BRM Reviews FIP Dangerous Intentions

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews FIP Dangerous Intentions

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 16th, '13, 19:08

FIP Dangerous Intentions (2/12/2005)- Sebring, FL

I thought Homicide was going to be facing one of his Rotweilers partners tonight, but apparently, according to Banks, he will be facing “Ricky” Romero instead.
On a more serious note, Banks says that after he beat his mentor, Scoot Andrews, last night, Andrews was supposed to put him over as the future of the business, but he didn’t. Andrews then comes out and says that, because he was a “founder” of ROH (as if jobbing on the first few shows makes you a “founder”) he deserves another shot at the FIP Title in ROH… um… sure, Scoot. Whatever.
Scoot challenges Banks to put his title shot on the line tonight. Banks gives Scoot one more chance to shake his hand, but Scoot slaps him instead. Scoot was eh, but Banks showed promise.

HEARTBREAK EXPRESS & AARON EPIC SEGMENT-dull. The Heartbreak Express say that they won’t wrestle tonight and put their fictitious winning streak on the line. Aaron Epic comes out and says that he wants to challenge them. The heels hit him, so Kahagas comes out and we get…

The Heartbreak Express isolate Epic until he manages to make a hot tag. When things start to go south for them, they walk off and lose by forfeit. Epic has a great chokeslam for such a small guy.

RAINMAN vs. EVAN STARSMORE- extended squash
Starsmore got to look good by lasting a few minutes but Rainman had 95% of the offense. Rainman got away with a pretty blatant low blow, too. I have no idea why the ref didn’t call it.

SALRINAURO PROMO- Sal cuts a decent promo making an open challenge, which leads to…


CM PUNK PROMO- a great promo that set up for the upcoming match very well.

An awesome match that played into Punk’s promo well. Props to Lenny Leonard and Dave Prazak for helping get that over on commentary, too. Great wrestling, great intensity, and heel tactics that just plain piss you off for all the right reasons.

WINNER GETS AN FIP TITLE SHOT AT ROH DO OR DIE IV: Antonio Banks vs. Scoot Andrews- 6.25/10
Good match. Banks definitely looked like he was ready for more than just a ten minute undercard match, so this push seems like it will do him good. After the match Scoot puts Banks over as the future and announces his retirement.

ROH WORLD TITLE MATCH: Austin Aries(c) vs. Vordell Walker- 7/10
Before the match Walker cut a decent promo putting over the ROH World Title. Aries then cut an okay heel promo. Great heel stuff from Aries with the fans and Walker showed a lot of potential. I’m not sure 100% sure if the timing works out, but this match is probably why Gabe booked Walker into Trios Tournament 2005.

FOUR WAY FRAY: Fast Eddie Vegas vs. Puma vs. Jerrelle Clark vs. Azrieal (w/Mr. Milo Beasley)- 6.75/10
Two stories here. The first, with the heels working as a team, was good. The second, with Azrieal working over Puma’s leg, would have been good if Puma had remembered to sell.

FIP HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH: Homicide(c) vs. Rocky Romero- 8.25/10
An awesome match between two guys who we rarely got to see wrestle each other. Great wrestling, great submissions, great selling by Homicide, and great intensity. I’d love to see these two face off again.
After the match Punk and Azrieal jump Homicide and Azrieal goes after the arm Rocky had been working on while Punk poses with the FIP Heavyweight Title. Dragon makes the save, chasing them off with a 2x4 (and giving a Hacksaw Duggan “HO!” afterwards). Dragon then picks up the belt and Cide, showing an extreme lack of gratitude and manners, just shouts “GIMME!” and threatens Dragon with the 2x4. Dragon gives Cide the belt, but then hits him with a Roaring Elbow and tells Cide that he is coming after the belt.

Overall, a great show from FIP, although the first half hour is pretty dull.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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