Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

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Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 7th, '17, 17:25

Cena opens the show- negative
I originally didn't mind this segment and was about to give it a positive rating, but the more I thought about it, the more it began to bother me. I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get a huge patriotic promo from Cena on July 4th, and that it was going to take AGES before we got the actual show rolling, so I tried to enjoy it as much as I could. Cena is always a good talker, and he fills all of his promos with emotion, which helps me get behind it, even a patriotic American promo, as a Canadian. But JUST as I was starting to think that it was taking too much time, Rusev came out to tell me that we were still in for WAY more talking. Rusev cuts my least favourite promo as a non-American, and John Cena proceeds to bury what should have been a big return. One of the big sticking points for me with Rusev's promo is that he talks about how he works just as hard as Cena, so hard in fact that it got him hurt. BUT didn't we see a video a little while ago where he was holding out for more money from Shane and Daniel? I guess we're just supposed to forget about that. Cena challenges Rusev to a Flag Match- which is a gimmick that is totally lost on me- but Rusev backs off, and we find out later that it's coming at Battleground instead. This whole thing a) took too long and b) buried a superstar's return that should have been a big deal. So the more I thought about it, the less I liked the whole thing.

Chad Gable v AJ Styles- Winner qualifies for the Independence Day Battle Royal- positive
So beyond the booking part of this match- which I have resolved not to let bother me overmuch in these reviews because everyone else addresses it better than me- I actually liked this match. I wish it would have gotten some more time, but it was a good first step in making Gable look like a solo guy. However, my question is... Where's Jordan? Did I miss something? The answer is probably yes, but I'm confused nonetheless. I like Gable's attempt at a facial expression, except that rather than looking mad at AJ for presumably not taking him seriously, he looks more like he's scared of AJ. But at least he doesn't look like an emotionless action figure. Gable started much stronger than I expected, and gives us a little glint of aerial skill in contrast to his primarily mat-based skill set. He's also way stronger than I knew, and kind of throws AJ around a bit before AJ hits the Styles Clash for the win. AJ is a good sport at the end, and Gable gets a surprising amount of TV time following his loss. Maybe I read a bit too much into those little queues, but I found it interesting.

Mojo Rawley and Zack Ryder- neutral
My video cut out partway through this segment, but I'm sure I only missed the teasing of the breakup of the Hype Bros. Sadly, I feel like Mojo will get the bigger push of the two when this happens. I also wonder... Why do Gable and Styles have to fight to get into the Independence Day Battle Royal, but Ryder and Rawley just got in? That's bothersome.

Carmella Promo- negative
Ellsworth is beginning to ruin every segment he's a part of for me. As Carmella is talking, I can't help but wonder, didn't she originally have some accent? She says basically the same thing as the last three weeks, and Ellsworth makes me mute the video for a bit. Naomi thankfully interrupts, but then I see that her belt is glowing, and that, plus her whole gimmick, she looks like a toy. She's a talented girl, but the way she cuts a promo and her gimmick are quite irritating. I did like the "Ellsworthless" bit, that was humorous. Daniel Bryan then comes out, and gets the most attention in the whole segment. The non-wrestling authority figure. He then says he's gonna ban Ellsworth, because that worked so well last time. Then he suspends and fines him as well. If I were an employer, and one of my employees routinely defied my instructions and jeopardised my product, I would fire him. I will take the 30 Ellsworth-free days happily though.

Naomi v Lana for the Smackdown Women's Title- negative
We get this same match for the third time, and I wonder what Lana has done to warrant these matches. We are told that it's to make up for the botched call, which is okay, but then Naomi makes her look like a fool and she taps out almost instantly. This made Lana look even worse, and Tamina gathering her up like a scolded child (while she actually looks like she's about to cry, by the way), made it even worse. Except that it addressed the botched call from last week, this segment did nothing and shouldn't have happened.

Nakamura/Corbin Segment- positive
Except Dasha's little mistake, I actually kind of liked this. It's a standard heel-jumps-babyface segment, but Nakamura looks like he's into it and wants to keep going. Probably the only segment with Corbin involved that I've liked in a LONG time.

The New Day v The Usos in a Rap Battle- neutral
I love you guys, but I'm not watching this hot mess for you. I skipped it. It looked like New Day got the upper hand, so the Usos have to respond somehow before Battleground.

Randy Orton v Aiden English- negative
It's nice to see some kind of consequence of Orton RKOing English last week, even if English is about to get demolished. As an aside, do English's tights have Starry Night on them? I didn't like the gimmick before, now I think it's just pretentious. Predictably, Orton destroys English, and Jinder comes out to antagonise Orton because God forbid we forget about the very forgettable WWE Champion before Battleground. JBL proceeds to claim that the Punjabi Prison match is Jinder's match... HOW?! He's never been in one, but it's his match just because he's Punjabi? I won't necessarily call that a racist comment, but it sure is ignorant. Also, Jinder walks like his knees are locked, which is weird. He says the same thing he's been saying the whole time, another anti-American promo that could have been read verbatim from any one of his other promos. This whole segment was a waste of time. We were reminded about the angle because they were concerned we'd forget who our incredibly boring champion is, while this time could have been better served doing something else. Just a casual mention by a commentator about Randy gaining momentum going into his title match would have been sufficient.

Tye Dillinger and Tyler Breeze- neutral
See my comments about the rap battle. Breezango just isn't funny to me.

Maria/Mike Kanellis and Sami Zayn- negative
I feel like I'm still missing something about Maria and Mike because I still don't like it. Sami comes in and, while the apologising bit and the bit where he rushes out when his music hits were funny, the stuff in the middle was so cringy that I couldn't get into it.

Independence Day Battle Royal- Winner is the Number One Contender for the United States Championship- positive
Battle royals are almost always a good time, but going into this I had a strong feeling that Styles was winning. And HOLY HELL does Dolph Ziggler need a haircut. He gets eliminated fairly quickly- there goes my "heart pick". Rawley and Ryder become the story of the match until they are both eliminated, and we get to Sami Zayn and AJ Styles. I'm okay with either of these. In the end, it was a decent battle royal, even if it seemed to me to be a bit short.

Overall, a bad show in my opinion. It's sad to see all of the talented guys being wasted, not just on Smackdown, but on RAW. And how long has it been since Nakamura has had a match on Smackdown? Like three weeks?

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 7th, '17, 17:50

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Cena opens the show- negative
I originally didn't mind this segment and was about to give it a positive rating, but the more I thought about it, the more it began to bother me. I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get a huge patriotic promo from Cena on July 4th, and that it was going to take AGES before we got the actual show rolling, so I tried to enjoy it as much as I could. Cena is always a good talker, and he fills all of his promos with emotion, which helps me get behind it, even a patriotic American promo, as a Canadian. But JUST as I was starting to think that it was taking too much time, Rusev came out to tell me that we were still in for WAY more talking. Rusev cuts my least favourite promo as a non-American, and John Cena proceeds to bury what should have been a big return. One of the big sticking points for me with Rusev's promo is that he talks about how he works just as hard as Cena, so hard in fact that it got him hurt. BUT didn't we see a video a little while ago where he was holding out for more money from Shane and Daniel? I guess we're just supposed to forget about that. Cena challenges Rusev to a Flag Match- which is a gimmick that is totally lost on me- but Rusev backs off, and we find out later that it's coming at Battleground instead. This whole thing a) took too long and b) buried a superstar's return that should have been a big deal. So the more I thought about it, the less I liked the whole thing.
I'm pretty sure he was holding out for a title shot. He said something in passing about it, but I still find it pretty unforgivable that they let that hang like this for so long.
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Chad Gable v AJ Styles- Winner qualifies for the Independence Day Battle Royal- positive
So beyond the booking part of this match- which I have resolved not to let bother me overmuch in these reviews because everyone else addresses it better than me- I actually liked this match. I wish it would have gotten some more time, but it was a good first step in making Gable look like a solo guy. However, my question is... Where's Jordan? Did I miss something? The answer is probably yes, but I'm confused nonetheless. I like Gable's attempt at a facial expression, except that rather than looking mad at AJ for presumably not taking him seriously, he looks more like he's scared of AJ. But at least he doesn't look like an emotionless action figure. Gable started much stronger than I expected, and gives us a little glint of aerial skill in contrast to his primarily mat-based skill set. He's also way stronger than I knew, and kind of throws AJ around a bit before AJ hits the Styles Clash for the win. AJ is a good sport at the end, and Gable gets a surprising amount of TV time following his loss. Maybe I read a bit too much into those little queues, but I found it interesting.
It never occurred to me that they might be angling to turn Gable into a singles guy. Losing American Alpha would really hurt the tag division simply because with them off TV I can still hold out hope that they'll return to save us at any moment.
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Naomi v Lana for the Smackdown Women's Title- negative
We get this same match for the third time, and I wonder what Lana has done to warrant these matches. We are told that it's to make up for the botched call, which is okay, but then Naomi makes her look like a fool and she taps out almost instantly. This made Lana look even worse, and Tamina gathering her up like a scolded child (while she actually looks like she's about to cry, by the way), made it even worse. Except that it addressed the botched call from last week, this segment did nothing and shouldn't have happened.
Totally agree with you about Lana. My best guess is that this was supposed to happen last week but someone noticed the shoulder being up and realized they could get one more week out of it and so they didn't send Tamina out last week. I guess having her lose a third time does kind of drive home the point that she needs someone to help her, but your characterization of the whole thing with Tamina is spot on. She looked like a child getting yelled at by her mother for trying to make cookies when she didn't know how and only succeeded in making a huge mess all over the kitchen. It gets across the point that Tamina is willing to help her, but the parental dimension to it does make Lana a lot worse than she would have if we had followed her backstage and she had come across Tamina back there and Tamina took sympathy on her.
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 JBL proceeds to claim that the Punjabi Prison match is Jinder's match... HOW?! He's never been in one, but it's his match just because he's Punjabi? I won't necessarily call that a racist comment, but it sure is ignorant. .

Definitely ignorance rather than racism. Remember that this is the promotion that spent years telling us that the Inferno Match was Kane's specialty even though he was 0-3 in them.
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 And how long has it been since Nakamura has had a match on Smackdown? Like three weeks?
I'm convinced that they are going to keep him out of the ring on free TV as much as possible. It's the same thing they did in NXT. If they're going to do it, though, they'll need to do it more like NXT did and start doing some injury angles, because unlike NXT, we expect the top guys- and even all of the midcarders- to be on Raw or SD every week.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 7th, '17, 19:13

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Cena opens the show- negative
I originally didn't mind this segment and was about to give it a positive rating, but the more I thought about it, the more it began to bother me. I resigned myself to the fact that we were going to get a huge patriotic promo from Cena on July 4th, and that it was going to take AGES before we got the actual show rolling, so I tried to enjoy it as much as I could. Cena is always a good talker, and he fills all of his promos with emotion, which helps me get behind it, even a patriotic American promo, as a Canadian. But JUST as I was starting to think that it was taking too much time, Rusev came out to tell me that we were still in for WAY more talking. Rusev cuts my least favourite promo as a non-American, and John Cena proceeds to bury what should have been a big return. One of the big sticking points for me with Rusev's promo is that he talks about how he works just as hard as Cena, so hard in fact that it got him hurt. BUT didn't we see a video a little while ago where he was holding out for more money from Shane and Daniel? I guess we're just supposed to forget about that. Cena challenges Rusev to a Flag Match- which is a gimmick that is totally lost on me- but Rusev backs off, and we find out later that it's coming at Battleground instead. This whole thing a) took too long and b) buried a superstar's return that should have been a big deal. So the more I thought about it, the less I liked the whole thing.
I'm pretty sure he was holding out for a title shot. He said something in passing about it, but I still find it pretty unforgivable that they let that hang like this for so long.
Hm, I'll have to go hunt down this clip because I don't remember that.
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Chad Gable v AJ Styles- Winner qualifies for the Independence Day Battle Royal- positive
So beyond the booking part of this match- which I have resolved not to let bother me overmuch in these reviews because everyone else addresses it better than me- I actually liked this match. I wish it would have gotten some more time, but it was a good first step in making Gable look like a solo guy. However, my question is... Where's Jordan? Did I miss something? The answer is probably yes, but I'm confused nonetheless. I like Gable's attempt at a facial expression, except that rather than looking mad at AJ for presumably not taking him seriously, he looks more like he's scared of AJ. But at least he doesn't look like an emotionless action figure. Gable started much stronger than I expected, and gives us a little glint of aerial skill in contrast to his primarily mat-based skill set. He's also way stronger than I knew, and kind of throws AJ around a bit before AJ hits the Styles Clash for the win. AJ is a good sport at the end, and Gable gets a surprising amount of TV time following his loss. Maybe I read a bit too much into those little queues, but I found it interesting.
It never occurred to me that they might be angling to turn Gable into a singles guy. Losing American Alpha would really hurt the tag division simply because with them off TV I can still hold out hope that they'll return to save us at any moment.
The Smackdown tag division is in poor shape, and American Alpha was so over in NXT that they would be insane on the main roster. Thing is, they've been off TV for so long that they've kind of stagnated- I don't know if it's the right word. In my head I'm imagining a pot of boiling water that has been off the heat and has stopped bubbling. but an adjective escapes me. I still want American Alpha and Kurt Angle dammit.
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 Naomi v Lana for the Smackdown Women's Title- negative
We get this same match for the third time, and I wonder what Lana has done to warrant these matches. We are told that it's to make up for the botched call, which is okay, but then Naomi makes her look like a fool and she taps out almost instantly. This made Lana look even worse, and Tamina gathering her up like a scolded child (while she actually looks like she's about to cry, by the way), made it even worse. Except that it addressed the botched call from last week, this segment did nothing and shouldn't have happened.
Totally agree with you about Lana. My best guess is that this was supposed to happen last week but someone noticed the shoulder being up and realized they could get one more week out of it and so they didn't send Tamina out last week. I guess having her lose a third time does kind of drive home the point that she needs someone to help her, but your characterization of the whole thing with Tamina is spot on. She looked like a child getting yelled at by her mother for trying to make cookies when she didn't know how and only succeeded in making a huge mess all over the kitchen. It gets across the point that Tamina is willing to help her, but the parental dimension to it does make Lana a lot worse than she would have if we had followed her backstage and she had come across Tamina back there and Tamina took sympathy on her.
This would have been a way better way to do it, unless it means something in upcoming weeks.
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 JBL proceeds to claim that the Punjabi Prison match is Jinder's match... HOW?! He's never been in one, but it's his match just because he's Punjabi? I won't necessarily call that a racist comment, but it sure is ignorant. .

Definitely ignorance rather than racism. Remember that this is the promotion that spent years telling us that the Inferno Match was Kane's speciality even though he was 0-3 in them.
I feel like if it's going to be someone's trademark, they should at least have some success. What is The Undertaker's record in Casket matches?
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 And how long has it been since Nakamura has had a match on Smackdown? Like three weeks?
I'm convinced that they are going to keep him out of the ring on free TV as much as possible. It's the same thing they did in NXT. If they're going to do it, though, they'll need to do it more like NXT did and start doing some injury angles, because unlike NXT, we expect the top guys- and even all of the midcarders- to be on Raw or SD every week.
Now that you've said that, I wouldn't be surprised. Or they could advertise him in segments where ratings are especially important to try to get a boost. He does seem to be the most popular name on the roster for Smackdown currently. I still find it a terrible waste. Solid matches on televised shows are what are supposed to keep us interested in the product, because God knows it's not the stories.

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 8th, '17, 21:51

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 19:13
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:25 JBL proceeds to claim that the Punjabi Prison match is Jinder's match... HOW?! He's never been in one, but it's his match just because he's Punjabi? I won't necessarily call that a racist comment, but it sure is ignorant. .

Definitely ignorance rather than racism. Remember that this is the promotion that spent years telling us that the Inferno Match was Kane's speciality even though he was 0-3 in them.
I feel like if it's going to be someone's trademark, they should at least have some success. What is The Undertaker's record in Casket matches?
Unless I've miscounted, if we ignore dark matches and house shows, he's 10-6-1 (he and Kane somehow went to a no contest at some point). I f you include house shows and dark matches, his record is much better.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 00:18

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 8th, '17, 21:51
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 19:13
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 17:50
Definitely ignorance rather than racism. Remember that this is the promotion that spent years telling us that the Inferno Match was Kane's speciality even though he was 0-3 in them.
I feel like if it's going to be someone's trademark, they should at least have some success. What is The Undertaker's record in Casket matches?
Unless I've miscounted, if we ignore dark matches and house shows, he's 10-6-1 (he and Kane somehow went to a no contest at some point). I f you include house shows and dark matches, his record is much better.
So in this case, calling it his match would actually make sense.

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 9th, '17, 00:35

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 00:18
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 8th, '17, 21:51
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 7th, '17, 19:13
I feel like if it's going to be someone's trademark, they should at least have some success. What is The Undertaker's record in Casket matches?
Unless I've miscounted, if we ignore dark matches and house shows, he's 10-6-1 (he and Kane somehow went to a no contest at some point). I f you include house shows and dark matches, his record is much better.
So in this case, calling it his match would actually make sense.
The Undertaker had TOO MANY trademark matches lol. Hell in a cell was also really popularized by him. Last ride match.

Buried Alive match.
Probably more I'm not thinking of lol.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 08:55

KILLdozer wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 00:35
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 00:18
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 8th, '17, 21:51
Unless I've miscounted, if we ignore dark matches and house shows, he's 10-6-1 (he and Kane somehow went to a no contest at some point). I f you include house shows and dark matches, his record is much better.
So in this case, calling it his match would actually make sense.
The Undertaker had TOO MANY trademark matches lol. Hell in a cell was also really popularized by him. Last ride match.

Buried Alive match.
Probably more I'm not thinking of lol.
Well, when you're around as long as him in a time when gimmick matches were that popular, it's not so surprising.

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 9th, '17, 11:02

Well... the Last Ride Match is basicaly an ambulance match, but with a different type of automobile.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 17:28

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 11:02 Well... the Last Ride Match is basicaly an ambulance match, but with a different type of automobile.
I entirely forgot this was ever a thing. Another match that probably wouldn't work with anyone but The Undertaker.

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 9th, '17, 18:47

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 17:28
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 11:02 Well... the Last Ride Match is basicaly an ambulance match, but with a different type of automobile.
I entirely forgot this was ever a thing. Another match that probably wouldn't work with anyone but The Undertaker.
LOL it barely even worked with him. Is the Orton one the only one or did they do a second one?
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 21:47

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 18:47
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 17:28
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 11:02 Well... the Last Ride Match is basicaly an ambulance match, but with a different type of automobile.
I entirely forgot this was ever a thing. Another match that probably wouldn't work with anyone but The Undertaker.
LOL it barely even worked with him. Is the Orton one the only one or did they do a second one?
Wikipedia says "A Last Ride match is a hardcore match in which the victory condition is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena. The first match of this type occurred at No Mercy in which The Undertaker challenged John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship, although a match was held previously with similar win conditions (Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane). There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count-outs and no disqualifications."

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 9th, '17, 22:11

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 21:47
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 18:47
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 17:28
I entirely forgot this was ever a thing. Another match that probably wouldn't work with anyone but The Undertaker.
LOL it barely even worked with him. Is the Orton one the only one or did they do a second one?
Wikipedia says "A Last Ride match is a hardcore match in which the victory condition is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena. The first match of this type occurred at No Mercy in which The Undertaker challenged John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship, although a match was held previously with similar win conditions (Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane). There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count-outs and no disqualifications."
Cage match says the only two were Taker vs. JBL and Taker vs. Mr. Kennedy. I think I confused the JBL one for Orton.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 22:16

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:11
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 21:47
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 18:47

LOL it barely even worked with him. Is the Orton one the only one or did they do a second one?
Wikipedia says "A Last Ride match is a hardcore match in which the victory condition is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena. The first match of this type occurred at No Mercy in which The Undertaker challenged John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship, although a match was held previously with similar win conditions (Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane). There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count-outs and no disqualifications."
Cage match says the only two were Taker vs. JBL and Taker vs. Mr. Kennedy. I think I confused the JBL one for Orton.
Which says a great deal about how memorable the matches are if no one can keep track of who was even in them.

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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 9th, '17, 22:44

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:16
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:11
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 21:47

Wikipedia says "A Last Ride match is a hardcore match in which the victory condition is for one wrestler to force their opponent into the back of a hearse, close the door, and drive it out of the arena. The first match of this type occurred at No Mercy in which The Undertaker challenged John "Bradshaw" Layfield for the WWE Championship, although a match was held previously with similar win conditions (Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane). There are no pinfalls, no submissions, no count-outs and no disqualifications."
Cage match says the only two were Taker vs. JBL and Taker vs. Mr. Kennedy. I think I confused the JBL one for Orton.
Which says a great deal about how memorable the matches are if no one can keep track of who was even in them.
Not only that, but I actually saw the PPV with the Kennedy match, and I still completely forgot it happened.
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Serujuunin » Jul 9th, '17, 22:45

Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:44
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:16
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:11
Cage match says the only two were Taker vs. JBL and Taker vs. Mr. Kennedy. I think I confused the JBL one for Orton.
Which says a great deal about how memorable the matches are if no one can keep track of who was even in them.
Not only that, but I actually saw the PPV with the Kennedy match, and I still completely forgot it happened.
I'm pretty sure I watched them both and didn't even remember the gimmick at all, let alone the matches! XD

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Seru's Stance on Smackdown 4/3/17

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 9th, '17, 22:54

Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:45
Big Red Machine wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:44
Serujuunin wrote: Jul 9th, '17, 22:16
Which says a great deal about how memorable the matches are if no one can keep track of who was even in them.
Not only that, but I actually saw the PPV with the Kennedy match, and I still completely forgot it happened.
I'm pretty sure I watched them both and didn't even remember the gimmick at all, let alone the matches! XD
I remember that the first one had Heidenreich attack Undertaker and screw him out of his win but that's the only reason I remember it.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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