Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

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Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

Post by e-moose » Mar 11th, '13, 21:07

I'm old. I've seen a lot of wrestling. Good guyz n bad guyz n turnz n factionz: So much of it just seems like the same old storiez over and over.

I'm thinking outside the box. I haven't seen everything so perhaps my idea haz been done before.

So often, turnz are way too sudden to be believable. The Bully Ray turn wuz cool becauze it wuzn't just a sudden change out of nowhere, but rather a revelation of a long and drawn out and personal manipulation plan. I think that's cool.

So what alwayz happenz to theze large heel faction groups? Same tired old crap: Egos, jealousy, general bad attitude gets in the way and people splinter off until the whole group is in piecez right? I say that now that this A&8s group haz been fully revealed and haz lost that "mystique", it doezn't necessarily have to mean the beginning of this break-up process just to keep fan interest. I want to suggest an entirely different route.

Hulk Hogan iz the TNA General Manager. That's a powerful pozition in the company. After the events at Lockdown, Hogan has to be more enraged than he haz ever been in hiz entire career! The TNA fanz are with him of course.

I say, let Hogan uze that power, and let him uze hiz alliez (Team TNA) az well. Have him vent the full fury of hiz rage through hiz actionz az General Manager, doing it "Hollywood Hogan style", at timez really shady and unprofessional-like, and let Hogan & Team TNA & the fanz avenge Bully Ray & the A&8's to a degree of crowd-pleazing orgazmic face domination never seen before!

Don't get the wrong idea. A&8s doez not change. They keep playing dirty. They keep ganging up. They just simply fail at it, mostly due to Hogan continually being one dirtier step ahead of them time after time.

Now through a couple of months worth of this, including Bully Ray lozing the title to a Team TNA member by questionable meanz (Hogan being a huge player in this), this proven more powerful enemy haz acted az a unifying force for the A&8s group. The group iz down but remainz intact except for perhaps a couple of memberz who succumb to the dispair of the group's failurez and seeing that their careerz are going nowhere, leave the group, leaving a solid core group remaining, bonded in defiance of management.

Hogan'z thirst for revenge iz unending az he haz vowed from the beginning to never stop until Ray and the A&8s group are all, by any meanz necessary, vanquished from TNA forever. Around this point in time (a couple of months from now), az Hogan haz gotten dirtier and nastier all the time in hiz tactics against the group, a few people, for starterz Dixie Carter & Sting (It doezn't have to be specifically them first. I just think that their characterz fit this role the best.) start to openly question Hogan about hiz increasingly unprofessional conduct az General Manager (this unprofessional conduct continuing to be directed specifically toward the struggling A&8s group and nobody else). Hogan will not hear any of it! Az time passez the A&8s, feeling beaten and battered, down and out, screwed over endlessly, but still hopelessly bonded out of pure survival necessity, begin realizing that they just can't fight the system anymore, and slowly they play less the aggressor, and more the victim.

This iz the big turn, the long drawn-out slow-assed turn, not of any wrestler or any faction, but the slooowwwwwww turn of... the fanz!

One by one, slow az molassas, TNA fanz watch what iz tranzpiring before them, over something like 6 months, and their hatred of the A&8s gang transformz ever so slowly into sympathy. Crowd reactionz to say Angle & Joe & Storm vs. DOC & Team 3-D become mixed reactionz. They start to boo when Hogan pullz some dirty deed that guaranteez a loss for A&8s. Some of the Team TNA guyz start to look disgruntled and not really celebrate their tainted victoriez. A few more memberz of the alwayz loose-knit Team TNA (who for the most part have been complicit with Hogan'z adjenda) begin questioning Hogan'z actionz. Hogan gets more and more insistent in setting them straight on the end goal of completely vanquishing the A&8s from TNA. Each of the Team TNA guyz' attitudez seem to be going different directionz. Lots of variety here. A few are with Hogan'z adjenda 100%. A few question Hogan'z antics in convo with the otherz behind Hogan'z back in the locker room. Only the most respected (like Carter, Sting, maybe Angle) actually question Hogan to hiz face. Not going to write this stuff specifically but there is so much room for good drama here, and fanz wondering where all the chips are gonna fall with the increasingly splintered locker room.

See, this iz how it should go down. Team TNA becomez the splintered group, and not even out of egoz or jealousy, but out of varying levelz of moral dillema!!! Fanz tune in each and every week to see what each of the Team TNA memberz r gonna say or do next because they're all constantly facing tough moral decizionz, and Hogan iz becoming increasingly Hitler-like. Some of the guyz are 100% with him, some are constantly teetering, some begin planning a mass group turn on Hogan. All fear him at this point. Theze dynamics are constantly changing week to week and we're kept wondering what each of them iz really thinking. Hogan at some point over-hearz one of the guyz trying to orchestrate an outright full group turn on Hogan. Hogan, on that same night, callz out "anyone and everyone who standz for TNA" and assemblez a mass beat-down of that member (must include Hogan with the wicked strap shots to the back) Some of the guyz are right in there like a pack of wolvez. Some are hezitant. Maybe one refuzez to participate. The victim of this beat-down iz out for a few weeks injured but upon returning joinz the A&8s group.

At this point most of the fanz have fully turned, but of course some of the fanz think Hogan iz "bad-ass cool".

The former Team TNA memberz eventually splinter in all directionz through various meanz. Eventually, somehow, Hogan lozez hiz pozition az TNA General Manager.

Not writing all the specifics, but how cool would this be, say, more than a year down the road, if it's revealed that the A&8s, now mostly supported by the fanz, have actually manipulated everything to go their way the whole entire time, and az it turnz out, Hogan wuz right the entire time! ... and all of Hogan'z actionz toward hiz end goal were actually, by the endz justifying the meanz, the right management decizionz!

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Re: Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

Post by cero2k » Mar 11th, '13, 21:30

good read Moose, i liked it

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Re: Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 11th, '13, 22:07

Great stuff. I liked Hogan slowly becoming what would be a heel except that he has legitimate, believable, and empathize-able reasons for doing these otherwise heelish things. I might be wrong, but I'm not sure that something like that has ever been done before.
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Re: Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

Post by Big Bad Booty Daddy » Mar 12th, '13, 15:19

Good stuff Moose

Good to see you commenting more frequently on here

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Re: Post-Lockdown TNA az booked by e-moose

Post by e-moose » Mar 12th, '13, 15:59

Big Red Machine wrote:Great stuff. I liked Hogan slowly becoming what would be a heel except that he has legitimate, believable, and empathize-able reasons for doing these otherwise heelish things. I might be wrong, but I'm sure that something like that has ever been done before.
The Hulkster would obviously get a lot of mic time throughout this. Normally this iz a bad thing. But this particular role for him, az Jim Ross would say, "is like a hand fitting into a custom-made glove".

Throughout the entire storyline, az Hogan gets more insistant, and az the fanz and some of hiz friendz increasingly question him and turn on him, and az Hogan becomez more paranoid about who'z with him or against him, Hogan continuez giving typical Hogan speechez, about doing the right thing brother, about standing for TNA, about every decizion he makes being what's best for TNA, the TNA locker room, and the TNA fanz. Have him keep on trying desparately to hang on to az much support az possible throughout, and aside from all hiz actionz toward the A&8s, have him be a good GM... sorry poor choice of wordz... I mean a "face-like" GM... have him for the most part be a fairly similar GM to the way he already haz been, except just hella-hardball with the A&8s... and eventually the same way with thoze who he findz out are plotting against him.

He would quite literally get to play "Hulkster" and "Hollywood" all in one character.

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