BRM's thoughts on the 1/14/2011 Smackdown

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Big Red Machine
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BRM's thoughts on the 1/14/2011 Smackdown

Post by Big Red Machine » Jan 15th, '11, 13:44

1. Even more Del Rio vs. R-Truth. Grrr. Why is R-Truth allowed to be on Smackdown? R-Truth was bad on the mic tonight. When did Del Rio ever say that he was going to "buy" a title match at Mania? He didn't! He has said that he is going to WIN IT on his own because he is better than everyone else. Striker tried to say the same thing later on, and Cole stepped in and made this same point. Props to Cole.

2. Other than that, this was a good, old-fashioned "everyone wants to win the Royale Rumble" segment.

3. Rey & R-Truth vs. Del Rio & Cody Rhodes- 6.5/10. Pretty good tag team match.

4. Why the hell isn't Striker speaking in English?

5. JTG is back to the Cryte Tyme gimmick, with a different name. If you don't succeed the first four thousand times, try, try, again.


7. Another Ezekiel Jackson hpe package. Dull.

8. Drew McIntyre vs. Trent Barretta- YES!!!! (this was my expression when Barreta got the roll up! I am only giving this 4.25/10, but it did it's job perfectly! D-Mac looked dominant, and Barretta got the roll-up win, setting up the post-match segment.

9. The post-match segment itself was pretty good, but Kelly Kelly just seemed way too scripted. EIther way, I am digging this angle.

10. Big Show vs. Wade Barrett- 4/10! This was going well until Slater and Gabriel randomly showed up and jumped Big Show, causing a DQ. Show then went on to beat the crap out of Barrett, Slater, and Gabriel, while Zeke Jackson randomly stood on the apron. THEN Zeke attacked show, and Slater, Gabriel, and Barrett beat show down. This was terrible.
Barrett has his own Nexus... but Show just squashed them all aside from Jackson already! If it wasn't for Jackson, Show would have destroyed them all. Big Show needs to be a heel. As a babyface, he does nothing but squash up and coming heels (Rhodes, the SES, and now Barrett, Slater, & Gabriel).
So now we will have THE SAME DAMN THING on both shows. This is the "ratings matter" type, of mentality that let the nWo run out of control! "If it drew ratings on this show, then it will draw ratings on that show, too." This theory is flawed because it doesn't account for the fact that wrestling fans want to see a CONTINUING STORY. If we see the same damn thing too much (the nWo beating down babyfaces, Nexus attacking people in the same way every show, etc.) we get not only bored... but we get annoyed, because this sh*t isn't going anywhere, and we have seen it before. I don't want to see the same thing on both Raw and Smackdown!

11. Michelle McCool (w/Layla) vs. Beth Phoenix- 5/10.

12. Kofi was cutting a good babyface promo when Swagger interrupted him. Swagger was eh on the mic, but it lead to...

13. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kofi Kingston- 5.75.10. Not good enough to be a main event

14. Edge sounds like a babyface again. Good.

15. They keep talking about this "controversy" with Dolph's title win... but they aen't telling us what it is or showing any replays. This is bad, because someone who didn't see last week's show (like me) has no idea what the hell they are talking about.

16. Other than the above, this segment was very well done. A good end to a mediocre show.
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Re: BRM's thoughts on the 1/14/2011 Smackdown

Post by Serujuunin » Jan 16th, '11, 00:53

Drew and Kelly are so cute!!!

Sorry, that's me being a girl... But I do like this angle too. Although I have to agree with you BRM, Kelly is way to scripted. She's not a very good actress...

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