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Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 15:23
by NWK2000
12/31 Smackdown: New Years Revolution

Kallisto def Kevin Owens (c) by count out for the Intercontinental Championship, Owens retains

Kallisto runs to the ring like a man possessed and immediately starts attacking Owens, but Owens quickly overpowers him, Kallisto makes several small comebacks, but Owen cuts him off each time. 2/3rds of the way through the match, Kallisto finally makes a big comeback, nailing most of his signature offense on Owens, including the Kneeling Spike Huricanrana. He goes for another Huricanrana move, but Owens blocks it, and hoists him up for a powerbomb. Owens tries to Powerbomb Kallisto out of the ring, but Kallisto reverses it into a huricanrana outside the ring. Kallisto makes the count at 9, but Owens doesn't. Owen looks enraged, and goes to fight Kallisto, but David Otunga holds him back, guiding him to the back as Kallisto celebrates. This match gets about 10 minutes

[centerTamina Snuka and Paige Knight w/ Adam Rose def Charlotte and Becky Lynch (Tamina pins Charlotte][/center]

Paige is too cowardly to face Becky as legal women but Tamina and Charlotte are game to brawl with one another Paige and Becky brawl on the outside in the closing moments after Paige attacks Becky from behind, Tamina uses the distraction to pull a pair of brass knuckles out of her boot and punch Charlotte in the small of the back and roll her up. This goes about 15 minutes

The New Day (c) def Tyler Breeze and Dolph Ziggler w/Summer Rae to retain the Tag Titles (Kofi pins Dolph)

This match goes about 20 minutes, Ziggler/Breeze once again play the babyface. Goes evenly until Big E body checks Dolph to counter a top rope Double Axe Handle, and the New Day does their corner stop Dolph is in the process of making a hot tag , when he calls out that Xavier Woods is about to pull Breeze off the rope, Breeze nods and dives onto Xavier. Dolph tries to fight off both New Day members, but Kofi eyerakes Dolph and hits the Trouble in Paradise for the pin. Tyler looks livid post match. As The New Day leaves the ring, Tyler starts stomping Ziggler, screaming, "YOU RUINED IT FOR ME! I BELIEVED IN YOU!" He chokes Tyler Breeze , to the point where the referees have to pull him off. One final shot of Tyler looking like his eyes are about to buldge out of his skull as the show cuts to commercial.

During the second screen experience, Rich Brennan tries to interview Dolph, but he has no comment.

Back from the break, we're informed that Sami Zayn and Dean Ambrose have been recorded in a bar in town holding an impromptu Smackdown viewing party. We abruptly cut to the footage Dean offers to buy the entire bar drinks all night, Sami leads the bar in a rousing 'Ole' chants. Mauro admits that looks like a fun time. Corey quips, "If you're lame"
We get an interview with Neville, who basically says it's his New Year's Revolution to win as as much as he can, and be a better rep of England than King Barrett, Zeb Coulter rolls onto frame

"You may be a mushmouth and a HATER, but you're a persistent hater, like a rabid, tiny dog. And we respect that, but you can't go around insulting the League. Barrett's already pissed atcha for bein an NXT alum, and you're already hurt. Just keep that in mind."
Neville eyes Coulter suspiciously as he drives away on his scooter.
US Champion Alberto Del Rio w. Zeb Coulter def Neville via pinfall
It's very clear from the beginning of the match that Neville is still banged up from his match with Triple H, a kick to the back from Alberto Del Rio countering a slam move proves this. Alberto works the back and arms, but Neville makes a comeback, and sets up the Red Arrow. He dives off the top, but Alberto gets his knees up at the last minute. , countering it into a rollup for the win. Neville sells his injury, but refuses help from medical personnel and walks to the back. This goes just over 15 minutes with the post match segment

We get an interview with both Sheamus and Triple H. Sheamus gets the standard "what are your thoughts on Roman Reigns and the title defense tonight" question. Sheamus tells the interviewer that he is a "fightingest" champion in recent memory, so beating Roman a third time is, quite frankly, a waste of time, but, for some reason, people love Roman Reigns, so it's best for business regardless of what he thinks. The interviewer asks him about Neville as well and his interference on Raw's match. Triple H puts over Neville, saying that he isn't one to underestimate, and a heck of an athlete. But, a WWE Champion has to protect his interest as a guy who has the top prize in the company, and Sheamus understands that. Triple H also has an announcement to make, on next week's episode of Smackdown, we will hold an "I Have a Dream" raffle in celebration of equality. Everyone on the roster is entered, and whoever is picked, they will get a title shot against WWE Champion Sheamus on the MLK Day Raw. Triple H stresses that ANYONE could have a title shot on that night.

We get a quick promo with little snipits of the teams entered in the Tag Team Classic event tonight. Of note are the Wyatt Family cutting their promo all together, PTP and ECW Originals doing the same, but iterating that it's every team for themselves. Also Baron Corbin is trying to cut a heel promo, but Tye is trying to do is "Ten, Ten," pose like a pesky little brother. Baron looks annoyed.

Sheamus (c) def Roman Reigns in a Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship

This match goes until about 10 minutes left in the show. The match turns into a huge crowd brawl to begin, they brawl all around the arena, with Sheamus Brogue kicking Reigns in the parking lot. At the count of 6, Roman is back up, leaning against a car door. Sheamus lines up for another Brogue Kick.....and Reigns ducks, causing Sheamus' foot to go through the driver's side window! Sheamus screams in pain and slumps to the ground, Sheamus staggers to his feet at 9. but Reigns grabs Sheamus and they walk together back into the building, going to the top of the seats....Sheamus hits a low blow, and shoves Reigns down the stairs, Reigns sells a leg injury, Sheamus gives him some brutal stomps and throws him over the barricade, doing a Shoulder Block Vault over the barricade, Roman gets up, and the two get into the ring. This is where we get a trading of finishers and some near falls. Sheamus even breaks out the Crucifix Powerbomb, while Roman hits a Top Rope Samoan Drop. Sheamus does the three Brogue Kick combo that fell Kevin Owens, but Roman powers through! Sheamus goes for a fourth Brogue, but Roman hits the Spear out of nowhere! At the 7 count, Alberto Del Rio's music hits, and Zeb comes out by himself. He calls Roman a hater and a xenophobe, that will eat the concequences of his actions. As he says this, Alberto comes out of the crowd and hits Roman with a pipe in the leg! Sheamus is up by this point, and together the two Pilmanize's Roman's leg, Sheamus stops the referee from counting. As the argument with the argument is taking place, we see Rusev and Barrett beating down Neville, while Lana instructs them. When the camera cuts back to the ring, the referee has been allowed to count. Sheamus poses, and a conscious Roman rolls to his stomach, but can't stand as both legs have been Pilmanizes. He flips Sheamus and Alberto the double bird as they pose, and the match end.
This match goes to television time remaining.

Roman is lead to the back as the cold open to the Tag Team Classic on the WWE Network.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 21st, '16, 15:30
by Big Red Machine
NWK2000 wrote:
12/31 Smackdown: New Years Revolution

Nifty use of an old PPV name to make a show feel big.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 08:38
by NWK2000
Why thank you! While the throw away holiday shows are cute, I'd much rather take the approach of resolving TV feuds so that we don't burn out the PPV presentations.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 08:53
by NWK2000
12:31 Tag Team Classic Special

The Dudleyz come out for guest commentary, and spend the entire show putting over the teams and providing their insights

Rusev and Barrett come out first, with David Otunga and Lana, Otunga has a mic, and cuts a promo, grilling the guy in the truck who played the Dean and Sami party footage, for giving air time to two suspended men. As punishment, that person will wrestle David Otunga in a match on Raw.

King Barrett and Rusev w/Lana and David Otunga def The Hype Bros via Rusev's Accolade on Ryder in 10 minutes

Jordan and Gable def Storm and Sampson (Gable pins Sampson)

This is a solid match that goes 20 minutes

Mark Henry and Apollo Crews def "The Perfect 10" Tye Dillenger and Baron Corbin (Crews pins Tye after a Gorilla Press assisted splash double team
This match goes less than 5 minutes, to the point where Baron Corbin never gets tagged in. Dillenger tries to apologize to Corbin in the ring, but gets the End of Days as a result, left laying in the ring.

Prime Time Players def Harper and Rowan (Young does a surprise rollup on Harper)

Darren is still beat down from his match on Raw, O'Neil starts, who hot tags to Darren at the midway mark, who gets clobbered by Harper. This happens up until the end, where Darren gets the roll up and the win. This match goes 15 minutes

Curtis Axel and Damien Sandow def The Invaders (Axel makes the winning pin)

This match goes about 10 minutes. The finish comes when there's a ref bump, and Bo Dallas runs in to deliver the Bo-Dog on the legal Invader, allowing Axel to get the win. Bo takes the mic and announces his new team, Believing In Absolute Sophistication or B.I.A.S

Wyatt and Strowman def Tommy Dreamer and Rhyno w/ Goldust (Wyatt pins Dreamer)

The match goes back and forth until Bray gets the heat on Tommy. Rhyno gores Strowman off the apron as Tommy makes the comeback. Tommy sets up the DDT, but suddenly, the titantron shows Luke Harper putting Stardust and the Ascensiion's old gear into a trash can in the parking lot and setting it on fire! Goldust books it back stage. Tommy is distracted long enough for Bray to break out of the DDT and hit Sister Abigail for the win. The Wyatt sound effect plays and Bray/Strowman are gone. Meanwhile, Goldust finds the trash can on fire, but no Harper. This all and all takes about 20 minutes.

Enzo and Cass w/Carmella (c) def Dash and Dawson to retain the NXT tag titles

This match goes till about a minute left in the show. Cass pins Dash clean with a Big Boot after a back and forth match. Mauro then gets up from the announce desk and announces all the tag teams in the January 4th Tag Team Turmoil as they come out one by one.
NXT Tag Team Champions Enzo and Cass
Mark Henry and Apollo Crews
Rusev and King Barrett
Bray Wyatt and Brawn Strowman]
The Prime Time Players
Jordan and Gable
Mauro leads the 15 second countdown to the new year. At 1, the Wyatt Family sound effect plays, and all the Wyatts are in the ring, Rhyno, Tommy Dreamer, and Goldust also run out. Faces overpower heels in a massive team brawl to end the Network special.

1/2/16 Superstars

Baron Corbin def Mark Henry via End of Days in 10 minutes. Apollo Crews runs out to make the save. Mark and Apollo eventually overpower Corbin, who leaves on his own accord

Ryback squashes R-Truth. Baron Corbin comes out, and they do dueling Shell Shocks and End of Days to Truth, before staring down each other.
We are quickly informed that Sin Cara is perfectly clear to compete, but has decided to take a hiatus from wrestling to "plan his next move"

Sasha Banks def Summer Rae via submission. After the match, Dolph Ziggler jumps through the crowd in his civvies attacking Breeze as the show ends.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 09:33
by NWK2000
Instead of the usual WWE Network announcement, Stephanie McMahon presents the match card for Raw live from WWE HQ. She once again runs through the "I Have a Dream" raffle announced on Smackdown, and announces the match card

Dean Ambrose will select three tag team partners, and the three will take on The New Day. If they win, they will join Dean Ambrose in 8-man tag action against Rusev, King Barrett, Us Champion Alberto Del Rio, and WWE Champion Sheamus. If they lose, Dean will face The League of Naitons in a 4 on 1 Handicap match. Stephanie announces that both Roman Reigns and Neville are undergoing medical tests, so they won't be there that night.

The Tag Team Turmoil match will happen on Raw

Kallisto will face Intercontinental Champion Kevin Owens for the title in a No DQs/Count Outs match

David Otunga will face Steve the production guy
Baron Corbin will face The Perfect 10 Tye Dillenger
Goldust faces Luke Harper
Dolph Ziggler will face Ryback
The Dudley Boyz will be tag team action

And in non wrestling action
Sasha Banks has requested interview time

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Jan 22nd, '16, 13:40
by Big Red Machine
NWK2000 wrote:Why thank you! While the throw away holiday shows are cute, I'd much rather take the approach of resolving TV feuds so that we don't burn out the PPV presentations.
I think the way to look at it is that you can hype it like a PPV, but you can sacrifice more matches to angles to set up the PPV than you could if it was an actual PPV.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 09:29
by NWK2000
1/4/16 Raw

Tag Team Turmoil

B.I.A.S w/ Bo Dallas def Jordan and Gable clean with a double neckbreaker on Jordan in 10 minutes

Mark Henry and Apollo Crews def B.I.A.S w/ Bo Dallas Axel gets pinned after World's Strongest Slam/Standing Moonsault combo in just under 10 minutes

Mark Henry and Apollo Crews def King Barrett and Rusev w/ Lana in 10 minutes

This match goes pretty evenly until Rusev takes down Mark Henry while King Barrett pulls Crews off apron. Rusev locks on the Accolade, but Mark powers out by standing up with Rusev on his back and falling backwards. Mark tags Apollo and Apollo hits a moonsault. This is sold as a huge upset. Barrett and Lana have to take one of Rusev's arm each to help him to the back.

The Wyatt Family (Bray and Brawn) def Mark Henry and Apollo Crews[/center Brawn pins Henry]
-The Wyatts appear in the ring magically, isolating the weakened Mark Henry. This goes about 5 minutes

The Wyatt Family (Bray and Brawn) def The Prime Time Players (Brawn pins Darren)

-The Wyatts once again isolate the injured Young in just about 10 minutes
Enzo and Cass def The Wyatt Family (Bray and Luke) (Cass pins Harper)
-This match goes just over 10 minutes, Carmella gets into it with the when Luke grabs one of the NXT tag titles. Brawn goes to hit Cass with the belt, but Cass ducks and boots the belt into Strowman's face causing the win. Strowman no sells, sitting up right away, but Wyatt calls him back

Baron Corbin def Tye Dillenger in under 30 seconds. Ryback comes out to stare Corbin down. Corbin leaves eventually

Ryback def Dolph Ziggler clean in 10 minutes with Shell Shock

Dolph gets up after a while and grabs a mic. Dolph looks like he's lost his mind, his eyes buldging, and bleeding from a cut lip, "Breeze, come out and fight me you son of a (censored)"

Tyler Breeze runs out, and the two brawl. Breeze rakes Dolph's eyes and hits the Beauty Shot to end it.

We get a quick shot of Dean Ambrose chatting with the Usos as we go to commercial

Kallisto def Kevin Owens via pinfall (Kallisto is the new Intercontinental Champion

<allisto runs down to the ring and waylays Owens with punches and then a clothesline, immediately doing a suicide plancha. JBL remarks that ever since The Lucha Dragons broke up, Kallisto has been a lunatic. Byron says that Kallisto blames himself for the tag team loss. Kallisto rolls Owens into the ring and works him over. with a chin lock. Owens hits Kallisto with a low blow, Owens works him over more with power moves while trash talking the crowd. Kallisto does his school boy float over kick to turn the tide. Kallisto stands up on one side of the ring, Owens on the other, Kallisto runs over to tackle Owens, but Owens ducks, sending Kallisto out of the ring, Owens gets out of the ring and teases the powerbomb through the announce table. Kalisto escapes and gets Owens onto the table and quickly hits Salida del Sol through the announce table.. Again, Kallisto rolls Owens into the ring, but Owens picks Kallisto and slams him down. Owen picks up the hurt Kallisto and whips him off the ropes for the Pop-Up Powerbomb. Kallisto reverses the move seemlessly into a brutal looking Huricanrana pin, picking up the win. Kallisto darts up the ramp with the belt as Owens sells pain and shock.

David Otunga squashes Steve the production guy (a local jobber playing a nerdy tech looking guy) in about 1 minute
Dean Ambrose tries to run interference as David Otunga is circling Steve, David picks up a mic and tells him if lays one hand on him, Dean will be fired on the spot. The next thirty seconds are spent laying waste to Steve and pinning him.

Immediately after the match Dean picks up a mic and tells us he's found his partners.... THE USOS AND R-TRUTH
The Usos and R-Truth trade saying "USO" and "What's up" to R-Truth's theme as they head to the ring. Security also escorts Dean away from ringside

The New Day def The Usos and R-Truth ( Xavier pins Jimmy after a brutal shot to the head with the trombone while Big E distracts the ref/b]

[bLuke Harper def Goldust via countout about 15 minutes]
The match is prototypical until the closing sequence, when a mysterious man in a hoodie and jeans wanders out to ringside. Goldust forgoes hitting Shattered Dreams to go confront the man. The Wyatt Family effect plays, and in the man's place is Bray Wyatt, this ensues another team brawl between the Wyatts and Team Goldust, security has to break it up.

We get a segment with Dean Ambrose, The Usos, R-Truth, Naomi and the Dudleys watching as the doctor examines Jimmy. The doctor recommends that Jimmy get concussion tested. The Dudleys are angry about this

The Dudleyz squash two jobbers

Bubba cuts an passionate angry promo about how The New Day have been screwing with all of us and hurting Jimmy was the last straw. Expect retaliation, OH MY BROTHA TESTIFY

Sasha's interview is quick only going about 5 minutes She says that had her nose not gotten busted, she could've beaten Paige. She's mad and wants to kick Tamina's ass on Smackdown.

We get a segment in the Authority's office, where Triple H asks Kevin Owens if he'd like to use his rematch clause on Smackdown. Kevin is seething, but he tells Triple H that a Pay Per View match means more money for his family, But, he's pissed, and would like a match on Smackdown. Triple H agrees, and also books Kallisto vs Tyler Breeze for the intercontinental championship

The League of Nation def Dean Ambrose (Sheamus pins Ambrose after a Brogue Kick

Dean Ambrose fights strong early, and The League of Nations responds with nefarious tactics. Dean, amazingly fights back for until about 5 minutes left on Raw, when Barrett hits Dean in the back with a pipe, allowing Sheamus to pick up the Brogue Kick and win. David Otunga joins the League in the ring to gloat, but Jey Uso and R-Truth run in to make the save, only to be beat down themselves by the League of Nations. Suddenly, the camera pans to a black van careening through the parking lot and onto the stage. Roman Reigns and Neville get out of it, making the save for the babyfaces as Raw goes off the air.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 09:36
by NWK2000
The card for the 1/7/16 Smackdown is as follows

Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Neville, and Jey Uso take on WWE Champion Sheamus, US Champion Alberto Del Rio, David Otunga, and King Barrett in an 8 man tag team match.

Tyler Breeze vs Intercontinental Champion Kallisto
Sasha Banks vs Tamina Snuka
Baron Corbin vs Dolph Ziggler
Rusev vs Mark Henry
Kevin Owens vs Apollo Crews
Rhyno vs Erick Rowan
Xavier Woods vs R-Truth

And in non wrestling action
The New Day do a "Belt Appraisal" whatever that means.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 10:12
by NWK2000
1/5/16 Tuesday Night Titans

First interview is David Otunga. Before Rene can even get a question out, he gets over how awesome of a D.O.O he is. The League of Nations is the most powerful alliance in recent memory, all thanks to David Otunga and the Authority. He calls Dean Ambrose a street rat, he has been since the Shield broke up, and a thorn in the side of Authority as well. David says slowly, surely, he's beating down the Lunatic, and soon, he'll no longer be a threat.

Rene asks what makes him a better DOO than Kane. David gives her a sour look and says, "Simply, there's no Demon David Otunga, I have no demons.
Booker T quips that David might have an addiction to caffine, as he's constantly drinking coffee. David stands up, staring down Booker, "It's a shame you're retired, because I'd kick your ass in the ring for that. Why? Because I'm the DOO and I can"

David storms off for the commercial break

Dean is on next, he talks about how The Authority has been a problem for everybody who isn't in their club for two years. Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, both screwed and then pushed down the pecking order so they can't challenge for the title again. But what's the one way to get up the pecking order really fast? The Royal Rumble, that's his goal, to win the Rumble, as it is the goal of every other superstar on the roster, but he will be the one to beat The Authority until they stop fighting back

Dean Ambrose def David Otunga by DQ

The match itself goes five minutes, with Dean poised to pick up the win after a Dirty Deeds, but the League of Nations involved in the 8 man main event start beating down Dean, but the other babyfaces run out to start a brawl. Security breaks it up as we cut away.

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 10:30
by NWK2000
1/6/15 NXT

Neville is shown in the crowd during the opening match. Mid show, Wiliam Regal is out in the ring to make an announcement but is interrupted by King Barrett and Lana. Lana chastizes Regal for referring to the Founding Father of NXT as an inferior Son of England. Since he has been with she and Rusev, she's seen a great improvement in him, and he is far superior to Neville. Barrett takes the mic and offers to demo those new skills on his old ass right now. Neville jumps in and makes the save. Regal books Barrett vs Neville in a Street Fight for next week's NXT

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 14:16
by NWK2000
1/7/16 Smackdown


Mark Henry is shown pep talking Apollo for his match. A production guy comes and tells Apollo that his dad is in the hospital, apparently he fell down some stairs. Mark offers to accompany Apollo to the hospital, Apollo tells Mark to go and do his match he's fine on his own.

Main show

Xavier Woods def R-Truth by putting his feet on the second rope during a roll up in 10 minutes

Dolph Ziggler def Baron Corbin via Zig Zag in 10 minutes

Ryback is there to sarcastically clap at the top of the ramp for Corbin. Ziggler still looks pouty as he leaves
Rusev vs Mark Henry never gets started
Mark Henry starts walking down the ramp first, but Barrett, Rusev and Lana attack him from behind, Pillmanizing both legs and slapping in the Accolade. Barrett gets on the mic and that Apollo's father being hospitalized is a farce! But the bad news is, his mentor being hospitalized isn't!

Belt Appraisal with The New Day is next. Basically, they put over the design of the WWE Tag titles, the image of gladiators and war. But the NXT Tag Titles are....yellow and black! Big E jokes that it looks like someone burned a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.
Kofi quops "You know who is dumb enough to? Those Jersey losers Enzo and Cass. Your NXT Tag Team Champions are losers, the belts look stupid, so therefore, the WWE Tag Titles are BETTER! The Dudleys come out, angrily shouting about how they have no right to gloat, as all they've done is cheat the entire tag division, they aren't champions, Enzo and Cass are! Enzo and Cass come out next, saying that they want their tag title shot at Wrestlemania 32. Jey comes out by himself, saying that he and Jimmy want their fair shot too. Xavier tries to talk everyone down, but the babyfaces all storm the ring, causing The New Day to flee through the crowd.

Sasha Banks def Tamina due to interference from Charlotte

Paige comes out to watch the match, Adam Rose has a pillow for Paige's chair, Charlotte comes out and distracts Tamina to cause a roll up. Charlotte grabs a mic and says that that wouldn't have happened if Tamina wasn't so weak, playing off of Tamina's comments against her. Charlotte and Paige stare down as well. This takes about 15 minutes with the post match segment included

Kevin Owens comes out to receive his new opponent since Apollo Crews is still on the way to the hospital. Sami Zayn jumps out of the crowd and brawls with Owens. Security has to pull the two apart.

Rhyno def Erick Rowan in 5 minutes with a Gore. Rhyno challenges Bray Wyatt to a one on one match on Raw. Bray comes on the big screen and accepts!

Kallisto (c) def Tyler Breeze w.Summer Rae for the Intercontinental Title via pin 20 minutes

Post match, Dolph comes out and brawls with Tyler, security must break it up once again. Stephanie McMahon comes out and books a "1 or 30" match between Tyler and Dolph for the Royal Rumble pre-show. The winner gets the number 30 spot in the Rumble, the loser gets the Number 1 spot

The next segment is B.I.A.S yelling at Triple H, demanding that Curtis and Damien get a 2 on 1 match with Dean Ambrose who ended Bo's active career. HHH books it for Raw

Team Babyface def Team Heel (Reigns pins Del Rio clean)

This match gets TV time remaining, David Otunga cuts a pre-match promo dissing Booker, telling him he'd better find somebody to represent him at Raw for a match against David Otunga himself

1/9/16 Superstars

Sasha Banks def Alicia Fox via Bank Statement
B.I.A.S squashes two jobbers
R-Truth def Xavier Woods via pin

Re: NWK Books TLC 2015 and beyond

Posted: Feb 2nd, '16, 14:37
by NWK2000
Before the card run down, we are told who won the "I Have a Dream Raffle".......BIG CASS

1/11/16 Raw card rundown

Dean Ambrose vs B.I.A.S w/ Bo Dallas
US Champion Alberto Del Rio vs Roman Reigns
The Usos vs WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day. If they win, they get to join in on the future tag title match proposed on Smackdown

Apollo Crews vs Kevin Owens in a reschedule of the match from last Smackdown

Sasha Banks is angry at Charlotte for interfering on Smackdown so they're having a match tonight

Ryback vs Tyler Breeze vs Dolph Ziggler vs Baron Corbin. The winner gets a shot at IC Champion Kallisto on the next Smackdown
Rhyno vs Bray Wyatt
David Otunga vs a wrestler picked by Booker T

And in non wrestling action
Interview with Big Cass