BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

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Big Red Machine
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BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

Post by Big Red Machine » Mar 28th, '13, 23:42

The more I think about it, the more I think that putting Jeff over last week was a mistake. Jeff already has his contractually obligated rematch due to him at some point, so why put him over in this match? We all know that Bully isn’t losing the belt in his first defense so why just throw Jeff’s title shot away when you could give it to someone like Magnus who will benefit from the rub of being in the ring with the World Heavyweight Champion without being hurt by the loss.

OPENING SEGMENT- Boring. It just took WAY too long to get to the point. Aces & Eights jump Jeff Hardy, then Bully (the one of them with the weapon) runs away and the other seven guys manage to get their butts kicked by just four guys

CHAVO & HERNANDEZ BACKSTAGE – what was the point of this if they are just going to come out and say the same thing?

CHAVO PROMO- It’s hard for me to feel bad about them getting cheated out of the tag team titles when they just lost a title match cleanly two weeks ago and didn’t earn this shot that they got screwed out of.

WINNER BECOMES #1 CONTENDER TO THE TNA WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Bad Influence vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Hernandez- 6.75/10
Great match, but the wrong team won! Everyone is sick and tired of Chavo and Hernandez getting tag team title shots! We’ve been seeing Chavo and Hernandez vs. Roode and Aries for the last two months with no escalation at all. Give us something different!

Gail can apparently change the rules of Open Fight Night and ask for help from Tara. This brings out Velvet and we have a match. Or we would have, anyway, if there had been a referee at ringside (which seems like the kind of thing you should always have when someone comes out to issue an open fight night challenge.

KNOCKOUTS BACKSTAGE- so they were ready to fight two minutes ago, but now Tara and Velvet decide to hold their partners back rather than fight?

GUT CHECK HYPE PACKAGE- the problem with this is that I didn’t recognize any of these guys aside from Joey Ryan, Christian York, and Taeler Hendrix (and I only recognized Taeler because she had been the only chick until last month). You can’t talk about how Gut Check will give you “pro wrestling fame” if I can’t even recognize the guy doing most of the talking.



HARDY & HOGAN BACKSTAGE- we get a date for Jeff’s title shot (April 11th), and Hogan sucks up to Jeff and tells him how brave and how great he is, then tells Jeff that he will be allowed to pick the stipulations for his rematch.

Sting tells Hogan that saying that if Hogan doesn’t accept his apology, “things could get nuclear.” Yeah, Stinger, threatening him will make him want to accept your apology. Sting also seems to have not been paying attention to Impact for the last few weeks. He tells Hogan that he needs to man up and take responsibility for his decision to trust Bully, but Hogan has already been doing that. In fact, he has been beating himself up about it in just about every segment he has been in. Hogan tells Sting to get out of the ring and they almost fight but security (or maybe these are backstage guys, I can’t tell) stop them before they can really lay their hands on each other.

Aces & Eights then jump James Storm. EY comes out to make the save but gets beaten down until Kurt Angle shows up to even the odds, then challenges them to a match.

KURT ANGLE, ERIC YOUNG, & JAMES STORM vs. ACES & EIGHTS (Garrett Bischoff, Wes Brisco, & Doc)- 5/10
Damn. They are going to continue Kurt Angle vs. Wes Brisco-

ACES & EIGHTS BACKSTAGE- Aces & Eights have a new catchphrase, and they are going to say it as often as possible Anderson was just too obnoxiously goofy in this segment for me to be able to enjoy it.

HYPE FOR NEXT WEEK’S QUALIFIER- So all it takes is just one win to earn a title shot, even if you just got pinned by the champ the previous week? That’s lame. In more important news, though… PETEY WILLIAMS IS BACK!

Not good enough for a main event, but I did pop for Jeff using the hammer on both Anderson and Bischoff. It looks like Jeff vs. Bully will be a Full Metal Mayhem match. On free TV.

Overall, a pretty good episode of Impact. I like that they actually changed up the Open Fight Night formula, and they are definitely building towards something on multiple fronts.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

Post by cero2k » Mar 29th, '13, 00:21

Big Red Machine wrote: STING & HOGAN SEGMENT- DUD!
Sting tells Hogan that saying that if Hogan doesn’t accept his apology, “things could get nuclear.” Yeah, Stinger, threatening him will make him want to accept your apology. Sting also seems to have not been paying attention to Impact for the last few weeks. He tells Hogan that he needs to man up and take responsibility for his decision to trust Bully, but Hogan has already been doing that. In fact, he has been beating himself up about it in just about every segment he has been in. Hogan tells Sting to get out of the ring and they almost fight but security (or maybe these are backstage guys, I can’t tell) stop them before they can really lay their hands on each other.
as much as i don't want to see either fight, i'm ok with these two feuding, especially if they both stay somewhat face and most importantly, Sting stays 'straight forward' and doesn't start with his cryptic messages

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Big Bad Booty Daddy
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

Post by Big Bad Booty Daddy » Apr 1st, '13, 02:03

Looking forward to seeing Williams back and Pearce in TNA

I personally thought this episode of TNA was poor. Really think Bad Influence should b getting a push more then Hernandez/Chavo cause personally find then more entertaining

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Big Red Machine
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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

Post by Big Red Machine » Apr 2nd, '13, 19:02

Big Bad Booty Daddy wrote:Looking forward to seeing Williams back and Pearce in TNA

I personally thought this episode of TNA was poor. Really think Bad Influence should b getting a push more then Hernandez/Chavo cause personally find then more entertaining
One theory I have heard on this is that they are just giving Chavo & Hernandez the title shot in Texas on Impact in two weeks, then they will built towards Bad Influence vs. Roode & Aries. If that is the case, though, having Bad Influence job here was still a very bad idea.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: BRM Reviews the 3/28/2013 Impact

Post by Big Bad Booty Daddy » Apr 5th, '13, 15:29

Big Red Machine wrote:
Big Bad Booty Daddy wrote:Looking forward to seeing Williams back and Pearce in TNA

I personally thought this episode of TNA was poor. Really think Bad Influence should b getting a push more then Hernandez/Chavo cause personally find then more entertaining
One theory I have heard on this is that they are just giving Chavo & Hernandez the title shot in Texas on Impact in two weeks, then they will built towards Bad Influence vs. Roode & Aries. If that is the case, though, having Bad Influence job here was still a very bad idea.

Deffo for me bad influence r the best tag team going by miles, have both skill on mic and in ring skills

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