BRM Reviews PWG BOLA 2013: Night 1

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews PWG BOLA 2013: Night 1

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 6th, '13, 00:34

PWG Battle of Los Angeles 2013: Day 1 (8/30/2013)- Reseda, CA

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Kevin Steen vs. Chuck Taylor-6/10
In the first three minutes of this match, Kevin Steen did both a moonsault and a Package Piledriver… to a hat. As that statement probably indicates, this was match full of lots of fun PWG antics.

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Brian Cage vs. Tomasso Ciampa- 2/10
This match started out with Ciampa murderizing Cage… and when I say “murderizing” I mean legitimately. Like a Ganso bomb onto some chairs. The wrestlers all came out form the back to see if Cage was okay, but it turned out he was fine and was back in the ring before he could be counted out. Then they just did spots. Don’t get me wrong; I like that Brian Cage gets his sh*t in… I would just like it a lot more if he did it in a way that told a story in the match.
This match was indy-riffic in every negative sense of the word. They actually did a spot where just “fighting spirit” no-sold each other’s German suplexes like five times in a row. The third move in this match was a F*CKING GANSO BOMB ONTO SOME CHAIRS! YOU’RE THE F*CKING SECOND MATCH ON THE CARD IN THE FIRST ROUND OF A TWO-DAY FOUR-ROUND TOURNAMENT! Now what the hell is everyone else supposed to do that you haven’t already gone crazy on?!

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Johnny Garagno vs. Willie Mack- 7/10

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: A.R. Fox vs. Roderick Strong- 7.75/10

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Joey Ryan vs. Drake Younger- 6/10
More PWG-style fun. Both men brought out small bags full of different types of foreign objects which I won’t spoil, but one of two of the bumps into them must have REALLY f*cking hurt.


BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Kyle O’Reilly vs. Trent?- 7.75/10
More Trent? please! Also, more Kyle O’Reilly, but I assume I will get that either way. GREAT match.

BATTLE OF LOS ANGELES FIRST ROUND MATCH: Michael Elgin vs. Rich Swann- 7.25/10


Overall, a very good show from PWG, with all of the matches aside from the Cage-Ciampa atrocity ranging between solid and great, but there was nothing here really worth going out of your way to see.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews PWG BOLA 2013: Night 1

Post by cero2k » Oct 6th, '13, 13:14

A show full of 7/10s and there is nothing going out of my way to see? Brm, do you have odd feelings towards pwg?

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Big Red Machine
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Re: BRM Reviews PWG BOLA 2013: Night 1

Post by Big Red Machine » Oct 6th, '13, 13:26

cero2k wrote:A show full of 7/10s and there is nothing going out of my way to see? Brm, do you have odd feelings towards pwg?
7/10s are great, but they are not something you should especially go out of your way to see. The consistently had great matches, but none of the matches are really anything that you NEED to see.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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