Scathing Hernandez Rant on TNA

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Big Red Machine
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Scathing Hernandez Rant on TNA

Post by Big Red Machine » Nov 12th, '14, 22:11

Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

Hernandez was on v2 in the U.K. talking about his time in TNA.

On Chavo Guerrero Jr. using Eddie Guerrero mannerisms: “TNA wanted him t do that. You know damn well when he was in WWE he wasn’t doing that crap. Why else would he do it? The guys’ been wrestling 20 years. He’s not retarded. He’s an excellent wrestler. Why would you want to be a novelty act? They didn’t even give us a team name because they wanted to sell Guerrero T-shirts.”

When asked why LAX was such a good act: “The reason why you saw LAX being so good and so strong on TV was because Konnan literally had to threaten to quit and take his bag and roll into the parking lot every time they came up with some corny ass idea for LAX.”

He said he would never return to TNA: “You wrestle somewhere eight years, you do every stupid semi-racist vignette. I know how a Mexican looks, acts and talks. I don’t need a 50-year-old white man (presumably he meant Eric Bischoff or Vince Russo) telling me I’m not being Mexican enough.”
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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