BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

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BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 04:06

Impact opens with… an old dude I’ve never seen before standing in a forest and reading a prepared statement in Spanish. That prepared statement was the standard “the things you are about to see are doing by trained professionals. Please don’t try this at home” message. That was weird.

They have decorations up proclaiming that there will be a “fiesta.” Apparently it’s Maxel’s first birthday. This does not seem like the sort of activity that a man so obsessed with “deleting” his own brother that he has become “broken” would be engaging in. The old Spanish-speaking dude from before is apparently the gardener… so why was HE reading the “don’t try this at home” statement? Should a TNA official be doing that?
Anyway, the gardener has brought baby Maxel a present. He asks Reby in Spanish if Matt is “sick,” but Reby replies (also in Spanish) that Matt is just fine. She insists that today is not about Matt or Jeff but rather about Maxel. Matt contemplates the gift, declaring: “Delightful! It’s an extraordinary xylophone.” There’s something I never thought I’d type in a wrestling review. I have a feeling tonight is going to be full of those. Also, Matt’s accent seems to have changed since last week. Now he just sounds kind of like an American eccentric from the early 20th century.
Reby asks Matt where his gift is, so he goes on a grand speech about how his gift to Maxel will be deleting Jeff and restoring the reputation of the Hardy name. As he spoke, his accent changed, getting farther away from normal as he got more magniloquent. He finished this speech by instructing the gardener to “prepare the battlefield for… massacre!” Seeing as how he is giving this instruction to the gardener, I am now going to be extremely disappointed if this final showdown doesn’t take place in some sort of giant hedge-maze.

Maria and Bennett come out. Bennett says he is going to cash in “Option C” tonight… except it’s not Destination X so how could he possibly do that?
Dixie Carter is back after being gone for one entire show. She criticizes Bennett for disrespecting everything the X-Division Title stands for. Two things here:
1. What is Bennett doing wrong? He won the X-Division Title because he wants to cash it in for a TNA World Heavyweight Title shot at Destination X. How is that any different than what we’ve seen Austin Aries or Rockstar Spud do in the past? Bennett is doing something that the rules allow him to do. If this rule allows someone to “disrespect” the X-Division and its title, then TNA is equally guilty of that disrespect for not abolishing the rule.
2. If we play along with their whole “oh no! Bennett is disrespecting the X-Division” thing, then it shouldn’t be Dixie Carter cutting this promo. It should be Eddie Edwards or Tigre Uno or Trevor Lee. If Bennett has been disrespecting the X-Division, then the X-Division needs to be the ones standing up to him.
Dixie tells Bennett that he can cash in Option C tonight… so is tonight Destination X? She then says that he has to defend the X-Division Title first. That’s not very fair to Bennett, to make him wrestle two matches in the same night. I hate it when babyface authority figures use their power to make things unfair for the heels because at that point they are no different from a heel. Seeing as how Dixie brought up how totally unfair what Bennett did to Braxton Sutter last week was when he robbed him of a title shot, logic would dictate that she would give him this title shot tonight. Or maybe she’ll give Eddie Edwards his contractually obligated rematch? NOPE! Instead, Bennett will defend the title against “the entire X-Division.” You know… the same bunch of guys who all (aside from Sutter) just lost a #1 contendership match LAST WEEK. And of course it’s got to be a f*cking Ultimate X Match because that’s what you do with the X-Division. You have an Ultimate X Match with no build and for no f*cking reason. It’s utterly amazing to me that they STILL haven’t realized how much they have stripped all meaning from this stipulation. Oh. And it’s happening RIGHT NOW.
You want to talk about who’s disrespecting the X-Division? It’ the f*cking bookers! They don’t see the X-Division wrestlers as individual characters who matter. They just seem them as bodies that they can all throw together and kill themselves in giant, meaningless spotfests where they are all in perpetual top contendership for their meaningless spotfest belt only matters when Destination X is coming up and it transforms into a title shot for a belt that actually matters, at which point TNA will promptly take the X-Division Title away from the X-Division guys and put it on a real character who they actually care about.

ULTIMATE X-MATCH FOR THE TNA X-DIVISION TITLE: Mike Bennett(c) (w/Maria Kanellis Bennett) vs. Eddie Edwards vs. DJ Zema Ion vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Braxton Sutter vs. Mandrews vs. Trevor Lee (w/Gregory Shane Helms) vs. Andrew Everett (w/Gregory Shane Helms)- 3.5/10
Gee. It’s amazing how they just happened to have that Ultimate X structure in place just in case someone decided to book an Ultimate X Match on a whim.
They did a spot where Sutter kicked Spud in the jaw which apparently required Spud to leave the ring immediately because he was bleeding from the mouth. This came across like it was 100% a work.
During a time when people were down in the ring, they decided to show us two more replays of a spot that happened two minutes prior that they had already shown us a replay of when it happened. Josh could apparently not think of anything new to say in two minutes, then showed us replays of the two most recent moves, including a run of the mill double clothesline spot.
Even Josh’s commentary is burying the title. He’s not saying “who will win the title?” He’s saying “who will win the title and will they cash it in for a world title shot next week?”
Andrew Everett was helping Lee across the cables because I guess he doesn’t give a sh*t about winning either the X-Division Title or the TNA World Heavyweight Title. Other people who don’t care about winning include Braxton Sutter and DJZ, because one after the other they were completely alone inside the ring and chose to do a dive to the outside rather than trying to get the title. Mandrews was even worse. He was actually pretty much the whole way up the structure but decided to do a moonsault onto the pile on the outside instead of trying to win.
Bennett grabbed a ladder to try to reach the title, and the announcers praised him for this, despite the fact that the angle is that Bennett is disrespecting the X-Division and using a ladder in Ultimate X has always been portrayed as a big no-no.
It’s Ultimate X. We’ve seen everything there is to see already. It went ten minutes. Eddie wins the title back, so what the f*ck was the point of him losing it in the first place?

We’re almost a quarter of the way through the show and Broken Matt Hardy has been the best thing on it. Did not see that one coming.

DREW & ETHAN ARGUE LAST WEEK- they brawl. It was good… but apparently this minor brawl was enough to get them suspended. Really, TNA? This sh*t happens all the time. Hell… WORSE sh*t happens all the time! Remember a few weeks ago when Bro-Mans hacked the security feed and used it to spy on Raquel changing? Or a few weeks before that when Mike Bennett assaulted a f*cking referee? Or a few weeks before that when Decay kidnapped Gail Kim and threatened to murder her? Or last year when James Storm tried to murder Mickie James? No suspensions for any of that… but Ethan and Drew have engaged in a brief bout of unsanctioned fisticuffs, and that is just too far.
Despite being suspended, these two are going to be interviewed together later tonight… so why even suspended them? THEY’RE GOING OUT OF THEIR WAY TO DIG PLOT HOLES! Maybe they think that if they dig enough plot holes, they’ll eventually find plot gold.

TNA KING OF THE MOUNTAIN TITLE MATCH: Eli Drake(c) vs. James Storm- 3.25/10
They wrestle for a few minutes. Drake gets the advantage, then grabs the title belt. Brian Hebner tells him he can’t use it, and when Eli won’t put it down, Hebner grabs it from him… and then just drops it right there in the ring… so of course Eli immediately goes to pick it up again. Don’t they teach you to remove the dangerous object from the ring in refereeing school? This let Storm recover and make a comeback. He hit the Last Call but Drake rolled out of the ring. When Storm went to get him, Drake hit him with the title belt for the DQ. Drake then brought Storm into the ring and laid him out with his finisher.

COMMERCIAL FOR THE HARDY VS. HARDY FINAL SHOWDOWN- there is no possible way I really saw any of what I thought I just saw. Jeff Hardy was in a tree and I think there was a flamethrower or something? One thing is for sure: this will be memorable.

EDDIE EDWARDS PROMO- he says he will contemplate “Option C.”

STREET FIGHT: Marti Belle vs. Jade- 6.25/10
Babyface wins clean in the gimmick match, so I guess the feud is over now. That seems short.

“While the battleground is being set for massacre by Señor Benjamin, the countdown towards Final Deletion continues.” Somehow, Josh Mathews was able to say this without bursting out in laughter.

JEFF HARDY PLAYS GUITAR ON HIS COUCH… and gets taunted by a fleet of drones?! He tries to smash them with his guitar. Eventually one of them projects a hologram of Matt Hardy, who says the following:
Brother Nero. I see you have met my fleet of aerial assault robots. You are now speaking to Vanguard 1. Tonight I command you to meet me at the property line. Tonight is our final battle, and we determine who owns the rights to the Hardy name; who controls the Hardy BRAND; who is the sole proprietor of the Hardy empire. Everything ends tonight. The last dance in cabaret. THE FINAL… DELETIONNNN!”
Jeff took another swing at the drone with his guitar but the drone escaped. Jeff then shouted ‘OH HELL NO!” and hopped on his dirtbike to give chase. Then the drone said: "A game of cat and mouse. So naïve. Brother Nero is not the only landscaper in the family. You beloved yard is about to be… broken." Then we saw Matt Hardy on a riding lawnmower, apparently screwing up the goofy pattern Jeff had cut into his lawn. I swear to G-d this is what happened.

When we got back to the Impact Zone, Josh quipped “you’ve heard about the Clone Wars. Now we’ve got the Drone Wars.”

Mike & Maria and in the ring. Bennett rants for a while, then Maria demands Dixie’s presence, but instead she gets Billy Corgan. Maria says that she deserves to be President of TNA and tells Dixie that “it’s either you or me.” Dixie comes out and Maria just keeps screaming “you or me!” It’s really annoying. Dixie tells Maria that she’s not leaving. She scolds Maria and Bennett, saying that she hired them “to make a difference, not become a joke.”
Bennett gets annoyed with Dixie and demands to be added to the main event of Destination X or else they will quit. Maria starts with the “me or you!” crap again until Corgan screams for everyone to stop. He says that Mike and Maria are acting like spoiled children. Corgan cuts the sort of strong promo Dixie wishes she could cut without sounding forced and pathetic. Bennett says that they won’t quit, and vows to “ruin” Destination X.

VIDEO PACKAGE OF SEÑOR BENJAMIN PREPARING THE BATTLEFIELD FOR MASSACRE- he sets up the ring. Then he puts some standard wrestling weapons under it. Then he grabs some FIREWORKS! What the f*ck?
So Señor Benjamin is digging a hole in the ground when Reby shows up and asks him what he is doing… to which he casually replies “preparing the battlefield for massacre.” She starts to say something to him when Matt shows up and gives Señor Benjamin a container of gasoline. “Señor Benjamin. This is the remaining gasoline from my earlier landscaping escapades. Please apply it generously to the battleground. It takes a lot of fuel to delete… a Brother Neroooooo.”

BOBBY LASHLEY INTERVIEW- great. (It also pretty much guarantees that Eddie is going to choose “Option C.”

Josh Mathews plugs the fact that Urban Dictionary has a definition for “Brother Nero.” Well, Josh, if you’re going to endorse Urban Dictionary it should be an all or nothing deal, so I decided to go look up “TNA” on urban dictionary. The first NINE definitions are complete and total burials of TNA and it’s fans.

Before the match, Jesse had the production people play footage of Rosemary’s attempt to seduce Bram from last week. Apparently neither Crazzy Steve nor Abyss knew anything about this thing that happened ON NATIONAL TV LAST WEEK. Then, while the heels were still distracted with all of this, the babyfaces attacked them from behind like yellow-bellied cowards.
Bro-Mans win. The announcers claim that this was because Steve and Abyss were distracted by the knowledge that Rosemary had made out with Bram.

WHAT WILL EDDIE DO?- great segment.
Lashley came out to be a dick. Eddie cut a GREAT promo, but Lashley responded with one of his own. -Lashley proposed what I guess is an “Option D”- they have a match with BOTH titles on the line (which, of course, doesn’t actually make sense because the original reason for this “Option C” bullsh*t was Hogan randomly declaring that you can’t be the champion of two divisions at the same time). More great promos followed, and the match was declared official by Borash without any sort of indication that an authority figure had approved of it.
Lashley attacked Eddie, but Eddie got the best of him here to build up the possibility that Eddie actually might have a chance next week.

ETHAN & DREW INTERVIEW- they’re on a split screen. Ethan appears to be at the Impact Zone despite being suspended. Drew appears to be at his home. This was fine. They’re wrestling each other next week.

SET-UP FOR THE FINAL DELETION- A referee shows up. His immediate reaction is complete and total disbelief at what he is seeing. Matt Hardy greets him, saying “you are the man I saw in my premonition.” Only then does Matt decide to ask “are you a licensed official?” Matt told the ref that his job was only to count pinfalls and submissions, and made it extra clear that “under no circumstances are you to resuscitate Brother Nero.”
Then Matt said the following: “And now… I must summon the evil enigma by playing this lovely violin that was personally given by my dear friend Antonio Stradivari” (who Wikipedia tells me died over two hundred and twenty years ago).
So Matt plays the violin, and lo and behold at that very moment, Jeff shows up on his dirtbike (not wearing a helmet, which you’d think a guy who had a crash as nasty as Jeff’s was would always make sure to do).

THE FINAL DELETION: “Broken” Matt Hardy vs. Jeff “Brother Nero” Hardy- no rating, crazy segment.
With dramatic music playing in the background, it finally begins…
They do some stuff while there are lots of camera cuts. Jeff is the first once to try to get a weapon. He reaches under the ring and pulls out what appears to be… some sort of very frail fencing covered in ivy? He throws Matt through it, but this is only enough for a two-count. Matt hits a Twist of Fate and then starts beating Jeff with a Kendo Stick. Now he’s got a ladder and he’s trying to crush Jeff’s throat with it while shouting “DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!”
Now Jeff’s back on offense. He hits a Twist of Fate and then goes for the Swanton… and even with no audience, he’s still got to take his shirt off as he goes to the top. He hits the Swanton for a nearfall. Twist of Fate Stunner. Now Matt is laying on a ladder bridged between the ropes in the corner. Jeff’s got another ladder now and he’s using it to help him CLIMB A TREE! Super-Duper-Extreme-Avalanche Swanton Bomb onto Matt on a ladder!


Matt is on offense now and hits Jeff with a chair. Now he’s got what I think is a firework. HOLY F*CK HE’S SHOOTING THEM AT JEFF LIKE A F*CKING MISSILE LAUNCHER! Jeff is using a trash can lid as a shield. “WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!” Jeff shouts. That’s a damn good question.
There’s smoke everywhere. We can’t see a thing. Matt’s now got a shovel handle. He stalks around, saying “Brother Nero… it’s over!” Then he sees what Jeff is doing and shouts “OH SH*T!” turns around, and runs away. Now it’s Jeff doing with the fireworks missile launcher. Matt takes cover behind a small overturned rowboat that happens to be lying around.
Jeff runs out of ammo, so he runs over and tosses the boat aside and they fight some more. Matt locks in a sleeper hold, then they both plunge backwards into the water. A moment later it is only Matt that emerges. He walks up to the camera and declares that “Brother Nero has been… flushed.”
Then WILLOW’S SCREAM splits the air and Willow emerges from the water and hits Matt in the back of the head. He’s got his umbrella (which is already broken) and he is trying to choke Matt out with it. Señor Benjamin does a run-in shocking Willow with a Taser. Willow now goes after Señor Benjamin.
Matt stumbles to the boat and grabs a small flashlight and begins to search for “Brother Nero.” He finds Willow unconscious on the ground, so he calls the referee over (I have no idea why he wasn’t with them already) and makes the cover:

Well… that was anti-climactic.
He unmasks Willow… and it’s actually Señor Benjamin under the mask.
Matt continues his search, but is soon blindsided by his brother. Jeff throws Matt into a random pit of dirt and chokes him out. Jeff catches sight of something that causes him to release the hold: it’s a big wooden version of his… symbol/logo/thing. Then we cut to a shot of Jeff using a ladder to climb to the top of it and…
We have a flashback to the beginning where Matt lit the candle on Maxel’s birthday cake, spliced in with footage of Jeff’s Swanton off the stairs from their I Quit match… and then we zoom in on Reby, in the present, handing Matt the miraculously still-lit candle, which Matt uses to SET FIRE TO THE THING JEFF IS STANDING ON… and the flames shoot up FAST and Jeff takes a nasty spill trying to jump off of it. Matt covers Jeff… and that’s the end of it. “Broken” Matt pins Jeff don’t call me Hardy.

This was… a bold experiment. The constant camera cuts made me feel like it was heavily edited- and more importantly, like it was supposed to feel heavily edited (to condense it for time, not to edit out botches) so I won’t rate it as a match. It was very interesting to watch what my brain tells me is a false finish, but not hear that big pop from the crowd when the shoulder comes up.
I think this was a more modern and less boring version of the Inoki vs. Saito Island Deathmatch. It’s some wacky combination of HUSTLE and DDT, with WWE’s effects budget. It was highly enjoyable… until Willow showed up. Jeff coming out of the lake as Willow just killed my suspension of disbelief because the only way it is possible would be magic. I thought the whole spot with Matt pinning the gardener because Jeff dressed him up as Willow (apparently with superhuman speed) was dumb.
I’d highly advise everyone to watch this for themselves. It’s… an experience.

While I did like the match, the stuff building up to it was all 100% “so bad it’s good,” which is not what you should be going for. The rest of the show was also not very good, aside from the Lashley vs Eddie stuff.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 6th, '16, 09:43

So is there still a "Brother Nero" or not ? Lol.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 09:45

KILLdozer wrote:So is there still a "Brother Nero" or not ? Lol.
Don't know. I suppose it's possible that Jeff will start wrestling as "Brother Nero" now.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by cero2k » Jul 6th, '16, 10:10

KILLdozer wrote:So is there still a "Brother Nero" or not ? Lol.
there you go, perfect reason to tune in to Impact next week

There's a lot of speculation that Hardy will be gone for a while

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 10:18

cero2k wrote:
KILLdozer wrote:So is there still a "Brother Nero" or not ? Lol.
there you go, perfect reason to tune in to Impact next week

There's a lot of speculation that Hardy will be gone for a while
And they're not even going overseas. Strange.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 6th, '16, 10:21

'final delete jokes about TNA off the DVR are coming...'
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by cero2k » Jul 6th, '16, 11:30

Big Red Machine wrote:
cero2k wrote:
KILLdozer wrote:So is there still a "Brother Nero" or not ? Lol.
there you go, perfect reason to tune in to Impact next week

There's a lot of speculation that Hardy will be gone for a while
And they're not even going overseas. Strange.
i think this time the surgery is legit

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 13:20

cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:
cero2k wrote: there you go, perfect reason to tune in to Impact next week

There's a lot of speculation that Hardy will be gone for a while
And they're not even going overseas. Strange.
i think this time the surgery is legit
It wasn't legit last time?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by cero2k » Jul 6th, '16, 13:27

Big Red Machine wrote: It wasn't legit last time?
idk to be honest, but last one was exactly when they left for UK, so i have my doubts

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by cero2k » Jul 6th, '16, 14:34

Big Red Machine wrote:
ULTIMATE X-MATCH FOR THE TNA X-DIVISION TITLE: Mike Bennett(c) (w/Maria Kanellis Bennett) vs. Eddie Edwards vs. DJ Zema Ion vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Braxton Sutter vs. Mandrews vs. Trevor Lee (w/Gregory Shane Helms) vs. Andrew Everett (w/Gregory Shane Helms)- 3.5/10
Gee. It’s amazing how they just happened to have that Ultimate X structure in place just in case someone decided to book an Ultimate X Match on a whim.
They did a spot where Sutter kicked Spud in the jaw which apparently required Spud to leave the ring immediately because he was bleeding from the mouth. This came across like it was 100% a work.
remember reading that he legit lost a tooth or two during the tapings, but it's the usual comments from people live at the place, so you could be right about it being a work

It’s Ultimate X. We’ve seen everything there is to see already. It went ten minutes. Eddie wins the title back, so what the f*ck was the point of him losing it in the first place?
It works to set up whatever is happening with Maria/Mike/Dixie/Corgan, could it be set up differently, yes, it wasn't a huge waste really

WHAT WILL EDDIE DO?- great segment.
Lashley came out to be a dick. Eddie cut a GREAT promo, but Lashley responded with one of his own. -Lashley proposed what I guess is an “Option D”- they have a match with BOTH titles on the line (which, of course, doesn’t actually make sense because the original reason for this “Option C” bullsh*t was Hogan randomly declaring that you can’t be the champion of two divisions at the same time). More great promos followed, and the match was declared official by Borash without any sort of indication that an authority figure had approved of it.
Lashley attacked Eddie, but Eddie got the best of him here to build up the possibility that Eddie actually might have a chance next week.
I hope Option C does evolve into Title vs Title and not just MITB lite. However, i kinda took it from Lashley's promo that once he was X Division, he was gonna kill it

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 15:41

cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:

WHAT WILL EDDIE DO?- great segment.
Lashley came out to be a dick. Eddie cut a GREAT promo, but Lashley responded with one of his own. -Lashley proposed what I guess is an “Option D”- they have a match with BOTH titles on the line (which, of course, doesn’t actually make sense because the original reason for this “Option C” bullsh*t was Hogan randomly declaring that you can’t be the champion of two divisions at the same time). More great promos followed, and the match was declared official by Borash without any sort of indication that an authority figure had approved of it.
Lashley attacked Eddie, but Eddie got the best of him here to build up the possibility that Eddie actually might have a chance next week.
I hope Option C does evolve into Title vs Title and not just MITB lite. However, i kinda took it from Lashley's promo that once he was X Division, he was gonna kill it

He did indeed say he wanted to "rip its heart out," whatever exactly that would mean.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by NWK2000 » Jul 6th, '16, 22:48

Willow coming out of the lake killed your suspension of disbelief while Matt Hardy owning a drone with a hologram projector didn't?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 6th, '16, 23:42

NWK2000 wrote:Willow coming out of the lake killed your suspension of disbelief while Matt Hardy owning a drone with a hologram projector didn't?
Yes. It's not impossible for Matt to own a drone with a hologram projector. Are you telling me that Jeff keeps a Willow costume hidden in that lake and that he decided to change into it in the middle of this fight?
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by cero2k » Jul 7th, '16, 09:23

Big Red Machine wrote:
NWK2000 wrote:Willow coming out of the lake killed your suspension of disbelief while Matt Hardy owning a drone with a hologram projector didn't?
Yes. It's not impossible for Matt to own a drone with a hologram projector. Are you telling me that Jeff keeps a Willow costume hidden in that lake and that he decided to change into it in the middle of this fight?
that sounds a lot more real than Vanguard 1 and Hardy having met Stradivari

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 7th, '16, 15:06

cero2k wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:
NWK2000 wrote:Willow coming out of the lake killed your suspension of disbelief while Matt Hardy owning a drone with a hologram projector didn't?
Yes. It's not impossible for Matt to own a drone with a hologram projector. Are you telling me that Jeff keeps a Willow costume hidden in that lake and that he decided to change into it in the middle of this fight?
that sounds a lot more real than Vanguard 1 and Hardy having met Stradivari
Talking holograms are doable.
Maybe he go the violin from one of Stradivari's descendants, who happens to share his famous ancestor's name. Or maybe it's an unrelated guy. Or maybe Matt's just crazy.

It all makes much more sense then Jeff puling out his power morpher and morphing into Willow underwater.
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 7th, '16, 20:02

Oh BRM... you're not supposed to be focusing on "the clothes and look of Willow." This is more so one of these suspension of beliefs you hate so much where it's more a mental break of the alter ego coming out .
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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 7th, '16, 21:19

KILLdozer wrote:Oh BRM... you're not supposed to be focusing on "the clothes and look of Willow." This is more so one of these suspension of beliefs you hate so much where it's more a mental break of the alter ego coming out .
If Jeff had stayed as Willow for the rest of the match I could see it from that point of view, but he didn't. You can't tell me it's not about the clothes when a major point in the match was when he dressed someone else up in those clothes.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by KILLdozer » Jul 7th, '16, 23:00

Big Red Machine wrote:
KILLdozer wrote:Oh BRM... you're not supposed to be focusing on "the clothes and look of Willow." This is more so one of these suspension of beliefs you hate so much where it's more a mental break of the alter ego coming out .
If Jeff had stayed as Willow for the rest of the match I could see it from that point of view, but he didn't. You can't tell me it's not about the clothes when a major point in the match was when he dressed someone else up in those clothes.
Oh don't worry about those clothes!
When they come, they'll come at what you love.

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Re: BRM Reviews the 7/5/2016 Impact: The Final Deletion

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 7th, '16, 23:20

KILLdozer wrote:
Big Red Machine wrote:
KILLdozer wrote:Oh BRM... you're not supposed to be focusing on "the clothes and look of Willow." This is more so one of these suspension of beliefs you hate so much where it's more a mental break of the alter ego coming out .
If Jeff had stayed as Willow for the rest of the match I could see it from that point of view, but he didn't. You can't tell me it's not about the clothes when a major point in the match was when he dressed someone else up in those clothes.
Oh don't worry about those clothes!
Or perhaps you should worry about the clothes more.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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