AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

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AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 5th, '12, 07:32

There are three major things bothering me about the way that WWE has (mis)handled this so far. The first is that Crazy AJ didn't get enough time, the second is that she was snapped out of her crazy by something so little it is ridiculous, and the third is the handling of Dragon's character ever since he dumped AJ. They have gone out of their way to make Dragon look like a jerk, but that is, in some ways, at odds with the manipulative jackass we saw him become over the winter.

We start our build to Dragon vs. Punk at Over The Limit. AJ seems to finally be getting over Dragon, and, when asked about the match, AJ says that she will make sure that Daniel Bryan gets exactly what he deserves.

During the match, we get a ref bump. Dragon gets the advantage but AJ runs out to ringside. Dragon is distracted by her presence and the distraction allows Punk to get Dragon up for the GTS, but AJ jumps into the ring a gives Punk a low blow. Dragon looks at AJ in surprise, then just shrugs and locks in the Yes Lock. AJ goes and revives the ref, but Punk won't tap out. He can't get out of the hold, either, and eventually he passes out.

The next night on Raw, AJ says that it was her fault that Dragon lost the title, so she made it up to him by helping him win the another, even more prestigious title to replace the one that she cost him. Kaitlyn comes out to confront AJ, telling her that by helping Daniel Bryan win the WWE by cheating she is betraying her principles... and she is doing so for the world's biggest jerk. She tries to tell AJ that Dragonis no good for her... and AJ snaps, taking Kaitlyn down and just pummeling her. By the time that a few of the male wrestlers can come out to pull her off, AJ has busted Kaitlyn open. In the back we, see Dragon watching this on the monitor, stroking his beard thoughtfully.

The next week on Raw Dragon sees AJ and tells her that he has decided to take her back, but she is going to have to earn her keep. Punk's return match at No Way Out becomes a cage match in order to prevent AJ from interfering. Also during this month, we are building up Tyson Kidd and more solidly reestablishing his relationship with Nattie in kayfabe, and Punk keeps up his feud with Johnny Ace.

During the match at No Way Out Dragon has the advantage and he gives AJ a signal at which point AJ gets under the ring and pulls out a baseball bat (which she and Dragon had assumedly planted there earlier). While the ref is down/distracted/whatever AJ slips the bat into the ring for Dragon to use. Then AJ distracts the ref allowing Dragon to hit Punk in the ribs with the baseball bat, then slip it out of the ring before the ref notices. This happens a few times, allowing Dragon to get a major advantage. Dragon continues working over Punks ribs, using the bat when he can and stiff kicks when he can't. At one point, though Punk gets to the bat first, and teases hitting Dragon with it, but instead he shatters it over his knee. This fires Punk up (he basically starts hulking up) and takes the advantage and starts pounding on Dragon, who looks scared. Punks flurry of offense culminates when he gets Dragon up for the GTS, but a thumb to the eye by Dragon stops Punk's offense. Still scared of how vicious Punk became, Dragon tires to escape the cage, but Punk catches up to him at the top and hits a Super-duper-plex from the top of the cage (with both guys landing on the referee.

it takes a while but Punk starts to get up. Seeing that Punk will get back to his feet first, Dragon motions to AJ and points up. AJ climbs the cage and comes off the top, hitting Punk with a HUGE crossbody right on the injured ribs. This lets Dragon crawl out of the ring. the ref wakes up and declares Dragon the winner. AJ also tries to crawl out of the cage, but Punk grabs her by the foot and throws her into the corner. Punk has AJ cornered, but Dragon hightails it, leaving AJ to fend for herself. Punk is furious. AJ has now cost him the WWE Title two months in a row, and all he ever did was try to help her. Then Johnny Ace comes out and says that CM Punk is a horrible person, about to attack a woman, and he tells Punk that if he lays a hand on AJ, he would be fired.

The next night on Raw, the shows starts with a segment in which Punk insults AJ and Dragon, and then makes fun of Johnny Ace. Johnny Ace comes out and says that, due to Punk's reprehensible behavior at No Way Out, he has decided that he will never give Punk another shot at the WWE Title as long as he is in charge.
Also on this show, we get a backstage segment with AJ and Dragon, AJ asks Dragon why he didn't save her and Dragon responds (after hesitating, obviously thinking up an answer on the spot) by claiming that he was the one show sent Johnny Ace out to threaten Punk. AJ accepts this explanation by swooning and giving Dragon a big kiss, like a princess would give a knight who saved her from a band of thugs. AJ walks away, and Dragon smiles at his own ingenuity.

More to come
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 5th, '12, 18:45

One thing I noticed...Why would you need a distraction to do something normally frowned up in normal matches in a cage match? Unless my memory just isnt remembering correctly(Which is a possibility),Isnt it just like hell in a cell where pretty much anything goes?
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 5th, '12, 19:28

KILLdozer wrote:One thing I noticed...Why would you need a distraction to do something normally frowned up in normal matches in a cage match? Unless my memory just isnt remembering correctly(Which is a possibility),Isnt it just like hell in a cell where pretty much anything goes?
I have always been unsure about cage matches, but I figured better safe than sorry. All of these types of matches confuse me. I thought the same about the elimination chamber, but Triple H had to hide the fact that he was using a sledgehammer when he hit Goldberg with it at Summer Slam 2003. It actually irks me that the rules to these things aren't better defined.
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by KILLdozer » Jun 6th, '12, 20:25

Big Red Machine wrote:
KILLdozer wrote:One thing I noticed...Why would you need a distraction to do something normally frowned up in normal matches in a cage match? Unless my memory just isnt remembering correctly(Which is a possibility),Isnt it just like hell in a cell where pretty much anything goes?
I have always been unsure about cage matches, but I figured better safe than sorry. All of these types of matches confuse me. I thought the same about the elimination chamber, but Triple H had to hide the fact that he was using a sledgehammer when he hit Goldberg with it at Summer Slam 2003. It actually irks me that the rules to these things aren't better defined.
....The WWE Encyclopedia says nothing about the official rules and regulations about DQs in a cage either.
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 8th, '12, 13:34

On Smackdown, Johnny Ace announcers a major battle-royal (more like TNA's old Gauntlet for the Gold in which the last two guys have to have an actual match) involving the entire male roster of Smackdown in which the winner will get a title shot on next week's Smackdown.
Tyson Kidd enters first, and last all the way till the end. Several times during the match, Dolph Ziggler is distracted by Vickie shouting instructions to him and is almost eliminated. Towards the end a miscommunication between Swagger and Ziggler causes both men to almost be eliminated. The final three are Swagger, Ziggler, and Kidd. Swagger and Ziggler agree to team up against Kidd and find out which of them is the better man afterwards. Kidd valiantly fights back and actually manages to eliminate Jack Swagger.
It is now down to Kidd vs. Ziggler. Nattie Neidhart shows up at ringside to support Kidd and to prevent Vickie from interfering. Despite having lasted through the entire battle royale, Tyson takes it to Ziggler who came in towards the end of the battle royale and almost pulls out the win. When all is said and done, though, it is Ziggler who gets the victory (cleanly).

The next week, Dragon (w/AJ) face Ziggler (w/Vickie & Swagger) for the WWE Title. During the match, Vickie has the referee distracted, and AJ takes advantage of this to charge into the ring and hit Ziggler from behind with a dropkick. Jack Swagger sees this and tries to take advantage of the ref's distraction as well by jumping into the ring and hitting Dragon from behind and putting the boots to him. Ziggler gets up and turns around. He sees AJ charging towards him, but he manages to restrain her and tosses her through the ropes to the floor. A split second later, the ref finishes arguing with Vickie and turns around to find Jack Swagger stomping a mudhole in Daniel Bryan. The ref calls for the DQ and Dragon retains the title.
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jun 9th, '12, 22:23

The next week at Smackdwon, Ziggler tells Johnny Ace that he deserves a rematch with Dragon. Johnny Ace says that Ziggler has been doing a lot of talking lately, but not enough showing... but he will give Ziggler one more chance. Dragon vs. Ziggler is made for MITB.

Johnny Ace also announces the MITB match participants (there will only be one this year). They are: Tyson Kidd, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes, Miz, Big Show, Sin Cara, Kofi Kingston, & one more to be determined later.
He makes a match tonight between Kane and Del Rio in which the winner will take on Sheamus for the belt at MITB while the loser be in the MITB match.

Kane and Del Rio fight to a count-out.

The next week on Raw, both Del Rio and Kane demand that Johnny Ace give them the title shot, so he makes a Triple Threat match at MITB: Kane vs. Sheamus vs. Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Title.

Punk comes out and asks the fans od they wwant him to be in the Money In The Bank ladder match. The fans roar their approval. Punk then calls Johnny Ace out and demands that he listen to the people and give him the last spot in MITB. Johnny Ace counters by asking the fans if like to see CM Punk wrestle. The fans say yes, so Johnny says that since they like seeing Punk wrestle so much, he will set it up so that they might even be lucky enough to see Punk wrestle not just once, but TWICE on the PPV. He says that Punk will get the last spot in MITB if he can beat the returning Chris Jericho at the PPV. And to help Punk warm up, Johnny Ace will put him in two matches tonight: First against Tensai... then another one against Mark Henry. Henry and Tensai both just beat Punk down rather than trying to go for the win.

One the last SD before the PPV Ziggler, Vickie and Swagger are in Johnny Ace's office. Ziggler asks Johnny Ace to make Swagger vs. Dragon for tonight so Swagger can soften Dragon up for Ziggler. Johnny Ace agrees.
Later in the show, Swagger goes back to talk to Johnny Ace and asks Johnny if he can make his match with Dragon tonight a title match ("after all, if I can beat the champ, don't I deserve to be the champion"). Johnny Ace won't do it, though, saying that it wouldn't be fair to Ziggler. Swagger leaves the office unhappily.

During the Dragon vs. Swagger match they wrestle a good back and forth match, but once Dragon locks in the Yes Lock, Swagger taps immediately.

Later we get a segment backstage with Ziggler yelling at Swagger. He was supposed to soften Dragon up for him, but he just tapped right away and didn't even try to get out of the hold. Swagger counters by saying that he has his own career to worry about, not Dolph's. He tapped because he didn't want to be injured going into his chance to win the Money In The Bank ladder match.

At the PPV,
Cena and Tensai fight to a double DQ
Jericho beats Punk to qualify for MITB when Johnny Ace distracts Punk, allowing Jericho to hit the Codebreaker.
The MITB match ends when everyone is down following a HUGE highspot... and CM Punk comes out, climbs up the ladedr, unhooks the MITB briefcase and hightails it out of the arena (the ref declares the match a no-contest).

Sheamus retains his title by pinning Del Rio after a Brogue Kick, but is put through the announce table by Kane after the match.

In the Dragon vs. Ziggler match, Ziggler is wrestling an outstanding match, getting in a lot of offense and managing to constantly avoid the Yes Lock. At one point, Ziggler hits a Zig Zag and has Dragon pinned, but Swagger accidentally distracts the referee, preventing him from counting the pin.

The finish comes when Dragon signals something to AJ on the outside, and AJ starts assaulting Vickie. Swagger sees this and comes to pull AJ off, but the commotion on the outside (including Vickie's screaming) distracts Ziggler... and this split second allows Dragon to lock in the Yes Lock, which Ziggler had managed to avoid all match, and, after a long struggle, Ziggler has no choice but to tap out.
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 17th, '12, 10:20

Figured out how to do the Punk stuff, so I'm going to finish this off today.

On the first Raw after MITB, Johnny Ace declares that CM Punk has been suspended until such time as he returns the MITB briefcase which he stole.

We get a promo from Cena where he calls Punk's actions "a bit extreme, but you've got to give the guy credit for creativity."

We get a segment with Swagger making fun of Ziggler for losing. Ziggler gets pissed, says that he will prove himself, and goes to ask Johnny Ace for a title shot against Sheamus. Johnny Ace says no, because Ziggler has failed at getting the job done with Dragon multiple times.

We also get a promo hyping Randy Orton's return at Summer Slam.

The main event is an 8-way elimination match to between the MITB guys to determine the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight Title.
The final four are Jericho, Kidd, Swagger, and Big Show.
Cena continues his feud with Johnny Ace & Co. by hitting Big Show with an Attitude Adjustment, allowing Kidd to get the pin. Kidd rolls Swagger up out of an ankle lock to pin him. Swagger comes back out and distracts Kidd, allowing Jericho to hit him with the Codebreaker and win the match, becoming #1 contender to the World Heavyweight Title.

On SD, Tyson Kidd angrily tells Johnny Ace that Swagger screwed him out of a title shot, so he wants a match with Swagger tonight. Johnny Ace says that he likes Kidd's attitude, so he not only gives him the match with Swagger, but the winner will face Dragon for the WWE Title next week on Smackdown. Kidd wins cleanly.

On the next Raw, we get a segment where Ziggler makes fun of Swagger for losing to Kidd. Swagger says Kidd is a lot toughter than he looks, and suggests that Ziggler try to beat him. Ziggler goes out to the ring and calls out Tyson Kidd. They have a match, which Kidd wins cleanly. After the match, Ziggler is about to shake Kidd's hand, but Swagger hits Kidd from behind and beats him down a bit while Ziggler just watches. Nattie Neidhart comes out to try to defend Kidd, and Swagger, Ziggler, and Vickie leave... then Dragon comes out. Nattie tries to stand up to Dragon, but he tosses her out of the ring and throws her into the ring steps for good measure, then he locks Kidd in the Yes Lock.

We get a satellite interview with CM Punk. Punk states that the MITB contract says "the person who takes the briefcase down" not "the person who wins the match" (and he throws in a shot at David Otunga here, too- "nice work, lawyer boy. Isn't it your job to catch things like this?"), and as such, he is the rightful holder of the MITB contract. Johnny Ace is furious and says that he will go to the Board of Directors to make Punk give the briefcase back.

In the main event, Jericho & Big Show fight Cena and Sheamus to a no-contest. The match breaks down, with Cena and Big Show brawling away through the crowd. In the ring, Jericho hits Sheamus in the back with a chair, then locks him in the Walls of Jericho.

On SD, Dragon (w/AJ) def. Tyson Kidd (w/Nattie) to retain the WWE Title. The finish comes when Dragon is in trouble, so he gives AJ a signal. AJ grabs a chair, then sneaks up behind Nattie and waffles her in the back of the head. Nattie goes down in a heap. This distracts Tyson Kidd, allowing Dragon to lock in the Yes Lock, and Kidd taps.

On Raw, the Board of Directors sides with Punk, saying that he gets to keep MITB, and that, as of Smackdown, he is no longer suspended.
Ziggler tries to get on Johnny Ace's good side by calling out Cena to beat him in a match, but Cena wins when Swagger's interference is noticed by the referee, and Ziggler is DQed. Ziggler still tries to fight Cena, but eats an AA. While this is happening, Swagger manages to sneak up behind Cena and hits him with a chop block, then locks him in the ankle lock.

Tyson Kidd cuts a promo saying that he spent the weekend with Nattie in the hospital. She took a bad blow to the head, but she is okay. She isn't cleared to wrestle yet, but she will be back on TV by next week. He then goes on to say that he is disgusted by Dragon and AJ's tactics. They are completely unbecoming of a WWE Champion, and he doesn't think Dragon deserves to be Champ.

We also get more build to Sheamus vs. Jericho, and Cena vs. Big Show in a No DQ's match is also announced.

On SD, the show opens with Punk coming out and cutting a promo saying that, to him, being the WWE Champion means that you are the best in the world. That you can beat anybody, even on their best day... but you can't prove that you can beat someone on their best day by jumping them from behind or by waiting until they are down, so when he cashes in MITB, he will do so in a manner befitting a champion.

Later on Johnny Ace & friends (Eve, Otunga, Big Show) come out and says that he strongly disagrees with the board's decision to let Punk keep the MITB briefcase. He also announces that the board of directors has named Randy Orton's Summer Slam opponent... Alberto Del Rio... and that the board has decided that Tyson Kidd should get a rematch against Daniel Bryan for the WWE Title... at Summer Slam. Johnny says that, while he agrees with these two decisions, he really wishes that the board of directors would stop stepping on his toes. Then Big Show cuts a promo, hyping his match with Cena.

Later on in the show, Zack Ryder beats Tyler Reks, then cuts a short promo making fun of Johnny Ace for not having as much power as he thinks he does, thanks to the board of directors.

Later on, we get a segment in Johnny Ace's office where Ziggler, trying to get on Johnny's good side, offers to teach Ryder a lesson in respect at Summer Slam... Johnny says that someone else has already volunteered to do that for him... someone he has a lot more faith in than Ziggler... Jack Swagger.

In the main event, Dragon, Big Show, & Jericho def. Cena, Kidd, & Sheamus when Jericho takes advantage of Sheamus' injured back, making him tap out.

On the last Raw before Summer Slam, Nattie Neidhart cuts a promo saying that she is pissed off at AJ, both for assaulting her from behind, and for costing Tyson Kidd the WWE Title. Nattie says that she will be medically cleared to wrestle by Summer Slam, so she proposes a match: Nattie vs. AJ- and the loser is barred from ringside for the WWE Title match. AJ runs out to the ring and accepts.

Later on, we get a backstage segment with Dragon being extremely pissed at AJ for taking the match. AJ says that she knows she can beat Nattie, and wants to help Dragon, the love of her life, retain the WWE Title like he deserves to. It was her fault that he lost the World Heavyweight Title, so she will do whatever it takes to help him keep the WWE Title. Dragon is still pissed at her, though.

The main event of the show is Jericho defeating Punk after a chair shot.

On Smackdown, the show opens with Ziggler calling Punk out. He refers back to Punk's promo from last week's Smackdown. Ziggler says that the MITB contract is, basically, a guaranteed world title reign, and Punk feels that the best in the world should be world champion, so therefore, Ziggler says that the best in the world should have the briefcase, so the best in the world can be champion. Ziggler says that he is the best in the world, and he challenges Punk to put the MITB briefcase on the line against him at Summer Slam. Punk agrees.

Backstage, Johnny Ace and Ziggler are talking. Ace congratulates Ziggler on having a good plan. Once Punk brings the briefcase to the arena, Johnny Ace's guys will jump him and take it from him. Ziggler starts to say something about wanting to beat Punk to take the briefcase from him, but Johnny cuts him off, telling him he has done a good job.

Summer Slam:
Nattie def. AJ clean
- after the match, Dragon berates AJ

We get a promo from Punk in which he says that he isn't stupid. He left the briefcase at home so Johnny Ace's guys couldn't take it from him. He says that being the best in the world means winning matches on your own, when the playing field is level. He is a man of his word, though. If Ziggler beats him tonight, with no interference or shenanigans of any kind, Punk will main him the MITB contract.

Swagger (w/Vickie) def. Ryder by submission, but Swagger keeps the hold on after the match, and the ref reverses the decision. Swagger has to be helped to the back.

Orton def. Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez)
Orton wins cleanly, but is much more vicious than he has been since turning babyface. After the match, he goes to punt Del Rio, but Ricardo Rodriguez pulls Del Rio out of the way.

Backstage, Johnny Ace yells at Ziggler, saying that the plan is ruined. Ziggler insists that he can beat Punk on his own, but Johnny Ace says "oh. Just like you said you were going to beat Tyson Kidd and Daniel Bryan?"

CM Punk def. Dolph Ziggler to retain the MITB contract.
Vickie and Swagger wanted to come out with Dolph, but he sent them to the back. After the match, Punk offers and handshake and Ziggler accepts.

Big Show def. Cena in a No DQ's match when Tensai and Swagger both attack Cena, helping Show win. The try to beat Cena down after the match, but CM Punk comes out, half-dressed and still wet from his shower (trying to give the impression that Punk saw Cena being beaten down and rushed out as quickly as he could, like ROH did with Davey on one of the TV shows late last year), swinging a chair, and chases the heels off.

Daniel Bryan def. Tyson Kidd (w/Nattie) to retain the WWE Title

Sheamus def. Jericho to retain the World Heavyweight Title
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 17th, '12, 11:18

In the build-up to the September PPV, Jericho uses the fact that he beat Punk on Raw the week before Summer Slam to claim that he is the best in the world, and thus deserves the MITB contract. Punk points out that Jericho used a chair, and thus didn't beat him cleanly. When Punk tries to leave, Jericho assaults him from behind, injuring his back with a chair.

Backstage, Swagger makes fun of Ziggler for losing at Summer Slam, while he won. Ziggler says that beating Zack Ryder is a piece of cake. It barely counts as a win. Swagger says "then let's see you do it... if you can. You were the one who lost the US Title to him."

Ryder def. Ziggler due to botched interference from Vickie and Swagger.

In the main event, Punk, Cena, & Sheamus lose to Big Show, Tensai, & Swagger after Jericho interferes, injuring Punk's back even more, and Swagger pins him after a gut-wrench powerbomb.

Smackdown opens with Ziggler cutting a promo saying that he is sick and tired of losing. Some losses, like his loss to Punk he has no one but himself to blame for, but others are the fault of people who keep trying to interfere in his matches, and he is sick and tired of it. He guarantees a win tonight, and calls out CM Punk. Punk comes out with taped ribs. Ziggler sees this and tells Punk that he doens't have to have the match tonight if he doesn't want to, but Punk wants the match anyway. Ziggler loses via DQ when Jericho assaults Punk. Jericho and Ziggler get into a shoving match, but it ends when Ziggler walks off. Jericho beats Punk down until Cena comes out and makes the save.

Sheamus cuts a promo saying that there is one man he wants to beat, but has never been able to beat. He calls out Mark Henry and offers him a title shot at the September PPV, and Henry accepts.

On Raw the next week, Ziggler once again starts the show off, guaranteeing that he will win tonight. He calls out Kofi Kingstong. Kofi accepts the match, and wins after botched interference from Vickie and Swagger. After the match, Ziggler loses it. He goes on a tirade at Vickie and Swagger, finishing it off by saying "WE'RE THROUGH!" He throws the mic down and walks out of the rin- CHOP BLOCK BY SWAGGER! ANKLE LOCK!
Swagger holds Dolph in the ankle lock while Vickie grabs the mic, gets down in Ziggler face and says "NO ONE LEAVES VICKIE GUERRERO'S STABLE!" Swagger seriously injured Dolph's ankle, then he and Vickie leave the ring.

Punk cuts a promo on Jericho saying that if Jericho wants the MITB briefcase from him, he is going about it all wrong. Pre-match attacks and trying to make sure that Punk is never at 100% are not the way to prove that he is better than Punk. Punk says that he has no doubt he can beat Jericho, since he has done so multiple times this year, but if it will shut Jericho up, he will put the contract on the line at the PPV, when his ribs are healed.

On Smackdown, Johnny Ace congratulates Swagger and Vickie for taking out "that embarrassment, Dolph Ziggler," and rewards them with a WWE Title shot on PPV.

For the rest of the month, Cena continues his feud with Ace's cronies, Punk cuts promos on Ace and his cronies, and both Kane and Orton put together impressive wins streaks, both becoming vicious tweeners. It is announced that, as punishment for insulting Johnny Ace, Cena will face Orton at the PPV. Kane will face Del Rio, and Big Show and Tenai are granted a tag team title match.

At the September PPV:
The tag champs retain against Tensai and Big Show when Cena interferes, hitting Show with an FU, and allowing him to be pinned.
Kane def. Del Rio
Orton def. Cena when Johnny Ace distracts Cena. Orton goes to punk Cena in the head after the match, but Cena manages to avoid it.
Punk def. Jericho to retain the MITB contract
Sheamus def. Mark Henry to retain the World Heavyweight Title
Dragon (w/AJ) def. Swagger (w/Vickie) to retain the WWE Title

On the Raw after the PPV, Punk hints that he is starting to think about cashing in MITB some time soon, but promises to give the champion fair notice when he does. To try to prevent Punk from cashing in, Johnny Ace starts announcing Punk's matches at every Raw and SD on WWE.com before the show, and makes him wrestle in the opener, so that Punk will never be able to be 100% to cash in MITB. Punk faces a series of grueling opponents including Big Show, Mark Henry, Christian, Swagger, Cena, Sheamus, Kane, and Orton, beating them all aside from the Kane and Orton, and fighting Sheamus to a double count-out, and fighting Cena to a double DQ when Johnny Ace's cronies, a few other low card heels who have been paid off by Johnny Ace, and Jack Swagger attack both men. The returning Dolph Ziggler makes the save and challenges Jack Swagger to a match at the October PPV, Vengeance.

On the first Raw after the September PPV, Kane demands a title shot from Johnny Ace, and the intimidated Johnny gives him a WWE Title match against Dragon at Vengeance.

On the Smackdown before the PPV, Punk says that next week's Raw is in Chicago, so Punk will cash in his MITB contract then. Johnny Ace comes out and says "Punk, you have to make it to Chicago before you can have your title match." Johnny Ace then makes Punk vs. Tensai in a steel cage for Vengeance.

At Vengeance:
Swagger beats Ziggler by DQ when Ziggler is DQed for not obeying the five count in the corner. Swagger manages to escape, and he and Vickie run out of the arena. Ziggler tries to follow them, but Johnny Ace orders security to detain Ziggler so he can calm down.
Cena def. Big Show by DQ when Tensai, Otunga, and other of Johnny Ace's cronies attack Cena. Punk chases them off with a chair. Johnny Ace tells Punk "you just made the biggest mistake of your life, Punk."
Orton def. Mark Henry
Tensai def. Punk in a steel cage.
Before the match, Johnny Ace appointed himself the special outside referee. Punk and Tensai had their match, but then Johnny Ace opened the cage door and allowed Big Show, Otunga, Jericho, and other heels into the cage and everyone beat Punk down, absolutely destroying him. Cena tried to make the save, but was ambushed on the ramp by Swagger, who had apparently come back to the arena.
When Johnny Ace decided that enough was enough, he ordered everyone to stop, and EMT's stretchered Punk out fo the arena.

Sheamus def. Del Rio to retain the World Heavyweight Title

- Cole tells us that CM Punk has been taken to a nearby hospital. We don't yet know the full extend of his injuries, but it is clear that he will not be able to make it to Raw tomorrow night... and likely for a while after that.

Dragon (w/AJ) def. Kane to retain the WWE Title.
- Kane was in full control of the match, but the ref was down, AJ climbed up to the top rope to hit Kane with a crossbody, but Kane caught her and hit her with a Tombstone Piledriver. Dragon then hit Kane with the big KO kick to the temple. Dragon completely ignored AJ and instead went to revive the ref, then pinned Kane for the win. Dragon celebrated, completely ignoring AJ, while the EMTs carried her away.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Jul 17th, '12, 12:27

Raw opens up from Chicago with an extremely pissed off crowd. Cena starts off the show but cutting a scathing promo on Johnny Ace, saying that what happened to Punk was complete and total BS. Ace comes out and decides to punish Cena for this disrespect by putting him in a handicap cage match against the same crew of guys that destroyed Punk. He also decides to make it the main event to give Cena time to apologize.

Kane def. Mark Henry, then cuts a promo saying that Dragon's win over him was a once in a lifetime occurrence. He is not sorry for putting AJ in the hospital. That was her own fault. All that Kane cares about is that AJ isn't here anymore to save Dragon's ass. He wants another shot at the WWE Title.

Dragon cuts a promo bragging about retaining the WWE Title. When Striker asks him how AJ is doing, he says that he doesn't know.

We get a medical update on both Punk and AJ, saying that they will both be out for at least a few months. Punk took a major bruising, but there wasn't much internal damage. He should be ready to go in a few months when he recovers and when his ribs heal. AJ, on the other hand, hurt her neck, and will be out for at least four or five months.

As the main event is about to start, Johnny Ace is in the cage, surrounded by his cronies. He demands that Cena come out to apologize. Cena refuses to apologize. Johnny Ace says that he though making an example out of Punk would be a n adequate warning to everyone else, but it seems like Cena is just too stupid to listen. As Cena walks down the ramp, looking like a man about to face a firing squad. Cole informs us that a limo is pulling up to the building.
We cut to the back, and Triple H gets out of his limo and runs to the stage as quickly as he can. He tells Cena not to get into the cage. He tells Johnny Ace that he screwed up big time. After what he did to Punk last night, Triple H had a meeting with the board of directors, saying that Johnny Ace is both a bad person, and is hurting business by purposefully injuring a major star. The board was skeptical, and wondered if Triple H was being influenced by his personal dislike of Johnny Ace, so they wanted to wait and see what else Johnny would do going forward. Now that Johnny is letting his personal feelings get in the way and trying to injure another major star, Triple H has all of the ammo he needs. Johnny Ace is officially on probation. The board will now be taking a much closer look at all of Johnny's decisions going forward... and Triple H will be their eyes and ears at all WWE events.

On Smackdown, Cody Rhodes wins a #1 contender's match to earn the right to face Sheamus at Survivor Series for the title.

Also on that show, in different backstage segment, both Kane and Orton demand WWE Title shots from Johnny Ace, but he blows them both off because he is pissed about everything that happened on Raw.

The build towards Survivor Series revolves around the traditional Survivor Series 10 man elimination tag team match: Representing Johnny Ace, it will be Otunga, Big Show, Tensai, Swagger, & Dragon (who agreed to be on Johnny Ace's team in order to get out of having to defend the WWE Title against either Orton or Kane), and representing Triple H, it will be Cena, Ziggler, Ryder, Tyson Kidd, & Christian.

Survivor Series:
Kane and Orton both pick up impressive wins.

Sheamus def. Cody to retain the World Heavyweight Title

Ryder is jumped before the match by the Prime Time Players, (it is alleged that Johnny Ace paid them off, but there is no evidence... they are given a tag team title shot at the next PPV, though. hmmm...) and it looks like Team Triple H will be short-handed until Hunter himself decides to wrestle for his team.

10 Man Elimination Tag Team Match: Triple H, John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Christian, & Tyson Kidd (w/Nattie Neidhart) vs. Daniel Bryan, Big Show, David Otunga, Tensai, & Jack Swagger (w/Johnny Ace, Eve Torres, Sakamoto, & Vickie Guerrero)-
at one point during the match, when the ref was down, Randy Orton came out and attacked everyone in the match, but being sure to give Triple H, Daniel Bryan, and Johnny Ace RKOs. At a later point, when the ref was down again, Kane came out and attacked everyone, making sure to hit Ace, Dragon, and Triple H with chokeslams.
Kidd eliminated Otunga.
Swagger eliminated Kidd.
Swagger purposely got himself DQed, assaulting Ziggler with a chair. This left Ziggler as easy pickings for Bryan to pin. Big Show eliminated Triple H
Christian eliminated Daniel Bryan
Tensai eliminated Cena when Cena went for an AA, but Big Show hit him with the WMD and Tensai fell into the pin on Cena.
Christian eliminated Tensai via roll-up
Big Show eliminated Christian.

Team Johnny Ace wins.

On the first Raw after Survivor Series, Kane and Orton once again both try to intimidate Johnny Ace into giving them a title shot. This time, Johnny agrees. Christian lobbies to both the fans and Triple H that he deserves a title shot for pinning the champion. To cement this point, Christian pins Dragon clean in a non-title match in the main event.

On Smackdown, Triple H announces that the board of directors has made the following match for TLC: A TLC match for the WWE Title with Daniel Bryan defending against Orton, Kane, and Christian.

Over the course of the month, we also have Ziggler vs. Swagger in a chairs match and Sheamus vs. Cody in a tables match (the story here is that Cody thinks he can repeat the fluke that won Sheamus his first WWE Title in a tables match against Cena... and the same trick Cody used to defeat Big Show at Extreme Rules). Also announced is Cena & Ryder vs. Big Show & Tensai. The other main piece of hype for TLC is that Punk will make his first appearance in the two months since he was brutally assaulted by Johnny Ace's cronies.

Tensai & Big Show def. Cena & Ryder.
Ziggler cuts a promo promising to do to Swagger exactly what Swagger did to him... break his ankle.
The Prime Time Players win the WWE World Tag Team Titles
Ziggler def. Swagger when Ziggler hits a Pilmanizer on Swagger's ankle, then locks in the ankle lock, making Swagger tap. Ziggler doesn't release the hold, though, and the ref reverses the decision. Ziggler still keeps the hold on for a bit longer, then hits Swagger with one more chairshot to the ankle, just to be sure.

Punk cuts a promo about how much people like John Laurinatis disgust him... but at least, with Laurinaitis, you know what you get. Laurinatis has always been a lying scumbag, and he is incapable of being anything else. What disgusts Punk even more is Daniel Bryan. Dragon used to be a nice guy, but since he got a taste of World Title gold in the WWE, he has become a lying, cowardly, manipulative jackass. Dragon is a totally unworthy champion, and Punk is sick and tired of seeing him act the way he does, especially towards people who don't deserve it. Punk says that, as soon as he feels ready, he is going to cash in his MITB contract and take the title from Dragon.

Sheamus def. Cody to retain the World Heavyweight Title.

TLC Match for the WWE Title: Daniel Bryan(c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Kane vs. Christian-
At one point, when everyone but Kane is down, and Kane is about to win the match, Dragon signals to the back, and AJ, still in a neck brace, comes running out and topples the ladder over. Christian tries to climb into the ring, but AJ stops him with a series of kicks. Meanwhile Orton is setting up a ladder and starts to climb it. AJ grabs at his leg to pull him down, and Orton comes down, hitting AJ with a double axe handle. Christian once again tires to enter the ring, but gets taken out with an RKO. AJ is now starting to get up, and Orton, seeing this, sizes her up for a punt, but CM Punk runs out and pulls her to safety. AJ looks at Punk for a second, confused, but then Dragon hits Punk from behind. Dragon sees that Orton is trying to climb the ladder, so he sends AJ into the ring to topple the ladder over. Dragon then sets Punk up on a table, and orders AJ, neck-brace and all, to climb to the top of the ladder. AJ looks hesitant, but Dragon shouts at her to jump. AJ doesn't jump, so Dragon shouts at her some more until she does. AJ hits Punk a moonsault, and they both go through the table. EMT's rush out to check on them both, while Dragon climbs the ladder and retrieves the title, winning the match.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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Big Red Machine
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Re: AJ Loves Dragon- How I Would Have Done It

Post by Big Red Machine » Feb 1st, '13, 10:09

Damn. Just saw this again. Need to figure out where I was going with it.
Hold #712: ARM BAR!

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