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BRM Books the TNA World Title Series (and beyond)

Posted: Nov 1st, '15, 17:07
by Big Red Machine
I am operating under the assumption that TNA will get some sort of TV deal somewhere.

I’d keep the booking exactly as it has been up until this point, with Matt beating Davey and Robbie, while Robbie starts his tournament off with an upset win over Eddie. Eddie and Davey would then go to a draw while Matt would beat Eddie, sweeping his group. This would leave Davey and Robbie fighting for the final spot in a match in which Davey needs to win to advance, but Robbie would again pull off the upset victory. Matt Hardy and Robbie E. advance.

Once again I’d keep things how they’ve been so far. Ethan would win his final match while Lashley would beat Aries to earn the second spot. Ethan and Lashley advance.

Roode would sweep his group. Abyss would come in second, losing only to Roode. EY would lose all three of his matches. Roode and Abyss advance.

Shera and O’Shea advance.

I’d keep things as they are so far. Then we’d see Bram destroy Grado while Drew would beat Spud, setting up for a final match between Bram and Spud to determine who will advance, which Spud the underdog would, of course, win. Drew and Spud advance.

Drake and Godderz advance, with Drake not losing any matches (apparently he has already had a double count-out with Micah, though).

I’d book this one a little differently. I’d start off with Gail vs. Kong and have Kong win clean, while Brooke would beat Madison. Then I’d have Kong beat Brooke and have Madison get the upset win over Gail. Then I’d have Kong beat Madison, setting up a match where in order to advance, Gail would need to beat Brooke to force a three-way playoff between herself Brooke, and Madison which she would then have to win. This would all wind up being irrelevant, though, as Brooke would beat Gail clean, meaning that the Knockouts Champion lost all three of her matches cleanly in the middle of the ring. Kong and Brooke advance.

Uno and Manik advance, although Uno drops a match to DJ Zema Ion.

I’d have some little “ceremony” to start off this part of the tournament as the first thing on these tapings. The ceremony is crashed by an utterly mad Eric Young, who declares that he should be the world champion and no one else. This leads to Bobby Roode challenging EY to a match right here, right now in which he vows to take EY out so that EY won’t ruin the tournament. They go to a double count-out as they brawl through the crowd, but Roode eventually wins the brawl by giving EY a Roode Bomb on the stage and then spearing EY through part of the set. EY is taken to a medical facility.

Gail cuts a promo lamenting her terrible performance in the group stage and vows to reassert her claim to being the best female wrestler in the world by getting her wins back. She successfully defends the title against Madison.

Kong wins cleanly and quickly. I’m pretty sure Shera won’t be so popular in the UK and he’s a pretty awful wrestler, so it’s good to get him out of here ASAP. He needs to advance at least this far because they are pushing him for India, but after that he’s fair game. Also, a quick and decisive win will hopefully help convince any doubters that Kong is a threat to the men.

I’m pretty sure Spud is the only guy who could both take a bunch of offense from a pretty small woman and make it look good, and also manage to get cheered when he pins her (and the show being in the UK would help with that even more).

Drake would get a relatively cheap win by count-out, both so the X-Division Champion doesn’t have to get pinned and to set up some further direction for Mr. Drake, for whom I have some big things planned.

O’Shea gets to test himself against the MMA fighter and gets his ass kicked.

Ethan wins after interference from Tyrus.

Abyss wins, but only after a ref bump and a weapon shot.

Drew wins clean, but I’d have them REALLY push the time-limit here, both let Robbie show everyone what he can do in twenty-five minutes, and also to do whatever we can to create a little kernel of doubt in people’s minds that maybe Drew won’t actually win. After the match, I’d have Robbie put Drew over HUGE on the mic.

Roode would win by count-out after some CRAZY move on the outside. Matt would not even be up by the time the referee gets to ten (the spot would take place far enough away from the ring that Roode would only be able to get back in at nine), and needs medical assistance to get backstage. The announcers are shocked that the “rightful” world champion has been eliminated from the tournament.

Now that Brooke has been eliminated from the tournament, Gail offers to put her title on the line against her, and successfully defends the title.

Now that Matt Hardy and Robbie E. have both eliminated from the tournament, Dixie sets up a title match for them against The Wolves because they both beat both Wolves in singles matches during the group stage. The match is booked for the third day of the tour (so Matt can recover from his injuries).

Now that Tigre Uno has been eliminated from the tournament, he successfully defends his title against DJ Zema Ion to get his win back.

Manik pins Aiden O’Shea clean.

Ethan wins via some sort of distraction from Tyrus.

Roode wins clean.
During this match, an interesting debate breaks out between Josh and Pope as to whether or not Roode is now the rightful world champion. He definitely beat Matt last night, but it was only by count-out, so the title wouldn’t change hands. The question, though, is if Matt’s injuries were severe enough that the win should have really been via ref stoppage because Matt was certainly too injured to continue, which case the title would have changed hands.

Drake wins clean.

Drew wins clean.

The Wolves retain against Matt Hardy and Robbie E, pinning Robbie. We get lots of handshakes after the match and interviews where the Wolves put Robbie over as being a tough, serious wrestler and not being the clown he once was.

Gail defends the Knockouts Title against Kong to get her win back and finish redeeming herself for her poor showing in the group stage.

Jessie Godderz pins Aiden O’Shea clean. O’Shea quits TNA.

We get a ref bump and Drake hits Drew with a chair, but Spud comes out to fight Drake off and buy time for Drew to recover. Drew picks up the win to advance to the finals.

We get one or two spots where Roode almost certainly would have won if it wasn’t for Tyrus. They eventually got to a double count-out. Dixie declares that this means that they will BOTH head to the finals.

We get some sort of backstage segment with Matt Hardy telling Tyrus that he is the only reason Ethan is winning his matches and encouraging Tyrus to be his own man.
Later in the tapings (airing the next week, though), we get a segment where Tyrus tells Dixie that he wants to cash in his Gauntlet for the Gold title shot tonight by beating inserted into the main event tournament finals.

WORLD TITLE SERIES FINAL MATCH: Drew Galloway vs. Bobby Roode vs. Ethan Carter III vs. Tyrus-
Ethan and Tyrus immediately start working together and it looks like Tyrus is only in the match to ensure that Ethan doesn’t lose, but at a key point in the match, Tyrus breaks up one of Ethan’s pins and goes for the cover himself, turning babyface. Despite any telegraphing the announcers might have been doing, Eric Young does not interfere to cost Bobby Roode the match. The match is eventually won 100% cleanly by Drew, pinning Tyrus to become the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

The next set of TV tapings would be back in the US, and would all be used to build towards Lockdown, which could either be a PPV or the final show in this series of tapings.

Eli Drake would cut a scathing promo on the TNA fans, calling them hypocrites. He would cite some evidence from the World Title Series:
When Abyss used a weapon to beat Jessie Godderz, the fans all loved it, but when he used a weapon against Drew Galloway, the fans were all calling for his head. When Spud interfered in that match, the fans loved it, but the fans all hate it whenever Tyrus interfered in EC III’s matches. When Bobby Roode got a count-out win over Matt Hardy, the fans accepted it, but when he got a count-out win over Tigre Uno, the fans called it a “cheap” win.
He basically claims that the fans’ hypocrisy is keeping younger, newer stars like himself down. He soon recruits Jesse Godderz, Manik, and Trevor Lee to his cause.

The debate over whether or not Bobby Roode’s World Title Series victory over Matt Hardy should have been by count-out and thus Roode should be the “rightful” champion leads to a match being booked between Matt and Roode. Drew is very unhappy with all of this talk about whether Roode or Matt is the “rightful” champion because HE won the World Title Series and thus is the rightful champion. They wind up in a three-way title match that ends when Eli Drake’s group, Future Shock, attacks all three guys. This winds up leading to a Lethal Lockdown match with Future Shock taking on Roode, Drew, Matt, and the returning Jeff Hardy.

Ethan and Tyrus feud, with Ethan getting a cheap win by count-out in the first match, then getting himself intentionally DQed in the second. This leads to a Six Sides of Steel match at Lockdown which is billed as Ethan’s un-pinned un-submitted streak vs. Tyrus’ career.

Taryn returns to cause Gail trouble once again and things quickly escalate to the big blow-off we never got last year. To prove once and for all who the better woman is with no interference or bullsh*t, they will have a two out of three falls match in a steel cage at Lockdown.

Anderson will have some matches with guys like Mandrews and Spud and Andrew Everett where he doesn’t take them seriously and it almost costs him the match each time. After Anderson wrestles each guy, Robbie E. will also wrestle them but will be respectful and will take them seriously, leading Robbie to victory. Anderson will make fun of Robbie for putting these guys over promos, so they wind up in a match at Lockdown based on the fact that Anderson won’t take Robbie seriously.

Abyss will feud with Lashley, Tigre Uno will defend the X-Division Title against some sort of bring-in (maybe from AAA?) that will hopefully make some waves.
The Wolves defend their titles against… um… let’s say the new team of Chris Melendez and Mahabali Shera, which is a match that actually has several things going for it:
1. If this is a PPV, we have Shera in a prominent position for that Indian market they are trying to use him to tap into.
2. Shera won’t have to wrestle the entire match, so we can hopefully hide some of his weaknesses.
3. We’ll have both of these guys in there with the Wolves, who should be able to pull the best out of them and carry them to something decent.
4. We get to the utterly hilarious spot where the Wolves realize that they can’t kick Melendez’s leg without hurting themselves (I’m a terrible person, I know).

Uno wins clean to retain

Lashley wins clean.

TNA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Wolves(c) vs. Chris Melendez & Mahabali Shera-
Wolves win clean.

Robbie wins clean in the middle of the ring.

SIX SIDES OF STEEL STREAK VS. CAREER: Ethan Carter III(streak) vs. Tyrus(career)-
Ethan wins clean.

LETHAL LOCKDOWN MATCH: Drew Galloway, Bobby Roode, & The Hardys vs. Future Shock (Eli Drake, Jessie Godderz, Trevor Lee, & Manik)-
Future Shock wins clean when Drake pins Jeff.

Gail wins the first fall, Taryn wins the second, Gail wins the third to retain the title. And yes…. I’d have them both juice.

We get videos of Eric Young very calmly saying that he understands who is truly to blame for all of his problems and failures, and he will soon return to TNA to right the many wrongs that have been done over the years.
Roode begins defending the TNA King of the Mountain Title like it’s the real world title because he claims to be the rightful champion, which annoys both Matt Hardy and Drew Galloway, who also make that claim.
Future Shock pick up a bunch of wins in various singles and tag combinations, leading to Drake being awarded a shot at the King of the Mountain Title. Future Shock interferes, but just when it looks like Drake will win the title, Eric Young returns and saves Bobby Roode, helping him keep his title.
EY explains that he has finally realized that he has spent years blaming others- especially Bobby Roode- for his own flaws, but now he vows to correct that. He saved Bobby’s title as restitution for all of the times he has cost Bobby a world title over the past year and a half.
Drake’s group earns shots at the tag team and X-Division titles. Robbie E. steps up in opposing them, saying that they are blaming their failures on others rather than on themselves. Eric Young also makes this observation and warns them that if they continue down the path they are on, they will wind up like he did.
Drake tries to recruit Bram and Mandrews into the group, while Robbie tries to convince them to stand against them. Mandrews does wind up joining Future Shock while Bram doesn’t give a sh*t about either side and winds up attacking everyone. This all results in the following matches being signed for Slammiversary (or if it winds up being in May, a newly-named PPV):
Eli Drake vs. Eric Young
Hardcore Match: Bram vs. Robbie E. vs. Jessie Godderz-
Wolves vs. Trevor Lee & Manik for the tag titles
Tigre Uno vs. Mandrews for the X-Division Title.

On the women’s side of things, I’d have Taryn go nuts due to her getting busted open at Lockdown, perceiving herself to be “hideous” and wanting to make everyone else hideous as well. She and the Dollhouse beat up others in the division and take them out (aside from Kong, who they already consider to hideous, and Gail, who Taryn is now afraid of, despite her protestations to the contrary)… but then Taryn starts to turn on her own. She first has Marti and Jade take out Rebel. Then she tries to convince Jade to take out Marti but Jade refuses and leaves the group. Taryn manages to convince Marti to join with her and taking out Jade, but then Taryn turns out Marti and takes her out as well.
This big bunch of taking people out means that the Knockouts Title match at Slammiversary will be Gail vs. Kong (yes, again. Sorry).

And now for the big one we’ve been building to all of this time: Who is the “rightful” TNA World Heavyweight Champion?
Drew Galloway won the World Title Series to become the officially recognized TNA World Heavyweight Champion. He has not been pinned or made to submit since winning the title.
But that tournament only happened, though, because Matt Hardy, who had won the TNA World Heavyweight Title at Bound For Glory (pinning Drew, in fact), was forced to vacate it due to the legal machinations of Ethan Carter III. Matt was not beaten for the belt, and has not been pinned or made to submit since then. In fact, his only loss since then was a count-out loss in the World Title Series to Bobby Roode.
Bobby Roode- and others- claim that although his victory over Matt was a count-out on paper, it could just as easily have (and probably should have from the beginning) been called a referee stoppage because Matt was left completely unable to continue, which, if Matt were the champion, would have meant that Roode would be the rightful champion. Roode has not been pinned or submitted since in almost a year (since 7/1/2015). He is also the current TNA King of the Mountain Champion and has recently started to defend that belt as if it were the “rightful” TNA World Heavyweight Title.
While all of these streaks of not being pinned or submitted are quite impressive, they all pale in comparison to that of Ethan Carter III, who hasn’t been pinned or submitted since his TNA debut over two and a half years ago. This, of course, means, that at Bound For Glory last year, Ethan was neither pinned nor submitted, but still wound up losing the TNA World Heavyweight Title which he claims should rightfully be his.
At Slammiversary, all of this controversy will be put to rest. Galloway’s TNA World Heavyweight Title and Roode’s TNA King of the Mountain Title will be unified in a four-way elimination match. No DQs. No count-outs. No rematches. No more controversy. The lineage of the TNA World Heavyweight Title will be restored!

SIX WAY MATCH TO DETERMINE THE #1 CONTENDER TO THE TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE AFTER SLAMMIVERSARY: Mr. Anderson vs. Lashley vs. Abyss vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Andrew Everett-
Jeff wins clean, pinning Everett.

HARDCORE MATCH: Bram vs. Robbie E. vs. Jessie Godderz-
Bram wins, pinning Jessie.

Drake wins clean

TNA X-DIVISION TITLE MATCH: Tigre Uno(c) vs. Mandews-
Mandrews wins clean

TNA KNOCKOUTS TITLE MATCH: Gail Kim(c) vs. Awesome Kong-
Gail wins clean to retain

TNA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Wolves(c) vs. Trevor Lee & Manik-
Trevor Lee & Manik win clean

FOUR WAY ELIMINATION, NO DQ’S, NO COUNT-OUTS TITLE UNIFICATION MATCH TO RESTORE THE LINEAGE OF THE TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Drew Galloway(TNA World Heavyweight Champion) vs. Bobby Roode(TNA King of the Mountain Champion) vs. Matt Hardy vs. Ethan Carter III-
The first man out is Matt Hardy, pinned by Roode at about the twenty minute mark. The next man out is Roode, pinned by Drew at about thirty minutes in. At about the forty-five minute mark, Drew Galloway pins Ethan Carter III to win the match and restore the lineage of the TNA World Heavyweight Title (and also unify it with the King of the Mountain Title).

My BFG card would look something like this:
Future Shock (Lee & Manik)(c) vs. Hardys for the tag titles
Mandrews(c) vs. Spud for the X-Division Title
Gail(c) vs. Jade for the Knockouts Title (Jade would obviously return as a babyface and win a feud with Taryn first.
Drew(c) vs. Eli Drake for the world title

Re: BRM Books the TNA World Title Series (and beyond)

Posted: Nov 1st, '15, 19:21
by cero2k
you are literally the only person in the world who likes Eli Drake.

Nice booking, i probably would have given Godderz everything you gave Drake. that and not get rid of O'Shea

Re: BRM Books the TNA World Title Series (and beyond)

Posted: Nov 1st, '15, 22:36
by Big Red Machine
cero2k wrote:you are literally the only person in the world who likes Eli Drake.

Nice booking, i probably would have given Godderz everything you gave Drake. that and not get rid of O'Shea
I thought Drake's promos were great and I think he's better in the ring than Godderz.

Re: BRM Books the TNA World Title Series (and beyond)

Posted: Nov 2nd, '15, 08:35
by cero2k
Big Red Machine wrote:
cero2k wrote:you are literally the only person in the world who likes Eli Drake.

Nice booking, i probably would have given Godderz everything you gave Drake. that and not get rid of O'Shea
I thought Drake's promos were great and I think he's better in the ring than Godderz.
fair enough, personally, since he broke away from the bromans, his promo and wrestling just skyrocketed