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BRM Reviews the 10/23/1995 Nitro

Posted: Oct 19th, '14, 22:04
by Big Red Machine
“MACHO MAN” RANDY SAVAGE vs. KURASAWA (w/Col. Robert Parker)- 2/10
Kurasawa works over Randy’s arm, which has apparently been injured recently. Then Savage made a comeback that lasted about three moves before hitting the diving elbow drop for the win.

As the announcers were hyping up the main event, all of a sudden the lights went out. Then this dude with a bunch of stage make-up on, sitting in a raised chair, started talking about a block of ice and an insurance package and “the eyes of the demon” and tigers and random stuff like that while we saw some sort of big white box (it was supposed to be disguised as something, but I can’t tell what) with a human silhouette inside. The last words he said were something about “Hulk Hogan” and “Halloween Havoc,” so I guess we’re getting a run-in in one of the Hogan vs. Giant matches. Probably the wrestling match, as doing a run-in in the monster truck sumo match on top of Kobo Hall would be pretty hard.
(Upon further review, this might have been a pre-taped promo shown on the TurnerTron, but I’m not 100% sure.)
Kevin Sullivan tells us that the dude who cut the incomprehensible promo is his father, that the big white box is supposed to be an iceberg, and that the thing in the iceberg is the Yeti (although he pronounced it Yeh-Ti, like it was two words). Sullivan then told us that he thinks that all of the goodness is gone from Hulk Hogan’s heart, and that the Yeti is going to be the only insurance that the Giant needs.
Giant then said that he would kill Hogan and take the WCW World Heavyweight Title from him. Then he laughed evilly. Then Sullivan said more stuff about the “insurance policy,” practically screaming that there will be interference in the PPV main event. To steal a quote from the Bryan and Vinny Show: this PPV = “NO BUYS!”

HULK HOGAN PROMO- he also pronounces it “Yeh-Ti.” He also said that he was not afraid of the Dungeon of Doom because of all of the Hulkamaniacs. He then said that after he murders the “nasty Giant” (and then ties the Giant’s body to his motorcycle and drags it around until it disintegrates- yes, he really said that) he might keep wearing black because “everybody knows what a man with a pair of black gloves on and a black rag on his head is capable of doing, dude.” I guess this might be a 1995 thing that I don’t remember.
Hogan says that his “so-called friends” Sting, Luger, and Savage had better decide which of them will get a title shot at “the bad guy,” Hulk Hogan. Scott Hall’s gonna be PISSED!

Bischoff hyped up matches for WCW Saturday Night, including a tag title match between the American Males and Harlem Heat. Upon hearing this I said “Oh yeah! That’s right. They have tag titles in this promotion.” I had totally forgotten about them because they have only been mentioned ONCE in the history of Nitro, which was over a month ago. Thinking of that match reminded me that we never got any follow-up whatsoever on whether or not the title change we saw that night would be held up by WCW Commissioner Nick Bockwinkel or not. That seems pretty damn important to me.
Wright was advertised as Eddie’s tag team partner, but couldn’t wrestle because his knee was hurt. Heenan claimed that he had gotten injured trying to emulate some of Disco Inferno’s dance moves. That made me laugh. It turns out he might not really be injured, though, as he seemed to turn heel behind everyone’s back and cost Dean the match by tripping him up with his crutches. That match was great, and just beats out last week’s Benoit vs. Eddie match as the best match in Nitro’s short history thus far.
During this match they cut to the back (thankfully with a split screen this time) because a fight had broken out between Scott Norton and The Shark. Why? Because Shark inadvertently cost Norton a match SIX WEEKS AGO.

POST-MATCH ANGLE- Brian Pillman showed up to randomly give Eddie a DDT onto the concrete.

LEX LUGER & STING vs. HARLEM HEAT (w/Sister Sherri)- 3.5/10
Sting is indeed wearing red and yellow, which Hogan had mentioned in his promo. Based off of Bischoff and Heenan’s commentary, the over-the-top-rope DQ rule appears to still be a thing at this point.
Sting got shined up. Harlem Heat worked over Luger (who could have sold it better). Sting got the hot tag and got the win. On the outside, Sherri was kissing Polaroids of herself and Col. Robert Parker hugging, because they are in love and she is insane.

POST-MATCH ANGLE- The Taskmaster and the Giant came out and Giant chokeslammed both Sting and Luger. Rabdy Savage came out and got some shots in on Sullivan before facing off against the Giant. Before they could start throwing punches, though, Hulk Hogan came out (finally no longer in a neck brace). Savage let Hogan fight the battle on his own, so the main event of Sunday’s PPV was facing off in the ring right now.
Hogan punched Giant a few times, but Giant no-sold it, then clubbed Hogan in the back. Hogan Hulked up and got some good offense in, but Sullivan attacked him from behind. At this point the Dungeon of Doom came out, while Savage came back into the ring to help Hogan. Hogan and Savage beat up all of the heels by themselves. The Giant managed to escape because WCW head of security Doug Dillenger stopped Hogan from beating him up.
Then the announcers told us that “the floor is shaking over here!” and wondered what was making some sound that we at home couldn’t hear. The go-home for Halloween Havoc went off the air with that dumb block of ice exploding (as blocks of ice are obviously prone to do), revealing to us a brief glimpse of the laughter-inducing image of what I assume is the Yeti. Or Yeh-Ti. Or whatever.

An extremely wacky Nitro that did a terrible job selling the PPV, but had a great wrestling match in the middle of it.