duck until the first competitor comes out, and use the RR to keep the two apart and absolutely dominate individually until leaving Braun & Corbin as the last two men standing. If Corbin is booked right as a monster heel through summer and up to RR, and Braun continues as he is... the crowd will freakin' explode and you could give the shot to either and the fans would be accepting. That would be my plan.
I think this will definitely work. I'd just makes sure that whoever Corbin faces at Mania is a good enough worker to really carry him. AJ seems like the best choice at this point, although I'd probably give him a test-run with Cena on house shows, too. Just to add an element to it, if you've got Braun as a babyface by this point, you could play the confrontation up as Braun looking for redemption against the man who eliminated him last year.
I'm actually getting a sneaking suspicion that Corbin might well lose his cash-in match, simply because JBL keeps insisting that MITB "virtually guarantees" that he will be champion.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 11:09
by XIV
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 08:00
XIV wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 04:59 My only observation that is anything other than agreement or approval here is this...

They've booked Baron Corbin very oddly since winning MITB. I know they need to give him some high profile matches with big names to push him as that credible threat to the champion... But when Corbin won MITB I was excited and interested and actually thought that other than Owens, he would be the best person on the roster to carry the briefcase. However, he's been booked stupidly since.

Yes, getting the rub of a Nakamura feud is solid, but why? Smackdown is in a position where they want to make a success out of both of them, so why have a feud where one is going to look worse than the other?
My assumption is that they think any damage done will be instantly repaired by cashing in, and thus they are just having him engage in a feud with Nakamura in which is he just kind of a general heel and will lose in the end (which might well have been tonight) because they think it's win-win, with Nakamura getting the win and Corbin getting a rub from working with him.

I get that, but I feel that's it's counter productive to a character like Corbin who still needs building into somebody you believe can carry the top championship.

Why have Corbin come out and distract and annoy Jinder on a couple of occasions, only to stop. And do'nt tell me it's for some subtle "reminding the champion I've got the briefcase and can cash in any time angle" because he's not been booked in that way at all, except the first week after the MITB PPV.
The reason they did what they did with Corbin and Jinder (and the reason they've been doing it with Carmella and Naomi) is that they are WWE and they think the only way you can get something over is to beat people over the head with it. They've almost always done similar things with MITB (especially since 2013 or so), and it drives me nuts because I think the best way to deal with MITB is to not draw attention to it in the hopes that people will forget about it and thus cause as big of a surprise as possible. All that these teases do is train the fans to think that when Mr./Ms. MITB comes out, we're probably not getting a cash-in, and thus the pop is less than what it could be.
I agree wholly. With the original fee cash-ins you knew they had the case, but it wasn't over hyped into crap so that you just don't care when it's cashed. I want the shock factor, make me care about the case again.

Here's what I want to see. I want to see Corbin cash on a face champion (whomever beats Jinder) and lose. This in turn causes Corbin to go monster, book him as monsterous, aggressive, angry and most importantly, really bitter... Then build him up until the Royal Rumble. And have Braun & Corbin as the first two competitors in the Royal Rumble, have Corbin sort of duck until the first competitor comes out, and use the RR to keep the two apart and absolutely dominate individually until leaving Braun & Corbin as the last two men standing. If Corbin is booked right as a monster heel through summer and up to RR, and Braun continues as he is... the crowd will freakin' explode and you could give the shot to either and the fans would be accepting. That would be my plan.
I think this will definitely work. I'd just makes sure that whoever Corbin faces at Mania is a good enough worker to really carry him. AJ seems like the best choice at this point, although I'd probably give him a test-run with Cena on house shows, too. Just to add an element to it, if you've got Braun as a babyface by this point, you could play the confrontation up as Braun looking for redemption against the man who eliminated him last year.
I'm actually getting a sneaking suspicion that Corbin might well lose his cash-in match, simply because JBL keeps insisting that MITB "virtually guarantees" that he will be champion.
He would still need carrying for the most part in a WM top level match, I think much like you that a John Cena or AJ would be your best bet for it. Unless huge improvements could happen in the next 8/9 months. But that little addition with Braun would be good, and I would prefer Braun to get the win either way, and give Corbin something else to be bitter about

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 11:15
by Big Red Machine
XIV wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 11:09
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 08:00
XIV wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 04:59 My only observation that is anything other than agreement or approval here is this...

They've booked Baron Corbin very oddly since winning MITB. I know they need to give him some high profile matches with big names to push him as that credible threat to the champion... But when Corbin won MITB I was excited and interested and actually thought that other than Owens, he would be the best person on the roster to carry the briefcase. However, he's been booked stupidly since.

Yes, getting the rub of a Nakamura feud is solid, but why? Smackdown is in a position where they want to make a success out of both of them, so why have a feud where one is going to look worse than the other?
My assumption is that they think any damage done will be instantly repaired by cashing in, and thus they are just having him engage in a feud with Nakamura in which is he just kind of a general heel and will lose in the end (which might well have been tonight) because they think it's win-win, with Nakamura getting the win and Corbin getting a rub from working with him.

I get that, but I feel that's it's counter productive to a character like Corbin who still needs building into somebody you believe can carry the top championship.
I'm not defending the decision at all. Just explaining what their logic seems to be.

Why have Corbin come out and distract and annoy Jinder on a couple of occasions, only to stop. And do'nt tell me it's for some subtle "reminding the champion I've got the briefcase and can cash in any time angle" because he's not been booked in that way at all, except the first week after the MITB PPV.
The reason they did what they did with Corbin and Jinder (and the reason they've been doing it with Carmella and Naomi) is that they are WWE and they think the only way you can get something over is to beat people over the head with it. They've almost always done similar things with MITB (especially since 2013 or so), and it drives me nuts because I think the best way to deal with MITB is to not draw attention to it in the hopes that people will forget about it and thus cause as big of a surprise as possible. All that these teases do is train the fans to think that when Mr./Ms. MITB comes out, we're probably not getting a cash-in, and thus the pop is less than what it could be.
I agree wholly. With the original fee cash-ins you knew they had the case, but it wasn't over hyped into crap so that you just don't care when it's cashed. I want the shock factor, make me care about the case again.

Here's what I want to see. I want to see Corbin cash on a face champion (whomever beats Jinder) and lose. This in turn causes Corbin to go monster, book him as monsterous, aggressive, angry and most importantly, really bitter... Then build him up until the Royal Rumble. And have Braun & Corbin as the first two competitors in the Royal Rumble, have Corbin sort of duck until the first competitor comes out, and use the RR to keep the two apart and absolutely dominate individually until leaving Braun & Corbin as the last two men standing. If Corbin is booked right as a monster heel through summer and up to RR, and Braun continues as he is... the crowd will freakin' explode and you could give the shot to either and the fans would be accepting. That would be my plan.
I think this will definitely work. I'd just makes sure that whoever Corbin faces at Mania is a good enough worker to really carry him. AJ seems like the best choice at this point, although I'd probably give him a test-run with Cena on house shows, too. Just to add an element to it, if you've got Braun as a babyface by this point, you could play the confrontation up as Braun looking for redemption against the man who eliminated him last year.
I'm actually getting a sneaking suspicion that Corbin might well lose his cash-in match, simply because JBL keeps insisting that MITB "virtually guarantees" that he will be champion.
He would still need carrying for the most part in a WM top level match, I think much like you that a John Cena or AJ would be your best bet for it. Unless huge improvements could happen in the next 8/9 months. But that little addition with Braun would be good, and I would prefer Braun to get the win either way, and give Corbin something else to be bitter about

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 12:13
by KILLdozer
Yellow is too bright for me, lol, but I'll echo the above somewhat and add to it... something I've noticed is how Corbin pretty much isn't even doing anything lately with the Mitb, let alone acting like it matters. The main event world title stuff has nothing to do with him and vice versa. Also, I believe fully they're putting him against Nakamura to show him how to legitimately fight like a tough motha' and hit hard to help with his character.

Why is Naomi still champion? Why would someone endorse everything she is and does as champion material?

I said slightly before but I think it's really true-she simply wouldn't fit into all of the other stuff the women are doing properly so they just figured by default that her rightful place is Champion instead.

Are Charlotte and Becky doing that "Drinking tea?" Thing they've mentioned lately? Lol. They're suddenly really cool , warm friends heel Charlotte is gone?

Tamina looked pretty outraged, but I've gotta correct you-she told Lana, "Let's go!" , Again, so she didn't walk out.

Everything is over hyped..
During that recap at Battleground Saxton said Orton was "Fighting for his life" against the Bollywood Boyz' come on.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 12:23
by KILLdozer
He just said "Super-Cena" live on the air!

Then said "That means I'm walking out 17 times!"

....the volume of what that actually says Is ridiculous lol.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 12:33
by Big Red Machine
KILLdozer wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 12:13
Everything is over hyped..
During that recap at Battleground Saxton said Orton was "Fighting for his life" against the Bollywood Boyz' come on.
I can excuse that, though. It's a metaphor, like when a sports team is said to be doing so. That one doesn't bother me at all. It's this constant need to call everyone a "legend" or "one of the greatest XYZs in history" that bugs me because you could still make the thing seem exciting while still being honest about it.

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 26th, '17, 16:45
by KILLdozer
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 12:33
KILLdozer wrote: Jul 26th, '17, 12:13
Everything is over hyped..
During that recap at Battleground Saxton said Orton was "Fighting for his life" against the Bollywood Boyz' come on.
I can excuse that, though. It's a metaphor, like when a sports team is said to be doing so. That one doesn't bother me at all. It's this constant need to call everyone a "legend" or "one of the greatest XYZs in history" that bugs me because you could still make the thing seem exciting while still being honest about it.
Exactly. It's like literally watching the same show every week with the same big time phrases thrown all over needlessly. The second phrase you mentioned has been used for Charlotte repeatedly. Why can't everything just be organic?

Just wresters with a few reigns to their names who are still really starting out within their first 3 years in WWE?

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 28th, '17, 17:01
by KILLdozer
At this point though I'd take 17 times of Cena if it gets this nonsense over with once and for all.

Though I actually feel Nakamura is going to win their matche. It would be ridiculous and almost insulting for him not to. Losing flat out to Cena when he finally gets a shot at something big in the main event on the main roster would just say "Our guy is better and Nakamura couldn't defeat him."

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 31st, '17, 00:46
by KILLdozer
1tbd2x.jpg (26.73 KiB) Viewed 9810 times
Pretty much my exact reaction to Naomi...

Re: BRM Reviews the 7/25/2017 Smackdown (Best One in MONTHS)

Posted: Jul 31st, '17, 11:54
by KILLdozer
No Naomi, no,