NWK Reviews Summerslam 2010

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NWK Reviews Summerslam 2010

Post by NWK2000 » Mar 9th, '14, 22:49

We get a video package hyping change, and how the Nexus could change the Universe, destroying everything ending with a cool eerie "What if they succeed? Oh, if they succeed...."

Dolph Ziggler w/ Vickie Guerrero vs Kofi Kingston for the Intercontinental Title
We get a video package explaining how Vickie screwed Kofi out of the IC Title.
Vickie does the "Excuse me" thing a bunch until Kofi comes out.
Matt Striker starts his goldmine of commentary by claiming that "Vickie looks like Joan Jett got stung by bees."
Kofi misses a high risk manuever because Vickie pulls Dolph out of the ring.
Lots of rest holds and beating up on a downed Kofi
-Boom Drop doesn't immediately segue into the Trouble in Paradise, nice
-Nexus interference on a night they want to prove their dominance, very good booking.
-Barrett pretty much drives the point home of "Team WWE can't work together and we can)


Miz, Jericho, and Edge segment
Jericho and Edge tries to convince Miz to join team WWE, and Miz smirks like a douche, says he'll think about it, and steals Edges beef jerky.

Alicia Fox vs. Melina for the Divas title
-Matt Striker brings up the great divas champions of the past, brings up Bull Nanako, which causes Jerry Lawler to call her ugly.
-Melina tweaks her knee, and she proceeds to not work the knee. Lawler saves it by saying that she can work it anytime,
-Melina wins with a goofy face buster that didn't look like it was supposed to be the finish and Micheal Cole said that she couldn't use the Sunset Split because of the knee.

4.25/10 for Alicia Fox looking bad

Oh hey, it's Team Lay-Cool with the broken in half Women's Title
They pull a Wayne's World "NOT" and insult Melina
They do the Flawless pose, and Melina immediately mocks it.
-Melina won't let Lay Cool take a twitter pic with her.
_Credit to Melina for selling the shit out of Michelle's kick
-Alicia tries to get in on the beating but gets thrown out.
-Melina takes a brutal knee into the announce table
-Man Lay Cool was entertaining

Big Show vs. The Straight Edge Society
We get a video package recaping the Big Show/Straight Edge Society feud, we know that Big Show will work with an injured hand.
-Punk is wearing an "I Broke Big Show's hand" T-shirt, and Big Show's hand has an 'x' on it.
-Big Show has the trainer cut the tape off, because the hand is healed lol swerve.
-....which he ends up re-breaking on the steps after beating the crap out of the Society,a nd then the society is on the attack
-I hate it when giants are in handicapped matches because the numbers game never immediately catches up to him, which, if the team is an actual TEAM like the SES, you think they would.
-It's like a Nexus beatdown, except really slow and really boring.
-Punk gets dumped over the top rope, he and Sareena leave the ring, leaving Gallows and Mercury to be slaughtered.
4.65/10 would've been a 4.5 if not for the finish

Kane promo, he tells the dead Taker that he's going to end Rey and put him in a casket. Sheamus shows up and says he can put Orton in one of the caskets after his WWE Title match. Kane says no, and Sheamus says stay out of his way. Kane threatens to spill Sheamus' guts out if he interrupts him again.

The Miz comes out when the WWE Title match is supposed to happen, The Miz says he should be on Team WWE, and that John Cena begged him to be apart of the team. He then says that everyone else begged him, pretty mcuh referencing their catchphrases during. This is a Raw promo that doesn't belong on a PPV, he says Yes I will join team WWE and that the will be the star of the match. He berates the crowd for trying to do his catchphrase, and then does it again. That took 15 minutes, Jesus.

We get a video package, Sheamus is dominant, yet a coward, but only when cheap shots are appropiate. Now Orton tries to psych outh Sheamus.

Sheamus vs Randy Orton, WWE Title

-Props to Lawler for selling disbelief that Sheamus is afraid.
-I'm glad that Justin Roberts doesn't do the "hold the letter for a really long time" thing anymore.
-Of course there's outside stips. If there's outside interference that person or people will be suspended, despite it was directed at the Nexus, and a suspension won't stop then and if Orton does anything he'll get no re-match, despite being the challenger, stupid stips
-Syupid, clothesline over the barricade spot.
-Lots of outside the ring action for two people who can be utterly screwed by stips.
-Sheamus counters the Orton DDT by *gasp* stepping through the ropes.
-As much as I dislike the outside the rign action in this case, Sheamus does look brutal
-Once we got away from the out of rign action, we got a nice formula of Orton builds momentum, Sheamus knocks him down.
Lots of false finish, Sheamus gets himself disqualified unintentionally getting himself disqualified in frustration. Orton ducks a chair shot an kicks Sheamus in the nuts. RKO on the announce table which looked extra sick because the table didn't break.
6.5/10, great set up to a feud in the future, great psychlogy, great post match stuff, but an average match otherwise.

We get a Kane/Mysterio video package "You attacked the Undertaker Rey!" "No you did Kane! Let's have a championship match tho"

Rey Mysterio vs Kane for the WHC
-Props to Cole for selling that Rey MAY have attacked Taker
-Rey is clausterphobic apparently. Okay
"Rey celebrate life, whereas Kane celebrates death.", way to go Striker
-So this was the same "Rey vs Big Man" match we've been watching for years, but Kane looked dominated because he kept countering 619s, and when he finally got it Kane still beat him.
Kane says Rey will pay, tries to put him in a casket, Rey fights out the same way he did earlier in the match, and gives him two chokeslams and tombstone. Kane opens the casket back up to put rey in it and Undertaker is inside, he gets in the ring and demands to know why Rey attacked him, Rey says he didn't do it, and he believes him, what? He whips around to look at Kane, points Hogan style (which gets a "You!" pop from the crowd, Taker goes to chokeslam Kane, but sells being weak and takes a tombstone. Striker says "The Brother's of Destruction are no more as if this hasn't happened before. Great segment

We get another video package, which hypes the Nexus, and shows Barrett cutting the same promo that he cut at Summerslam event itself.

7-on7 Tag match (Nexus vs. WWE)
-I forgot how much I love The Nexus, just watching them WALK TO THE RING is amazing.
-Team WWE makes their entrance, and The Miz is replaced by Daniel Bryan, I wish they'd just introduced D-Bry, I wish they'd done this at the beginning of the PPV, had Miz get kicked off. You don't need to hold a swerve for a paying PPV/live audience, everything that happened here would've still worked.
-Starts out in a big brawl
-The quick Nexus elimination and the Bret Hart DQ are both beautifully booked, especially Bret using the chair to weaken the powerhouse
-Team WWE selling every elimination was pretty great.
Shefield eating 3 finishers and a chair and then getting eliminated sold him as a powerhouse
-Jerry celebrating that Jericho hit the Lionsault made me laugh because Jericho has hit the Lionsault maybe 25 percent of the time
-It's kinda funny, you can see the foundations of the Ryback character in Skip Schefield
-That feel when Slater eliminated as many people as Schefield
-Jericho and Edge no longer caring was great.
- LOL at Jericho "You're a stupid man"
-Cole burying Daniel Bryan is super comical in retrospect
-Cole and Lawler getting divided and Striker being like, "THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT!"
-Bryan getting his, and reversing a school boy into the Yes lock was awesome.
-Miz beating up Daniel Bryan despite the implication makes him look like a MAJOR douche
-Brutal DDT on the floor, and nice 450 dodge
-Striker shouting "WE WIN, WE WIN!" was awesome
8.75/10, clearly the match on the show that's going to make this PPV look way better in the future, and a hell of a way for D-Bry to debut.

Final thoughts
As I just said, WWE vs.Nexus is going to be the match that is going to propel Summerslam 2010 into legend in otherwise a completely average PPV. A specific kudos to Matt Striker on commentary, he was always one of the best.
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