Roster Backup

World Wrestling Revolution
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Roster Backup

Post by cero2k » Dec 20th, '10, 00:00

sorry it's soo messy :p
DB doesn't keep things ordered. I cleaned the first one for you guys
Below you'll find the roster for WAC.

Here are the staff members:

[color=#FF0000:3uhxusyy][b:3uhxusyy]Tony Bastion - Owner & Chairman of WAC[/b:3uhxusyy][/color:3uhxusyy]
Born: Stamford, Connecticut DOB: September 12, 1955
Height: 6'2"
Position: Face
Ringstyle: N/A
About: Tony Bastion headed a conglomerate that bought & merged 7 regional wrestling companies to create WAC. Over time Tony Bastion has bought out other shareholders and is currently the 87% Shareholder for WAC. Bastion took an on-screen role after his partner in business (13% shareholder Shane Lynas) decided to go back to in ring competition.

[color=#FF0000:3uhxusyy][b:3uhxusyy]AJ Cross - Play by Play Announcer[/b:3uhxusyy][/color:3uhxusyy]
Born: London, England
DOB: August 9, 1974
Height: 5 feet 8 inches
Position: Face
Trained by: Jim Ross
Ringstyle: N/A
About: AJ Cross, is the childhood best friend of Shane Lynas, and play-by-play announcer for all WAC shows. AJ Cross has never stepped into the ring, but has been a lifelong lover of the industry. AJ Cross is also head of scouting at WAC.

[b:3uhxusyy]“Magnificent” Mark Darling - Colour Commentator[/b:3uhxusyy]
Born: Las Vegas, Nevada D
OB: September 22, 1965
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
Weight: 245lb
Position: Heel
Trained by: Bruno Sammartino
Ringstyle: Technical/Brawler
Favourite Moves: Spinebuster, Suplex, Elbow Drop
Special Moves: Spike DDT Finisher: Moonsault
About: “Magnificent” is a retired wrestler turned colour commentator, he prefers to support heel wrestlers, probably due to his bitterness over never winning a World Championship.

[color=#FF0000:3uhxusyy][b:3uhxusyy]James “JD” Driver - Ring Announcer[/b:3uhxusyy][/color:3uhxusyy]
Born: Chicago, Illinois
DOB: January 23, 1980
Height: 6 feet 0 inches
About: “JD” is the ring announcer for all WAC shows & also works as a backstage interviewer from time to time.

[color=#FF0000:3uhxusyy][b:3uhxusyy]Xander Chapman - Backstage Interviewer[/b:3uhxusyy][/color:3uhxusyy]
Born: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
DOB: March 30, 1982
Height: 5'11"
About: Xander Chapman is the interviewer for all WAC shows.
Below is the AI (fictional) WAC roster: [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Viggo Dynamite[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Pierre, South Dakota DOB: 24 April 1981 Height: 6ft 3inch Weight: 260 lbs Position: MEGA FACE Trained by: Curt Hennig Ringstyle: Powerful Technician Favourite Moves: German overhead release suplex, suplex, DDT, Flying clothesline, shoulder tackle in the corner, swinging neckbreaker, backbreaker, Dragon Suplex. Variety of other suplexes, Special Moves: Montage of Suplex's (Suplex, then gutwrench suplex, then german suplex) Running front kick (sheamus), Finisher: Perfectplex, Pump Handle Cutter Entrance Theme: 'Aint It Fun' (Guns N Roses Version) About: Viggo comes from an average family, he excelled in sports as a kid, basketball, football, soccer, table tennis, tennis, baseball, wrestling, you name it he excelled at it. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Character controlled by Vade_Kruger#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Maxx Damage[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Orlando, Florida DOB: 17 December 1982 Height: 6'5 Weight: 320lbs Position: Face Trained by: Vader Ringstyle: Technical powerhouse Favorite Moves: Backbreaker, Spinebuster, elbow off the top, Powerbomb Special Moves: Double underhook powerbomb, clothesline off the top rope Finisher: Moonsault from top ropes (Maximum Damage) About:Maxx Damage is known for his hard hitting wrestling. He takes no prisoners and has joined WAC for better competition and to become WAC World Champion. He is a former BCW Heavyweight Champion. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Character Controlled By BBBD Or Vade_Kruger#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Terry Malone[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Las Vegas, Nevada DOB: July 24, 1976 Height: 6 feet 10 inches Weight: 320lb Position: Tweener Trained by: Shane Lynas Ringstyle: Powerful Brawler Favourite Moves: Big Boot, Sidewalk Slam, Samoan Drop Special Moves: Running Big Boot Finisher: Chokeslam About: Terry Malone previously served as a bodyguard to many celebrities & bands before turning to wrestling after meeting Shane Lynas at a film preview after-party and had a discussion about getting into it.. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Adam Griffin[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Jacksonville, Florida DOB: March 30, 1983 Height: 6 feet 6 inches Weight: 295lb Position: Tweener Trained by: Shane Lynas Ringstyle: Powerful Brawler Favourite Moves: Neckbreaker, Big Leg Drop, Turnbuckle Splash Special Moves: Tilt-A-Whirl backbreaker Finisher: Jacknife Powerbomb About: Adam Griffin was discovered wrestling a friend at a local independent show by Shane Lynas who was staying in the area, and attending secretly, but was so impressed by Griffin’s potential, he signed him up to a training program within 3 days, after some extensive training by Shane Lynas, Shane sent Adam to wrestle for some lower grade companies before joining WAC. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]'SOLID' Axxel Riggs[/color:bri6qsb3] From: Brooklyn New York Height: 6' 7" Weight: 285lbs Position: Heel Trained by: Jake the Snake Roberts,and The Stalker Ring style: Agressive powerhouse brawler Favorite moves: Clotheslines, Big boots, all kinds of slams,(chokeslams, Oklahoma slams spinebusters, sidewalk slams etc) & Powerbombs Signature moves: Last Ride powerbomb Finishing Moves: The Strongarm slam(two handed sit down chokeslam) & Prophecy Driver (dominator into a jumping kneeling piledriver) About: 'Solid' Axxel Riggs used to be a bodyguard for a local rock singer, until he got tired of the guy, assaulted him and quit, Axxel’s main purpose in WAC is the doing the dirty work of The Prophecy. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Controlled by Killdozer#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Mike McGrath[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Detroit, Michigan. DOB: 24 October, 1988 Height: 6ft1in Weight: 245lbs Position: Face Trained by: Steve Blackman, Shawn Michaels Ringstyle: Technical Favourite Moves: Piledriver, Crossface, Figure Four, Spine Buster. Special Moves: Jumping DDT, Flying Legline Finisher: German Suplex bridge (Impact) About Mike: Having been trained by Shawn Michaels & Steve Blackman, he demands technical perfection in the ring from himself. Teams with Brent Kelly in 'Dead Set' [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Brent Kelly[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Ohio DOB: 3 March 1982 Height: 5ft11 Weight: 229lbs Position: Face Trained by: Rey Mysterio Ringstyle: Powerful High Flyer Favourite Moves: Spinning Heel Kick, Cross Body, Double Underhook Suplex Special Moves: Axe Kick, Chop Combination, Powerslam Finisher: Axe Kick from the top rope (Top Rope Impact) About Brent: Brent is a former Detroit police sergeant who prefers a high flying ring approach having been trained by Rey Mysterio, watch this guy as he can pull a winning move out of nowhere. Teams with Mike McGrath in 'Dead Set' [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Bryan Dean[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Baltimore, Maryland DOB: April 1, 1981 Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 240lb Position: Tweener Trained by: Chris Benoit, Homicide Ringstyle: Technical Mat Grappler Favourite Moves: Fisherman’s suplex, bridging German suplex Special Moves: Triple German suplex Finisher: Shooting Star Diving Headbutt (Top Rope Impact) About: Bryan Dean prefers matt grappling with high impact suplexes, he performs the triple German suplex as a tribute to his trainer Chris Benoit, and also his variation of the diving headbutt is also in tribute. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]“Big” Dan Markham[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Atlanta Georgia DOB: September 21, 1984 Height: 6 feet 9 inches Weight: 300lb Position: Tweener Trained by: Mick Foley, Terry Funk, Abdullah The Butcher, Sick Nick Mondo Ringstyle: Hardcore Powerhouse Favourite Moves: Samoan drop, Chokeslam Special Moves: Jackhammer Finisher: Sitout Chokeslam (Impact) About: Big Dan, having been trained by three of the most hardcore wrestlers ever, he’s learned a few things about being hardcore, don’t be surprised if he brings out barbed wire at any time. Very unpredictable and takes a lot of beating. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Johnny Bishop[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Sacramento, California DOB: October 9, 1979 Height: 6 feet 3 inches Weight: 240lb Position: Heel Trained by: WCW Powerplant Ringstyle: Technical Brawler Favourite Moves: Boston Crab, Crossface Chicken Wing, Sleeper Hold, Variety of Suplexes Special Moves: Top Rope Jackhammer Finisher: Saint’s Halo (Submission) About: Johnny Bishop is a Californian preacher turned wrestler, he often preaches the word of God at ringside, & prays before each match. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Kristian Starr[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Atlanta, Georgia DOB: June 13, 1985 Height: 6 feet 1 inches Weight: 215lb Position: Face Trained by: WCW Powerplant, Bryan Danielson, AJ Styles Ringstyle: High Flying Showman Favourite Moves: Corkscrew Moonsault, Variety of springboard moves Special Moves: Shooting Star Leg Drop Finisher: 450 About: Starr enjoys living the high life and often brings a different female to the ring and show off his biggest moves for her… But don’t underestimate him, he’s as smart as he agile & quick. Kristian often tag teams with Jake Swann in 'SwannStarr' [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Cain Mitchell[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Richmond, Virginia DOB: October 10, 1972 Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 255lb Position: Tweener Trained by: Terry Funk Ringstyle: Hardcore Brawler Favourite Moves: Brainbuster, Swinging neckbreaker Special Moves: Superkick Finisher: Diving Spear from second rope About: Cain Mitchell will only compete in matches that are no disqualification, this gives him the edge of using weaponry of his choice. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Ace Hunter[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Manhattan, New York DOB: December 25, 1983 Height: 6 feet 4 inches Weight: 235lb Position: Face Trained by: Rocky Johnson Ringstyle: Total Showman Favourite Moves: Variety of suplexes Special Moves: Scissor’s Kick Finisher: Show Must Go On (Impact) About: Ace Hunter never met a stage he didn’t like, always wants to be centre of attention, and makes sure that he is whenever possible. His only weakness is his tension to pose and taunt more than necessary [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Jake Swann[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Ontario, Canada DOB: November 11, 1984 Height: 6 feet 0 inches Weight: 210lbs Position: Face Trained by: Stu Hart, Chris Jericho Ringstyle: High Flying Highlight Reel Favourite Moves: Hurricarana, Variety of springboard moves Special Moves: Alley-oop into turnbuckle (to set up his top rope finisher) Finisher: Backflip leg drop from the top rope About: Jake Swann isn’t happy unless he’s jumping from something onto someone, he prides himself on being a total highlight reel and makes sure every move looks absolutely perfect for the camera. Swann often tag teams with Kristian Starr in 'SwannStarr' [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]John Mercer[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Detroit, Michigan DOB: 12 April, 1981 Height: 6ft 7inch Weight: 290 lbs Position: Face Trained by: Sid Vicious Ringstyle: Powerhouse Favourite Moves: Powerbomb, Clothesline, Bearhug, Splash in the corner, Delayed suplex, Big boot Special Moves: Powerslam off the top rope, Spinebuster Finisher: Spinning Border Toss, Tombstone Piledriver About: Mercer is a former trainer for the Navy SEALs, expelled from the forces for being unnecessarily rough on new recruits. He has a powerlifting background, winning "Detroit's strongest man" 2 years in a row. He has been a wrestler for 4 years. Mercer's tag team partner is Gordo Taurus in a tag team called "The Renegadez" [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Gordo Taurus[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Moscow, Russia (moved to Detroit, Michigan early in childhood) DOB: 30 June 1980 Height: 6ft 5inch Weight: 311 lbs Position: Face Trained by: Vader Ringstyle: Powerhouse Favourite Moves: Suplex, DDT, clothesline, gutwrench suplex, splash in corner, full nelson slam, Piledriver Special Moves: Running Powerslam, Big Splash Finisher: Big Splash off the top rope About: Originally from Moscow in Russia, Gordo moved to Detroit after his American father needed to leave Russia to escape jail time. Gordo has a deep gymnastics background and is also a former circus performer. He has been wrestling for 6 years. Gordo's tag team partner is John Mercer in a tag team called "The Renegadez" [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Shane Green[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Cork, Ireland DOB: 21 January 1987 Height: 6ft Weight: 226lbs Postion: Heel Trained by: Finlay Ringstyle: Techincal Favourite Moves: Frankensteiner, Flying elbow, Dropkick, Bulldog, Backbreaker, Sidewalk Slam Special Moves: Tornado DDT, Side effect Finisher: Dragon Sleeper drop ("The Ego Trip" (Double Cutter) Tag Team Finisher) About: Comes from a farm owning family in ireland, his hero is his trainer, Finlay. His tag team partner is his lifelong best friend "The Only" Niall Barker in a tag team called "Egolution" [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]"The Only" Niall Barker[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Cork, Ireland DOB 5 July, 1987 Height: 6ft 1inch Weight: 234lbs Position: Heel Trained by: Finlay Ringstyle: Powerhouse, technical Favourite Moves: Elbow off second turnbuckle, legdrop, delayed neckbreaker, dropkick, belly to belly suplex Special Moves: Texas cloverleaf, Michinoku driver, flying clothesline Finisher: Jackhammer into elbow ("Ego Trip" (Double Cutter) Tag Team Finisher) About: Has known his tag partner since they were kids, wrestling journalists often call him the Irish Bret Hart. His tag team partner is his lifelong best friend Shane Green in a tag team called "Egolution" [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Katoshisan[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Tokyo, Japan DOB: 16 July 1979 Height: 5ft 9 Weight: 245lbs Position: Heel Trained by: Orient Express Ringstyle: Technical, martial arts based Favourite Moves: clothesline, chop, karate kick, roundhouse kick, snap suplex Special Moves: Double flying chop, double spinning heelkick, flying kick, chop combo in corner Finisher: Springboard Kamikaze Kick About: Born in Tokyo, Japan but he moved to Clearwater, Florida when he was 5 years old, his father had secured a job in the States. Highly trained in martial arts such as Karate, Kung Fu and Jeet Kune Do, make him a formidable opponent. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Brooklyn Sterling[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Austin, Texas DOB: 24 December 1983 Height: 6ft 9 Weight: 330lbs Position: Heel Trained by: Sid Vicious, Vader Ringstyle: Powerhouse Favourite Moves: Big boot, Clothesline, Military press slam, legdrop Special Moves: Superplex, military press from the top rope Finisher: Spinning Powerbomb About: The big texan is notorious for crushing his opponents very quickly. He is unpredictable, and having been trained by Sid Vicious, he has adopted part of Sid's persona in that isnt all there. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]The Blade[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Parts Unknown DOB: Unknown Height: Unknown Weight: Unknown Position: Heel Trained by: Unknown Ringstyle: Highflying technician Favourite Moves: Dropkick, superkick, crossbody, flying clothesline, Special Moves: Anaconda Vice, Springboard back elbow, Piledriver off the 2nd rope Finisher: 450 Splash About: Not much is known about The Blade, apart from he likes nobody and nobody likes him. He wrestles with a mask, it’s almost as if the mask is his face. It cannot be removed. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Jack Ingram[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Baton Rouge Louisana Resides: Tampa Florida DOB: September 7th, 1985 Height: 5' 7" Weight: 215lbs Position: Face Trained By: Dusty Rhodes, Hardcore Holly Ringstyle: Aerial, Luchadore with a few holds thrown in Favorite Moves: Top rope dropsault, Standing backflip elbow drop Signature Moves: Running frontflip splash, spring board spring elbow smash to face Finishing Move: The Southern Cookin’(top rope jump over neck breaker) About: Jack Ingram is a good ole southern boy from Alabama, taught the rules of the rope by 2 southern stars as well,due to his size he sometimes takes the 'high ' road, doing plenty of aerial and spring board attacks, leaping and running around the ring quickly [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Leon Thomson[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Washington dc DOB: Jan 8 1985 Height: 6'3 Weight: 215 Position: Face Trained by: Kurt Angle, The Patriot, Lex Luger Ringstyle: Technical Favorite Moves: Facebuster, Neckbreaker Special moves: Pileriver, Cloverleaf Finisher: Red white n blue (Powerbomb senton combination with Gary Browning) About: Thompson is all about his country - America and is one half of freedom and liberty with his partner Gary Browning he dresses in red, white and blue ring gear, carries the american flag to the ring [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Gary Browning[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Los Angeles, California DOB: Nov 5 1981 Height: 6 '4 Weight: 245 Position: Face Trained by: Jim Neidhart, Haku, The Warlord Ringstyle: Brawler Favorite moves: Fall away slam, Samoan drop Special moves: Full Nelson Slam, Spinebuster Finisher: Same as Lee Thompson About: Browning is as American as u can get, like his partner he loves the USA, he too dresses n red white n blue and is the other half of Freedom and Liberty [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Jason Scott[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Raleigh, North Carolina DOB: Jan 25 1985 Height: 6'4" Weight: 240 Position: Face Trained by: Harley Race, The Barbarian Ringstyle: Powerhouse, Brawler Favorite Moves: Clothesline, Leg Drop Special Moves: Shoulder Block, Body Press Finisher: The Hut Hut Hike (Clothesline and Chop Block combo with partner Russ Bradshaw) About: Steve Scott is a former collegiate football star at Alabama State and has taken his atheleticism and strength to the WAC to further test himself. He is also one half of the Gridiron Greats with Gunner Savage [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Gunnar Savage[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Madison Wisconsin DOB: Feb 23 1985 Height: 6'5" Weight: 250 Position: Face Trained by: Roddy Piper, The Barbarian Ringstyle: Powerhouse, Brawler Favorite Moves: Gutbuster, Airplane Spin Special Moves: Death Valley Driver, Pumphandle Suplex Finisher: Same as his partner steve scott About: Gunner Savage is an ex football player turned wrestler, him and his tag team partner met after a game and discussed wrestling, the rest is history. Member of The Gridiron Greats [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Titan Dividion[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: The Mortuary DOB: UNKNOWN Height: 6'10 Weight: 316lbs Position: Monster Heel Trained by: Kane, Undertaker Ringstyle: Powerhouse Favorite Moves: Big boot, various suplex's, montage of clotheslines, punch combo, kick combo, jumping kneebutt, legdrop, big splash, double axehandle, backbreaker, gutbuster Special Moves: The Service(Double Chokeslam), The Killer(Big splash in the corner) Finisher: The Burial(fall away Powerbomb) About: Not much is known about Titan, except it is rumoured he once killed a crocodile with his bare hands [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Azande[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Democratic Republic of Congo DOB: 19 May 1989 Height: 6'4 Weight: 264lbs Position: Face Trained by: Himself Ringstyle: Powerhouse, Brawler Favorite Moves: Gutwrench suplex, clothesline, back elbow, dropkick, spinning heel kick, drop toe hold, big splash, headbutt, inverted piledriver, neckbreaker, spinebuster Special Moves: Makrigga(Running spear finished into a Spinebuster), Kpinga(Double punch to the head) Finisher: Makraka(Nerve pinch Chokeslam combo, sometimes into the pin, sometimes into submission) About: From a small farming family, Azande has travelled to the WAC to bring back the gold in WAC to his home country of The Congo. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Danny Allen[/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Middletown, Delaware Resides: DOB: April 30, 1979 Height: 6' 1" Weight: 230lbs Position: Tweener Trained by: CZW Wrestling School Ringstyle: Power, Technical, Hardcore/Extreme/Ultraviolent Favourite Moves: "Lethal Weapons" (opponent is in the corner usually, Allen gives a stiff right hand to the jaw then quickly hits a chop across the chest, and he does this over and over), Jumping Piledriver, very stiff punches to the face, suicide dive, hip toss (usually into something like the crowd or the chairs in the front row), opponent is in the corner, he runs to the other side and kicks off the middle turnbuckle, turns around and hits a Kabo Kick (this usually follows the Lethal Weapons) Special Moves: Chokeslam, rope aided Falcon Arrow, Powerbomb onto his knee, "Kill that Motherf*cker" (Vertabreaker) Finisher: "Allen Wrench" (arm wringer into a Northern Lights suplex, but instead of suplexing them all the way over, he grabs their head and drives them straight down) Entrance Theme: "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica About: Wears a subtle black t-shirt with either his name on it (it says "DANNY F'N ALLEN") or a sports jersey. Loves to be hardcore and feels at home with special hardcore/deathmatches. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]El Omen[/color:bri6qsb3] DOB: 16 June 1985 Born: Mexico Height: 6'1" Weight: 255lbs Position: Tweener Ringstyle: Technician Trained By: Vampiro Favourite Moves: Backbreaker, Elbow off the second rope, Hurricanrana, Atomic/Inverted drop, DDT off the second rope, Special Moves: Flying kick, Inverted DDT, Enziguri, German Suplex Finisher: Banisher (Suplex but on way down to impact, El Omen twists opponent so he lands face first) About: Born in Mexico, El Omen is a dark mysterious man who worships the dead. Trained by Vampiro he has a look which is much like his. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Controlled by Vade_Kruger#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Judas Salem[/color:bri6qsb3] From: The snake hole DOB: 15 July 1984 Height: 6’3” Weight: 235lbs Position: Heel Trained By: Gangrel, Vampiro Ringstyle: kickboxing/martial arts, shoot fighting, highflyer Favourite Moves: quick hard kicks to the face, gut & legs, combination of elbows slaps punches and kicks, dropkicks, spinning kicks Special Moves: Springboard forearm, flatliner, scissors kick, finisher: Sales Sault(Triple Jump Moonsault) Snake Knee(GTS) Entrance Theme: loud snake hissing followed by war zone by rob zombie About: Judas Salem is the newest member of The Prophecy, he is very well trained, so he’s very quick and deadly [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Controlled by Killdozer#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Chuckie Voorheiz[/color:bri6qsb3] From: Elm street DOB: Unknown HT:7,0 WT:375 Position: Monster Heel Trained By: Roddy Piper Ringstyle: BJJ power house Shoot fighter Finisher: top rope driver II About: Chuckie is bald with a huge beard he is a giant with a body type alot like brock lesnar he wears sweaters like Bill Cosby’s and wears slacks and dress shoes. Chuckie grew up in a small town in Indiana and was in a strict Christian family and wrestling was taboo in his household he moved out when he was only 15 and went through many foster homes until he was 18. After training with Roddy Piper he now and wants to set an example to his kids by cleaning up the trash that’s in wrestling now days. Entrance theme: Andy Griffith theme song [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Mr. Mister[/color:bri6qsb3] A short and fat angry man who wears almost the exact same clothes as Chuckie. He manages Chuckie in the aim to make wrestling more family friendly [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Henry The Lunatic[/color:bri6qsb3] HT: 4’3” WT: 100lbs From: Your Closet DOB: Unknown Trained By: Chuckie Voorheiz Favourite moves: Senton plancha, moonsault plancha, frog splash, moonsault, frog pump elbow drop, diving elbow drop to standing opponent outside the ring, DDT to opponent on knees, huracanrana, any move that consists with beating an opponent with his baseball bat Kenny. Finisher: Shooting star press About: Henry is a crazy midget wrestler that does anything to amp up the crowd. he was the former hype man for Black Flag but was electrocuted by stage wires and was never the same. He is the most hardcore midget in the world and does whatever it takes from jumping off 30 foot scaffolds or setting himself on fire and jumping onto another wrestler outside the ring Henry the lunatic does it all while carrying his best friend Kenny the Baseball bat. (Kenny is a bloody baseball bat with a smiley face writing in black marker.) Entrance theme: Ace of spades by Motorhead [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3][b:bri6qsb3]Scott Williams[/b:bri6qsb3][/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Edgbaston, England DOB: January 24, 1987 Height: 6'0" Weight: 225lbs Position: Face Trained by: Shane Lynas & WAC Training Camp Ringstyle: Speedy Technical Favorite Moves: Suplexes, springboard moves, top rope moves, various aerial & speedy moves Special Moves: Shooting Star Press Finisher: S.I.D (Seeing is Deceiving) (Powerbomb into X-Factor) About: Scott Williams is a highly trained wrestler with an incredible in-ring awareness. Began his wrestling career down the same path as William Regal wrestling at carnivals, but was soon noticed as a stand out performer & signed to a WAC developmental contract. Shane Lynas recently invited him to join the full time roster so he can learn his trade even further. [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3][b:bri6qsb3]Bobby A[/b:bri6qsb3][/color:bri6qsb3] Born: Las Vegas, Nevada DOB: May 9, 1980 Height: 6'4" Weight: 260lbs Position: Face Trained by: Shane Lynas & WAC Training Camp Ringstyle: Smashmouth Technical Brawler Favorite Moves: Spinbuster, Suplexes, Powerbombs, Sidewalk Slam, Rough Punches Special Moves: Inverted Suplex Finisher: Las Vegasser (Fame Asser/Scissor's Kick) About: Bobby Anderson (Bobby A for short) is an incredibly confident Las Vegas high roller, he has made alot of money in casinos in his home town, and he loves to show & share his wealth with those around him. Don't take him for granted in the ring, he's as intelligent & lucky in the ring as he is at the roulette wheel. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Controlled by Shane Lynas#[/color:bri6qsb3] [color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3][b:bri6qsb3]Jay Pontiac[/b:bri6qsb3][/color:bri6qsb3] DOB: April 10, 1979 Born: Detroit, Michigan Billed From: Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada Height: 6'8 Weight: 285 lbs Position: Face Trained by: Brock Lesnar, Dan Severn & Steven Seagal Ringstyle: Powerhouse, Techinical and Shoot Favorite Moves: Multiple Martial Arts Moves and Holds, Multiple Chokeholds and Submission Moves, Pumphanle Slam, Powerbomb(sometimes from the top rope), Press Slam, Electric Chair Drop, Big Boot, Chokeslam(to smaller opponents), Screwdriver, Multiple Backbreaker Variations, DDT, Black Hole Slam, Vertabreaker, Cradle Shock, Widow Maker, Detroit Plunge(greenbay plunge) & Spinebuster Special Moves: F-5, Hellevator & Spear Finsher: Bloody Run(running dominator into a ddt) & That's It!(mount prone opponent & hit them with rights & lefts till their either unconscious or give up) Entrance Theme: Trail Of Tears by ABK About: Jay Pontiac is a decendent of Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa tribe. Jay was once an active gang member and former leader of the Native Syndicate. But after serving 8 and half years in prison for 2 counts of attempted murder and assualt with a deadly weapon, he left the street life for Lake Huron. A place his ancestors once lived a long time ago, and a place where he feels at peace with himself. While in prison, like most prisoners, he became fascinated with MMA, and began training himself. Upon his release he studied under the UFC legend Dan"The Beast"Severn, in order to futher his training. Jay also studied under Steven Seagal and has a 2nd degree black belt in Aikido, which he earned prior to going to prison. After meeting Brock Lesnar at a fan meet and greet, Lesnar became impressed with Jay and agreed to be his wrestling instructor. Jay met Tommy Hawk and Locahontas at a sundance ceremony, and quickly became friends. Jay considers Tommy and Locahontas his lup'ah and lit'sah, which is Indian for little brother and little sister. Jay his helping Tommy on his vision quest. [color=#0000FF:bri6qsb3]#Note: Controlled by 5Ray4Bacardi1#[/color:bri6qsb3] [b:bri6qsb3][color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Avery Jones[/color:bri6qsb3][/b:bri6qsb3] Born: Blackwell, Texas Resides: Austin, Texas Billed: Austin, Texas DOB: April 11, 1978 Height: 6'3 Weight: 238lbs Position: Neutral Trained By: Shane Douglas Ringstyle: Technical and Brawler Favorite Moves: High Knee Lift, Powerslam, Belly Back Suplex, Body Slam, Fallaway Slam, Hip Toss & Fisherman Suplex Special Moves: Sambo Suplex and Superplex Finisher: Texas Cloverleaf About: Avery Jones is from a small ranching town in Texas and moved to Austin when he was 24. Began training to be a professonal wrestler upon moving to the big city. At a chance meeting with "The Franchise" Shane Douglas, he agreed to train him so he could get his foot in the door. [b:bri6qsb3][color=#FF0000:bri6qsb3]Jimmy Carnival[/color:bri6qsb3][/b:bri6qsb3] From: Montreal, Quebec, Canada Height: 6'5 Weight: 250 lbs Nickname: Mr Wrestling Catchphrases: Get it? Got it? Good. & Au Revoir. Style: Technical, Brawler, Submissionist. Trained by: Lance Storm, Chris Jericho, Bret Hart. Position: HEEL Moves: Chop, Belly to Belly Suplex, Firemans Carry, Hammerlock, Chickenwing, Dropkick, Hesitation Dropkick, Super Kick, Shining Wizard, uses the ropes as a weapon, Springboard Clothesline. Signature Moves: Bicycle Kick, German Suplexes, Full Nelson Slam, Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker, Falling Neckbreaker, Fujiwara Armbar, Full Nelson Facebuster, Backstabber, STO Finishers: Canadian Armbar (Kemora) O Canada! (Chokeslam on knee) Canadian Suplex (Belly to Belly superplex) About: Takes no bullcrap, very serious when in a match. You think you have the uper hand, but then you're tapping out. Nitro Boy Born: Tokyo, Japan Resides: Tokyo, Japan DOB: 4 March, 1988 Height: 5'8 '' Weight: 218 lbs Position: Tweener Trained by: Serious Help In Training (S-H-I-T) dojo. Ringstyle: Luchastyle, technical Favourite Moves: Chopblock, Running neckbreaker, Swinging Fisherman's neckbreaker, Hammerlock Scoopslam, Flying Hurracanrana, Running Suicide Dive on Outside Opponent Special Moves: Tiger Bomb, Bridging Pin German Suplex, Three Successive Fisherman Suplexes Finisher: Code of Honor (Top Rope X-Factor) Level 5 (Shooting Star Press) Chin lock and running kick to the face (Finisher with Nitro Dude) Entrance Theme: Right Next Door to Hell - Guns n' Roses About: Nitro Boy is a part of the tag team 'Tokyo Drift' with his best friend known as Nitro Dude. They are good friends of Everlast, having toured Japan with him, they have come to WAC as his 'personal enforcers'. Nitro Boy wears a purple mask with yellow 'Flash'-horns at the sides, and purple tights with yellow flames along the legs. Nitro Dude Born: Tokyo, Japan Resides: Tokyo, Japan DOB: 27 March, 1988 Height: 6'2 '' Weight: 245 lbs Position: Tweener Trained by: Serious Help In Training (S-H-I-T) dojo. Ringstyle: Luchastyle, Power Favourite Moves: Chopblock, Running neckbreaker, Swinging Fisherman's neckbreaker, Hammerlock Scoopslam, Flying Hurracanrana, Running Suicide Dive on Outside Opponent, Most power moves. Special Moves: F-5, Snapmare and big boot to a sitting opponent's face, DF3 (Gorilla Press Spinebuster) Finisher: 400 Miles Per Hour (Diving Spear) Entrance Theme: Right Next Door to Hell - Guns n' Roses About: Nitro Dude is a part of the tag team 'Tokyo Drift' with his best friend known as Nitro Boy. They are good friends of Everlast, having toured Japan with him, they have come to WAC as his 'personal enforcers'. Nitro Dude wears a blue mask with yellow 'Flash'-horns at the sides, and blue tights with yellow flames along the legs.

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Re: Roster Backup

Post by VadeKruger » Dec 20th, '10, 05:54

thanx dude, I will sort it out over the next few days.
Factions are overrated.

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