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A way to bring Hideo Itami and Asuka to the main roster

Posted: Nov 25th, '15, 01:17
by NWK2000
I'm giving this its own separate thread as it doesn't really correlate with anything I have going on. The premise I have is to bring in Hideo and Asuka as the Authority's bodyguards. Unlike J&J security, they'd be deemed as a serious threat, although Asuka would get the monster push. perhaps have her put a prominent male Superstar in the Asuka lock and have him tap out. I'd make her "laughing before she kicks ass" thing a prominent part of her character, maybe chuckling in the face of some of the bigger guys. Hideo meanwhile, would be the cooler head of the two. Whereas Asuka would gleefully kick the crap out of 20 guys if given the chane too, Hideo is usually the one to act most like a body guard, ushering Stephanie McMahon and Triple H out of dangerous situations. I'd even go as far as to say I would give a tag title run to Hideo and Asuka maybe to serve as a way to get the titles off a babyface team, only to put the title on another babyface a few months later. Asuka would hold the Divas Title from Day 1 that she was the Authority's enforcer, which would lead to a dominant, untouchable Divas Title reign. Hideo, gets multiple title opportunities, but loses them, whether because of some Anti-Authority shenanigans, or cleanly. In terms of "who would get the face push after the breakup?" I would say the answer would be Asuka. Asuka is the bigger ass kicker of the two, while Hideo is the most tactical, defensive, and literal about his job, these would be established character traits right off the bat....except Asuka's loose cannon nature would screw things up for the Authority. The one who takes the corporate fall for this of course is Hideo, who is often berated by the Authority for not keeping Asuka in check. Hideo decides the best way to get back into the authority's good graces would be to physically remove Asuka by injuring her in a match.....which he fails at. Asuka meanwhile, would be truly cemented as a babyface when she loses the Divas title to another Authority-favored Diva. Best case scenario this would be Sasha Banks. Asuka and Sasha could have some main roster Diva Titles wars that could

Re: A way to bring Hideo Itami and Asuka to the main roster

Posted: Nov 25th, '15, 01:26
by Big Red Machine
KENTA as a badass bodyguard would actually be pretty perfect.