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Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 17:58
by kiel297
Same drill as last night! I'm gonna be here typing up what's going on in the ring as it happens.

For each match/segment I will have notepad open, typing a play-by-play of sorts with my thoughts and opinions weaving in and out. After each match and segment I'll also type up my opinion on it, post it in this thread and start typing on the next segment.

It sounds a little confusing like that, but it's really not. Anywho, let's get this show on the road!

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:17
by cero2k
i'm still at work, hope to get out soon

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:20
by kiel297
We're kicking things off tonight with John Cena, coming out to BIG boos from what seems to be a pretty hot crowd.

Standard stuff about how Bryan was robbed, goes on to thank him for a good match. He's sporting a black eye, likely from that vicious knee Bryan delivered for the win.

He points out his grotesque-looking elbow, saying that his it's a result of a torn bicep. He says he's disgusted by Triple H's actions, and that he can't put his surgery off any longer and that he'll be out for four to six months. The crowd goes wild.

He says he wants to introduce someone who's earned his respect and earned the right to be called WWE Champion. Daniel Bryan makes his way out.

Not a horrible promo so far. Bryan looks heartbroken in a way that he'll accept your hug but if you laugh you're gonna get your fucking head kicked in.

Cena fucks off, Bryan takes centre stage, the crowd starts chanting his name. He is so over it's unreal.

Hold up, Stephanie McMahon's coming out. She gets a nice smattering of boos because she's the mother of satan's children. She tells Bryan she's sorry, tells Bryan he deserved his victory, and didn't deserve to be robbed, but Triple H was just doing what was best for business. Crowd starts a "NO!" chant.

Bryan doesn't seem too happy with Steph. He says he expects it from her, from Vince, but not from Triple H, the rebel, the leader of DX. But now he's got a suit and a corporate haircut.

Holy shit did he just call Steph trash? YOU GO GIRL.

Steph's gonna let it slide, Bryan starts shouting at her like a mug. He says he's not afraid of being fired, but before he leaves, he's gonna get his money's worth. He's gonna give them a reason to fire him.

Stephanie says nobody wants to fire him, brings up his anger management issues. Starts calling him talented, the ultimate underdog, but she needs to manage his expectations, and not everyone can be the face of the company. She starts criticising his size. Says he might not be an A, but he's a solid B+

Brilliant. That is like the best line ever. Bryan says she's reminding him of a b-word, and that crowd starts shouting bitch.


Steph's calling security. She tells them to escort him out. Is he gonna fight? Please fight. The crowd's chanting your name. Knock those fuckers out. Please.

Oh. He's just walking away with them. Come on Daniel. WHAT WOULD AUSTIN DO?!

End of segment. I really wanted a brawl. Ah well, we'll probably get one later when he more than likely ambushes Randy Orton.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:35
by kiel297
Back from commercial. Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes are in the ring for a rematch.

Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow

Off to a nice quick start, Cody takes control of the match early on.

I think the crowd is chanting "we want Goldust". Assholes.

Damien Sandow almost gets a momentum change but Cody sends him to the outside and suplexes him on the floor.

Back in the ring and this time Sandow manages to send Cody to the floor. He brings Cody back in and gets to work on him.

Cody tries to mount some offence off of a counter, going up to the top rope but he Flairs it and gets sent to the mat. Commercial break time.

This is an alright match so far. About the same quality as last night's.

Back from commercial and Sandow's in control. He takes Cody up to the top rope, but Cody knocks him down and hits him with a beautiful moonsault.

I'm a huge mark for Cody Rhodes. He's just so great.

He goes on a nice shoulder block rampage, then hits Goldust's uppercut. Sets Sandow up for CrossRhodes, but Sandow counters and plants Cody. Gets a two count.

Sandow tries to take advantage but Cody gets right back in the game with a disaster kick. Sandow rolls to the ropes where he takes advantage and pulls Cody down on them. Takes Cody to the corner but Cody rolls him up and scored the 123.

Winner by pinfall: Cody Rhodes

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:40
by kiel297
Brad Maddox on screen now. Talks about Ziggler making some comments about Triple H's actions last night. He says that because Ziggler's a show-off, he'll get the chance to show off in a 3 on 1 handicap match against The Shield.

So basically, what we've got here is a 2013 version of the McMahon-Helmsley era with Stephanie and Triple H running things, and most probably Vince in on it as well, making it a new style Corporation as well. Throw Brad Maddox into the mix as what would it would have been like if Bischoff had been Vince's stooge, and The Shield in as a three man Big Bossman. I'm liking this set up.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:47
by kiel297
Paul Heyman's out. He's cutting a promo about how it's time to end the family fued. He says how he's been a father figure to CM Punk, and when "big brother Brock" smacked some sense into his head, he realised that he doesn't want to fight, and he forgives CM Punk.

He just wants Punk to apologise. If Punk apologises he will take him back and they'll reach even higher heights than before becuase Paul still "loves" him.

I love how much of a jackass Paul Heyman is. He puts down the mic and starts heading down the steps. Kind of expected a Punk appearance here but no dice.

Cut to backstage and Funkadactyls argue with The Bellas. Bellas try getting all up in their bidniss but bitch be all "GURL BI."

Graphic comes up advertising Randy Orton's coronation ceremony later on. So basically Chris Jericho's gonna return to save us just like last time right? Nah, we all know that it's gonna get crashed by Daniel Bryan, resulting in a lovely pull apart brawl. I love those.

It's like Daniel Bryan's on Stars in their Eyes and he's all "TONIGHT MATTHEW I AM STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN"

I don't know if you yanks will get that reference whatsoever.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 18:55
by kiel297
Funkadactyls vs AJ Lee and Layla

AJ's got Harley Quinn hair. I'm a huge mark for anything Batman related so that's awesome.

AJ and Layla ambush the cheerleaders. I can NOT be bothered to type Funkadactyls.

Oh wait, I stopped to type to someone about Superman comics and I missed the match. Looked at the screen to see Layla making stupid faces.

I really don't feel like I missed much.

Winners by pinfall: Funkadactyls

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 19:09
by kiel297
The Shield vs Dolph Ziggler

Right, missed the first few minutes of this match because I was chasing a giant moth around my bedroom with a music textbook. I won.

Anyway, so I've got back and The Shield are putting a hurting on Dolph Ziggler. Ambrose tags in Seth Rollins.

I like this match as a display of "If you fuck with the new regime, you're gonna have a bad time."

Ambrose is back in quickly, and he's wearing Ziggler down. A very nice submission hold that I don't know the name of. Ziggler gets a surprise sleeper on and then a chinbreaker on Ambrose.

Ambrose gets out quickly and tags in Roman Reigns. Ziggler's playing possum and gets a nice leg drop off, follows up with a neckbreaker. Knocks Rollins off the apron, fameasser on Reigns. Ambrose runs in, gets thrown over the top rope and Ziggler hits a stall DDT on Reigns. Goes for the cover but Rollins interrupts at 2. He gets thrown out for the ring for his troubles too, but it looks like he tweaked his knee. Reins is in the corner and Ziggler runs at him but he finds nothing but a brutal spear. Reigns gets the three count and then The Shield hit him with a triple powerbomb.

Winner by pinfall: The Shield

You don't fuck with the McMahon-Helmsley regime.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 19:23
by kiel297
Alberto Del Rio vs Sin Cara

Holy shit did Cara just get a pop?

Del Rio starts off by kicking Sin Cara to the floor. Irish whips him to the ropes, Sin Cara does his luchi luchi and sends Del Rio to the floor. He does a suicide dive out on top of Del Rio and wait, he's hurt his hand. The trainer runs round and they stop the match. True to form, Sin Cara is killed in action.

Del Rio picks up the microphone and starts going on about how he's a hero to the latino community.

WAIT A SECOND RICARDO RODRIGUEZ YAY. He's saying he's happy he doesn't have to represent Del Rio anymore. He's representing someone new!

Hold on. Before I go into who just came out, I was fully expecting like, Rey Mysterio or some shit, and despite what Ricardo said, I still kind of heard Rey Mysterio and got really excited. Then I realised he actually said Rob Van Dam.

I don't understand. There is zero reason for his new client to be Rob Van Dam. Why is it Rob Van Dam. I don't get it.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 19:34
by kiel297
We The Tea Party are out.

Zeb's still going on about immigrants. He says something about his tax dollars paying for immigrants debit cards. I don't understand that logic but okay.

Zeb shuts up and the Prime Time Players make their way out.

I'm not particularly too bothered to do the whole play by play for this match. So basically it's a tag team match and it's got standard tag team stuff.

American Swagger and Antonio America vs Prime Time Players

Standard tag team match.

Winners by pinfall: Prime Time Players

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 19th, '13, 19:40
by kiel297
I've decided that this would be more fun if there were some more activity. So I'm gonna stop here and just watch the show.

Re: Kiel's live 9/20/13 RAW Commentary and Thoughts

Posted: Aug 20th, '13, 07:38
by Big Red Machine
kiel297 wrote:

Hold on. Before I go into who just came out, I was fully expecting like, Rey Mysterio or some s**t, and despite what Ricardo said, I still kind of heard Rey Mysterio and got really excited. Then I realised he actually said Rob Van Dam.

I don't understand. There is zero reason for his new client to be Rob Van Dam. Why is it Rob Van Dam. I don't get it.