Cero books his perfect Royal Rumble 2014 PPV

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Cero books his perfect Royal Rumble 2014 PPV

Post by cero2k » Jan 23rd, '14, 21:09

As of now, i have really low expectations for this Rumble PPV, it's either gonna be amazing or a complete suck-fest. So before anything happens, i just wanna write what would be my perfect fantasy rumble.

Tag Titles on the line. BRhodes defend against NAO, Goldust is heavily injured somehow.

Brock Lesnar has a hard time, but decimates Big Show

Daniel Bryan fights off Bray and the Family to win the match

Cena wins the titles from Orton

this is where we get imaginative.


Entry 1. CM Punk. Huge Ovation, everyone awaits No 2.

Entry 2. Daniel Bryan. Huge Ovation, face of determination. Bryan and Punk square off and start the match.

Entry 3. Fandango. Punks throws him out. Bryan and Punk keep wrestling.

As of now, i have really low expectations for this Rumble PPV, it's either gonna be amazing or a complete suck-fest. So before anything happens, i just wanna write what would be my perfect fantasy rumble.

- Pre show: Tag Titles on the line. BRhodes defend against NAO, Goldust is heavily injured somehow.

- Brock Lesnar has a hard time, but decimates Big Show

- Daniel Bryan fights off Bray and the Family to win the match

- Cena wins the titles from Orton

this is where we get imaginative.


**Entry 1.** CM Punk. Huge Ovation, everyone awaits No 2.
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**Entry 2.** Daniel Bryan. Huge Ovation, face of determination. Bryan and Punk square off and start the match.
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**Entry 3.** Fandango. Punks throws him out. Bryan and Punk keep wrestling.
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**Entry 4.** The Miz. Bryan throws him out. Bryan and Punk keep wrestling.
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**Entry 5.** Jack Swagger. Punk and Bryan simultaneously throw him out. Continue wrestling. While counting for number 7. Punk hits the GTS on Dragon.
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**Entry 6.** Ryback. Bryan is down for the GTS, Ryback goes directly to Punk and they start fighting. Bryan kinda gets up and gets in there and they all fight/try to eliminate each other
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**Entry 7.** Jey Uso. Jey goes for Ryback while Punk and Bryan fight, they change couples between the 90 seconds.
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**Entry 8.** R-Truth gets taken out backstage, out comes Brodus Clay. Gets in the fight.
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**Entry 9.** Kofi Kingston. Gets in the fight, does some crazy save.
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**Entry 10.** Xavier Woods. Goes after Brodus Clay. Clay eventually overpowers him. Ryback hits Shell Shock on Bryan.
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**Entry 11.** Big E Langston. Ryback and Big E have a stare down, they start battling. Meanwhile, Clay eliminates Woods
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**Entry 12.** Curtis Axel. He joins Ryback and overpower Big E until he makes a comeback. Punk eliminates Axel when distracted. Clay attacks him.
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**Entry 13.** Dolph Ziggler. Stare down with Big E, they join up and eliminate Ryback.
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**Entry 14.** Luke Harper. Comes in and takes out Punk with his clothesline. Eliminates Ziggler. Clay eliminates Jey
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**Entry 15.** Jimmy Uso. Gets in the fight. Meanwhile, Bryan eliminates Kofi.
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**Entry 16.** Eric Rowan. Between Rowan and Harper eliminate Jimmy Uso and Big E.
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**Entry 17.** El Torito. Torito comes in, stares at the huge Harper and Rowan standing in the middle of the ring. Tries to goar Rowan, he stops him, lifts him up and throws him outside. Punk and Bryan recover and tag team against them and simultaneously throw them out, they turn to each other gasping some air, and they go at it again.
Meanwhile, We cut to a backstage area with Triple H, Steph, and Kane looking at the monitor. Triple tells Kane "Do Something About This"
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**Entry 18.** Seth Rollins. Rollins comes out, but stays at the top of the ramp. Punk and Bryan take notice, but keep fighting each other.
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**Entry 19** Dean Ambrose. Ambrose joins Rollins at the top of the ramp. Punk and Bryan keep fighting, but constantly look at the ramp. During all of this, JBL sells this as the greatest coincidence in Rumble history, Lawler and Cole think there's something fishy.
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**Entry 20.** Roman Reigns.

Cole: You're gonna tell me this is a big coincidence!?

JBL: Of course it is maggle!

Bryan and Punk now stop fighting and turn to the ramp, they challenge The Shield to go in.
Reigns joins the rest of the shield and they make their way to the ring. They enter and decimate the tired Punk and Bryan, yet are not able to eliminate either. They triple powerbomb Bryan, and as they're about to triple powerbomb Punk.
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**Entry 21.** Sheamus! He runs down and between him and Punk start taking out the shield, or at least leveling up the field. Dragon is still down.
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**Entry 22.** Cody Rhodes. Cody kinda makes it 3-on-3.
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**Entry 23.** Damien Sandow. Goes after Cody.
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**Entry 24.** Alberto del Rio. Del Rio just comes in and goes for someone.
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**Entry 25.** Rey Mysterio. Hits a 619 somewhere.
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**Entry 26.** Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro comes out, European Uppercuts for everyone! Neutralizer to Bryan.
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**Entry 27.** I AM A REAL AMERICAN. HULK HOGAN! Hogan comes out and everyone just stops fighting for Hogan to make his way to the ring. Cesaro confronts him, they fight a little and Hogan throws Cesaro out. Hulkapose.
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**Entry 28.** Wade Barrett. Barrett comes out, gets in the fight. At this point, Reigns spears Sheamus and The Shield eliminates him.
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**Entry 29.** Evan Borne. Huge Ovation. Shooting Star on Del Rio. Followed by a Rolling Elbow by Barrett
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**Entry 30.** Batista. Batista comes in and goes Batista eliminates Sandow and Barrett. Out of nowhere, Lesnar jumps in and distracts Batista (no f-5). Distracted Batista gets eliminated by Del Rio out of nowhere. Lesnar jumps the barricade and leaves through the crowd.
At this point, Roman Reigns goes in Spear Frenzy and starts spearing everyone, ending with Hogan. Hogan starts Hulking up on him, but eventually all Shield attack him and eliminate him. Punk, Bryan, and Borne attack them. Borne is gonna go for another shooting star press on Rollins, Del Rio gets payback and does the Step-Rope-Enzugiri throwing him outside. He mocks Borne, and from behind Rey eliminates him. At this point, the Shield seems on a disadvantage.


Kane while not being in the rumble, comes out. He immediately comes in and eliminates Rhodes and Rey rey out of nowhere and then goes directly to Punk with who he starts fighting, Kane drags the fight to the ring apron, Punk high kicks Kane dropping him to the floor, but Ambrose takes advantage and dropkicks Punk off, mocks him. The following weeks between RR and EC, Triple H and Steph will tell Kane his behavior was unacceptable and will make him fight each of the men he eliminated, finalizing with Punk vs Kane at EC. Kane will embrace the mask once again.

Final four. Shield vs Daniel Bryan. Each of them stand in a corner. Without letting Shield get the upper hand, Bryan runs and hits Reigns (opposite corner) with the Flying Knee taking him down. Ambrose and Rollins attack Bryan and start taking him out, between them they push him to the center of the side of the ring. They're trying to eliminate him but he fights back. Reigns stands and sees that Bryan is almost out and Amrbrose and Rollins are in there with him, he runs in and grabbing Ambrose and Rollins, tries to eliminate all three of them at the same time. Rollins and Ambrose hit the floor, miraculously, Bryan latched on the bottom rope and saved himself. Ambrose and Rollins just look in disbelief.

Bryan vs Roman Reigns is the end, Bryan fights back but Roman is fresh enough to overpower him (obviously Cole and Lawler are pissing themselves because Bryan has been here since No 2.), Roman spears Bryan out of nowhere, as he carries him to the rope, Bryan reverses and throws him out to win the 2014 Royal Rumble!


**Elimination Chamber**

- Daniel Bryan defends the No 1 Contender's spot at an EC match vs Rey Mysterio, Reigns, Sheamus, Rollins, and Ambrose. Shield Implodes in this match.
- Batista vs Del Rio, BATISTAWINSLOL
- Lesnar vs Orton vs Cena. Batista costs Lesnar the match, CENAWINSLOL
- Goldust betrays Cody and lose the titles to The Wyatts
- Kane vs Punk. It's revealed that Kane's Rumble work was an order of Triple H.
- Big E vs Ryback

which leads to **WMXXX**

- Bryan vs Cena
- Batista vs Lesnar
- Punk vs Triple H
- Taker vs Sting
- Cody vs Goldust (ref: Dusty)
- Wyatts vs Usos vs Real Americans vs other tag team
- Shield Triple threat
- among others....

I know i'm re-hashing a lot of 2004, but c'mon, who remembers all that, right?

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Big Red Machine
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Re: Cero books his perfect Royal Rumble 2014 PPV

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 23rd, '14, 22:26

Good read. I like the way you set up Batista vs. Lesnar. Having the Shield implode int he #1 contendership Elimination Chamber was a good idea, too.

I would have the Wyatts run in on Dragon and cause a DQ in the opener and just beat the living sh*t out of him. Lots of blood, he is stretchered off.

I would actually have the shield be 2,3,4, and do the same JBL arguing thing that you had.

I would have Dragon come out at #30, all bandaged up and have him win by capitalizing on a Shield miscue.
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